The Harlots' tour bus.
It was bitter cold and windy as the girls stood on the tarmac. The airplane people were taking ages to get their bus out of the cargo plane. Loud machines and men yelling in a foreign language barely could be heard above the screaming wind. The harlots huddled closer together with every gust of wind.
Nina: it's fucking colder than a witch's tit,it is.
Chloe: tell me about it. I think my nipples just cut through my shirt....should I put chap stick on them?
Erica:on it. * stands behind Chloe,and cups her breasts* I love to help.
Chloe: mmmm.its like I've got tiny toasters on my nips.
Jen: my boobs are cold too. *looks to Nina*
Nina:* scowls at Jen* keep walking,Skippy.
Chloe: *points and laughs at Jen* ha ha. Welcome back,bitch. You need to learn the pecking order.
Erica: now now. Let's not be mean. Its nice to have Jen back.
Jen: but I never really left.
Erica: yes.it has been a long time since you've traveled with us,Jen.
Nina: we already rummaged through your stuff,love. We assumed you weren't coming back. *unwraps a rather phallic stick of beef jerky*
Jen: I just bought thAt at the airport! You took it out of my back pocket.
Nina: lets not bicker and argue of who bought What dick shaped snack....seriously,were you going to fuck this,love? Did you buy it at " Ron Jeremy's house of disembodied horse dicks"?
Jen: no..they have those in Finland?!
Nina:I think so.
Erica: I heard Wal-Mart makes a store brand version that put all the local horse dick jerky farmers out of business.
Chloe: you going to eat that?
Nina: ew. No. Why? You want it? *starts rubbing the beef jerky over chloe's face and lips* ooh tell me you want it.
Chloe:*giggles and starts trying to coerce the snack into her mouth with her tongue* if Want me to suck it,quit moving it away from my mouth!
The man from the depot finally comes over with a clipboard. He looks at the bizarre scene in front of him. One girl getting felt up and having a beef jerky stick rubbed suggestively over her face. All while another girl watched.
Depot man:*clears his throat* if I could just have your signature,please.
Chloe: *instinctively turns to the voice,getting jabbed in the eye with the jerky.she drops to the ground,howling in pain* holy shit,it burns! Why the eye?! The Hell is wrong with you?
Nina:*grins widely at the depot man* amateurs. It takes a few Times,but they rapidly learn to keep their eyes shut.
Depot man: uh....right. Sign here and off you go.
Erica starts filling out the paperwork.
Nina helps Chloe to her feet and they over see Jen loading the few bags they have.
Erica:* keeps looking at the paperwork and then to the man.after a few seconds,She yells* OH MY GOD!!YOU LOOK LIKE THE STORE GUY FROM FROZEN!!!!
Nina and Chloe look up and start giggling,then singing "do you want to build a snowman?"
Jen: *throwing the last bag in to the bus* do you have any big summer blowout items?
Erica: boooo,Jen. That's rather uncalled for.
Nina: JeeZ. Insult the poor man's mother or some thing.
Chloe: sir,we are so sorry our friend is such a bitch.
Erica: "friend" is actually being VERY liberal with the term.
Chloe: you want us to hold her down while you kick her?
Nina: it's the least we could,love. Shes the sort you just can't take anywhere.
The man just grumbles and walks away. He isn't paid enough to deal with morons like this.

The harlots pile into the rv. The interior is very 70's riffic.and even includes a groupie/bus driver android..[/center ]
Jen:* in shock at the strange woman on the bus* gah! Who is she and why is she on our bus?!
Erica: Ingrid. She's our driver android...she also shoots lasers from her eyes. So don't piss her off. *laughs*
Jen: so she is a robot?!
At this moment,Ingrid the android comes to life. She turns her head in a slow and deliberate way. Some gears whir deep inside the torso and two green lasers disintegrate Jen's shoes.
Jen:*jumps back and hides in her bunk* what the fuck?! She nearly took my feet off!
Erica: yeah...we don't use the r word around here.Ingrid finds it very offensive.
Nina: Jen...we're going to leave you somewhere in the darkest of Scandinavia, if you keep this shit up. Ingrid? To the nearest liquor store,please.
Ingrid: *sits kn the driver's and starts the rv* yes,ma'am. The nearest liquor purveyor is 50 miles away.I advise you that I do have onboard rum and coke stores. This should tide you over until we reach our destination.
Erica and Nina look at each other in surprise. Neither of them read the user manual for Ingrid. They both just assumed she drove busses for wacky rock stars.
Nina: *straightens up and says in her best Picard voice* rum and coke. Make it so.
At the command,the android unbuttons her blouse and lactates some rum and coke into three glasses.
Jen : I am not drinking anything that came out of robot nipples!
Ingrid: I warned you before. Good bye. *she shoots lasers at Jen,who then dissolves and reappears outside the rv.*
The rv lurches forward and the harlots European tour begins. Erica and Nina look at each other and shrug. Rum and coke from an android's mammaries is not even in the top ten strangest Things they've experienced.
Nina: hey! This isn't real coke!
Ingrid: trademarks. Even I can't fight the coca cola corporation.
Ooc: continued later...and yeah. Its supposed to be way over the top.