Originally Posted by: Mt. Epic 
Do you really think the government is going to fund prostitutes? Sure, it's profitable. But they'd get such massive shit and complaints from the taxpayers, having their money spent on something that doesn't benefit the community (with the exception of mental and emotional joy for a couple hours), and may consider "immoral", like I mentioned earlier.
I didn't say the state should fund prostitutes (though plenty of countries have legalised prostitution, or at least decriminalised prostitution & get by just fine). The punters would still fund the hookers, the state would just take a cut of it in exchange for safe, clean working enviroment & regular STD checks. It raises funds for the treasury, not take them away. I also believe that the state should provide licensed premises for selling drugs. Similar in concept to the state run off-licenses for selling alcohol in Scandinavia, only selling coke & acid instead of bourbon. I don't really care what easily offended moralistic bible thumpers have to say about what's moral to be honest, so long as they keep harping on about "eye for an eye" & similar neanderthal bullshit. Taking moral advice from those sorts is like taking sex tips from a virgin: they haven't got a clue.
Originally Posted by: Mt. Epic 
Besides, the majority of these prostitutes would be women. I doubt gigolos would be too successful to keep them operating. What we should REALLY be doing with these women is having them make plastics toys and clothes/shoes, which we can then put into the market, distribute them to retail stores, small grocery stores, clothing shops, pharmacies, etc. We can earn a much larger profit, than stealing the moneys of OUR citizens by instead taking it away from other nations, with which, we can use the money to fund our military and space programs.
A) What does their gender matter? There are plenty of male prostitutes out there, why should they not also get protection from absuive Johns?
B) You don't understand economics. I mean I don't either to a massive degree, but your suggestion here is ridiculous. For companies to hire these women to "make plastic toys and clothes/shoes" they'd need to do it for less than people in third world countries. And why on earth would they accept pennies a day when the cost of living in Britain or America is far higher than it is in Bangladesh or wherever? They'd be better off swallowing mens cum, financially speaking. Welcome to free market economics. Your suggestion has no basis in reality. Capitalism does not care about where you are from, only that companies are making the maximum profits it can.
C) HUH? "We can turn a larger profit", who is the we in this statement? And "stealing the money of our citizens"? Who is doing the stealing? Also, the last thing America needs is to spend more money on its military. In 2009 40% of global arms spending was by America, which is 6 times higher than China. IT IS RIDICULOUS AND UTTERLY UNSUSTAINABLE