The crowd is anticipating the next act. James Urie's banner is seen on the PA system and the fans start popping in cheer as Urie's debut and #1 single, 'Dig Me A Hole' is heard and the crowd goes into a pop of more cheering with many of his fans throwing there arms in the air. After a few seconds from his backing band doing their work on the electric guitar and then out comes Urie! This causes the crowd cheer even more loudly as he walks over to the mic, standing there with a smile on his face.

The song that gets across the bad reputation of the world, and growing economic crisis, sickness and terrorism, James Urie singing loudly walking around the stage getting across the message of digging a hole of shelter, to be woken up when the suffering of the world and the people come to an end. When the chorus comes up, he highly belts out the words 'I'll Dig Myself A Hole' with the progressive chorus supporting him, bringing on his perfect vocals behind the thumbing baseline and electric guitar chords.

The guitar becomes fully apart of the song for the a beautiful bridge, where James holds a long note belting the word 'Hole' as he walks around the stage and then finding his place at the mic stand, finishing off the song until the end. He stands up as the song ends and smiles, the crowd is cheering for the end of the first song Urie performs. Seconds later...
The lights dim and the camera's focuses on James Urie as the opening beats of Broken are heard. He stands there as the intro of the song starts to play James starts singing as the backing pounds onto the track and the lights around the arena become extremely dark. James begins singing with his laid back voice sounding almost as if he's empty or maybe even possessed with the sad lyrics of the song. The crowd even star singing along with Urie for Lily's part of the song. Making it an obvious stand out of Urie's performance. Urie keeps the mic closes to his face as he sings with his eyes closed, completely keeping with the emotion of the hit single. When the the song breaks into the signature break, mixed with a drumming loop continuing and piano notes as Lily's vocals and James sings for the chorus. Where he belts out I can be brokenAnd still fall apart|This deadly work of artIt's tearin' me apart|And who's the helping hand|Searching for the pieces|I can be broken| And still fall apart conveying the pits of depression and being broken sitting down in this very interactive performance of Broken.

I find the place where none of it exists
Just me and ready fists
Where the glass is always broke
And decisions make me choke
So I'm falling away
So I'm falling away?
But I thought I hit the bottom
Yeah I thought I hit the bottom
I can be broken
And still fall apart
This deadly work of art
It's tearin' me apart
And who's the helping hand
Searching for the pieces
I can be broken
And still fall apart
Continuing through the chorus, Urie sits in front of the stage singing about being skeptical and vulnerable at the same time with the depressing. James goes up the crowd as he sings this slow song, walking around and touching the hands of his fans for a few seconds. He even smiles when his fans are screaming at the top of their lungs for Urie, as she walks around for the next verse and chorus that soon finds it way to the performance. Urie stays serious however, eyes still closes or low, almost looking as if he's on the break of tears, easily channeling his old depressing days where he had no where to turn.

I pleaded with god to make me new
But it seems hes done all he can do
How can I seem to rebuild
On this foundation sand filled

And so I climb!
Now I climb
I'm a dead man
or am I fine?
I can be broken
And still fall apart
This deadly work of art
It's tearin' me apart
And who's the helping hand
Searching for the pieces
I can be broken
And still fall apart
The bridge that cuts down to an eerie breakdown as James sings hard, hunger in his vocals as the stage starts spraying with smoke, as this breakdown is heard. Massively eerie and maybe in scary to some people as Urie belts out different spiritual lyrics about god possibly helping him find a way. He stands their with the mic in his hand and when the bridge finishes, he sings throughout the end of the song continuing from the bridge and onto the final chorus where he stands out and sings loudly.
Sell me
Crush me
Tell me!
God has
A plan
Make me!
Climb the ladder
Find the key
Dont hide inside
Dont walk underneath
I can be broken
And still fall apart
This deadly work of art
It's tearin' me apart
And who's the helping hand
Searching for the pieces
I can be broken
And still fall apart

I know I'm broken
But why do I always fall apart?
This deadly work of art
It always tears me apart
And the helping hand
Can find all the pieces
Then I wont be broken
But I'll still fall apart
I'll still fall apart
When Urie finishes, the song comes to a haunting end. The crowd begins cheering loudly. He smiles saying "thank you". But the performance is not over. As the lights shut off just a few seconds later, the opening chords of 'Anarchy is heard. Urie pics the mic back up as the song starts off with off with a slow, electronic rock like beat. Urie stands there with a blank expression as the keyboard notes and guitars build up and seconds into the song, guitar riffs blast out into the arena. More seconds past with relentless riffs, with seconds later Urie beginning to sing.

Another one of Urie's songs when he was in his depressive state as sings throughout the chorus during the first verse standing in front of the crowd with the mic on the stand. He looks deeply intro the crowd as he sings throughout the eerie track.
Look at me,
I cant be thinking of Anarchy Like This
I cant be thinking Of Anarchy Like This,
I'm scaring myself thinking about Anarchy Like This

The haunting beat that is now aided with drums during the chorus and the bridge. The chorus is cheering as James sings this hit single of his in front of the stage. Plenty of fans are throwing their arms in the air as as he sings about his empty soul that cannot be filled with happiness and the joys of life.

Look at me
What have I become
My empty soul cannot be filled with the lies of joy and happiness
Something that lasts only a short time
I rather take the other route
I rather take the other route
Followed by the unleashing chorus that speeds up. James nods his head hard, back and forth along with the pounding of the track . When the bridge emerges, all the instruments seem to stop and a scary effect is added to Urie's voice, which has him sounding quite distorted with just light keyboard keys as he continues singing slowly with this possessive effect. Urie takes the mic off the stand and then takes a seat on the steps of the stage as he stares blankly into the audience.

The bridge does however bring up the last chorus which is stronger then the one before and he sings harder then before as Urie stands up and comes to the front of the stage as this strong chorus comes to an end as Urie does his surprising punk rock scream much like in the opening track of the album as the song comes to a halting finish. When the performance finishes, the crowd starts screaming loudly. Urie smiles once more and waits a few seconds before laughing because of the positive and very supportive crowd at the North Hill Event. After a few more seconds Urie picks the mic back up to his face.
"So how's everyone doing tonight!? Are we having fun? The hot crowd screams once more and Urie waits another few minutes before speaking again. "Well this is the final song of my set and I want you guys to feel very special because you in the crowd here tonight will be the first people to hear my brand new single
'Farewell'!! It's one of my favorite tracks that I've ever written and recorded and it's from my new album, you guys ready?

The song unleashes with automatic drums and cymbals slamming against the track, mixed with electric guitars for a few seconds. James walks around the stage nodding his head and walks over the drum set, taking one of the drum sticks from his drummer and slamming it a few times with the beat of the track. As the intro beat of the track continues and the verse is about to come up, Urie walks to the front of the stage getting ready to sing the first verse.
I awoke with the light
The lights in my eyes, I wake up
Like any normal day
I walk to a mirror
To stare at my clear reflection
I'm inferior
It's a dream that's growing old His voice strong and empowering, as his says the opening verse of the song quite quick paced with the repetitive drum, and guitar combo. He looks straight into the crowd with the as the repetitive beat continues getting across the fact that he has had dreams about him having a clear reflection when he looked into the mirror, in this nightmare. He holds the mic in his hand as he moves from center stage, making rounds throughout the stage as he fans take pictures of him and he smiles here and there. The beat then however begins to pick up when he gets to the hook of this track. Urie stays very energetic as the hook begins to build up.
Farewell to the old guy!
Depression won't plague me anymore
Goodbye to those past times!
Opportunities came knocking at my door He he screams farewell to the old guy and he waves to the crowd, and yelling out the the rest of the track, saying goodbye to the old, weak him. The beat gets stronger with these drums and electric guitars slamming harder in that repetitive motion. But for those few seconds the track builds up for an even stronger release and the drums and electric guitars unleash for his next lines in this track |You stood around and watched my head drown!| is the que for the electric guitar to go into a frenzy along with the drums making a beautiful mixture of instruments mixed with the mixed beat. James Urie stands center stage as he edges over and then picks his head up, belting out the next lines in this empowering track.
You stood around and watched my head drown!
You saw me at my lowest, at my core
So stand around and watch my head rise
Farewell to my weakness and those lies Things slow down and return back to it's repetitive beginning beats with the electric guitar and drums. Urie walks around the stage, grabbing his fans hands as they throw their arms in the air with the beat of the track. Urie sings the next few very deep lines with much meaning. Urie is letting go of the old him, he's found a new mindset and it shows in the performance as he jumps up and down slamming his head back and forth
Watch me as I soar above the skies
As I ignore the desperate fear that flows through my thighs
They say there's no place like home
I say there's no place when insanity starts ripping through your soul I thought if I stood by your side
You would guarantee my safety
And reassure that I'd be alright
But the nightmare I was running from
The nightmare of being alone
Became a reality, faster then dawns sunlight The beat begins to pick up again and James walks over to his guitarist as he starts moving back and forth belting out the next lines of the song. The beat begins to pick up again and he says farewell to the old guy, the old him, and says goodbye to the old times as new opportunities have come to him. His guitarist nods his head back and forth as he handles his business on the guitar and Urie energetically moves around the stage. As he continues throughout the song. Yelling out the very important line of the song |You stood around and watched my head drown|Bringing his voice to a very high and powerful manner. Speaking to all the people who watched him at the lowest of his core. At that point, Urie is at the front of the stage, throwing his arms up for the fans as he intimately brings the track to new highs.
Farewell to the old guy!
Depression won't plague me anymore
Goodbye to those past times!
Opportunities came knocking at my door
You stood around and watched my head drown!
You saw me at my lowest, at core
So stand around and watch my head rise
Farewell to my weakness and those lies 
The track slows down, much more for the bridge of the track. Mixed with light bass strings and occasional electric guitar riffs and a nice relaxing backing beat. As Urie says Farewell for the final time. The audience begin clapping when the music slows down as Urie continues singing the bridge as it the song starts building up once more.
So keep on waving
Keep keep on waving
I've finally found myself
Farewell, go to hell
I'll keep on waving
Keep keep on waving
I've finally found myself
Farewell, I am WELL!
As he says "Farewell, I am WELL" belting out "Well" the song unleashes into the final chorus with the beats sounding harder then before and Urie's voice sounding stronger. Smoke starts filling the arena once more on the stage as Urie continues finalizing the performance. So much smoke fills the stage that you can hardly see Urie, lights start dimming almost to the point where you can only see Urie's shadow without the spotlight.
You stood around and watched my head drown
You saw me at my lowest, at my core
So stand around and watch my head rise
Farewell to my weakness and those lies

The song finally comes to an end and the crowd goes wild for a while before Urie says "Thank you so much" finalizing his performance and the first time he has ever performed "Farewell".
Setlist1. Dig Me A Hole
2. Broken
3. Anarchy Like This
4. Farewell