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#1 Posted : 06 August 2022 06:56:28(UTC)
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Guest 001. Weekend

"Hello everyone and welcome to "Are We Having a Conversation?" I am your host Ryan Ross Hernandez. You may know me for my day job as a singer-songwriter and guitarist. I have been doing that for a very long time; in fact, just last year was the 20th anniversary of my debut album "Matters of the Heart" being released. I actually signed my first record deal the very same day Joshua Grimmie was conceived. True story. Now I know there has been a lot of speculation on who will be my guests on the program seeing as I have a lot of friends in this industry, so a lot of names have been thrown out there. And don't get me wrong, I love all of my friends who happen to be my peers. They are incredible. However, I'm unsure how willing they would be to come on the show. I have exhausted speaking with all of them, that they just begged me to go ahead and find some other outlet to bore folks with my constant need to hear myself talk. So, here I am! Thank you for indulging me, Apple!

Ultimately, what I want to accomplish with this talk show is create a space where artists and entertainers can open up about their lives and careers, and there is no sensationalism in the questions they are asked for any twisting of their stories. Where an individual can come and engage in thoughtful conversation about their passions in life. For the audience watching at home, I hope you can see your favorite personalities in a new light and maybe even learn more about how they got to this stage in their careers.

Today, I get to sit down with the biggest group in the world. They are five singers who did not know each other at all just a mere 11 years ago, but have gone on to take the entire damn world by storm over the last decade. Join me right now in welcoming, and feel free to cheer at home; they are Weekend!"



"Oscar Ward. Dustyn Blue-Conners. Riley Hamilton. Billy Khan. Scott Wellington. The five members that make up Weekend. Welcome to 'Are We Having a Conversation?' Thank you all so much for joining me and being the first guests on the show. I know it came down to me or Oprah doing this interview, so thank you for choosing me over a proven talk show legend. You will all not walk away with a car from this."
Riley: "That's all good. Billy still doesn't have a license and Dustyn drives like he's in Wacky Races."
Billy: "Oh, fuck off!"
Dustyn: "That was a little bit homophobic, Ri."

"Now, now, let's not get this show canceled within a minute. I thought you were suppose to be the glue who holds it all together, Riley. Haha! Has the dynamic amongst the five of you changed much over the years?"
Scott: "Oh, don't let Hamilton fool you. Man's a dark horse!"
Dustyn: "See, Ri has this sweet, golden boy image which is like 95% accurate but he's not as innocent as people think. That kind of general level-headed nature makes it even funnier when he comes out with something that could make a sailor blush. Every so often he'll drop this golden nugget of a joke or remark and have us on the floor!"
Riley: "I plead the fifth! I plead the fifth! Ha! To answer your question though, I wouldn't say the dynamic has changed all that much. We're still very much the same people only a little bit more seasoned and experienced. I was going to say 'wiser' but...yeahhh..."
Oscar: "We're still the same but just matured versions of ourselves. Well, some of us are."

"How often are the five of you together in a room like this? These days is it something that happens only when you're working as Weekend members or do you regularly just hang out as friends?"
Oscar: "It's rare nowadays for us to just sit and chill like this. We're still together a lot of the time but that's usually a work thing. Scott also splits his time between L.A. and London, and Dusty recently moved back to Ireland. There's usually one or two of us missing or someone calling in on FaceTime so it's nice to be together like this again."
Scott: "We still talk everyday even when we're not in the same country. These are my brothers. For better or worse."
Billy: "I'm the 'worse'."

"Hopefully Weekend fans can stop trying to cancel me on Twitter after today. Don't worry folks, I'm not trying to sweep my previous comments under the rug. We all know what I said in the early days of you guys coming together, however that's not even a blimp in the meteoric rise of Weekend. How does it feel to be the biggest group in the world right now? How aware of that are you?"
Riley: "It sounds like a weird thing to say but sometimes we forget that we're famous. I hate that word but you know what I mean. I think it's because we haven't really changed that much as people and move in the same, small circle. It's a bubble that keeps us sane. You're only really reminded of it when you step out of that comfort."
Dustyn: "Yeah, you definitely feel it more places than others. L.A. is always a hectic place to visit with the paparazzi. Japan and Australia also brings the crowds. Nobody gives a shit in London, haha!"
Oscar: "Yeah, London's quite big and extremely busy. Every so often you get stopped for a photo but most of the time, people just whizz on by. They've got more important things to do."

"Was that a conscious decision to remain based in the U.K. for the most part? Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world, so was there ever a possibility you would have moved stateside at any stage of your career?"
Oscar: "It just made sense to stick to London. It's where we were formed. Two of us already lived there, four of us were already living in England. It was easier for us to grow and cope on familiar home soil than uprooting all of us young, inexperienced boys to Los Angeles."
Riley: "Obviously, at one point, Scott moved to be with his wife and Dustyn recently went back to Ireland but I think being based in London helped with the branding for a long time. Much to the dismay of some people, we often get compared to The Beatles and I think our management liked the idea of marketing us as a "British Invasion" band when we launched."
Dustyn: *coughs*
Riley: "Sorry, "British-Irish" invasion band."
Billy: "We really should've debuted with the tagline; "The British Are Coming!"
Dustyn: "I in no way condone British invasion of any type. Let's put that on record here!"

"When each of you look back on the last 10 years, how do you personally view the impact that Weekend collectively has had on the music industry?"
Billy: "We definitely opened the doors for a lot of boy bands and pop acts in general. We were torn limb from limb in the media and the industry when we debuted but a few months down the line, other labels were churning out boy bands of their own. Guess they all wanted a Weekend moment. That cloning period has since died down but it's no longer 'embarrassing' to be part of or support a boy band these days. There's no need for unnecessary, rude comments anymore...Ryan."
Scott: "We definitely didn't invent the concept of boy bands or pop music but those were dirty words back then. We still had The Titans, Isabel and Brittany Knox doing the pop thing but even they were subjected to some nasty shit. In 2011/2012, things were very glossy and refined. We sort of turn that on its head."
Dustyn: "I think that's why a lot of people didn't like us. The chart trends were very pristine and artsy. You had the classic singer-songwriters like yourself, Ellie-Grace and Katie Coyle. Then you had your high-fashion, glossy and avantgarde stars like Glamazon, Stephanie Fierce, Vanity, ElectroDeath. We turned up; five amateur teenage lads with peach fuzz on our lips, singing the poppiest of pop songs, wearing our own wardrobes and having no real structure. That's what got a lot of backs up but I think that's what also worked in our favour too."
Oscar: "I like to think that most people have a respect for our longevity, drive and tenacity. We broke ground over time because we persevered and naturally stacked up our achievements. There was no pretence or big vision of changing the world of music. We have just kept on going, doing what we love because we are still in love with what we do. Thankfully it has also resonated with people around the world."
Riley: "Oscar hit the nail on the head with the whole perseverance thing. I like to think Weekend's biggest achievement is slowly turning the haters into fans or at least make them able to tolerate us. I feel like most people can hear one of our songs without wanting to vomit blood now. We just kept on pushing and adapting. When we performed in the early days, you could clearly see the brothers and fathers who were dragged along to our shows. Now we see them singing along."

"Your fanbase has certainly expanded over the years. As Riley mentioned, the demographics have grown and now it's almost like Weekend is a family affair where everyone can just go to a concert together and have a wonderful time. I know you've never aimed to be role models or idolized but you are. Many teenagers found the courage to come out thanks to Dustyn. Some kid figured out they were an asshole thanks to Billy. Somebody right now is making music in their bedroom because they connected to their very core with a Weekend record. How much does that influence how you carry yourselves and continue to build out your career?"
Billy: "Some kid realised he was wasting his time listening to one of your records. I love the power of music, don't you?"
Scott: "As you can see, it doesn't impact how some of us carry ourselves, ha!"
Riley: "We don't make a point of changing ourselves in order to be a certain way. I think our authenticity, faults and all, is what gives us such mass appeal. We do think about and consider the fans in everything we do though. We see the tweets, we see the messages, we see the voting. We're aware of financial and geographical situations which we keep in mind when it comes to touring, pricing, appearances. The quality of our releases...it's all for them. They're never an afterthought. Very much part of the team and our world."
Dustyn: "I also feel a sense of duty to represent those in LGBTQ community as best as I can. I've had so many messages over the last ten years saying how I helped them to come out and feel comfortable in their skin. It tugs at my heart and I don't know these people so I can't go and give them that hug I want to. So, to spread and share the love, I just keep on advocating and trying to be a voice for good. Doing things that a lot of people who look up to me just don't have the power to. Might not physically be there with them but, in my heart, I'm always there for them. They've got me and I've got them."

"Hitting that decade mark as a group is quite the anomaly. I know you were all very young when you came together and now you're all full-fledged adults in your late 20s and early 30s, so of course personalities change and develop greatly in that span. How have you managed to stay together through the years?"
Scott: "Touching back on what the lads were just saying; determination. We had our obstacles to overcome and I think that made us a tightknit group. Us against the world. We love the music and all that comes with it but I think a huge part of our longevity is down to having a point to prove, ha!"
Billy: "We made a point of hanging around out of spite. So many people had shit to say about us young lads who just wanted to sing. Bunch of people in the industry wanted us to fail and that just made us work harder. Most of the people who were dicks to us are nowhere to be found now. Makes me feel very smug and I love it."
Dustyn: "It also helps that we're all best friends. We're brothers. The conception of the band was very manufactured but these bonds are so real and organic. I love these boys. Don't know what the future holds for the band but I know that this is for life."
Oscar: "Yes, we're all BEST friends."

"Was there ever a moment where Weekend nearly disbanded? Was that ever a conversation had amongst the five of you or were you all laser focused on making it work through the adversity?"
Oscar: "Speaking of being besties...uhhh....haha!"
Billy: "There's been a few times when a couple of punches have been thrown. Few choice words were had. Not naming any names."
Riley: "We've had our scrapes over the years. A decade together, five very strong personalities. It's inevitable but like we said earlier, this is a family. We get mad at each other but it's always resolved and there's love underneath it all. We've had blips where things have looked rocky for a moment but we get over it pretty quickly. An actual proper, serious split has never been on the cards."
Scott: "Yeah, it's usually petty shit like; "I'm not talking to him ever again!". It lasts about a week and then we're in the booth harmonising together."

"Let's go back to start for a moment. The group was formed by Lyrica Ocha, formerly of girl group G2L. I know Dustyn and Oscar, both of you were handpicked to audition for this all-male pop act. You both had some slight connections in the business. The rest of you answered an ad on a British publication. With that said, the initial mindset going into it must have been slightly different depending on how you reached that stage. I'll start with Dustyn and Oscar first, did you each enter those auditions with some confidence that you'd be a part of this thing?"
Dustyn: "I was shitting a brick. I'm a very distant relative of Lyrica's. Like a cousin of a cousin...something like that. I only heard about the audition because my wonderful Aunt Caroline, who lives in London, telephoned my family and put in a word on my behalf. Before that, I lived a very quiet and rural life. It was 2011 but I was still living like it was the 1950's. We got all our supplies from a little local shop in the village. Going to London was not only the first time I had left Ireland but my first time in an actual big city! The journey itself was overwhelming never mind the audition. I wasn't confident at all. It was all new to me, I was so nervous and I wanted it really badly. I remember thinking my knees were going to give out."
Oscar: "I wasn't confident that I would get it but I wasn't that nervous. I was used to performing for others and I knew that a good word was put in for me so I was aware that the people in the room had a little faith. None of us could have envisioned what the project would become so, in my mind, I was just auditioning for this really good opportunity that may result in a record deal and some exposure. I had no idea what was ahead when I got into the band."

"Billy, Scott, and Riley; how were each of your perspectives in comparison going into those auditions?"
Scott: "To me, it was yet another audition so the process wasn't too scary but the difference was that I really wanted this one. I went to a performing arts college. I'd star in our productions and also go off to audition for all sorts of jobs whether it was music or TV related. I definitely work well in a group environment and of course I knew who Lyrica was prior to going in. I knew that it was a wonderful opportunity. Never wanted a job more in my life. I was preparing myself for rejection. Was the story of my life on these auditions so to actually get the dream job? I still pinch myself 10 years on."
Riley: "I was nearly late! I hadn't been down to London before and I vastly underestimated the traffic situation. I was more nervous about being late than the whole singing in front of a bunch of strangers thing. My heart was in my mouth in the back of the taxi...then it dropped when I was told how much it cost me. I was literally in that audition with an empty wallet. In a way, it was a blessing I didn't have to suffer much of the nerves that come with sitting around in a waiting room. My adrenaline was high. I finally got there and within two or three minutes, I was in the room singing. To me, it was such a rush of a day."
Billy: "I saw it as an opportunity to make money, in all honesty. I was sofa-surfing at the time. I literally had fuck all to lose and everything to gain. I didn't have much going for me aside from the fact that I could sing and cook. No money, no qualifications, no real home. Luckily it was held in the same city I live in so it wasn't too difficult getting there. I wasn't thinking about fame or even anything to do with being an artist. I just needed a way out of the gutter. I remember thinking I wouldn't get it. I looked around and could see all these pretty, well-groomed boys who clearly had experience and star-quality. I was sat sulking in the far corner in my tracksuit. I really didn't belong there."

"After each of you were chosen, almost immediately thereafter you were all moved into an apartment to live together in London. You were all strangers to each other at that point. How difficult was that transition from one day to the next?"
Oscar: "It was a bit of a culture shock and rather jarring at first. Living in a small flat with four strangers who are now also colleagues whilst a management company are lingering over you and saying; "become friends!", it was rather daunting at first. It worked though."
Riley: "And that place was small. Five of us packed in like sardines. For myself, Dusty, and Oscar, it was our first time living away from our parents. It definitely wasn't as cosy as home. Billy stepped up with his home-cooked meals though. I remember that being a ritual and part of the glue that bound us together. We'd all sit down to whatever Billy conjured up."
Billy: "That made me feel wanted and part of a team for the first time ever, really. I was the only one that could cook like that and we didn't even have the money to order out much so we had to make do. We all learned the value of pasta and how far it can go."
Dustyn: "We were all living on top of each other with hardly any money. Wasn't glamorous at all but we were forged in that fire. In a tiny box house like that, there's nowhere to hide. You HAVE to talk and get along with each other. At first it was hard adapting and compromising to five different ways of living but when you have no privacy, close bonds have to be formed. Once you've been naked or farted in front of someone, there's no going back, haha!"
Scott: "So thankful I no longer live with you or Billy. Christ!"

"The onset of Weekend was marred by the high expectations and disdain for the perceived "manufactured" way it was formed. In those early days, from an artistic standpoint especially, how in control of the narrative did you feel like you were at the start?"
Riley: "Oh, right at the very beginning we had zero input. Some of the material that ended up on our album was already written or partially existed before the group even formed. The project was already in motion when we auditioned. We didn't even name ourselves. It was our first management company."

Each of you found your love and passion for music in differing ways yet still had a very strong conviction with that art form. Did you ever feel like you were losing that when you saw how much control the powers that be had on the final product fans heard?"
Oscar: "Definitely. I was in a band with some mates from school before joining Weekend. We played our instruments and wrote our own songs. Granted, they were pretty shit looking back, but to go from that to being told to sing specific words in very specific ways, it was rather stifling. I vividly remember a conversation with Dustyn about it back in the day. We both considered ourselves as songwriters and the control of the management made us feel like we just weren't good enough."
Dustyn: "Yeah and I do understand it to an extent. They were the 'professionals', we were newbies, they had a lot of money and expectations riding on the project. Of course they wanted to manage it and make sure we had our best shot but a lot of conversations that were had did seem rather...undermining. They wanted us to shut up, have no opinion or real personality and just sing the 'guaranteed hits' they had. With five boys like us, that was never going to happen!"
Scott: "Our personalities still came through in the end. We fought for a little creative leeway. Even if they could control the music, they could still never control us on stage or on TV. I think that's why we really played up back in the day. Bit of rebellion against those trying to suffocate us and proving a point that we can garner success and attention without the guidance of some boring old farts."

"How was the process in making 'Fired Up' your debut album? I know most of the songs were already written for you guys and the recording aspect was done in just a few short months."
Billy: "It was fun but a little frustrating at times. On one hand, it was a fucking dream to be in a big, expensive recording studio and singing your heart out. On the other, there was a LOT of dictating going on. We didn't take too kindly to the poking and prodding, especially me. From very early on, we could see that a lot of people around us viewed us as products and not people. Had to nip that in the bud."
Oscar: "I remember feeling quite awkward and embarrassed recording it. One, it just wasn't my kind of music. I also felt like I put a few noses out of joint and felt a pressure on me because the producers and management pushed myself as the lead vocalist."
Scott: "The recording was more joyous than the album playback. I remember that feeling like a punch in the gut. For a lot of the songs, all five of us would record multiple different parts of the tracks and the producers would stitch together a full song based on who they thought sounded best on each part. I got like three lines on the whole album."

"Who was the loudest voice during that early stage to speak up and fight to have that input? You're not allowed to say Billy, even if he was the most vocal."
Billy: "Oi, what makes you think that?!"
Riley: "I think that we all realised things weren't right but I'd say Dustyn and Scott were essential in that push. Dustyn from a creative standpoint and Scott from the business side of things."
Dustyn: "I pushed for writing credits. I'd write my own little songs with my guitar before the band and I was also really naïve. I thought most artists wrote their own stuff. Kinda felt like we were being lazy and cheating just singing words written by strangers. There was also the fact that a bunch of the stuff we were being presented with was all about girls...and I was a raging little homo, haha!"
Scott: "I was no business expert but I had worked enough to know the horror stories and see tell-tale signs. We were worked silly in 2012 and a lot of people around us who barely lifted a finger were benefitting greatly. A lot of people closed up or got an attitude when we questioned things. We just weren't comfortable with all these different people being involved in our money, schedules, careers, lives, really. We were achieving so much but were too tired to appreciate it and the diary wasn't letting up. I knew we had to take control otherwise it'd be major burnout."

"Do you ever go back and listen to those songs on the first record? From an artist's point of view, I think you always find room for improvement especially with your debut LP as you get older and make more records. Looking back at that album 10 years later, are you just proud of accomplishing that or are there some lingering regrets when you hear it?"
Oscar: "I...hate it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't say that as it's the 10th anniversary but it's just not my album. Also not very keen on it as touring it blew my voice out. We wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for "Fired Up" but...yeah...it's not for me."
Billy: "I love it. To me, it's a snapshot of the moment our lives changed. Might not be a ground-breaking record but it's an important one. Only thing I'd change is the vocal distribution but we weren't in control of that."
Riley: "I think most of us go back and forth on it. It's clearly a juvenile record. We sound so young on it and it's a hodgepodge of sounds that were popular at the time. It's a VERY 2012 album. It got us a lot of flack and we didn't have as much say in it as we would have liked but it is a fun record and it put us on the map. It's very high energy in places and I can't help but smile when I hear it."
Scott: "I definitely developed a new appreciation for it while we were remastering the album just there. Bit generic but there are some fucking bangers on there."
Dustyn: "Am I the only one who always loved it? Haha!"

"Upon hearing you all talk about that debut album and the different perspectives; how do you make it work as a group? How much time and effort goes into making a record that each of you can be happy and proud of? I've been a solo artist nearly my entire career up until very recently and even just working with Ellie-Grace Summers, when you add another creative mind, you're not always going to be on the same page. I can't even imagine how it is with five of you."
Riley: "You know what? This might sound crazy but I feel like there's the spiritual sixth member of the group..."
Billy: "Oh, here we go!"
Riley: "No, like, we're all very different people and artists but when it comes to Weekend we're all so in tune. We can all go off and do our own thing, listen to our own styles of music, read the books we like, watch the movies we love, but when it comes to what we want and would like for the band, we're always in sync. There's an energy, a synergy. There's this feeling all of us get when we just know. We know that we're heading on the right path, we know when an album's finished, we know when the timing's right. You don't think that, Billy?"
Billy: "I do agree, mate. I just wouldn't call it 'spiritual'. I just think that we've spent so long in each other's pockets over the last ten years that we just know what we're doing."
Scott: "We're sort of like those people who menstruate together."
Dustyn: "Scott...why??"
Riley: "He's right though. The flow we have is pretty mean."
Dustyn: "See what I mean about his little comments!"

"You've each written songs for Weekend to a varying degree. Some are written by all five of you, others only involve a few. What are your favorite songs that you've been a part of writing? Which do you see on a setlist and are giddy to perform?"
Dustyn: "I wouldn't say it's our best song but 'Smile About It' holds a special place in my heart. It was our first #1, opened so many doors for us and was also the first song we all wrote together. We were given an opportunity to write for the debut and we brainstormed this over my acoustic guitar. Once it was taken to the studio, it became this beast of a track. The success and reception of it really gave us confidence as writers. A song I dread performing is 'Lock It Up'. It's a banger but I can't catch a bloody breath during it!"
Scott: "I think 'Crash' from the first album is fucking epic. Dusty and I threw everything at that one. Still think it should've been a single. We haven't performed it in 10 years but I remember it going down so well. Also, 'How It Ends' from the 'About Time' album is another I'm proud of. I struggle with writing ballads but I think that's a real solid one."
Riley: "For me, it's 'Poster Boy' and 'Our Song' from the last album. Very poignant and personal songs. The fans seem to respond well to those too. Always humbling hearing people sing back words you've penned."
Billy: "Sorry, Dusty but I think my favourite to do is 'Lock It Up'. It's a fucking tit-slapper of a song. It's the sonic equivalent of huffing poppers. I remember the pressure being on from the label to get a second #1 and we were worried about not being able to match 'Smile About It'. We knocked it out the park with this one."
Oscar: "Riley mentioned my favourite, 'Poster Boy. Also 'One for the Road' from the same album. The whole 'Welcome to the Real World' record is what I'm most proud of in our career thus far. Really showcases our growth not only as artists but as people too. Beautiful album if I do say so myself."

"By 2015 you had gone your own route and created 'Five Pesky Kids' which gave you the opportunity to be in control of your image and what music you put out. How important was that move both personally and as artists?"
Billy: "So many snakes in the industry and a bunch of slimeballs waiting on the outskirts, ready to strike and take advantage. We don't want anyone infiltrating and trying to destroy what we've built. We own everything. Our art, our money, our say."
Dustyn: "Being our own bosses helps so much with personal lives and schedules too. We're all fathers and have other projects going on too. When it's just you and your best friends, there's less worry and no clinical feeling about navigating your job. We're all flexible and scratch each others backs."
Riley: "Also helps to be happy with your art and image. I know that a lot of artists aren't as lucky, having to record and release things they don't particularly care for. Some even being told what to wear and say because of a specific image their team wants them to maintain. It's much more free-flowing for us and I'm eternally grateful for that."

Edited by moderator 06 August 2022 08:47:47(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#2 Posted : 06 August 2022 06:57:10(UTC)
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"In making 'About Time', was there more fear or excitement when it came to breaking away from a major label to release a sophomore record?"
Oscar: "I have to give all the credit to these four guys here. I was in-and-out during that whole time period because I was recovering from vocal chord surgery. I know that couldn't have helped matters either."
Billy: "It didn't. Thankfully everything worked out in the end after all our hard work while Ozzy sat in bed and ate ice cream."
Riley: "We were mad for that! Was such a huge risk. We knew it was a big move back in the day but looking back? Madness. There was the nerves that came with launching a big operation like that and not wanting egg on our faces, sure. I feel like the overall sense of liberation outweighed all that though."
Dustyn: "We were nuts doing that during the 'difficult second album' period. We really did have some guts."
Scott: "Though I always see 'About Time' as our third album. Our first label made us release 'Fired Up: Reloaded' which came with a bonus disc of 10 new songs. Essentially a whole new album. They just changed the language and called it a re-release so we'd still be under their five album contract for longer. Still didn't work out well for them, ha!"

"If you could go back to your younger selves during that period, what advice would you give them knowing what you know now as label owners?"
Dustyn: "Stick to your guts and don't listen to any outside noise."
Oscar: "Yeah, I feel like a lot of issues we encountered during that first album and trying to go independent came from divide and conquer tactics from the media and people around us. We wouldn't have hit as many snags if we had kept our heads down and never fed into the chaos."

"After a world tour, you took essentially the only lengthy break the group has taken for about 24 months to raise your kids and spend time with your families as well as focus more on your duties as label owners. You each had kids pretty young and early on in your careers. This isn't the show where I want to talk about such private matters, I'm not about that. It's just being here sitting in front of you; I'm 44 years old and I'm unmarried with no children. How have you found that work-life balance to be pop stars and dads?"
Billy: "Awwww, slow swimmers? Haha!"
Scott: "Dusty touched on it earlier. Now that we're our own bosses, we can be more liberal with our scheduling and do whatever suits us if it's in within reason. Travel and money are no issue either so, unless it's something we just CAN'T get out of, we can pretty much be wherever we need to be."
Riley: "Our busy personal lives were another reason we thought it'd be best to take control. We had a lot going on with so many cooks in the kitchen. We needed a clear-out and decided to focus on what mattered most, giving our lives more structure."

"What is the most difficult thing career wise that you've had to face while a part of Weekend?"
Oscar: "Losing my voice in 2014. I had no professional training and didn't know how to take care of my voice. I was just put into a band, made lead singer at the start and shoved out on a global tour. I've come a long way since my surgery but it's still not the same as it was."
Dustyn: "Learning to grow a thick skin has been a challenge. I'm a softy. All the discourse back in the day when I came out as gay and while I was suffering with an addiction really knocked me sideways. Thankfully the media are nicer to me these days but reading horrible articles about yourself and seeing the terrible comments was deeply upsetting, especially as a 16/17 year old."
Riley: "It's the intrusiveness for me. I want to protect my family and girlfriend as much as possible as well as our music. When things leak, my loved ones are photographed, approached by journalists...it gives me the ick. Privacy being taken away without consent just doesn't sit right with me."
Billy: "For me it's the expectations. I'm far from perfect and I don't like people putting pressure on me to meet a standard. I don't mind being a role model if someone likes me for me but don't expect me to raise your fucking kids. Always struggled with the idea of being an 'idol'. I'm just a guy who sings."
Scott: "I'm still suffering with stage fright and confidence issues. I used to love being on stage or behind a mic. I really struggle now and that's down to critics and commenters picking apart my voice. I always knew I was the weakest singer so when it was pointed out and became a 'thing', I really fed into. Feel like there's a pressure and standard I'll never reach. I'll always be 'the fifth one', 'the oldest one', 'the shit one', stuff like that."
Riley: "We love you, mate."

"Your last album "Welcome to the Real World" was entirely written in house. And probably safe to assume that may be the case as well with the next album later this year, correct? Or is the door always open in case an outside writer or producer comes about with a song or an idea?"
Billy: "As of right now it's all in house but if a wonderful opportunity to work with someone new comes along, we won't turn it down. We're just doing whatever feels right to us. 'Welcome...' was a homemade project because that's what we were feeling."

"Speaking of that 2019 release; that is a heavy record. When you breakdown the lyrics, there's a lot of subjects touched upon that aren't as commonplace as they should be in mainstream pop music. Did you expect by then that your fans knew that they couldn't pencil you all into a certain lane with your songwriting?"
Dustyn: "Yeah, we felt like it was the right time to truly open up. Even from day one, we wanted to be authentic but couldn't with our restrictions and target audience. Even before getting into the band, a bunch of us boys had LIVED with stories to tell. 'Welcome...' came 7 years into our career and the fans had grown with us. They were ready to handle it."
Riley: "Having said that, we still censored ourselves a little. There are some things we don't want being public knowledge and we make a conscious effort not to swear in our Weekend songs. We're all chaotic in our personal lives so we made a decision to make the music as accessible as possible."
Oscar: "You'll have to wait for the solo albums before we really let loose. Angry f-bombs and all."

"It's funny hearing you talk about all of that because for how popular you are as a group and the stories you've opted to share in your songs, there is still an air of mystery with each of you. Some more than others but still you've managed to keep your private lives as close to heart as possible. As artists, where do you draw the line?"
Billy: "You know me, I'm a pretty fucking open book. I get in trouble for being too open sometimes. Only topic I'd never speak about is my kid. He's a minor, that's my boy. That's where I draw the line. Anything else, I'm happy to express."
Riley: "Yeah, family and close friends are kinda off the table unless a person consents and is aware that we want to write with them in mind. We have a huge platform and it's not our place to take someone else's story and put it out there. When it comes to our own personal matters, we write about them if it's something we're comfortable with. No need to go through mental anguish just for 'content', you know?"
Dustyn: "I feel like if there's something about us that's already out there in the press then we often tackle that subject either in a song or just through speaking publicly. These are our lives. We have to take ownership of them. When we write or talk about it, it takes the power away from those trying to use it for clout, money, bad intentions. Once you release a song about your own experience, that becomes the definitive version of the events. It's in our repertoire, it has come from the horse's mouth."
Scott: "Also helps receiving royalties from what was once a shitty experience."

"I write songs about girls. Anyone can listen to my records and see that. It is what it is. Something that I commend you all for sticking to through your entire career is that you've always kept subject matters within songs to be gender-neutral. How conscious of an effort was that? Was it something you knew right away that's how you were going to go about it?"
Scott: "At the very beginning, we cut a bunch of demos that were the typical 'I love you, girl!' crap. After Dustyn came out as gay and told us he wasn't comfortable singing about girls, we knew we couldn't subject him to that. Billy also came out as bisexual so we knew we couldn't be narrow with our messaging. Thankfully the label understood and allowed us to rewrite lines and create a few new songs from scratch."
Billy: "Growing up in care and being on the streets of London, I also met so many people from all walks of life. The amount of LGBTQ people in the care system or battling homelessness is staggering. I knew there was a big world out there from an early age. More people needed representation."
Dustyn: "Yeah, representation and inclusion. It wasn't even that I wanted to sing about and gush over boys. I just hated that gut-churning feeling of 'I can't relate to this mainstream message' when I heard the lyrics back. I knew there'd be more closeted teens either unable to relate to lyrics aimed at their demographic or scared to enjoy a boy band. We made a decision to be as broad and inclusive as possible, making everything gender-neutral unless it was about a very specific person."

"When it comes to writing and making records now, given that you have all the creative freedom now from what you put out to how you present it; how do you decide it's time to make an album? Does somebody make that initial call? Do you each work on things individually then regroup?"
Oscar: "The album just comes when it feels right. We're pretty much always writing. If it's not as a group, it's on our own or in little sub-groups. We'll keep writing and updating each other on what we're working on and there's usually one track that makes all our eyes light up. Once we get that special track, we build on it from there and that usually dictates the rest of the album's style."
Riley: "And those big songs are always written by our Dusty. Armed with his guitar, he's a little songwriting machine. Your favourite Weekend song? 98% chance Dustyn penned it."
Dustyn: "Awww, you're making me blush, Ri!"

"Who influences you each as artists? Being five guys with your own particular tastes and interests, I assume there's a lot of different music heard on the tour bus playlist."
Oscar: "Would you believe me if I said Ryan Ross Hernandez? I love a lot of guitar-heavy artists. Enjoy both rocky and acoustic sounds. Yourself, James and Nick Urie, Amy Meyer, Dustyn's hubby when he used to sing. Loved Blood of Wecz, Infinite and Suburban Sunrise back in the day too."
Dustyn: "MADONNA! I love artists who take risks and aren't afraid to reinvent themselves. Vanity, Grimmie, Michelle Green. I love artists that just do whatever sound they feel like doing. Also grew up listening to a lot of 50's and 60's music from my parents' collection. I think a lot of Motown and Rock & Roll singers influence my vocal style."
Scott: "I love all sorts but you can't beat good old pop. Mandy Williams, Lincoln, Isabel...just stuff that makes you feel good."
Billy: "I'm a huge R&B fan, especially the 90's and very early 2000's. It's what I was raised on. Timbaland, Aaliyah, Brandy, Missy, En Vogue, Monica. Classics. Some more modern artists I fuck with are Stephanie, Tisha, Cassie Valentine, Orion, Keshia Love, and Alicia Lena. R&B and subgenres of it are what I gravitate towards. I write rock and pop when I have my 'Weekend head' on and have a co-writer but couldn't do one solely for myself."
Riley: "Not many people know but I'm into sort of left-field, alternative pop and electronica. I love weird, quirky production and zany lyrics. Fangz and Sonny are two artists that spring to mind."

"I believe very few groups have the power to pick the phone and work with whoever they like. If you were to ever open that door, who would you want to work with on a song to any extent? Aside from present company, of course."
Billy: "Of course!"
Oscar: "Present company excluded? Ah, well you've missed your chance! Uhhh, I think Ellie-Grace is a wonderful writer and I know she starts off on guitar like a lot of our tracks do. I think we could write something pretty great."
Billy: "Orion. I fucking love their writing. Not sure how it'd blend with our band. That's a lot of voices. Maybe I'll steal them for my solo project?"
Riley: "Nah, I think the more the merrier! You know who I'd love to work with? A group like BYS or Midnight20. K-Pop boyband meets Western boyband. I think that'd be epic."
Scott: "Oooh, yeah, I'm with Ri on that. That's a good shout!"
Dustyn: "My wonderful friend Erich Hess and his Atomic War Bride crew. Yeah, it's psychobilly and wacky but I don't think many people appreciate how great their lyrics are. They can be really comical but the phrasing is wonderful. We'd have a blast just throwing ideas into a pot and seeing what happens."

"The Rolling Stones have been active for six decades. Can we expect Weekend to be around for another 10, 20, 30 years? Is that a goal to continue as a unit for as long as possible?"
Scott: "Definitely. I think that even if we branch off to do our own things or take a back seat from the 'Weekend' band for a while, we'll still be around. We're brothers, we work together at the label. We'll always be around and no matter how long the break between albums or tours, we always find a way back to it. Weekend aren't going anywhere."
Billy: "Yeah, I remember people freaking out when I started to release solo tracks. Lot of shit about how we're splitting up or that I'm leaving. No fucking way. I just have my fingers in many, many pies."
Dustyn: "Filthy!"
Billy: "Thank you."
Oscar: "I'm going to be singing songs from 'Fired Up' when I'm 60, aren't I?"
Riley: "Looks like it, my man!"
Oscar: "Lovely."

"Well... now pies are ruined for me moving forward! I'm certain fans around the world are thrilled to hear that Weekend will continue to exist and make music for many years to come. Are there any expectations for what the next decade holds for the group?"
Billy: "Glad you feel that way. Fruit should not be hot. I'm anti-pie."
Scott: "Billy Khan: "I'm Anti-Pie" - the shocking new story clogging up Culture Uncut."
Dustyn: "Well it'll be safe to say there'll be no pies in Weekend's future, haha! You never know what the future holds but we'd like for the next decade to be filled with more music and memories. Plenty more albums, plenty more tours. Can imagine there'll also be many solo projects and endeavours too. We just want to keep doing what makes us happy."

"The latest single 'Pucker' was a smash hit as expected. It carried an effortlessly fun, poppy vibe. Can we expect the album 'Current Affairs' to follow in that trend? How is that album shaping up to be?"
Dustyn: "Definitely! Lyrically, it's still very 'real' and 'honest' in places but sonically it's the brighter, happier sister of 'Welcome to the Real World'. It follows the trend of having a throwback, 80's influence but the production has higher energy. More synths, leaning more into disco and funk than the stadium rock sound. It still sits up right beside the previous album though."
Riley: "I'd say we're like 80% finished. We've only just started working on the project again since the wintertime saw us focusing on the whole 'Fired Up' anniversary celebrations. More to come from that too, by the way!"

"Speaking of that 10 year anniversary of 'Fired Up', any little spoilers you can share about what fans can expect in the near future to celebrate that?"
Scott: "There's a lot planned. Uh, trying to think of something little that won't spoil to much. There's some retro merchandise on the way!"
Riley: "We may also be re-learning the old lyrics for...something."

"I'm seeing here you've had 10 #1 singles, currently 8 consecutive chart-toppers. Millions and millions of records sold. Billions of streams. What, if anything, is left for Weekend to accomplish?"
Oscar: "We're entering the cereal game. Weekend Crunch coming to a shelf near you!"
Billy: "Who even eats cereal in 2022? Seriously though, those stats are fucking insane hearing them out loud, especially if you consider what we were up against."
Dustyn: "I think that we just want to continue making music we're proud of and building upon a legacy to last a lifetime. We've worked so hard to get to this point and to achieve what we have. Anything else now is just a bonus. We're a manufactured boyband from the early 2010's. We really shouldn't be here. We're appreciating everything and not taking anything for granted. We're so blessed!"
Riley: "Blessed and humbled. The figures can't quite compute in my mind. Can only imagine what else is to come."
Scott: "Yeah, yeah, we're very humble...now let's get that 11th #1, lads!"

"Dustyn brought up 'legacy' and how important it is to leave something behind that is timeless. Obviously whether people want to argue about it or not, everyone knows the hits, the sales, the awards... that is all important in leaving a lasting legacy. One day, many more decades from now, life will run its course and the music will stop. What would you each want Weekend to be remembered by?"
Oscar: "Obviously we'll get older over the years but I'd want people to look back at our early days and realise the power the youth has. Never underestimate the spirit of the young. Your voices are far more powerful than what people from other generations would like you to think."
Scott: "It sounds really bare bones but I'd want us to be remembered as 'fun'. A real fucking good time. Life is dark and shit a lot of the time. The state of the world can be bleak. I like to think our music could be escapism for some people. Just bop away with us lads."
Riley: "Touching on what Scott said about the state of the world, I like to think we, as artists, reflect the times. I feel like that's the job of most creatives. I want people to look back on our interviews were we spoke out about situations and causes that were important in history. I want them to hear sounds and messages in our songs that resonated with people at that moment. I want them to look back at our old wardrobes and be thankful fashion has advanced!"
Billy: "I want people to know there's no blueprint or definitive structure to success. Just fucking believe in yourself and do it. I was at that audition with no money, no home and cut up knuckles from a scrap I got into a few days before. I'm not the typical model for success but I had the guts and determination to do something. Fucking go for it."
Dustyn: "Echoing what Billy said, I want Weekend to be remembered as 'the boys that could'. We had so much against us when we started out. Even prior to signing up, some of us had really rough lives. Throughout our journey we've battled hardships, politics, heartache, tragedy...and all concurrently running alongside the success, the wonderful fans, seeing the world, getting married, starting our families. It's been a crazy, crazy thrill of a life so far and we're just five regular guys. No media training, not born into showbiz families or wealth. I want us to inspire all kinds of people and make them believe that they can do this too or achieve their own vision of 'the dream', whatever that may be."

"There is still a lot more with Weekend when we come back when I sit down with each member individually and talk about what each of their futures may hold. And no, for the Gen-Z audience watching at home, we will not discuss my infamous comments about Weekend back in 2012. We've all made regrettable tweets in this room, right? Don't answer that, Khan."
Billy: "I regret nothing!"
Dustyn: "Oh, boy! Haha!"

Edited by moderator 06 August 2022 09:00:37(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Artist Corner w/ Oscar

"Right now I get an honor that has not been afforded to many when I sit down and talk one-on-one with each member of Weekend in a space we call the "Artist Corner". This is a separate set with a single-camera setup and none of the other members are here with us. We are starting off with one of my favorite singers in all of music today, the talented and incredibly fashionable, Oscar Ward."
Oscar: "Thank you, kindly! I do try, I do try."

"Congratulations on your marriage last year. Your wife Eilidh is an absolute sweetheart. You both are well-respected artists in your own rights. You two have been together for a long time, which is rare to see when you have two big household names in this industry in a relationship together. How have you two been able to make it work?"
Oscar: "Thank you, I really appreciate that. Yeah, later this year marks a decade since we got together. It's crazy to think such a thing. I wish I could impart some wisdom and the secret to a long, happy relationship but the truth is that things have just been easy for us. We naturally work well together. I understand Eilidh's job and schedule. She understands mine. The bottom line is that there's an undying love and huge level of trust there. Doesn't matter what we do, where we go, how long we're away. We know that everything's good."

"What comes to mind when I say 'Rising Waters'?"
Oscar: "Hahahaha....NEXT question!!"

"Oscar, your career as part of Weekend started with high pressure off the bat. You were coined the lead vocalist, you had a lot of responsibilities when it came to the recording process and touring 'Fired Up'. You were the face of this group at 17 years old. How were you able to take all that on without losing your freaking mind?"
Oscar: "Oh, I lost my mind briefly. I'm far more zen these days but I was a little bit flipped back then. I was 17. On one hand, there was the pressures. On the other, there was the ego stroking of being the lead singer of a globally successful band. I alleviated the stress and also celebrated the success with parties. Parties and booze were the answer to a lot of things. Becoming a father and that transition into setting up our own label really brought me back down to earth. The wheels stopped churning for a bit and I suddenly had more adult matters to focus on."

"After putting your voice through a lot of strain recording Weekend's debut album and touring in the support of it, by the time you were reconvening to record 'About Time' some problems came up with your voice causing you to have surgery on your vocal cords. How serious was that at the time?"
Oscar: "It was devastating. That probably humbled me as well. I went from singing my heart out on these multi-platinum records and sold out tours across the globe to not being able to speak. It was bad. I had zero training or knowledge about how to look after ones voice. I just pushed too hard while having no professional technique."

"I understand and empathize with you because I also had to have surgery on my vocal cords back in 2012. Being a singer and going through that, I remember I had nightmares while I was on recovery about possibly never being able to sing again after my surgery. Did you have those fears in your mind?"
Oscar: "Oh, I thought my career was over. Thought I'd have to leave the band and then I was feeling guilty that my ailment could possibly impact the career of the other four boys. Would they want to go on as a four-piece? Would a new member not go down well? How do you go from one album to another with a different voice at the forefront? The recovery was so tedious that I remember feeling like being able to string a sentence together was never going to happen let alone sing again."

"You were still very young when you went through that. I was 34 and crying in a doctor's office. The recovery after having surgery on your vocal cords is tedious and strict. Not many people know how much sacrifice it takes. You basically are on total vocal rest, so you can't talk at all. That process is difficult in itself going about your day to day life. How important was your support system in getting you through that rough patch?"
Oscar: "Eilidh, the boys, the fans, my parents and some other friends in the industry really helped me through it. It was the worst time of my life but I dread to think what it would've been like had I not had those people around. The well-wishes really spurred me on and stopped me from laying down to it all."

"What are some of the lessons you've taken and carried on in your life since the surgery?"
Oscar: "To look after my damn voice, haha! It's a muscle, it's a gift, it's my career. Very conscious about how I treat it now. Some think I'm a bit overly cautious but if you've been through that hell, you don't play around. You never want to go back there and I honestly wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Takes away so much of your power. I've also learned to be more placid and patient. Prior to losing my voice, I was a lot more fiery. There were times when I really wanted to speak, give an opinion and answer back but I literally couldn't. I learned to block out a lot of noise and choose inner peace. I know when it's best to stay quiet these days and pick my battles more wisely!"

"How differently do you think things may have gone if you hadn't damaged your vocal cords? Would that have changed your trajectory as an artist?"
Oscar: "I think I'd be a better singer. I basically had to re-learn, change my technique and my voice isn't what it used to be. It still has a similar low, rocky tone but it has far less power these days. Not sure if it'd have any major impact on my career though. Thankfully I'm still with the band and we're having success to this day. Even with my struggles, I'm still living the dream. Can't complain or ponder too much."

"Thankfully you were able to recover and continue your career. I have a lot of respect for you because I know how difficult it is to come back from that and regain that confidence because you almost have to relearn how to sing and adjust to what your vocal capabilities are afterwards. It's not easy, so that's why I will continue to say that you're my favorite member of Weekend. May not be popular to say that as an unbiased talk show but screw it my name is on the showcard."
Oscar: "Thank you. I'm sure you say that to all the boys, haha! I really appreciate that. I'm a big fan of yours myself. You're right, it's not easy but life never is. You've just got to keep pushing, especially if it's for something that you love."

"Through it all you've always maintained your strong stage presence. It's almost as if being an entertainer is engrained in you. How important to you are those moments on stage?"
Oscar: "Immensely important. For a start, I'm thankful I still have a voice to go on stage with. Will always remain grateful for that. Touring and performing is also about creating moments for the fans. We make memories for ourselves in the process but it's really all about our supporters. These are people who give up their time and money to support our dreams. We have what we have because of the Weekend fans. We want to make each show special and give the people in the audience a moment to cherish forever. You know, chances are, a lot of people who come to our shows may never see us again. They might not have the funds to go to concerts all the time or have been saving for years just to make it to one show. They may have travelled not only from a different city but a different country or continent. They may live in a place that makes it unlikely to ever bump into one of us in the street. Us five have been lucky enough to see the world several times over and have 10 years worth of touring memories. The fans only have a small window of opportunity to be part of that so we make sure to give it are all each and every time."

"What does the future hold for Oscar? Do you have ambitions that go beyond Weekend? Might we see a solo project from you?"
Oscar: "Watch this space, Ryan. That's all I'll say. Watch this space."
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Artist Corner w/ Riley

"Riley Hamilton. You're known as 'the sensible one' of Weekend. You tend to be the voice of reason when things go a little haywire. Does that just come naturally to you?"
Riley: "It's a good job it comes naturally to me with that lot over there, haha! Yeah, I'm not as straight-laced as some people may think. I have my moments but, generally, I'm the one blowing the whistle and knocking heads together. My parents probably have a lot to do with that. They were both very placid, taught me to use my words and be in touch with my feelings. I was never spanked or yelled at as a kid. I think I've inherited that calm energy. I don't like confrontation or hostility."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, okay? I heard that you ended up nearly missing the audition due to traffic?"
Riley: "Yes! I was totally fresh to London. I'm from up north, Leeds. That's a big city in itself but London? Christ on a bike! It's chaos. I underestimated the traffic situation. Would've been better cramming myself into the subway if I had known better. Instead, I was sat in the back of taxi, barely moving inches while the meter tallied up. I made it to that audition with the skin of my teeth."

"You luckily end up getting to the auditions on time and being a part of this massive group. Would you say this was a pretty surreal process for you? You originally planned on becoming an English teacher and had all these other interests growing up. Being a pop star was not one of those."
Riley: "Yeah, very surreal. I would say that I enjoy music more than your casual listener. It has always inspired me whether it's the messaging within songs or just the general creative visions of artists but it wasn't something I thought I'd be able to do myself. I'm from a very working class background. People from my area...they don't become pop stars. Even my idea of going into teaching seemed ambitious. My town's a very underfunded area not just within the city of Leeds but in the UK as a whole. Beeston has a reputation. I went to the audition with no real expectations other than it will be a fun, memorable experience and the philosophy of never knowing unless you try. I'm glad I tried!"

"How did your theatre background in high school help build your confidence as a performer in a different field?" Were there any similarities that you could draw on at the start of Weekend?"
Riley: "Being in a boy band is a whole other kettle of fish but I could still call upon all the plays and drama classes in school when I needed it. I was no stranger to being on a stage, following direction and having multiple eyes on me. Granted, an assembly hall full of parents and students is a far cry from a full stadium but oddly, the school productions were far scarier, haha!"

"We actually met very quickly in passing about 9 or 10 years ago. That's something that not many people know. Michelle Green was the opener for a headlining tour I was doing and you were dating at the time, so we briefly met backstage during our stop in London when you stopped in to see her. Thank you for being cordial and not telling me to fuck off, which I probably deserved at the time."
Riley: "I do remember that, yeah! I also remember thinking that it could potentially be an awkward situation because I was aware that...you know...things had been said, haha! Thought you wouldn't appreciate me stopping by but like I said earlier, you never know unless you do something. Glad we acknowledged each other because you were real cool. Not hostile at all. RH meeting RRH. A moment for the books!"

"Over the years, you've increasingly become a larger contributor to the group as both a singer and writer. Do you feel like you're still unearthing potential within yourself?"
Riley: "Definitely. I remember a conversation with Billy back in the day about how we felt a little bit like the busted legs. Oscar and Dustyn were confident writers as they had already penned full original songs. Scott had also taken part in co-writing plays and musical numbers at his college. I just didn't know where to begin when writing a song. We'd get into the studio and the others would be scribbling down on pads, messing around with the guitar, meanwhile Billy and I would be looking at each other in bewilderment. Thankfully the lads coaxed us into it and gave us that support. It's no scarier than having to write the essays and stories I was churning out when I was gearing up for the English teacher route. In fact, it's far easier and a lot more fun. Definitely much confident as a writer these days and it's nice to see and hear my evolution as a creative."

"After the release of 'Welcome to the Real World' you gained a lot of praise and acclaim for your growth as an artist. Was that surprising to you or did it make sense that your hard work was finally being recognized? I'd add it is very well earned in my eyes."
Riley: "Thanks, mate. Means a lot to hear that! Uh, I think we've all grown as artists and it has definitely been acknowledged. Wouldn't expect any different from our wonderful supporters though. The fans are quick to butter us up and send us the loveliest messages. Social media can be a curse at times but I do love the instant feedback you get from it. We've had a lot of backlash over the years so the fans will combat that by lifting us up as high as they can and making sure everyone else recognises what we're doing. It's nice to have your talents and work acknowledged. Critics are also being far more openminded and receptive these days too which is always lovely, haha!"

"You came out as pansexual last year and there was an outpour of support both from fans and industry peers. How much did that mean to you?"
Riley: "Oh, means the absolute world to me! I don't like attention and discourse. Sadly, sexuality is still a big thing and unfortunately a divisive topic. Shouldn't be the case in this day and age but it is. I was scared to come out for a while. Nothing to do with acceptance. I'm happy with myself and my partner's happy. It was more so the potential media circus. I just want to be me and get on with my life. I don't want to be the centre of any discourse but I still felt like I had to make the announcement because I could only imagine an even bigger frenzy had that information leaked from another source or whatever. Just wanted to let people know what the deal was and move along. Like I said, our fans just go above and beyond with their support. It was like a big hug over the internet when I came out. Of course, some people had some not so nice things to say but when things like #WeLoveYouRiley and #ProtectRiley are trending worldwide, it definitely drowns out the nasty little voices. I love the fans and all the people in the business who reached out. Very grateful for your tweets too, Ryan. Meant a lot to me."

"This is something I'm asking all of you because I am curious and so are the fans I'm sure. We've seen Billy go out and do his solo stuff, work with other artists. Can we expect Riley Hamilton's name to pop up on his own in the future?"
Riley: "You never know! I feel like all five of us have albums inside of us. As honest as we are on our Weekend material, there's still an element of compromise there. We have to tell a story involving five people in one song and it's usually something we all relate to. We have our own lives and tastes in music too. We have our own stories to tell. Stuff that wouldn't make sense being sung by other people. At this moment in time? I'm not planning anything, no. Is it a possibility? For sure. Even if it's not a case of embarking on a fully fledged solo music career, I'd still like to at least experiment in the studio and tap into some of the styles I personally like that the other lads wouldn't be caught dead doing, haha!"
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Artist Corner w/ Billy

"Billy Khan. We are either sworn enemies or good friends depending on what side of social media you end up on."
Billy: "We're the best of friends! My boy's always had my back, right?"

"I think it's fair to say that you've embraced the fact that you are a very divisive figure in this industry. You're well known for your candor about basically everything. As an artist, do you feel like your personality can at times outweigh or even overshadow your work? Does that bother you at all?"
Billy: "Doesn't bother me. Attention is attention in my eyes. I'm proud of my work and that's what matters. Those who get it, get it. Those who don't clearly don't have the mental capacity or taste required. I'd much rather be myself and feel comfortable, even if some people do think I'm a dick, than stress about and feel trapped trying to maintain a fake image so not to rock the boat. Life gives us enough shit to worry about never mind trying to keep up appearances. Bollocks to that. Also feel like being a queer, mixed race guy from a Muslim family, despite me no longer practising, I've always HAD to have my back up in a way. Survival. There's a million people ready to attack me in the real world for merely existing let alone in the sleazy entertainment industry when money, fame and ego are involved. I'm not changing, bending or letting my guard down for anyone in this game."

"We both know that fame and reaching a certain 'celebrity status' comes with its highs and lows. There's a bullseye on you at all times. Everyone deals with that in their own way. You said earlier that you're an open book and you've proven that through your 10 year career thus far. Did you always know you were going to stick to your guns regardless of what height of popularity Weekend achieved and be as authentic as possible?"
Billy: "For sure. I never had media training. None of us did. Well, actually, our first management TRIED to give us some training. After the first session, the coach left in tears and we just never bothered again. I've always been a straight shooter and the ethos of the band has always been authenticity. We naturally fall into different roles but that's not fake or forced. We are who we are. People say I'm 'real' but all the other guys are too."

"You're not a bullshitter. I know that about you. You're a straight shooter. We have seen that time and time again publicly. Having that personality, what challenges presented themselves both within the group and with business affairs behind the scenes because of it?"
Billy: "I don't think it has presented many challenges other than loudmouths online or snippy critics and journalists taking it upon themselves to try to 'defeat' me. Some people are needlessly hostile but they get it handed right back to them with both barrels. I think me being so upfront and blunt has been more beneficial than anything. Bigwigs know not to fuck with me or the boys. We get straight to the point and get the job done. People don't think about screwing us over because I like to make it clear that it's not possible from the jump."

"Earlier you stated that you saw this group as an opportunity to make some money and provide for yourself and your brother after the hardships you experienced. Was there a moment or period of time for you when it all clicked and you realized this is where you belonged? That the sky was the limit?"
Billy: "I would say that came in late 2012. We released the 'Fired Up: Reloaded' project, had a sold out world tour on the horizon and had signed off on so many endorsement and merchandise deals. We were successful from the jump with the first single but a good year into things is when it really left the Earth's orbit."

"It is well-documented with the rest of the guys how they each had a passion for music or performing or both as they grew up. For you, was that passion found whilst you were actively already a member of this group?"
Billy: "I've always had a passion for music. It was really the only thing I constantly enjoyed when growing up. I came from a rough, neglectful household and then went into care which was a barrel of laughs. Music never betrayed or upset me though. Was so into 90's R&B growing up. Still am. Other kids would be into the more accessible poppy stuff while I was listening to more mature shit like Janet's 'The Velvet Rope'. That album has a lot to answer for. I was always into music and had a love for it but didn't have the means or drive to pursue it while growing up. I was more concerned about where my next meal was coming from and trying not to get a black eye than dreaming about becoming a pop star. When my life turned around, I fully embraced it. If there's an opportunity to get into the studio, fucking bet I'm there."

"You're the first member of Weekend to go solo and explore other projects outside of this realm. You've worked with Suzie, Ellie-Grace Summers, among others. You have a few solo singles out there and an album in the pipelines, if I'm not mistaken. Were you actively seeking opportunities as a solo artist or did some occur serendipitously?"
Billy: "Album's coming, yeah. I'm just too much of a perfectionist. Don't want a 'Traveling Tales' moment, you know? Uh, it's sort of a bit of both. When I had the tools and knowledge at my disposal, I knew I'd set out to make my own record one day. Something that represents me and reflects the music I love. The outside work started by chance though. The producer mISTER_b got in touch and wanted me to feature on this track called 'The Energy'. It was so unexpected. He listened to the band and said he loved my voice. Was really quite something to know that he singled me out personally because, back then, the spotlight was mainly really skewed towards another person. That song was a success and it lead to even more collaborations after that. Those features sort of created the narrative of; "Oh, Billy's going to do something on his own". That made it much easier to transition into full blown solo music."

"What do you see in the future when it comes to 'Billy' as a solo artist?"
Billy: "Good fucking times. Growth too. We all grow as people and artists over the years. My music will develop and enrich alongside Weekend. I'll always be part of that band. Solo stuff doesn't take away from that. We're still a team, it's all under Pesky, I'm very much part of the group. It's all in the same musical universe, as I like to say. My solo career is not me ditching all things Weekend. I've just...got my own spin-off series. Hopefully it shapes up to be more of a 'Frasier' situation than a 'Joey'."

"Seeing the success you've had on your own, I'm sure you can see the same for Oscar, Scott, Riley, and Dustyn if they were to follow in those footsteps. Let's say they do and you take a break from Weekend for each to go ahead and work on their solo material. Do you see a healthy level of competition developing because of that?"
Billy: "They can try to compete if they like! Seriously though, I do think there would be healthy competition but done with a wink and a nudge. They've all been supportive of my stuff and I'd return the same energy. I always play them my new stuff and I like to think they'd do the same. We're a team. I'd actually love for them to do some solo stuff, especially Dustyn. I keep pestering him to do something. He's honestly wasted on this band."
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Artist Corner w/ Scott

"Scott Wellington. You're the eldest member of Weekend, already in your 30s. I know typically boy bands have a short shelf life that you've all exceeded already as a unit. Did that slight age gap ever make you feel disconnected from the others? I know you have a jokester demeanor that likely helped living in close confides of a few 16 and 17 year olds when you started."
Scott: "I'm practically dead in boy band years. Thanks for bringing that up, mate! Honestly, I never felt a disconnect. I'm still a joker and quite immature in some ways. Was never a dull moment with those lads even back in the day. In fact, I'd say I even enabled some shit. I knew way better but it was all worth the laughs and memories. Dustyn is the youngest and he was only 15, just shy of 16, when he joined. He's a firecracker though and has bags of personality. I'm a clown and he was hyper as hell so we bounced off each other well. I'd say that I looked out for him more so than I did with the others but there was certainly no disconnect. I'd say him and I actually were the ones who broke all the ice at the beginning."

"You were attending a performance arts college at the time you went in to audition. As the years went on and you saw the grand success Weekend was having, did you ever think you could use that exposure you earned to try your hand at acting or theatre? Is that a possibility for you in the future?"
Scott: "Let's address the elephant in the room, right? I studied acting and yet Riley and Dustyn are better fucking actors than I'll ever be! They get approached for roles. I don't. Honestly, it's chill though. When the group kicked off, acting took a back seat. I've been way more invested in the music and the business than to think about acting. If I was approached with something I found really interesting? Sure, why not?! It's not something I'm actively seeking these days though."

"While everyone has a hand on all the behind the scenes decisions, you more so than others manage a lot of the business aspect of the group. Is that a role that naturally came to you?"
Scott: "I guess it did, yeah. Was no expert but I got to work with many professionals and well-seasoned artists at my college. I was given advice, I had heard the horror stories. This was all about the entertainment business and not just the music industry but the same rules apply. I didn't take a business course and it's hardly the most interesting thing but I had more knowledge than the other boys so I felt a duty to lean into it."

"As we spoke earlier when you were all on the main set, the start of the group was very much 'show up and this is how it is.' Given the role that you've personally taken in the group, once you started Five Pesky Kids, how did your responsibilities expand? Did you take on a greater role in the business aspect compared to the others?"
Scott: "I did and again, I felt a duty. I was instrumental in pushing for independence that I couldn't just sit back and let the others do the work after we left that deal. I was making all sorts of phone calls, having meetings with all kinds of people, constantly sitting down with lawyers and I think I've read through enough contracts and legal documents to last a lifetime. I swear that whole process aged me a good five years."

"You've somewhat taken a smaller role in the band when it comes to your vocal parts. You're still an active contributor in the writing process and the group vocals but otherwise you've taken a backseat with individual parts. How hard is it for you to constantly hear that uncalled for criticism about your singing ability?"
Scott: "It's difficult, yeah. I knew I was never the best singer in the world but I was always confident. I was being cast in stage roles, passing assessments, given good feedback and nobody in the audience seemed to be wincing in pain so I thought I was competent at the very least. When someone knocks a skill of yours, especially if it's related to something you love to do, it can make you waver. When a whole barrage of people do it to you daily and published critics stick the knife in, it's a whole new level. I began doubting myself and questioning whether or not people in my past were just being nice. Was thinking that I actually made a fool of myself back in the college days and everyone must have been laughing behind my back. I still think that now."

"I want to state, personally, I think that is all bullshit. You are a great singer and I do hope you can find that confidence to allow yourself to shine again. I do understand how loud that noise can get, so sometimes just saying 'brush it off' isn't enough. It is a challenge to regain that confidence."
Scott: "Thank you, Ryan. I genuinely appreciate that. The lads remind me that it's bullshit too but it's still hard to overcome. You hear these things repeatedly and it sticks. There must be some truth in it if it's a constant. It is a challenge and honestly? I'm scared to sing. I love writing the songs. I love being part of the chorus with the lads. I fucking adore hearing my boys kill it when we play the songs back...and I cover my ears if I have a verse coming up. Even in the booth now, I panic. Sometimes the words don't even come out of my mouth. I'm just that frozen in fear and anxiety. I made a conscious choice to step back because I don't have it in me right now."

"As I speak with other members about their aspirations as solo artists, if the right opportunity came about, would you consider doing some solo work or collaborating with others as just Scott Wellington?"
Scott: "I can barely sing as part of the group let alone on my own, haha! In a dream world, of course! Would love to do my own thing and have the final say over everything. Get my story out there. At this moment in time though, I don't think it's possible. Writing for others is something I would love to do, however. Really grown to adore the writing process. I get to be creative and expressive without the nerves of performing."
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Artist Corner w/ Dustyn

"Lastly, I am sitting with Dustyn Blue-Conners. You are a singer-songwriter trapped in a boy band and I don't mean that in a bad way! You've masterfully found a way to bridge the gap between interpersonal songwriter, being a guitarist, and still finding ways to bring the others in to contribute their pieces. You're sort of the ringleader. That's impressive!"
Dustyn: "In other words, I'm a bossy little shit? Hahaha! Seriously though, thank you! I love and take great pride in my creative side so it's lovely to see and hear it be appreciated."

"How did you learn to play guitar? Did you look up to any guitarists growing up?"
Dustyn: "In Ireland, you're just surrounded by guitars and Irish-country-folk music! My maternal grandfather left his guitar to my mother after he passed away. He died when I was very young. Now, my mother doesn't play. I just remember this guitar sitting in the house like an ornament for a number of years as a kid. I loved music so it sat there tempting me. We weren't allowed to touch it but eventually, after enough tantrums and scolding for strumming it, I was given the thing when I was like 12 or so. It was your classic Dreadnought. Perfect for beginners. I had a naturally good ear and picked up a few things in music class but it was a tattered old guide that I bought in a second-hand store after school one day that taught me most things. Vividly remember the day I got it because I got a few clips around the ear for spending what was supposed to be my lunch money on this book. Was worth it though. Owe a lot of my career to that musty old book. Also, I'm sure being on the autistic spectrum helps me pick up skills and retain information quickly! I can pick up most instruments with ease. The oboe is still a bastard to learn though, ha! "

"When we figured out the format of this interview, I was excited to get a chance to talk to each of you separately because of the sheer rarity of that happening. However, the music geek in me, wanted to sit down with you most because you started writing songs the same way that I did... you were writing on your guitar as a teenager. You spoke earlier about your vast music taste and influences. How much adjusting did it take to go from messing around on your guitar in your bedroom to figuring out how to incorporate those sensibilities to a boy band?"
Dustyn: "Making me blush, Ryan. Making me blush! You know, I would say that one of the few benefits of being manufactured in the early days was that it helped guide me and set the tone for my approach with the guitar. 'Everything About You' was our first single, was very guitar heavy and wasn't written by us at all. Recreating that for live performances and keeping that song and some of the other demos in mind when writing other songs, it kinda got the ball rolling towards where I wanted to take it."

"You did some busking as well when you were a teenager, right? What did you take away from that experience?"
Dustyn: "This...may sound a little tragic but I learned that I wasn't a complete failure and experienced what it's like to be praised. My family are strict Irish Catholic. Very old school, conservative types. Would never get kisses and cuddles from my dad because 'men don't do that'. My family also wanted to keep up appearances and were heavily involved in the church. They wanted to appear as respectable, dignified, good religious folk. Meanwhile I was running riot with undiagnosed autism, wanting to dress up and sing, clearly a camp little thing. So I got my joy and my dose of love from strangers who listened to me busk. At home, I was just expected to shut up, do my homework, eat my dinner and say my prayers."

"I've said before that everyone who is a songwriter has to be a bit mad. We're wired in a way where at any time and place, you may have this breakthrough moment where you have step away to write. How do you personally approach songwriting? Do you work best when those flash in the pan moments come to you?"
Dustyn: "I'm Irish, came from a religious household, have autism and I'm gay. How much madder can you get?! Haha! For me, I'm just always writing and creating when I can. I have times when I'm actually in a scheduled session and times when I'm just around the house. Bit of both works for me. When I'm in the studio or FaceTiming the band, I can clear my head a little and focus on the meat of a song. I'm not distracted by giving my boys a bath or feeding the cats. I feel like some of the best lines and ideas do come to me as a spur of the moment type of thing though. I could be loading up the washing machine and this killer lyric comes into my head so I immediately grab the phone and make a note. It all works for me. Sometimes it's a case of piecing things from different sessions or moments together in order to create the best result."

"As a songwriter, I know there's always more than just what the people can hear in the final recording. Whether that's a song being cutdown or an arrangement changing or some lyrical rewrites. You're always working on a song until the very last second of it being mastered. How much material do you think you have that never made it to the cutting board?"
Dustyn: "Oh, I don't even want to know! I would say that I do write the most as I'm almost always armed with my guitar. I write whole songs and sometimes I think they're absolute shite so I don't even bother presenting them to the guys. There have been many songs that have been recorded which we love but had to cut because the album was running too long. There's even been songs that I haven't penned down, just off-the-cuff riffs that I thought of in the moment and then forgotten about because I didn't think they were worth expanding on. Over 10 years, there's a lot either on the cutting room floor or even lost to time itself. I think you've heard the best we have, however. Bar one or two tracks that I was sad to let go, there's a reason a bunch haven't been released!"

"Do you feel the most comfortable on stage and in the studio when you have a guitar around your shoulder?"
Dustyn: "Always comfortable with my guitars. Second nature to me. I developed that bond back in my busking days. It gave me confidence and was the reason people started taking notice of my creativity in a positive light. On stage, in the studio, at home on the couch, it doesn't matter where. I'm always at peace when I'm having a strum. Oh my God, that sounds so fucking dirty. Edit that out! Hahaha!"

"Now, there's a lot more depth to you than past stories about your life and personal struggles. I don't want to go into detail on any of that. You had your demons and you overcame them. You have a lovely family back in Ireland. You are admired by so many people for an array of reasons. When you look back at your life, is there one stand out moment that you can look at and say 'that's what got me through it' or is there a series of events that helped you?"
Dustyn: "The Weekend lads have been true brothers to me. More so than my actual flesh and blood. Meeting my husband Dallas was also a turning point. He's my rock. Don't think I would've overcame everything had he not been by my side day and night. I was in a very dark place when we met. He didn't take advantage of that and he saw past it all. Past the demons, past the stigma, past the whole being a member of Weekend thing. He just genuinely liked me for who I was at my core and really pushed for me to shed all that negative stuff. He saw a person struggling and not a punching bag or self-serving opportunity like a lot of people did. I love that man with every fibre of my being."

"Not to take anything away from the rest of the group but when I hear you speak it's clear that you care deeply about your fans. How important are they to you?"
Dustyn: "They are my extended family. I'm where I am now because of them. OK, I got into the band before the fanbase formed but it wouldn't have taken off without them. Honestly don't know where I would be had they not chosen to support us bunch of oddballs. I wouldn't have my boys, wouldn't have met my husband, wouldn't be living my dream life if it wasn't for the Weekend global family. If I could hug and chat to every single one of them, I would. I get messages about how I've changed lives. It works both ways. They took this chaotic little gay Irishman to their hearts and supported me through thick and thin. Damn right I'm going to reciprocate that and advocate as much as I can. Big, big love to all of them."

"I do have to thank you for sending me a PR package a few months ago that features some items from your 'Dustyn Blue at Home' homeware line. The quality and attention to detail with each piece is clear to tell. My girlfriend loves the throw pillows especially. Where did that idea come from and how did you bring it to life?"
Dustyn: "I'm all about cosy vibes. I also love playing host and having people over. Fans joke about how I've turned into a total 'house husband' in recent years and they're not wrong! You should have pride in your home and I also think it's important to have your own comfortable space to escape from the world for a bit. Don't know if it's just a stereotypical gay thing but I also love interior design. Giving things a makeover and making everything cute? Uh, yes! It made sense to lean into that and challenge myself to take on something other than music. I was being creative in another way. It took quite a while to get off the ground. Went all out with the range. Curtains, bedding, candles, rugs, the throw pillows...you name it! Like with the music, I was involved in everything. I designed and tested it all. I'm never putting my name on something I don't believe in."

"A percentage of each purchase from your collection is being donated to MindOut, a mental health charity for the LGBTQ+ community. Can you talk a little bit more about that organization and your partnership with them?"
Dustyn: "For sure. MindOut is a mental health charity which is run by the LGBTQ+ community FOR our community. They offer support and are specially trained and informed on all matters that impact our people. They provide counselling, have peer support groups, mentor programmes, advocacy groups, suicide prevention lines, trans and gender-diverse services. Why you may need to get in contact with the organisation may not necessarily be down to your sexuality but they pride themselves on that inclusivity and their knowledge so that you never feel like your identity is causing you to be penalised or neglected. Sadly some other charities are not as inclusive and have prejudices about groups of people. A large amount of profits from my home range are donated to the charity so they can continue to do their wonderful work."

"While everyone loves the homeware line, I would be slaughtered by your fans if I didn't ask you the question they all want to know. At some point in the foreseeable future... will we see you go solo and release an album?"
Dustyn: "Ahhhh! I get this a lot, haha! I know how to write a tune and I've clearly lived so I've got a bunch of stories to tell. It just has to be the right moment. There are things that I would like to write about one day but I'm not comfortable with doing so right now. If I ever found myself with some downtime, I'd also prioritise spending that with my babies. It's wonderful to know that people care enough to want a solo record. I get asked about it on Twitter a bunch, Dallas and the Weekend boys have also encouraged me to do it but I think everything has a time and a place. I wouldn't rush to write and release something just for the sake of it. Like Weekend coming together, I think the stars will align again at one point and I'll feel that shift in my soul telling me it's time to share Dustyn's story. Until then...I don't know...buy one of my candles or something, haha!"


Closing Remarks
"Well, you heard it here first. If you want to see Dustyn go solo, keep buying his candles! You need more throw pillows! You just do! Haha. Thank you to Oscar, Dustyn, Riley, Billy, and Scott for being guests on the show. It was an absolute honor to talk with them collectively and individually. I want to thank them for their patience because it was a long filming day. I want to thank the entire staff behind the scenes who made this happen. I have so much love and respect for everyone who has helped make this first episode become a reality. My name is Ryan. This was "Are We Having a Conversation?" And we will talk next time. Thank you for watching."


(OOC: A huge thank you to Sean/BrownSugar for being a part of this RP! Both with having Weekend be guests, providing all the nifty graphics, and encouraging me to push forward with this idea! Having RRH host a talk show was something that long stood on my TRSG bucket list. As some of you may remember, long-format interviews and articles were something I did regularly on here years ago. The sheer size of this RP should showcase how much time and energy we spent on writing this interview out, haha! I'm not running the show on any particular schedule but there will be more episodes. Thank you for anyone who made it this far! Hope ya'll enjoyed it! :)

Edited by moderator 06 August 2022 10:10:33(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#8 Posted : 09 August 2022 01:52:59(UTC)
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Ooc: no real comment from me because it'd be shitty to put some nonsense under this masterpiece. Amazing work from you both.

Dallas: I have to be careful when it comes to talking solo work with dusty. Nobody wants to be a yoko Ono . Especially when Dusty is called the Yoko of Juneau.

Erich: oh dustyn is too kind. I don't think anyone has said 'atomic war Bride " and didn't imply terrible songwriting. I very much identify with Scott. I've never gotten over stage fright. But,I also owe my entire identity to stage fright.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#9 Posted : 12 August 2022 01:24:47(UTC)
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OOC: I finally was able to read through this! Superb job from both of you. Your collaborations are always something. It was nice to get to learn more about the boys as a group and individually as well. It's hard for me to remember things from characters that aren't mine so I enjoy an excellent revealing interview.

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Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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BrownSugar on 12/08/2022(UTC), PANIC! on 12/08/2022(UTC), Welat65 on 19/08/2022(UTC)
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#10 Posted : 18 August 2022 21:46:00(UTC)
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OOC: I can barely put into words how grateful I am and what an honour it was to be approached for the first ever episode. I absolutely love character interviews and my chaotic boys so this was a wonderful opportunity. Always find my own interviews difficult and less enjoyable as I'm both writing and answering the questions, questions which the rest of the forum may not even be interested in. Having someone else provide the questions and also interact throughout made it much easier and, as the title states, like a conversation. Although there's a bulk to get through, we hashed it out pretty quickly, didn't we? It just flowed so easily and I commend your/Ryan's interviewing skills greatly! You really took your time, did your research, asked important questions and it shows that you really care. Your hard work is truly reflected in the quality here!

Weekend mean a great deal to me. They were my breakthrough characters on here, I used to express myself through Dustyn when I wasn't brave enough to be the real me, and they're still here to this day - confident and as sure as themselves as ever. I feel like their journey on the forum runs parallel to mine as well. There's a lot of history with this band and all five of them have so many layers so it was wonderful to share their stories and put a spotlight on them once more. Thanks again for such an incredible opportunity. I can't wait to see what you do next with the series!

Edited by user 18 August 2022 21:50:54(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





thanks 3 users thanked BrownSugar for this useful post.
erich hess on 18/08/2022(UTC), PANIC! on 18/08/2022(UTC), Welat65 on 19/08/2022(UTC)
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#11 Posted : 20 August 2022 04:56:42(UTC)
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OOC: Love this! Massive respect for you being able to put this into practice and deliver it so perfectly. I know the amount of research that goes into creating these in-depth pieces on other people's characters and acts and it's not easy to put it all together but it adds so much more depth to the forum. I'm a massive fan of this type of forum avenue and cannot wait to see where you take this project. You've set the bar incredibly high with this first episode, just an absolute epic of a post/posts.

Brilliant work on this from the pair of you, but it's to be expected from two people that never let their standard slip. Immense work, can't say enough good things about it.
thanks 2 users thanked C4AJoh for this useful post.
PANIC! on 20/08/2022(UTC), BrownSugar on 20/08/2022(UTC)
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#12 Posted : 07 September 2022 13:47:08(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: no real comment from me because it'd be shitty to put some nonsense under this masterpiece. Amazing work from you both.

Dallas: I have to be careful when it comes to talking solo work with dusty. Nobody wants to be a yoko Ono . Especially when Dusty is called the Yoko of Juneau.

Erich: oh dustyn is too kind. I don't think anyone has said 'atomic war Bride " and didn't imply terrible songwriting. I very much identify with Scott. I've never gotten over stage fright. But,I also owe my entire identity to stage fright.

OOC: Thank you for the kind words!

Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
OOC: I finally was able to read through this! Superb job from both of you. Your collaborations are always something. It was nice to get to learn more about the boys as a group and individually as well. It's hard for me to remember things from characters that aren't mine so I enjoy an excellent revealing interview.

OOC: Thank you so much for taking the time out to read it as I know your time is limited on here these days. And glad to hear you enjoyed it too!

Originally Posted by: BrownSugar Go to Quoted Post
OOC: I can barely put into words how grateful I am and what an honour it was to be approached for the first ever episode. I absolutely love character interviews and my chaotic boys so this was a wonderful opportunity. Always find my own interviews difficult and less enjoyable as I'm both writing and answering the questions, questions which the rest of the forum may not even be interested in. Having someone else provide the questions and also interact throughout made it much easier and, as the title states, like a conversation. Although there's a bulk to get through, we hashed it out pretty quickly, didn't we? It just flowed so easily and I commend your/Ryan's interviewing skills greatly! You really took your time, did your research, asked important questions and it shows that you really care. Your hard work is truly reflected in the quality here!

Weekend mean a great deal to me. They were my breakthrough characters on here, I used to express myself through Dustyn when I wasn't brave enough to be the real me, and they're still here to this day - confident and as sure as themselves as ever. I feel like their journey on the forum runs parallel to mine as well. There's a lot of history with this band and all five of them have so many layers so it was wonderful to share their stories and put a spotlight on them once more. Thanks again for such an incredible opportunity. I can't wait to see what you do next with the series!

OOC: Thank you kindly for being a part of it! I could not have done it without you, Sean. It was great for me too to learn more about each member and just hearing how throughly you've thought out these characters. It made my efforts a lot easier when asking questions and fleshing the interview out. Thank you for always being game in helping my crazy ideas come true.

Originally Posted by: C4AJoh Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Love this! Massive respect for you being able to put this into practice and deliver it so perfectly. I know the amount of research that goes into creating these in-depth pieces on other people's characters and acts and it's not easy to put it all together but it adds so much more depth to the forum. I'm a massive fan of this type of forum avenue and cannot wait to see where you take this project. You've set the bar incredibly high with this first episode, just an absolute epic of a post/posts.

Brilliant work on this from the pair of you, but it's to be expected from two people that never let their standard slip. Immense work, can't say enough good things about it.

OOC: Thank you, dude! It means a lot coming from you as I know you've tackled this format plenty yourself in the past as well, which I always admired you for. Hopefully I can continue to meet expectations moving forward with this project! No pressure at all, haha.
thanks 1 user thanked PANIC! for this useful post.
erich hess on 07/09/2022(UTC)
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