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Devil's Playground (Interactive Club Thread)
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Serenity Scott walked into the club and sat down at a table. She looked around the club to see if anyone she knew was there. She then walked over to the more to order a margarita.
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Originally Posted by: snap_itshannah  Vara narrows her eyes just a bit more. "I don't know what the hell that last part means, but if its 'dumb hoe', you're not far from the mark!" She says back, speaking softly but quick and harsh. "No. If you're going to date this girl, then you're not allowed to sleep around with other women. Men, maybe, I don't know what sort of deal you and Nina have worked out, but not women. You have a woman..." She laughs a bit and shakes her head. "Bad Mariko! Bad!" mariko's eyes widen as vara speaks. she liked varas honesty,but she basically called her a dumb ho...well,if the clear heels fit. vara was right,to an extent. "thats pretty much what it means,vara." mariko smirks. "i am going to date nina. she is who i wanted,and i am who she wanted. there will be no sleeping around on my least now that things are sorted with us." she giggles and winks. "we havent worked anything out for males.....i know she is bi too. so? "mariko shrugs then promptly makes a face. "though for me to want to be with a man,he had better be pretty damn special." she hugs vara tightly. "thank you for calling me a dumb ho,i think i needed to hear it. im trying to be a good mariko." she giggles again as she releases the hug |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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Vara hugs Mariko back and shakes her head. "I fucking love you. You're just so ridiculous sometimes. I can't believe you'd ever long term date somebody... Of course, I'm sure the same thing can be said about me." She laughs and shakes her head, ordering another couple drinks for them. "Just don't fuck this up. If you two break up, make sure it's her fault, not yours."
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"i love you too,vara. you are just what i need sometimes." mariko nods her thanks for the drink. "i know,it seems so weird. after envy,i swore off the entire business. i was going to be bad ass,need no one. fuck whoever i wanted...and i did. but there is something about nina." mariko smiles,kind of wishing nina was here with them. "yeah,i cant believe you are long terming. you strike me as the sort who could get bored with someone easily." mariko takes a long drink and laughs. "if we part,it will be because of her. much like when i am around you,nina gets the sweet mariko." mariko makes her most innocent face and bats her eyelashes. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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Vara raises her glass. "To our relationships," She says, putting it to her lips. "And to sticking to somebody long term." She takes a long drink and sighs. "I guess that's when you know you've found the right person," she muses, looking at the drink in her glass. "When your heart, which was once so rambling and free, is now happily locked down with somebody. It's kind of beautiful and terrifying, isn't it?"
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mariko smiles and raises her glass to."to our relationships!" she says happily.this day could have wound up a lot different than it is right now. she lets out a sigh of relief that it turned out as it has. mariko looks at vara for a while and wipes her eye. "that was...beautiful,vara." she takes a drink of her drink and tries not to openly cry. "it is scary. but its what i really want. i want one person to truly "Get me"...well,someone who isnt with the man of their dreams." mariko grins and bumps into vara playfully. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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Vara laughs and shakes her head. "No, it's not beautiful. We're just drunk, so we think its beautiful." She lets out another small laugh and sighs. "It's weird, though, huh? In any other situation, we'd be the ones together. The cards just didn't work out at the right time."
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"what?! i am not drunk!" mariko protests and nearly falls off her stool and onto vara. "ok. maybe a little." she holds her hand up in the gesture to match.she laughs and orders another round.if they couldnt touch each other,they damn sure could drink. "you mean together together? i do not know,vara. i have seen you in like the penis a bit!" she laughs and pats varas knee. in true form, the song fades out as she says "penis" and people look at them. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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Vara can't help but laugh, grabbing her newly refreshed drink and smirking. "Yeah, no. If we ever dated, we would have to make some sort of sexual pact. Something alone the lines of 'I promise to love having sex with you the most, but I'm allowed to also have sex with men.'" She shrugs. "I need these guidelines."
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mariko is drunk enough to actually think this situation never to be,through. "i think i could agree to that. i'd like some say as to what men you were with. no guys like kai rollins,ugh. thank god that threesome never happened." mariko giggles. " i assume i would get a similar agreement? i dont want to be sitting home watching golden girls while you are out with some man. " mariko says drunkenly. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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"Of course. It's a two way street. I fuck you, you fuck me, and we can both fuck men. Those are the rules," Vara says as if its obvious. She smirks and looks around. "I think that Kai guy is kind of cute. Trent is much more attractive, but he is cute. You were given an opportunity to fuck him, and you didn't take it? Fucking idiot."
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mariko laughs. "i love you,vara. you are so....logical." she grins at vara, " we might have to share men, as i do not want to go it alone." she blushes and looks at her drink. "oh,kai is .....cute and funny. but i do not trust him. he would tell everyone about me and how i am...he is mean that way. i told faith,i would have a threesome with them,providing i did not have to touch kai,or kai touch me....i knew emerald asked for it,but i dont want him calling me blow job lips on twitter." mariko says with a frown. she has no love for emerald,but doesnt want a nickname like that. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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Vara raises an eyebrow. "Nobody is going to be calling you Blowjob Lips, Mariko. Your lips aren't even that big. They're a little small, if anything," She says back, shaking her head. She downs the rest of her drink and perks up a little. "A threesome with Kai Rollins and Faith Browdy? And you turned that down. Wow. You're fucking retarded..."
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mariko pouts. in japan,her lips are considered very full. "hey,i could earn that nickname if i wanted!" she says defensively and giggles. " these lips are very desirable! " she grins again. "i did not turn them down,i agreed,given the conditions. but...she never called me. i am kind of glad. he seems like the type to try to...squirt me with something." mariko shudders. "i am little disappointed. faith is kinda cute. but...too bad for her. this girl is taken." mariko nods,remembering their conversation about how she cannot sleep around anymore. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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"Gahhh... you're way too fucking ridiculous. You had a chance, and you blew it for a monogamous relationship. I love you, you crazy stupid girl." Vara gives her a little poke in the shoulder and then gets her and Mariko another round of drinks. "I'm getting pretty drunk, baby. Do you want to dance or something?"
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mariko laughs and takes another drink. "um..have you seen nina's tongue? faith and kai together could not compare to that!" she blushes deeply,as that was a crude thing to say. "dancing is good.i am pretty well drunk....if i fall,just leave me." she laughs and grabs her drink. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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"No, I must say, I have no experienced the joy of Nina's tongue. I might be one of the few women in the agency that hasn't." Vara rolls her eyes and sighs, taking Mariko's hand and jumping off of her bar stool, taking Mariko with her. "I know you're all in love and everything with this women, but let's be honest: Kai and Faith vs. Nina? I would take Kai and Faith any-fucking-day." She shakes her head and starts towards the dancefloor, running her hands through her hair as she dances.
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mariko frowns slightly. shes pretty sure out of nina and herself,many more girls have been with her. "i only know of emerald and myself.anyway, the first time she um.,.. you know. it was like "oh oh oh....what the fuck?!" mariko pantomimes holding someones head between her legs and then laughs like mad. out on the dance floor mariko wiggles to the music,thoroughly enjoying herself. "i'll give you faith.she is a sweetie. but kai? look at his frail little self. vara,you would snap him in two!" mariko shouts over the music,dancing seductively. nothing wrong with putting on a show. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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Vara grins. She loves when Mariko dances like this. It almost feels like old times. "I could be gentle..." She counters hesitantly, and then laughs. They both knew that 'gentle' was not something she could be when it came to sex. "Okay... Fine... Go be in your threesome-less relationship." She winks, and grabs Mariko's ass, bringing it to where their faces were just a couple inches away as they danced. "But you always know where to find me when you get bored," she whispers as the song ends and she pulls away.
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Mariko smiles back at vara as they dance. She dances just close enough to barely contact vara's body. Mariko faked sexual confidence with most everyone,vara brought out the real deal in Mariko."you? Gentle?!" Mariko laughs as if its the most absurd thing ever. She squeaks as her ass is grabbed and she is facing vara. She looks up at her. " it doesn't have to be threesome're allowed girls right? " she trails off and winks. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |
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Devil's Playground (Interactive Club Thread)
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