Nadia Berry: BBC Radio 1 Interview

Singer-songwriter Nadia Berry recently made her big comeback with the powerful "
Whatever She Wants (Karma)" which premiered live on BBC Radio 1 just days ago. Listen back to the superstar's comeback interview below where she talked about her musical comeback, the abrupt end of her Vegas show due to the pandemic, and if a potential GirlSpice comeback could ever be on the cards.
Premiere of the new single comes to an end.Nadia! It's so great to hear your voice on the radio again, let me start off by saying what a comeback this is, such an incredible, catchy song, you must be really proud of it, right?Aw, thank you so much, sweetie. Yeah! I'm proud of every song I've ever put my name to and this one's no different. You know, a lot of artists comeback after some time away and they try to put their newer material on some sort of pedestal while looking down on their previous works, and I don't really get that. Every song is like a puzzle piece and without those previous pieces, the current ones wouldn't exist, you know? I dunno, I'm rambling, hi!
(laughs) It feels weird to talk like this, it's been a while.
It definitely sounds like you had fun with the new single.Oh, for sure! It's just full of attitude and it's almost unlike me in many ways, like, in real life I'm super chill, I like to think I'm sweet, polite, treat everyone with kindness, but this song is like, woah, who's this girl? I think it shows a side of me that rarely comes out because we can't be nice all the time, right? It's just super fun with a sorta rockstar edge to it, I really wish I could go on tour and perform it, that'd be awesome.
(sighs) One day!
Absolutely! So with the current situation we're facing in the world, do you think there's other ways you'll be able to do so?I think we could make something work, I think this pandemic is helping us all to get creative and think of new ways to promote and perform music, whether that be in a studio with a lavish set and no audience, or just sitting on the couch at home with a microphone, it's giving us all a chance to switch things up, so yeah, we'll see what happens.
So when you think about your previous albums, what comes to mind? From the sounds of it, you hold those records close to your heart.I really do, they're all authentically me and they all show so many different sides to me, a girl with a lot more depth and complexity than just a girl group member who likes to dance, you know? My first album, Open Heart Surgery, I think of that as such an experimental time, I had a lot of fears, insecurities, but finding my voice was more freeing than anything, it was such an important time in my career and I love everything that album did for me, not only as an artist, but just as a person. Hera came at a really happy time in my life, and even though I don't really connect with the person that I was when that album came out, I listen back and it's so joyous and carefree to listen to, it's kinda sweet. Diamond in the Rough though... that's the one! That's my baby. Like, when you have kids you're not supposed to have a favourite, but psst... that one's definitely my favourite. It was just raw, personal, totally me.
The nostalgia! Such a trip down memory lane. It's been a number of years since your last single and you were also busy with your incredible Vegas show which I managed to catch, it really was a spectacle. Do you miss performing or has it been nice to have a well deserved break?I always miss performing when I go without doing it for a while, but I must admit, it's been really nice to relax and take some time to focus on me and where I fit in this current music landscape. It's been many, many years since my last studio album. So yeah, the change of pace was definitely strange, but you know, I had more or less been doing this non-stop for close to 10 years and I think my body is appreciating the rest right now, the non-stop touring, travelling, promoting, performing... you get the idea, it can all really take it out of you.
You've been in the industry for such a long time now, you're a wealthy woman there's no doubt about that, so what drives you to keep doing this?Good question.
(laughs) I have definitely had moments where I've thought... yeah, maybe enough's enough now, maybe it's time to settle down and enjoy a quieter life. But maybe 2 minutes after thinking that, the itch comes back and my mind just starts thinking about writing music or what my next music video might look like, it's an addiction. There's something very therapeutic about it and I think I'd go a little stir crazy if I didn't have this outlet.
Well we're lucky to still have you around, this new song, is it just a one-off or could we be expecting something more?I think right now, it's just about having fun in the studio and putting out music when I feel ready to do so. I've been doing this a long time, I have so many songs for people to enjoy already, and my fans are always tweeting and asking when the next album is coming, but I try not to give into the pressure just for the sake of it. I wouldn't want to release something my heart's not into, not this late in my career, and I don't want to say something and not follow through with it. I always mean what I say. So for now, let me just say, there's a few songs I have that may come out eventually, but nothing else just yet.
You've had a career full of hit singles, enough to even fill your own greatest hits album, is there one single in particular that is truly special to you?Not to brag, but... I think all of my singles are pretty damn great, 10/10 would recommend buying my greatest hits.
(laughs) No, uhm. I think "Homesick" is one of my favourite singles, I love the lyrics, and getting the chance to collaborate with Ryan Williams was a dream, it's just a really lovely song. I also have to say "Records On" too, just for the fans, cause... that song was stupidly huge, so I have no choice.
(laughs)On a less positive note, because balance is nice, do you have any regrets in your career? Musically, or just personally.I think more than anything, I regret not keeping my personal life personal. Rather than have documentaries on my life and giving interviews about personal subjects and kinda just... wearing my heart on my sleeve and being so open about it all, I wish I had kept certain things closer to my chest and let the music do the talking. But hey ho, right? We live and learn and that's something I plan on putting into action in this next chapter of my life.
And to round things up, because I can't let you leave without asking you this question, GirlSpice reunion? Is that possible?I could feel it coming! My senses were tingling.
(laughs) Uhh, going to be very blunt, I'm not sure I see it happening again, I rather put that out there than let the fans believe it could happen at any moment. Chantal's busy being an awesome mother, she's so crazy protective and it's just really sweet to see that side to her. Sophia's had a bunch of modelling gigs and she's doing amazing with that and is staying really busy, and I'm slowly easing my way back out there with this new music and trying to navigate this crazy post-Covid world, so I'm not sure if any of us have the time or desire for it. We had an amazing run, I'm proud of what we achieved at a time when the industry leaned so heavily towards rock and metal music, well over 10 years ago now.
Nadia, thanks for the quick chat, and I'll look forward to speaking to you again soon, I hope.Absolutely, I better get back to the studio, in that case! Take care.
"Whatever She Wants (Karma)" is out now.