Takeshi sato
Takeshi Sato ,infamously known as the man accused of murdering ex- lashes member,and one time spouse of Erica hess (birth name hitomi kobayashi), Natalya dobros kobayashi, is dead. Sato committed one of Japan's most gruesome murders to date. The 23 year old kobayashi was found hours after death. She had large patches of hair torn from her scalp,a puncture wound in her neck (from a pair of scissors sato had modified for this purpose), and most horrifying....her eyes removed. They were ingested by sato at the scene. " at first,I tried chewing an eye like normal food. But the fluid inside the eye was very distasteful. So the second eye,I swallowed whole." He has explained to detectives. The reasoning behind the crime only makes it more bizarre. Again,from sato himself, " I....love sailor moon. I have a pretty large collection. I had a very expansive collection before mother threw it away. So I was starting a new collection. I wanted to be the center piece. I am sorry for killing that woman. She was so nice to me....but I had to have her eyes. She wouldn't give them to me. I had to have blue eyes. Sailor moon does NOT wear contacts." Natalya kobayashi was 9 months pregnant at the time and delivered right before,or possibly right after death. Takeshi sato claims to have briefly considered killing the child,until the baby girl opened her eyes. They were blue and thus saved her life. The obsessive sato took the baby home for his sailor moon collection. When the child was recovered,she was indeed dressed in a sailor suit.
Late last month,sato was quietly found guilty and sentenced to life in prison,but with parole elligiblity in ten years. Death would have been an option due to the nature of the crime. But his sparing of the baby displayed he wasn't incurable. Takeshi was taken to Osaka detention centre,where he was slated to remain for many years.
His time was short however,last Monday morning he was found dead in his cell. Akira himura of the Osaka dentition centre states : " the prisoner,takeshi sato was found at around 4am. His hands and feet were bound. there were multiple stab wounds over his abdomen. Well over a dozen. Most curious was that he had one eye forcibly removed and placed in front of him. Clearly an act of revenge,eye removal was pre mortem. Someone wanted this man to suffer." Himura continues, " Erica hess is extremely popular in Japan. Especially among the rebellious youth. This man never really stood a chance in or out of the prison."
Prison murders happen all the time. There is nothing surprising there. But this could exacerbate the conspiracy that Natalya was "removed" for Erica's purposes. Now the only real link is dead and certainly not talking. Did Erica hess have him killed to keep him quiet? Were the prison guards purposely looking the other way while this was allowed to happen? Or was it like the official story says,just devoted fans with nothing to lose? You be the judge.