Ada sits in front of her computer, the backdrop being a bedroom. She's in what appears to be PJs with her bangs partly down in front of her eyes.
"Hallo, everybody!" She squeals with a wave and then blows a quick kiss to the camera. "I am Ada von Wannemaker, as I am sure you all know since you are in my Stickam room... And this is Ask Ada! Where I get your attention for the next hour or so, and you ask me questions! Hooray!" She claps and giggles, and then stares at the screen, looking at all the questions.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish in the next ten years, both musically and from a humanitarian standpoint?
A: A lot! I want to grow and grow and grow with meine husband every day. I want to explore, try new things, make different kinds of music, maybe make movies, write some books, plant as many trees as possible, help raise awareness for Borderline Personality Disorder, do more work with children, and try to conserve our natural resources as much as possible.
Q: Shit, that's a lot. Any room for kids of your own in those plans?
A: I am afraid not... Meine husband and I just recently spoke about the possibility of us having kids. It does not look like it will happen. At least not any time soon.
Q: Which singer or band would you like to sing with?
A: I get to sing with my favorite singer and my biggest fan everyday already! I do not need anybody else to sing with!... But I would not disapprove if Stephanie Fierce wanted to do a duet with me...
Q: Are you planning a world tour of any kind?
A: Oooh! Secrets, secrets! You will see, meine lieblings. You will see!
Q: Who were your favorite artists to listen to while growing up?
A: Marlene Dietrich. I am honest, I do not think I listened to anybody else for the first fourteen years of meine life! She is a goddess. Everybody: Go listen to her sing right now. She's on YouTube, I am sure of it. Or go watch one of the movies that she was in. She sings in most of them as well. Just do it. You will not regret it, I promise.
Q: What are you currently reading?
A: What an odd question... Right now, I am re-reading The Prince of Tides, which is one of my all-time favorite books, and something that I think everybody should read at least once. Or see the movie. It was Barbra Streisand in it. That should be enough to convince you to go see it.
Q: What mythical creature would you be?
A: A siren, I am sure of it. They always facinated me to no end. There is this poem called The Siren Song that I read when I was about sixteen or seventeen. The poem was the song that the sirens supposedly sing when they are drawing the men towards them. The song is about how lonely they are, and how they hate being sirens, and they wish that they could be normal and have normal contact, and then at the end it is revealed that the siren knew exactly what she was doing while singing, and she wanted the sailor to die. It was tragic, and very, um... bitchy... but I loved it. Girl power, no?
Q: What is the song 'When Death Came Calling' about, and why did you choose to sing it with Nichole Fischer?
A: Wonderful question. When Death Came Calling is very much about my well-documented battle with depression. It was more of an apology to my husband for not being able to push the depression away than it was a song about not being able to. I chose Nichole Fischer to sing it with me because we are terribly good friends (in fact, I was her maid of honor at her wedding), and her low voice, mixed with the jazz-like tune of the song worked perfectly.
Q: What is your favorite song to perform?
A: Hmmm... I think my favorite song to perform is On the Duke of Winchester. The Duke is a large boat where my husband and I, along with several other people, live. It is a weird sort of commune... But the Duke has many great memories for me, like it is where my husband first told me that he loved me, and it is where many of my friends have fallen in love and gotten married... And it is such an upbeat and happy song. I just love it so much!
Q: What about the song All of Them? What inspired that?
A: Many of my songs from my debut album were inspired by my parents. The Divorce, All of Them, Death of a First Love... I wrote all three of those about my parents, and how they went from such loving people to bitter enemies. All of Them is sung through one of my parent's point of views, asking how long they are supposed to keep up all the argueing and fighting until they just give up. I was only six when they got a divorce, but it effected me greatly... The last part of the song, I wrote to focus on myself and Erich Hess, showing what an effort I want to put into our marriage so we do not end up like my mother and father.
Q: Are there songs that are emotionally hard for you to sing?
A: Oh, Gott, yes! When we were recording, I would burst out into tears every time Erich would start singing during her verse in My Love. Even now, when I am playing it alone, I start to get misty eyed during his part. We wrote that song together, and words could never describe the love we have for each other... But Gott, do they come close...
"Alright," Ada says with a sigh and a small yawn. "I am tired! I am going to bed. Goodnight, meine lieblings. I hope you all enjoyed this. And if I did not get to your question, I apologize profusely. I love you all very much. Be sure to watch SNL this weekend, and Starfactory next week! Mwah!"
She signs off.
Edited by user 01 February 2013 08:58:53(UTC)
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