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Groups: Moderators, Registered Joined: 18/02/2011(UTC) Posts: 28,045   Location: In between the couch cushions Thanks: 11433 times Was thanked: 19749 time(s) in 7850 post(s)
"Is this on? Is thi......oh, it's working! Hey guys! Hello everyone, it's Michelle here. How are you all doing? I hope you're all well. Welcome to my home, glad to have you all over. You know I'd invite you all here in person if I could but a webcam in the living room is the next best thing. I just thought we should all check in on each other and see how you're all doing since it's been a while. I know it's February already and I'm late on this but Happy New Year to you all, I hope 2014 is being good to you so far. It's certainly been good to me. Sorry for not doing a twitcam sooner but things have been really busy lately as you know. I've just got married, had a beautiful little baby and I've been working on some new stuff but I found some time, Orson is asleep and I've missed you all so much so I thought I'd do a lil twitcam session while I have the opportunity. I'm ready to answer some of your questions, see how you are.....as you can probably hear, I've got some Jennifer Armstrong playing in the background. Might have to turn Jen down a bit actually. You know I'm a huge fan and I'm super excited to be attending her wedding in Australia on Valentine's Day - very romantic. I'll try to take as many pics as I can for you guys, a few snaps of us living up in Australia to make you all jealous (laughs). So, shall I tell you what I'm doing this week? Got some news for you all. I'll be heading into the studio tomorrow to see if I can whip up some magic and then after that I will be travelling up and down the UK to do some TV and radio interviews and I'll be talking about new music and you might even hear a little something that I've been working on but I'm not going to say anything else on that, you'll have to wait and see (laughs). Before I get to your questions, I just want to apologise in advance if I start munching on these little treats that have been laid out. I don't know if you saw my post on Instagram earlier but I've got a plate filled with doughnuts, little cupcakes, gingerbread men...well, gingerbread bears and some angel slices. Also have a nice cup of tea. It's all go in here today, got it all going on. If you want to have one then just ask, there's plenty to go around. I won't be able to eat it all myself and Riley doesn't eat cakes. Yeah, he's weird I know (laughs). So enough from me now. I wanna answer all of your questions and see how all my little Soldiers are doing. OK, let's roll."
"The first question comes from @ExiledSoldier and she asks one of the hardest questions ever; kittens or puppies?. Oh wow, this one is a thinker....I love all animals and especially baby ones so it's hard to pick. If I had to buy one right now it'd probably be a puppy because Riley already has a dog called Banjo and I think bringing a cat into his territory would be a bit mean. However, if we didn't have a dog or I was living by myself I'd probably get a kitten. I love puppies but kittens are just so small and fluffy, they're adorable. I'd get a little female kitten and call her....Lulu. No idea where that name came from but there you go. Thank you for your question."
"The next one comes from @MGreenUSA. Oh, I know this account, I follow them. Isn't this the brother and sister shared account? Well I hope it is and that I'm not mistaking you for someone else. Their question is; "Are there any collaborations on the new record?" and that was asked by Dennis so I was right about the account, thankfully. Um, so far I don't have any collaborations recorded and I honestly don't think there will be any. On the last album I worked with Jacob Estrada, Blake Williams, Joey Frankson and Deneil so it was very collaboration heavy and on 'Exiled' I did a duet with Katie Coyle which was a pretty big deal so I thought this time around I'd just come out with an album that is purely me. I have written all the songs and I sing all of the songs myself, I want my own stamp on it. I'm still up for working with other people on their albums, I won't mind that but for my upcoming album it is just going to be me. Thanks for asking your question @MGreenUSA."
"Next up we have @Frankie_Love, hey there Frankie. She says; "Does your new album have a name yet? I love you!". Aw I love you too, babe. Uh, yes it does have a name but I don't want to give it away just yet. I am so impatient and I really want to tell you everything and sing all my new songs for you but I know that you'll appreciate it more if you wait and I don't want to ruin any surprises. I've actually had this new album named since September/October last year and I've kept it quiet since then and I'm not going to just blurt it out now. I've been a good girl and kept it a secret. I can see all of your messages appearing on the screen, most of them are saying 'pleeeeeeeease tell us' (laughs). I can tell you that the title has an 'n' in it, there you go. That's all you're getting. Even telling you that makes me feel like I've already given too much away (laughs)."
"@GloriaZStar..hey, Gloria. How is it going?...Gloria asks; "Will you come back to Japan soon? We love you!". I love you guys too. Of course I'll be coming back to Japan, I have lots of my Soldiers over there! I'm not sure how soon it will be though because this record isn't even finished yet so I don't even have a release date. Also, you guys received 'Live To Tell' a lot later than the rest of the world so I'm not sure if you'll get album four a bit later too....I'll have to see what happens. I promise that I will come to visit for a few days even before the new album is out. I love Japan, I love the culture and it's filled with a lot of friendly people which I just love. Oh and I want to thank all of my Japanese fans for making 'Live To Tell' top the album chart for three weeks, I can't thank you all enough."
"The next question comes from @RileyMiley, amazing username, and they ask; "What else do you have in store for 2014?". Well I've got this new album to look forward to. I'm not going to rush into it because I only released the last one a few months back and I'm mummy now so it will be a while before I really get into the swing of making music videos, releasing and promoting the album and singles and stuff like that. Up until that point, I'm just going to be enjoying time with Riley and Orson, making music that I love. I don't have a record deal since Chaos closed and I no longer have a manager so I can take as long as I like to do things, no pressure. I think this is going to be the best year yet. I feel more mature, really grown, everything is in the right place, I'm loving this new material and I'll be turning 20 and leaving my teens behind. I'm entering a brand new chapter of my life and it's all really exciting. Thank you for your question!"
"@SassyStrongster, fab name - love it!....sassy asks; "What is your favourite song from each one of your albums?". Gosh, such a good and hard question! Umm.....well I love all the songs that make it onto my albums and there are even some demos and leftovers that I love. From the first album it would have to be...."Red Symphony", I adore that song. From the second album I would have to say "Soldier" because it is really personal and I'm extremely proud of that song and for the exact same reason, "Live To Tell" is my favourite from the latest album. What about yours? You guys can tweet in and tell me your favourite tracks. I like reading stuff like that as it gives me an idea of what you want to hear from me and possible ideas for the songs I'll perform on my next tour and before you ask, no I don't know when that will be just yet (laughs)."
"Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?" oooh good question. That one was from...oops, it's gone. Aw, shame. Well thanks for asking the question whoever you are (laughs). Well I'm afraid of heights so I wouldn't like to fly but it would be convenient since I travel a lot and it would save a lot of time. I would like to read minds but I think it would ruin a lot of things if you did. It might ruin surprises or find out something you really don't want to so I don't know....it would be good if I could do both. I could hear someone think about committing a crime and then I fly over and stop them in time. Pow! Super Chellie! That would be quite cool. If I had to choose just one though it would be to read minds."
"Oh, just read a few tweets saying that "Rolling Back The Years" from "Live To Tell" is your favourite. I love that song too, I even produced it with Deneil! It was such fun. Actually, that was planned to be the fifth single but I decided I wanted to move onto something else and I thought "Live To Tell" would be a better way to round off the singles from that era."
"The next question is from @LittleLisa8 and her question is; "What is your favourite thing to eat?". Good question. One with many possible answers too! Um, I love my little treats as you know. I'm a bit of a sweet tooth and I've got all my cakes and treats here. Away from confectionery and all that stuff though I love Italian food. I love pasta dishes....and I've just noticed a lot of funny messages pour in when I mentioned Italian food. A little inside joke going on there guys (laughs). I also love...oh, I'll tell you what tastes amazing - roast beef and gravy. On Sunday night, I came back from one of my friends' and I was just going to pop something in the microwave but when I walked into the dining room, Riley had made me some roast beef and gravy with some roasted potatoes and some veg. It was so sweet and it tasted....it was indescribable. I feel bad though because instead of thanking him when I saw it, I turned to him and said; "have you cooked it properly?" (laughs). Well he's a vegan and I didn't know if he had cooked meat before! But yeah it was lovely, he didn't poison me and I can't believe he did that for me. I still can't get over the fact that I married a vegan with 'ham' in his surname. I don't know, that just kills me (laughs)."A rattling noise can be heard in the background and Michelle turns her head to see what it is. "Oh....I think I can hear someone outside the door." She turns back to the camera briefly and looks a little confused before turning back to face the door. The rattling continues before a deep male voice can be heard very quietly in the background. Michelle smiles and looks at the camera again. "It's Ri! Riley's home......Ri, I'm talking to my lovely Soldiers, want to come and say hi?". Riley comes into focus, wearing a grey top and black jogging bottoms looking like he's just back from the gym. "Hello everyone. I'd stay and chat with you all but I really need to go take shower. Not feeling sexy at all. Hope you're all enjoying yourselves though and if this is still going on when I finish then I might come back for a little chat. If not then I'll speak to all again soon." Riley kisses Michelle on the cheek and disappears from view, heading into the bathroom. "Riley stealing the spotlight as usual (laughs). OK so back to the questions now. Gosh, these are all so hard to read. Ah, here is one from @GabbyT18 and she asks; "Do you watch any YouTubers? Who's your favourite if you do?". Thank you for your question, Gabby. Um, I actually don't watch any YouTubers if I'm being honest. I generally go on there just to watch music videos but I do watch a lot of people do covers of songs which is nice. They aren't big YouTubers with millions of subscribers, just random people who are really talented. Aside from music, I do watch FailArmy videos. I like seeing people fall. I know it's a shame but it's funny, come on you've gotta laugh sometimes."
"This question is from @Alice_Rose, hey Alice. She says; "Can you wish Christian a happy birthday?". Yes I certainly can. Happy Birthday, Christian! Big kisses. Hope you have a great day and get lots of lovely gifts. Save a piece of cake for me! (laughs)."
"@EllaIris95 asks; "How's Orson? Can we see him?". Orson is doing great at the moment, he's happy and healthy. Well he isn't that happy because he had a bad sleep last night and he was so tired all day today. He's finally asleep now, bless him. I would show him to you guys and I'm sure he'd love to come and say hello to you all but he's asleep and I couldn't wake him. You must be mad to wake up a sleeping baby...and cruel. So, yeah we can't have that. If he's awake next time though, I'll introduce you to him."
"I have just read something which is extremely funny but I cannot repeat for many reasons (laughs). You guys are way too much! OK, here's a question from @DannySoldier1. Hey Dan-Dan, how you doing?. Danny asks; "Are you reading any books right now?". I haven't been reading a lot lately due to being so busy but I do like a good book, you can't beat a good book. The last thing I read was....."The Husband's Secret" by Liane Moriarty. I read that back in the summer and it was a really interesting read. When I get the time, I'll buy some more books. Send in some suggestions. What are you all reading at the moment? Tell me. I'd love to know."
"This question is from @HeavenlyHanna, hey Hanna-Banana, what's up?. Hanna asks; "What are your favourite fashion trends at the moment?". Thank you for your question, Hanna. I really love the sixties, got a lot of that going on in my wardrobe right now. I love um...shirt dresses. I like things with big collars, quirky designs. I like wearing cute little hair accessories like headbands and bows. I also just saw some of the clothes that Honor Wynter was modelling for My Little Tokyo and they look super cute. I'm a bit of a girly girl and no, I don't wear any leather leotards. That was for a music video and will never be worn by me again (laughs)."
"I'm going to do a few more questions then I'll have to head because it's getting quite late guys. I'd stay up all night if I could but I know I'll regret it. OK....this next question is from @NikkiExplodes. Cool name. Nikki asks; "In what way does your new material differ to your past music?". Thank you for the wonderful question. Well it differs greatly to the last record. The last one was a whole mixture of genres I was experimenting with and it was a bit more mainstream. This record sort of goes back to basics. It has the indie-pop vibe of the first two albums but is much more upbeat as I'm in a much happier place now and it's a lot maturer. With the first two albums I was sort of told what to do and I did like the music but I didn't have much control. With the third album, because I had been through a dark time and away from the industry for a while I just wanted to come back with some fun and happy, something that would be good to perform on stage and nothing too serious. With this fourth album, I feel like it's my first real album that is 100% me. It shows off my new found confidence, the transition from teenager to woman, becoming a mum and it incorporates that indie sound that I love. It is a really special record."
"@DOAEFansUK says; "Can you sing something?". I'd love to but unfortunately, it's getting a bit late, my voice is tired, Orson's asleep and there are some songs I have recently finished that I really want to sing to you but I can't as it will ruin the surprise for when they eventually get released. However, to make up for it, I have just decided that I will give you guys a little treat tomorrow. I might announce something, I might tweet a few new lyrics, I might even post a snippet of a new track...I don't know, I've only just decided that I was going to do that like ten seconds ago (laughs)."
"Right well I think that's about it for tonight. I loved chatting with you all and it was lovely reading all of your lovely tweets. I'll follow some of you tomorrow and make sure to keep an eye on my website and my Twitter account because I owe you guys a little something for not singing anything tonight. Riley is still in the shower, I have no idea what he is doing in there.......you know, I don't even want to know what he's up to (laughs). I'm gonna make another cup of tea, maybe treat myself to a little cupcake and snuggle up in bed, might put on a little DVD too. Living on the edge (laughs). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed tonight. It was lovely hanging with you and I hope to speak to you all again soon. Goodnight everyone!!"Edited by user 06 February 2014 06:15:37(UTC)
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