Before the show comes on a graphic appears with the logo Pop Culture Catch Up. There we see that the crew has gotten bigger. as we pan in to Chris, Jake, and Sarah while they play the beat to Drake "We Made It"

Chris: They said it coming be done, They said no one would want to listen to a bunch of no bodies, said we couldn't get a million followers, I don't even like rap music but this song just feel right for this.
Jake: Really someone should monitor when Chris starts hanging out with black people he think he comes back cool.
Chris: Man don't you know I'm uhhh... what word again, Slaying, that right, I'm slaying this stuff right now. We started from the bottom and now google maps
F**Ked up.
Sarah: Chris! we can't curse anymore we're big time now.
Chris: Hold UP! what the
F**K we can't curse?
Jake: We're on TV now, so yep no cursing.
Chris: We missed a month, I'm going to do some cursing! Man aint this some
S**T Well at least we can skip to the recent stuff since there have been a lot of show to talked about what we missed.
Sarah: Nope, we have to do that stuff too.
Jake: ~Laughs~ That is why we are called "Catch Up" not "Current Events"
Chris: ~sigh~ I know we do this last but we going to have to do Quick Takes first
QUICK TakesChris: Introducing all the way Italy my cousin Vito,
Jake & Sarah: No relation
"Vito" Comes out with his shirt off since it's summer time.
Chris: Hey Vito,
Vito: Sup man thanks for having me.
Sarah: ~shocked and distracted~ "Umm.. Uh...How do you two know each other?
Chris: I took a trip to rome with the guys remember?
Jake: Do you need a minute, Sarah, you know I'm right here?
Sarah Yea, Yea I'm okay,
Vito: Bryce Green did a song "Lights Off" and it was a good song pretty sexual, about meet someone and laying them down with the lights off. Sena came out with rumble and the beat is catchy and I like the lyrics so it was a song that people in the clubs with like with it electronic sound. Speaking of good Amy Jayne came out with "Good Enough for You" a R&B song where she feels like nothing with be good for her man, but that just seem to be in song only as she was married to Will.Rocca We also had new artist such as Medina and her Jupiter Drive, Henry Johanson Speaking in Colors and Zane Sharp Know Too Much. Really these past two month has been just as much about the newcomers as the hit makers. back to you guys
Chris: ~Waves~ Thanks Vito,
Vito: smiles and winks at Sarah who almost passes out and Jake crosses his arms
Chris: ~Sucking his teeth~ Tssk, Tssk, Sarah you going to let a hunky, buff, olive skin tone Italian Beef cake break up what you have with jake. You look like what of the fan girls for Austin and he would say you need to "Control" Yourself.
Sarah: Oh knock it off,
Chris: "Control" was Austin follow up to "Real" and did it live up too it. Why yes, yes it did. Happy to say that Austin has grown up with no more media problems now if he could just get his friends to follow him, that sounded weird, they could all do better then what they are doing now.
If this keeps up we aren't going to be able to the Kato and Austin butt jokes anymoreChris: Coming for the rear Kato
Jake: wait, I thought you said no more Kato and Austin Butt jokes.
Chris: Who are we kidding, those jokes writes themselves, That like saying Suzie you need to do a song cover when your NOT on it, and that is what millions of people come to see.
Sarah: Anyway Kato came out with Two songs as well as sitting down with Billboard and talked about his new work, and his relationship with Austin and his
Chris: Oh
S**T wasn't she with Daneil?
Jake: Wasn't she?
Sarah: Gentlemen was but Everyone liked "The Game" more, and I did too it was a great track
Sarah is Loving today, Guys with their shirts offSarah: We also had ELMNT a Boy band
Jake: NerdStats?
Sarah: ELMNT a Boy band
Chris: Weekenders?
Sarah: ~Sigh~ NO! ELMNT a boy band with the self entitled EP ELMNT
Someone give Sarah some water she's getting Thirsty!Chris: Can we get some ladies in here? first day on the tube, (We made It) and no T&A come on that is what got us here.
Sarah: You need to class it up then.
Jake: What is next on the docket, (
You Guys have a few places for this Julia Volkova with I don't Believe in Love or Isabel What Comes Next Remix)Chris: Alright I know how to class this up. People sit back and relax a review of "What Comes Next"
You see A clip of a British Gentleman read the lyrics to himself and after he is done he gives a George Takei impression.
If that wasn't classy I don't know what is.Sarah: Alright are we going to talk about Album
Jake: I think it is time to do a countdown
Chris: Alright top three Album
#3 SYNCO- Our World
Chris: First off you know the other two album have to be amazing if SYNCO is number tres
Jake: Look at you learning Spanish.
Sarah: SYNCO earned their spot though the album shows how much they have improved from the early days and while the work in itself was go the bonus with Dominic and Dem Ladies pushed it over the top.
Chris: Girls Bronze might not have been what you wanted but their no shame in a hard fought competition.
#2 GirlSpice- Crown
Sarah: These two interviewed each other in a CU peice and they mirror each other so much that it was splitting hairs on who could take second
Jake: These girls been around the block and know what it is like to produce hits consistently. That's why their comeback was so successful its not they didn't miss a beat picking up where they left off.
Chris: three powerful great voices to combine to #1 singles a a hot album, if this was any other time they would have got number 1 sadly this was case to see who going to be #2
#1 Reported Failure- Lie in
Jake: Talks about rock bands death have been GREATLY exaggerated, both here and else where when Reported Failure top charts worldwide.
Sarah: Their seventh album and with no signs of letting up any time soon means that the young bands are going to have to wait their turn before being crown the next best thing.
Chris: First off you guys know how much of a fan I am of enlightened and I said they would the best band in at the most 2 years I think Reported Failure just might have given the blueprint on how to make a rock album last. Lie in with be good today, tomorrow, year from now, 10 years from now. Drum and guitar are sharp and on point. Nothing else but to give you guys another accolade here you go.
Click on the Lion, to check out lie in, get it. Oh such GeniusHonorable Mentions
Jake: we will not have this show if it wasn't getting the spotlight on people you might have missed Cristina Lake Toxic woman was out recently and the review has been good.
Sarah: Mi-Mi finally came out with "He Say She Say" and are promoting it now as we speak they did a cute piece on Good Morning America
Chris: Valentina is teasing her album which will be out in ten days. but she came with Purify. I don't know why people think I don't like her?
Jake: you two have that who the 6 unoffical SYNCO member going on.
Chris: well yea, it's mine I called dibs WAY before she did, but other then that she pretty, can sing, clearly good taste in music. I don't dislike miss hart I like her a lot, the spot still belong to me though, Elmo be
D**M I can't say
D**M man this is some
S**TSarah: how much more guys (
Just a little bit more, there was a movie and marriage that happen too)
Jake: Congratulations to Mr Kai Rollins and Mrs. Wynter Honor for tieing the knot and getting hitch
Sarah: ~cough~ Someone need to get ring too ~Cough~
Jake: <.<
Chris: Oh no, I'm not stepping on that, no joke in the world is going to clean that under the rug. So lets more on to the Evangelion movie, Mister_B is said to be working on the Soundtrack with a young actor/singer Aaron Styles the world is open for you young man, not to look at some thing me may have glance over but we are running out of time.
Girl don't tell, You don't even got to tell him, Oh wait wrong person, similar song.
Abie Lena Worst side of me......I looking but I don't see a bad side, unless it that naughty side ~wink~
Barbie Doll Album.....Allison has new competition for crazy looks now
Oh Julia you invite us with your lyrics and voice and trap us with your body, love isn't what that called it we call it worshipJake: That is it for the show,
Sarah: And we are out of time
Chris: is there anyway we can go back to just podcasting I don't like this
Sarah: You want to go back to your room?
Jake: You want to go back to the death threats?
Sarah: The late nights of editing?
Chris: I like the new stuff and the ever growing fans but we feel like we are losing our roots
We straight flexing dawgChris: that's it we are going to go do the next show on the road! Getting back to the old days!
Jake: Road Trip!
Sarah: I think this is going to get us cancel.
Censored Deez!