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erica and nina are sitting in th duke of winchester's "jungle room". a carbon copy of the one in graceland.

the girls are just finishing the tail end of a blunt when chloe walks into the room.
chloe:*sits on the couch with nina and erica* watcha guys doing?
nina:*looks at the smoke filled room and the smoldering blunt in her hand* we're reading "war and peace" in turkish. what the fuck does it look like?
chloe:you two are so bitchy.
erica: we are not bitchy. we are "catty". catty is a little bit cuter.
chloe: *rolls eyes* yeah. you care to share any of that?
erica: *exhales* sorry,chloe. you were about five minutes too late.
chloe: bitchy and stingy. i dont know why i even stay in this band. i coulda joined karoliena's band,but no.i stayed here.
nina: oh jesus christ. cry me a river,love. *rummages in her pockets,and fishes out a second blunt* here. you have to hit it hard,it is really crappy weed.
chloe:thanks.*lights it and inhales deeply*
nina:*elbows erica in the ribs and nods towards chloe.*
chloe:*passes it towards erica*
nina:*swats it away* no,no,no,love. erica and i are fine. thats all you.
chloe:*takes another big drag* ....uh.i dont think this is weed guys.i feel really,really weird.
nina:*in hysterical laughter* its weed,love....and angel dust!
chloe: you are such a bitch,nina!
erica and nina are rolling with laughter.
chloe:this shit isnt funny! stop laughing!...shhhh. you something?
erica:i dont hear anything. can i please return to laughing at you?
inina: no,i think i hear it too,love.*stifles a giggle*
chloe:*really starting to freak out* it sounds like tigers...tiny fucking tigers.,literally itty bitty tigers fucking? id kinda want to see that.
chloe: we gotta get out of here! cmon,lets go! they sre fucking everywhere!
erica: now its a little tiger orgy?! dammit! now i really want to see it!
chloe:*runs out of the room*
erica: think she'll be ok?
nina:think we should care,love? *pulls third blunt from her bra*
erica: eew. that is soooo trashy.
nina: fine...more for me.
erica: didnt say i didnt want any.
nina: thats right.its better because it was in my bra.
the pair finish off the blunt and are laying on tbe chair. far too high to move.
erica: i dont think i have been this comfortable in my entire life.
nina: me either. im sooooo thirsty. CHLOE! BRING ME A JUICE BOX!
erica: juic box?! that sounds awesome. i want one.
chloe:* bursts into the room,wild eyed and naked.she is also armed with one of the duke's numerous and free range pistols* dont worry guys! we can just shoot the tiny tigers!
nina: ummmm.why are you naked?
chloe: tigers ate my clothes.*aims gun at nina* carefil,nina. there is one on your leg.
nina:what the fuck are you doing?!
chloe:shhhh. do.not.move.*shoots nina in the foot* got him!*skips out of the room*
erica:you ok?
nina: *screaming in pain and struggling to stand* jesus fucking christ! that loony bitch shot me!
erica:*hands nina a bottle of whiskey and clicks her stiletto open.* ok bite down on your wallet,we gotta get that bullet out.
nina: are you insane?! you are not cutting anything out of me!
erica:*grabbing nina's very bloody foot* its ok! tbe bullet went right through. look,i can put my finger right through the hole...nina?
nina has fainted from the erica shrugs her shoulders and takes a swig of the whiskey and calmly bandages nina's foot.