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#8361 Posted : 09 July 2013 05:35:38(UTC)
genocidal king
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Katie smiles and then shakes her head. "Anyone would like you Eva.
You're such a little cutie. You should see how pretty you are." She
nods, feeling a little sad that Evangeline didn't know how attractive
she was. "I hope you find a nice guy soon who will make you really
happy and show you how pretty you are."  She then giggles when Eva
offers to help her. "I will let you know for sure if they do. Thank
you." She smiles again when Evangeline says 'b-word'. "Don't you curse
either?" she asks, surprised to hear someone of 24 still holding back
on things like swearing.

Katie screws her face up a little and then nods. "There was a time
when I thought she didn't hate me, but then I think I screwed it up
again when I....did that to her friend. Sometimes I don't help myself,
Eva. I was a stupid girl a lot of the times when I was younger. I just
hope I never do anything to make someone as nice as you dislike me
like that." She nods to herself as she thinks about it again.

She chuckles and then laughs hard when Eva mentions her running. "Now
I'm just imagining you running like Phoebe on Friends! I bet you don't
though." She smiles. "And believe me, guys see ome boobs bouncing and
it is always hot to them. They just love boobs." She chuckles.
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#8362 Posted : 09 July 2013 05:59:16(UTC)
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Evangeline blushes and looks down. Her idol telling her that she's pretty. That's every girl's dream, isn't it? "I don't think I would date a guy unless he called me pretty at least twice a day," she insists with a laugh, although she was completely serious. She finished off her glass of wine and smiles. "No, I curse sometimes.... Like..." She leans in really close and whispers, "shit," then giggle to herself and blushes madly, like she just got away with breaking a cardinal rule.

"I've always thought you were awesome," she blurts out to Katie. "I don't care who you piss off. I'm probably always going to think you were in the right, no matter what." She laughs a little bit at that completely true fact, a little embarrassed by it, but not enough to take it back.

Evangeline giggles a little and shrugs. "I guess I'll have to start running more. Maybe that's how I'll get a boyfriend... Draw them in with my chest, and then keep them around with my personality." She laughs and winks. "Or keep them around with my boobs... I think I'm going to be running a lot now... Probably lose a lot of weight..."
Offline genocidal king  
#8363 Posted : 09 July 2013 06:49:30(UTC)
genocidal king
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"Awwwwww! That's the cutest thing I've ever heard!" Katie says when
Evangeline says she wants her boyfriend to tell her she's pretty every
day. "You deserve a guy who would tell you that every day Eva. I hope
you find it soon. And if they don't tell you you're pretty every day,
I'll need to have a word with them." She laughs and then leans in to
hear Eva curse. She puts her hand over her mouth in mock shock and
laughs when she says "shit." Katie leans forward. "One time, I got so
angry I even said......" she looks side to side. " "cunt." That's a
bad word though. I should never have said it." She giggles and chinks
her glass with Evangeline.

Katie smiles warmly. "you are too sweet Eva! I need to give you a hug
for that." She stands up and walks around the table to give her a hug.
"Seriously you are the nicest person I have ever known. And thank you
so much for your support. It means a lot to me to know that I have
someone that has my back like that. Even when I'm wrong." She giggles
and sits back down, pouring them both some more wine.

She laughs hard. "Yeah you should just put on a bikini and go running
on the beach. That way you will be able to choose whichever guy you
want then. I bet you would look nice ina bikini," she says with a
giggle. "But you would definitely be able to keep them with our
personality too. They would fall in love with you straight away cos
you are the sweetest ever."
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#8364 Posted : 09 July 2013 07:31:39(UTC)
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Evangeline giggles. "Telling me I'm pretty is not a suggestion, it's a requirement," she states with a nod, that idea now permanently in her head of how it should be. When Katie whispers "cunt," Evangeline really does gasp a little, as she had dubbed that word the mother of all curse words long ago. She gives a little giggle, knowing that words are just words and they only have the meaning that we give them, and then whispers to herself, "cunt," just to hear what it sounded like coming out of her mouth. Not much different than Katie's...

When Katie hugs Evangeline, Evangeline's heart absolutely flutters and she squeals in joy as she wraps her arms around Katie, giving a little squeeze. "I totally have your back forever," she says as she sits back down and takes a drink of her newly filled wine glass. "The idea of you doing wrong has been out of my head since the first time I heard you sing. Even more so now." Evangeline mentally tells herself to stop gushing, as she could come out as creepy. She takes another sip of wine of seal that deal with herself.

"I've never worn a bikini," She tells Katie witha small smile. "My dad would never let me when I was in school, and I just never bought one." She looks down at her body. All she saw was fat, but if Katie Coyle thought she would look good in one, then maybe she would. She looks back up at Katie and smiles. "Thank you."
Offline genocidal king  
#8365 Posted : 09 July 2013 07:55:28(UTC)
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"Good. You should stick to your guns on that one. Don't let any guy off with not telling you that!" She laughs. "Maybe I should tell Hayden he has to call me pretty before he can get a kiss from me." She chuckles. "I think he would probably just think it wasn't worth it." She sticks her tongue out. When she hears Evangeline whisper cunt, she laughs and pretends to slap the back of her hand. "That's naughty!" She says with a giggle, the wine now making her quite giggly and easily entertained.

As Evangeline squeezes her, Katie smiles warmly. "You're a good friend Eva! I feel I'm lucky to have someone like you who would be on my side no matter what." She feels a little more at ease with having someone who's her fan keeping telling her how good she was. "So....do you have a favourite song of mine?" she asks, feeling dumb and embarrassed from the very moment the words come out of her mouth, scarcely believing how big headed she sounded.

Katie nods and looks at Evangeline. "Yes, you should definitely get one. The guys would be queueing up for Eva!" She smiles and giggles. "We can get you one when we go shopping, and then you can go off running down the beach and impressing everyone huh?" She smiles when she thanks her. "No problem at all, Eva."
Offline snap_itshannah  
#8366 Posted : 09 July 2013 12:31:22(UTC)
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"Hayden seems really nice. Is he nice? I just assumed that whole Merjos family is nice. Do you know all of them?" She asks, rattling off every thought in a quick, rapid-fire. She blushes a little when Katie hears her say "cunt," immediately feeling bad for saying it, but not enough to really apologize for it. The wine was starting to get to her, and she felt the loosest that she ever had in a long time.

"House of Cards," She says back immediately, and then blushes, her attempt to start fan-girling immediately thwarted. "I love all of your songs, though. Really, I do. You can't do anything wrong." She giggles a little bit. "Sorry. I promised myself I would stop trying to seem so creepy towards you, and obviously it isn't working..."

Evangeline giggles of the idea of her and Katie Coyle running down a beach in slow motion with the Chariots of Fire theme playing over her. And then she runs towards Billie Beckett and jumps into his arms and-- "Yeah, that would be awesome," She says back with a smile. "I would love to go to the beach. The beaches in Boston, where I grew up, are..." She goes into a whisper. "Shitty!"
Offline genocidal king  
#8367 Posted : 09 July 2013 18:48:10(UTC)
genocidal king
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Katie laughs a little. "Yeah, he's lovely! We were friends before we dated for a long time, and then one night he just told me that he liked me as more than that. We've been together since then." She smiles at the memory. "I know them all yeah. Hannah was the first one I knew when we went on tour a few years ago, and then Hayden. I don't know Isabel so well, but she seems nice when we've spoken too." She chuckles when Evangeline blushes, knowing that it was because she had just cursed. Katie feels happy that she has helped her to feel so relaxed and open at the moment, and she could see Evangeline was enjoying her day.

She grins widely when Evangeline mentions her favourite song. "Really? That's mine too! I took so long to write that one and I was so proud of it." She smiles honestly, genuinely delighted to be able to talk to someone about her music without it going online or in a magazine. "I need to do a new album soon though. I've just been so tired out with Lucas and stuff. Maybe later this year." She chuckles and then shakes her head. "You're not creepy Eva. It's sweet to meet a fan like you. It's really great," she says honestly.

Katie laughs again when Evangeline curses quietly. "Really? I've never even been to Boston before. Is it not nice?"
Offline snap_itshannah  
#8368 Posted : 09 July 2013 23:19:56(UTC)
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"That's good," Evangeline says back, relieved to hear that at least one celebrity family is as nice and sweet as they seem to be. She takes another sip of her wine and sighs, already half way done with her second glass. This had been an experience for her. "How many calories do you think is in wine?" She asks suddenly.

The idea of Katie Coyle doing another album makes Evangeline squeal with happiness, clapping her hands. "I could watch Lucas for you for a little bit so you can get some work done," she offers, calming down a little bit so she doesn't seem like such a spaz. "It would be my pleasure."

She smiles and shrugs. "The city is beautiful. It's so old and has so much character and energy to it. But it's definitely not like how LA and San Fran are beach cities. You definitely don't go to Boston for the beaches." She laughs, remembering how dirty the water is. "They find at least one dead bodies on the beaches monthly, I swear."
Offline genocidal king  
#8369 Posted : 09 July 2013 23:25:15(UTC)
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Katie looks at the bottle to see if there is any calorie information on it. She then takes her phone out and considers searching for it. "Maybe we shouldn't care about the calories," she says with a laugh. "Why do you worry about that anyway? You have a wonderful figure, so you definitely have nothing to worry about at all." She smiles, wondering if there was anything behind the question.

She smiles and nods when Evangeline offers. "Oh that would be great. And I bet Lucas would love you too! Are you sure though? I wouldn't want to make you think you had to look after him," she says, looking a little embarrassed as she feels like she almost asked her to do it with her previous statement. "You wouldn't have to do it if you don't want to," she blurts out afterwards.

Katie shivers. Bodies and the thought of death made her uneasy. She couldn't even watch shows like CSI on TV because they scared her too much. She closes her eyes and tries her hardest not to think about a dead body floating in the water near her home. "Oh god, that must be horrible!" she says with a little nervous laugh. "I would definitely not go in the water there. If I saw that I would totally freak out."
Offline snap_itshannah  
#8370 Posted : 09 July 2013 23:35:17(UTC)
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Evangeline gives a little laugh and shrugs. "I was just wondering..." She says back, looking into the glass now with a sort of dread. She had always kept a strict count of her calories daily and if she went over, well... it was a trip to the bathroom. She always brushed her teeth afterwards, in a hope that nobody would notice, and so far nobody had. Or if they had, they never said anything. She takes another sip to try to convince Katie that it was out of pure curiosity that she had wanted to know.

She gasps and claps her hands together again. "I would love to, though! He's seems so cute and adorable! And he'll be wonderful practice for when I marry Billie Beckett and have to take care of his child!" She says with a wink and a giggle, beaming at Katie.

Evangeline could see that she had made Katie uncomfortable with the talk of dead bodies, and immediately felt bad. "I'm sorry. That's not very nice dinner talk, is it? Or, wine talk in this instance, I suppose." She gives her a small smile. "I'm sure these beaches don't have anything more than fish in them." She giggles a little bit, and then puts her hand on Katie's.
Offline genocidal king  
#8371 Posted : 09 July 2013 23:44:18(UTC)
genocidal king
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Katie nods as if to let Evangeline see that she believes her. Deep down she knew there was an issue though. Katie herself had a problematic relationship with food, and she would frequently go for days without eating in order to make sure she didn't gain weight. She had hidden it for her whole career, and had even told her boyfriend that it was something she got over a long time ago. She narrows her eyes a little. "Are you sure, Eva? You could tell me....if there was something..." she says quietly.

She laughs at the Billie Beckett reference. "That is a good point you make there! Ok well if you want to then that would be great! Thank you. He's a good kid and he's mostly quiet if he has some toys around. He likes to be carried sometimes, but I think he's just lazy." She laughs.

Katie nods and then chuckles. "It's ok, don't worry about it. I just....I'm a big scaredy cat. I get scared of everything. I'm even afraid of...." she laughs, about to reveal her most embarrassing secret to only the third person ever. "That....dinosaur in Toy Story. I don't even know why, but when it roars, I always scream. Lucas thinks it's hilarious."
Offline snap_itshannah  
#8372 Posted : 09 July 2013 23:58:27(UTC)
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Evangeline looks back at Katie, a little surprised that she could see through her that quickly. "I..." She starts and then shakes her head. "No, I really was just wondering," she lies again, putting her hands into her lap and looking down. She was a horrible liar and she knew that, but it was even worse when she had to lie to Katie.

"Aw, how adorable!" She exclaims, thinking about hanging out with him. "I promise I won't be like those babysitters in the movies who just sit around on their phone while the kids enact havoc on the house," she says with a laugh, wondering how much damage somebody as cute as Lucus could cause.

Evangeline gasps when Katie reveals her secret, trying to keep herself from laughing. "That is... so adorable," she says back, giggling. "Is it just the roar, or is it Rex is general that scares you?"
Offline genocidal king  
#8373 Posted : 10 July 2013 00:52:03(UTC)
genocidal king
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Katie knows straight away that something is wrong, and she puts her wine glass down, looking over at Evangeline with a little smile on her face to reassure her. She sighs. "What's wrong Eva? You can tell me..." she says quietly, letting her know that she is aware she's hiding something.

She chuckles. "I didn't think you would be one of those babysitters. I imagine you would be one of the ones who does everything to help and makes sure the kid is always happy. You seem like the sort of attentive and helpful person I like," she smiles. "Lucas wouldn't get into too much mischief anyway. No crawling along scaffolding on building sites or anything for him. He would just put the TV on and try to call my boyfriend." She laughs.

Katie blushes bright red. "It's just when it roars. It makes me scream every single time. Even when I know it's coming. Lucas will sit on my knee and he says "goin to roar mommy!" and then when it roars he just starts laughing when I scream."
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#8374 Posted : 10 July 2013 01:04:06(UTC)
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Evangeline traces the rim of her glass, unsure of how to tell somebody something like this. "It's nothing, really. Just sometimes I eat too much, and I need to... you know, take care of it. I can't get fat. I'd just look gross if I were fat," she explains, never looking Katie in the eye as she speaks.

She smiles, hoping that Katie was right and that she would be a good babysitter. She had never taken care of kids before, so a good, quiet boy like Lucas would be perfect for her to start with. "I hope so," she says back with a smile. "I'm afraid of heights. I would probably have to call the fire department to get him down from the roof if he ever got away like that." She laughs.

Evangeline giggles again, this whole concept both interesting and intriguing to her. "Is it all dinosaurs or just him?" She asks.
Offline genocidal king  
#8375 Posted : 10 July 2013 01:45:16(UTC)
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Katie sighs and looks at Evangeline. She leans forward and puts her hand on top of Evangeline's. She smiles a little. "You shouldn't do that. You're a pretty girl and you're not going to get fat just by eating normally. Don't worry about that." She sighs again and thinks about how hard it must be to make herself sick like that. "You could hurt yourself, Eva."

She smiles and nods. "I think the fire brigade would be the best option if that were to happen. I've seen enough cartoons to know that in that situation, the babysitter normally always falls off and the baby just laughs. Babies can be cruel sometimes, huh?" She giggles.

Katie thinks for a moment. "I think....just him. I never really see many dinosaurs. Maybe I should see Jurassic Park. I'd find out that way if they all scare me or just the toy one." She giggles again.
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#8376 Posted : 10 July 2013 01:55:46(UTC)
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Evangeline nods, and looks down at her lap. Even with Katie telling her to stop, she knew it wasn't something that she could just quit cold turkey. Not after twelve years. She nods again, remembering to next bring up her eating disorder again. This is the first time she had ever talked about it out loud and she hated doing it. She felt like she had let down Katie.

She smiles a bit. "They're so cute, but you know under all of that, they're just plotting to kill you," she says jokingly. "Like pandas. They look super cute, but all it would take would be one swipe from those massive claws and you'd be out for weeks."

Evangeline gasps and shakes her head. "Jurassic Park scares me!" She exclaims. "My dad and I went to see it in 3D last month. I think I almost started to cry. It was scary!"
Offline genocidal king  
#8377 Posted : 10 July 2013 03:19:03(UTC)
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Katie thinks for a few moments. She could see it was hard on Evangeline, and she should offer support in the most understanding way. But the only way to do that was to admit her own problem. She takes a deep breath. "Sometimes....a lot....I don't eat for 4 or 5 days to make myself feel pretty," she says very quietly. "I know how you feel. I know how hard it is." She stares at the floor.

She smiles at the reference to Lucas trying to kill her then laughs. "When I was pregnant I used to watch Family Guy and get scared Lucas would be all like Stewie. Imagine that!" She shudders and giggles.

"Oh my god....if you were scared then I better avoid it. I'd be terrified." She laughs hard.
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#8378 Posted : 10 July 2013 03:29:39(UTC)
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Evangeline looks up at Katie, a newfound respect for her now that she admitted that. "Thank you," she says quietly, taking Katie's hand in her's. She bites her lip. "If I promise to stop purging, will you promise to eat...?" She asks, hoping that she wasn't overstepping her boundaries.

She laughs. She had never watched Family Guy before, but she knew basically of the characters. "Imagine a child that's already speaking in completely eloquent scentences from day one..." She says and then laughs. "I feel like that's the type of child I'd have. They come out of the womb already boring, quoting Albert Camus and knowing great lengths of information about the Byzantine Empire..." She giggles a little.

Evangeline laughs, shaking her head. "I scare so easily. Don't base your fear on mine. People make sudden movements and I jump."
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#8379 Posted : 10 July 2013 03:57:58(UTC)
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Katie sighs and holds Evangeline's hand as she nods. She knew it would be hard, but more than that, she knew if she didn't try her best then her new friend might end up getting I'll or worse. She nods with moe conviction eventually. "OK....I promise Eva. Do you promise too? You have to mean it as well." She smiles a little as she tries to reassjre her that its something they can try together.

"People always said my baby would come out and never learn to walk or talk because I'm so clumsy and ditzy at times." She laughs. "But I'd have taken that over some sort of nuke weilding baby with an agenda against me!" She laughs. "Oh my...could you imagine if it spoke straight away? That would be terrifying. I think I'd die on the spot. Dear Katie, heart attack!" She laughs.

"You scare easy? The toy from toy story scares me!" She giggles. "I should avoid all scary movies at all costs I think."
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#8380 Posted : 10 July 2013 04:27:23(UTC)
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Evangeline nods as well, hesitantly, but she does nod. "I promise," she says quietly, looking down at their hands. She takes her's away and takes another sip of her wine, which turns into drinking the rest of it in one gulp.

She smiles at Katie. "I think you're adorable. And your baby is just as adorable, if not more adorable, than you are," she concludes with a smile. "Whose his father?" She blurts out, immediately blushing and feeling bad for asking.

Evangeline laughs and shrugs. "I scare so easily, but I love scary movies," she admits. "Something about that adrenaline rush. It's almost better than singing. Almost."
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