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#61 Posted : 22 July 2011 23:44:14(UTC)
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On The Way...

It's today' Cherise thinks excitedly as she gets her belongings together and starts applying her make up, "Going to see what you are today little one" she says as she pats her little bump, she's just started to show over the past few weeks, slowly but surely its sinking in that she is going to be a mother.

Cherise stands up and flicks some music on while she stands infront of her mirror to put her lippy and eye shadow on "Cant go out without my face" she says, even though only her there, she's found herself talking more and more to the baby over the past few weeks. As she finishes putting her make up on and looks for her keys the doorbell goes "Wont be a minute" she shouts looking at the clock "You're bit early, didnt book taxi to come til half past I'll be quick as I can" she says as she quickly turns the music off, picks up her purse and grabs her ear rings 'I'll put them on in the taxi' she thinks to herself as she grabs a coat and opens her door to find no-one there. "Little shits" she shouts knowing the local kids be playing little beggars as usual ,as she goes to go back inside she notices something hanging out her letterbox, Cherise moves forward to take it as a car pulls up and bibs its horn, Cherise turns to see its her taxi and grabs the item from the letterbox pulls the door shuts and runs to her taxi.

"Hello love where we off today" The driver asks, "Midwife Unit at local please" She replies as she fastens her seatbelt "you're that singer aren't ya love" the driver asks as Cherise looks up at him "Yeah I'm Cherise nice to meet you" She replies with a smile just as 'Funkin' Me' comes on the radio "Yo babes its you, your song I prefer that other one ya did though oh what was it really sexy oh I woulda given you...", "please don't finish that" Cherise cuts the driver off "oh my bad shit man" he replies as he turns the music up. Cherise sits feeling slightly uncomfy in his cab knowing he'd like to 'give her one' so to speak as she pulls her mobile out her purse and notices the paper that she got out her letterbox. She begins to unfold it as her mobile rings displaying Unknown Number "Hello" Cherise says as she answers it - no reply "Hello anyone there" she tries again but still no reply so hangs up, 'Weird' she thinks to herself, although not too weird odd things have been happening all week, random people keep asking her questions and weird phone calls 'Must change number' she thinks as she puts her mobile in her pocket and goes back to the piece of paper in her purse, as she unfolds it she can see some writing on it in what looks like red ink she opens it fully open to see the words 'HE DIDNT GO TO REHAB' written on it. "What the fuck" Cherise says forgetting where she was "Eh love you ok?" The driver asks "Ermm what oh yeah sorry miles away", "No problemo darling where here now no charge me love not everyday I get a star in me backseat" he says with a grin and gives a dirty laugh, as Cherise quickly exits the taxi and stands outside the hospital...

Edited by user 22 July 2011 23:55:15(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

My Acts

Tragic R'N'B Diva R.I.P

Original Best Baddest Bitch Around

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Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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#62 Posted : 23 July 2011 00:03:02(UTC)
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The Waiting Game

As Cherise awaited outside the hospital for MattY to arrive her mind was over run with thoughts, 'What does the note mean?, Who sent it? why wouldn't he of gone? where was he?' she walked across the hospital front over to the garden that was there and sat down on a bench with a plaque on 'In Memory Of June' it read. Cherise let out a sigh as she looked at the note again, she couldnt understand it, MattY told her all about rehab, what he did, the counselling sessions, people he met, he couldn't have made it all up it was too much detail for it to be a lie surely? she thought.

As she sat there her mobile rang 'Unknown Number' again she'd been having strange calls all week she pressed reject and put the mobile on the arm of the bench next to her as she sat watching people come and go, mainly women with husbands, partners, lovers entering the maternity unit, her mind was confused she was going to have to ask MattY for the truth but she knows how much he hates her doubting him, 'I should trust him' she thought 'This could just be malicious' she considered, it wouldnt be the first time trash had been printed or sent to her 'The joys of a high profile relationship' she thought as she looked at her watch and noticed the time. 'He's late' she thought as she picked up her phone and scrolled to his number and pressed call.. it rang but no answer.. she tried again this time straight to answerphone, "Come on MattY don't let me down now" she said under her breath.

As the time passed Cherise looked at her watch again its time, she couldn't be late for this appointment it was important. She stood up and made her way across to the doors she heard her name called out she turned round hoping to see MattY but it was just a fan who ran upto her, she quickly signed a piece of paper and smiled as she turned and entered the building, heading upto the check in desk "Hi Cherise Darwin I've got an appointment" She said to the female desk clerk "ok hun you take a seat someone be with you soon", Cherise smiled and looked around she felt lonely, everyone had someone with them, holding hands or smiling, feeling bumps on partners and thinking of the future, she went to the furthest corner and sat on her own away from everyone, she took her phone out her pocket and checked .. no messages she looked up and noticed the sign for mobiles to be turned off, she switched the off button and placed the phone back in her pocket. "Cherise hun you wanna come with me" She heard a female voice call out, she looked up and saw the nurse waving to her she got up out her seat and went over to her and into the room for her scan....
My Acts

Tragic R'N'B Diva R.I.P

Original Best Baddest Bitch Around

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Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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#63 Posted : 23 July 2011 00:09:09(UTC)
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Hello Baby..

The nurse was asking all sorts of questions but Cherise's mind was elsewhere "Oh sorry", "It's ok hun no need to be nervous lets get to say hello to little baby shall we" the nurse replied as Cherise lied on the bed and lifted her top to show her little bump. "This be bit cold at first" the nurse said as she put the gel liquid on Cherise's belly, Cherise didnt notice she was thinking about the note still, things that had been happening all week the phone calls, the weird bloke, the pizza guy the bottle of coke the following day it all seemed linked but why? she thought. "Measurements all fine and normal here hun" she heard the nurse say but still wasn't paying much attention. 'Concentrate Cherise' she thought 'this is big day dont think bout it now' she continued to think to herself as she turned and looked at the monitor to see her baby, she felt a tear roll down her cheek as she saw this little thing inside of her, she could hear the heartbeat faintly but there, she had a life growing inside of her and it was precious. "All looks fine Ms Darwin" the nurse said as she passed Cherise a tissue as she continued to cry. 'Pull yourself together' she thought as she dabbed her eyes, she knew some of the tears are joy but some also scared, if MattY's still involved in things she knows she going to be single mother and not sure she could cope on her own or how she would even begin, things are changing in her life and quickly with no control over them. "Do you want to know the sex?" the nurse asked "I can let you know if you sure" she continued. Through a croaky emotional voice Cherise looked at the nurse and back to the monitor "Yes please" she replied emotionally....
My Acts

Tragic R'N'B Diva R.I.P

Original Best Baddest Bitch Around

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Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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#64 Posted : 23 July 2011 00:19:06(UTC)
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The Only Way Is Exit..

As Cherise left the room she finally smiled as she looked down at the scan picture the nurse gave her, there it was her pride and joy. She didn't care MattY hadn't shown up now, she was just glad that everything was ok with the baby. She made her way over to the desk to say goodbye to the friendly staff, specially as she wasn't very forthcoming when she came in and headed back to the exit.

As Cherise reached the exit she felt around in her pocket for her phone, 'Maybe MattY had left her a message' she thought as she turned her phone back on and waited for it to load. She stood outside the entrance and waited a few mins.. no messages. She looked at her watch and then too the sky, it looked like rain she thought so decided to ring a taxi rather then go for lunch on her own seeing as MattY hadnt arrived. She dialled the number for the same company she used to bring her, hopefully not same pervy driver she thought as a woman answered on the other end "hi can I have a taxi please as soon as poss from midwife unit its Cherise" she said with a hint of happiness in her voice she thought, "Bout 15mins hun" came the reply , "Ok thats fine I'll be sat in the garden cross from the entrance" Cherise replied "Ok Cherise see you soon". She used the company a lot recently always friendly and on time for her and she personally knew one of the phone operators as she lived round corner from her.

Cherise walked across to the bench where she first sat earlier but this time she was happy and smiling, she could smell the flowers, she noticed the different colours and types there was it looked like a different place to the one she sat in earlier but it wasnt, it was the same, she just saw things differently now. She sat on the bench and took out the picture again to look at, her phone rang, startling her a little she didnt look to see who it was "MattY is that you" She said as she answered.. no reply "Ok jerk whoever this is leave me alone" She said as she went to put the phone down she heard a voice reply "But I Can't do that" as the line went dead. Cherise felt sick, she stood up quickly and started to make her way back to the entrance as it started to rain, picture in one hand and phone in other, she looked around but no one was about, she looked at her phone and dialled MattY's number "Cmon answer" She said in a panicky voice "MattY where the fuck are you" She continued as the phone rang, it rang again as she walked across to side of the hospital out of view just as MattY answered "Cherise babe I'm so" MattY Started as Cherise cut him off "MattY shut it i dont care, I've just had weird shit scarey call I need you here somethings not right" She said quickly and flustered "Calm down babe it be some prank call, stay where you are I'll send a car" He replied trying to calm her "talk to me I'm here with you" He said "MattY I'm not joking it really freaked me out" She said "I'm here just talk you'll be fine so scan ok did you find out" MattY asked trying to keep her calm, Cherise couldnt think straight she was really scared she kept looking around as she moved further back along the side of the hospital "Cherise talk to me", "sorry yeah ermm scan fine healthy normal size I've got picture for you" She replied as she could feel her heart beat faster "And the sex" MattY asked sounding excited hearing about his baby "Oh its a girl babe" Cherise replied as she turned to look around and let out an almighty scream and everything went dark..
My Acts

Tragic R'N'B Diva R.I.P

Original Best Baddest Bitch Around

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Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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#65 Posted : 23 July 2011 00:58:14(UTC)
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The Baby Scan

MattY is sitting up in his office at the Monk on Fire Music head quarters. He is ready to go and has called a taxi to help him get to the hospital on time. MattY is so excited that he is struggling to keep still, but he is also nervous. He is always nervous these days. Going out nowadays is dangerous. People are after him.

His receptionist knocks on the door and lets herself in, “Hiya, okay. You should be going down now; the taxi will be here in about five to ten minutes.” MattY smiles and nods in response. He gets up and grabs his wallet. He walks out the door, leaving his phone on the table. The door closes behind him and the phone starts flashing. “Cherise x” it says clearly on the screen.

MattY tries to calm himself down; the nerves and the excitement are getting out of control. He gets down to the lobby and looks outside. It is raining here. He opens the door and walks into the rain, looking around for his taxi. After a couple of minutes, he walks back inside, very wet. He stands by the window, watching the world pass by.

The taxi finally arrives, about twenty minutes after it should have done; and MattY rushes outside. He opens the door and then suddenly realises that he has forgot his phone. He goes to the window and knocks on it to make the driver open it. “Mate, I’ll give you some cash now to wait for me for five minutes. I’ve got to run back upstairs to get my phone.” The driver nods and MattY shoves a couple of twenty pound notes into the drivers open hand. MattY runs inside and up the stairs, he almost knocks over one of the ladies that helps with PR and shouts a quick “Sorry!” to her as he runs into his office. He rushes to his desk and grabs the phone. Quickly looking out the window, he notices that the taxi that he was supposed to be using has now disappeared.

“I ordered a taxi, and it was twenty minutes late.” He complains down the phone back in the lobby. “I don’t care, I gave him about £50 to just wait for me, and the wanker has done a fucking runner. I NEED TO BE AT THE HOSPITAL IN LIKE 2 MINUTES!! I. Want. Another. Taxi.” He slays, slowly and clearly, down the phone. After continuing his heated discussion with the woman on the other end of the phone, he hangs up. Another taxi will be there in 15 minutes. She will already be in and started by then!! MattY’s frustration is quite clear, and the lobby receptionist goes and grabs him a cup of coffee and sits him down. She has a quick chat with him and manages to calm him down.

35 minutes later, the taxi arrives – 20 minutes late again. MattY goes out the front door of the building with a look in his eyes that could kill. He gets in the back of the cab and they start driving. But they weren’t driving for long; the traffic in the city was so bad that they were almost at a stop for 10 minutes. When they finally got moving again, MattY caught a glimpse of his phone flashing. It was Cherise. He picked up the phone and put it to his ear; “Cherise, babe, I’m so -”
But Cheirse, didn’t want to hear it. She cut him off “MattY, shut it. I don’t care. I’ve just had another weird shit scarey call. I need you here, something’s not right.” Her voice worried MattY. There were so many thought rushing through his head, ‘Was it Joe trying to get him back for what he did to Zakk?’ was the main thought.
MattY decided to try and calm her down, knowing deep down that she had every right to be scared, “Calm down babe, it’s probably just some prank call. Stay where you are, I’ll be there soon. I’m in the taxi. Just keep talking to me. I’m here with you.”
“But MattY, I’m not joking. It really freaked me out!!”
“I’m here, just keeping talking. You’ll be fine.” He was trying to not only keep her calm, but as long as she was talking, he knew that she was still safe. “So, was the scan okay? Did you find out?” he waited for a response, and she said nothing. Worried, he now said, “Cherise? Talk to me…”
She responded, sending a wave of relief through him, “Sorry, yeah. Erm… The scan was fine; baby is healthy, normal size. I’ve got a picture for you.” MattY smiled as she talked to him, their baby was getting bigger and healthier.
Struggling to contain his excitement, “And the sex?”
“Oh, it’s a girl babe…” and then MattY heard her scream down the phone and the line went dead.

Now worried beyond belief, the next five minutes to the hospital seemed to take hours. He got out the car, chucked some money through the window and ran through the hospital grounds to the area that she said she would be waiting at. She was nowhere to be seen. Cherise was gone. MattY walked slowly around, trying to be quiet, hoping that he would still be able to find the people who had made Cherise scream. The only thought that was going through his mind was ‘It’s my fault.’
He got to the bench where Cherise had been sitting not long before and saw on the floor, a bit of paper. It was the right shape to be a picture. He picked it up. It was a baby scan. He turned over the piece of paper, and written in smudged red writing was the words “Don’t call the police. We’ll get in touch.”
Sammy Griffin

Matt Young

Fathers of Fury

Buzz & Hype

Other Acts Include: Parish (Michael Parish), Lucifer (James Francis), Cheating the System (Ethan Plyth, Tom Jolly, Ryan Wyler)
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ang3licd3vil on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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#66 Posted : 23 July 2011 03:34:14(UTC)
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Sometime Later...

Everything was dark, Cherise slowly came round she couldnt move her hands or arms they felt tied together as did her legs, the floor felt cold and damp against her cheek, her eyes where blindfolded by something, 'where the hell, what the fuck' she thought as she heard some scuffling near her then crawl across her face, Cherise let out a whimper from her gagged mouth, she didnt want to scream she didn't know where she was or what was going on.

"Awake are we darling" she heard a gruff voice say, she didnt move or make a sound "Sorry about all this but you'll come to no harm as long as we get what we want", Cherise froze in fear, 'oh my god' she thought as she tried to speak "Sorry love can't take your gag off, you may scream and we know you got a set of lungs on you" the gruff voice said with a laugh after it. "You should be home and free within a few days we reckon" he continued "As long as nothing goes wrong, so you behave and play nicely and no harm will come to you or that little bastard your carrying". The voice trailed off as she heard footsteps move away then like a door slam shut.

Cherise lied there on the floor, helpless. She could do nothing, she knew nothing, what did they want with her, why her? she thought. She tried to move a little her arms and legs were hurting as she tried to wriggle she suddenly felt a massive pain shoot straight through her stomach...

Edited by user 23 July 2011 03:35:26(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

My Acts

Tragic R'N'B Diva R.I.P

Original Best Baddest Bitch Around

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Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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#67 Posted : 23 July 2011 03:42:10(UTC)
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OOC: Getting my popcorn!! :) Lol.
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC), ang3licd3vil on 23/07/2011(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#68 Posted : 23 July 2011 06:55:07(UTC)
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OOC: This is amazinggg, just getting up to date with it all now, great stuff!

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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ang3licd3vil on 23/07/2011(UTC), Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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#69 Posted : 23 July 2011 07:04:16(UTC)
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OOC: Glad you're enjoying it
My Acts

Tragic R'N'B Diva R.I.P

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Offline erich hess  
#70 Posted : 23 July 2011 07:15:34(UTC)
erich hess
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Ooc: shit,meet fan. Throughly enjoying this.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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ang3licd3vil on 23/07/2011(UTC), Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC)
Offline Laurelles1  
#71 Posted : 23 July 2011 07:48:54(UTC)
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OOC: I too am just getting up to date with this. Wow. Round of applause. Awesome.
Awards (stroking myself and thinking I'm superior):
@Chaos awards:
Best Band - Mind
Best Album - Shattered Fairytale by Mind
Technical Ecstasy - Jason Smith (x3)
Best Solo Male - Jason Smith
Best Producer - Jason Smith

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Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC), ang3licd3vil on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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#72 Posted : 23 July 2011 08:19:19(UTC)
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Ooc: the response makes it worth it xD I had hoped that the effort would get a response, but there is always the niggling doubt that noone actually gives a fuck xD but glad you're all enjoying. More is coming this weekend!
Sammy Griffin

Matt Young

Fathers of Fury

Buzz & Hype

Other Acts Include: Parish (Michael Parish), Lucifer (James Francis), Cheating the System (Ethan Plyth, Tom Jolly, Ryan Wyler)
Offline bikz  
#73 Posted : 23 July 2011 08:21:21(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Matticus Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: the response makes it worth it xD I had hoped that the effort would get a response, but there is always the niggling doubt that noone actually gives a fuck xD but glad you're all enjoying. More is coming this weekend!

OOC : I know I haven't commented much, but I am really enjoying the story. Keep it going! (:
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
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#74 Posted : 23 July 2011 08:27:45(UTC)
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OOC: I agree with everyone else, this is brilliant! When is the movie released :P?
retired x
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ang3licd3vil on 23/07/2011(UTC), Matticus on 01/05/2013(UTC)
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#75 Posted : 23 July 2011 08:34:16(UTC)
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Ooc: @Bikki - thank you :') @Mckenzie- - haha :') we were thinking around Christmas time ;D lol
Sammy Griffin

Matt Young

Fathers of Fury

Buzz & Hype

Other Acts Include: Parish (Michael Parish), Lucifer (James Francis), Cheating the System (Ethan Plyth, Tom Jolly, Ryan Wyler)
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#76 Posted : 23 July 2011 08:35:30(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Matticus Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: @Bikki - thank you :') @Mckenzie- - haha :') we were thinking around Christmas time ;D lol

OOC: Great! Ill catch in in theaters :P Serious though, this amazing!
retired x
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#77 Posted : 23 July 2011 08:38:59(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Mckenzie- Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Matticus Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: @Bikki - thank you :') @Mckenzie- - haha :') we were thinking around Christmas time ;D lol

OOC: Great! Ill catch in in theaters :P Serious though, this amazing!

OOC: good :') we've been planning this for months - so it had to be good for our own mental health xD didn't stop us from writing last minute RPs though... I say we've been planning this; we have had a couple of milestones that we have worked to etc., we aren't still entirely sure how the whole thing is gonna finish xD
Sammy Griffin

Matt Young

Fathers of Fury

Buzz & Hype

Other Acts Include: Parish (Michael Parish), Lucifer (James Francis), Cheating the System (Ethan Plyth, Tom Jolly, Ryan Wyler)
Offline genocidal king  
#78 Posted : 23 July 2011 08:49:25(UTC)
genocidal king
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Ooc: it's probably the best stand alone story I've read on here.
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ang3licd3vil on 23/07/2011(UTC), Matticus on 01/05/2013(UTC)
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#79 Posted : 23 July 2011 08:51:12(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: it's probably the best stand alone story I've read on here.

:O thank you so much :')
Sammy Griffin

Matt Young

Fathers of Fury

Buzz & Hype

Other Acts Include: Parish (Michael Parish), Lucifer (James Francis), Cheating the System (Ethan Plyth, Tom Jolly, Ryan Wyler)
Offline ang3licd3vil  
#80 Posted : 23 July 2011 19:37:29(UTC)
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OOC: Thanks for all the comments, like Matticus said was a bit niggling that no one would bother with it, it has taken a lot of planning and re-writes cos other things happened which had knock on effect to the story so had to change plans but really happy with the comments and its been great working with Matticus on this for months
My Acts

Tragic R'N'B Diva R.I.P

Original Best Baddest Bitch Around

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Matticus on 23/07/2011(UTC)
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