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dustyn was always very supportive of his music. which was very sweet of him. dallas could tell it really wasnt dustyn's bag of tea at all."sure scott was important. vocal groups need five people. " he teases back to dustyn,ticking off the weekend members on his fingers. scott was sweet though,so it could all be excused. when dustyn asks him to say the brotherhood motto again,dallas starts tickling dustyn's sides and saying "mufasa mufasa mufasa!!" surely no usable copy of the lion king existed ,so it was important this moment in human history was remembered. also,he loved to hear dustyn laugh. dallas does jump slightly when he feels the hand on him.he not so subltly looks around to ensure nobody is watching. the man could face down an entire city of feral ghouls,but he would probably die if the roving eyes and mouth of deneil came his way. "ooh,you say it again. lets play paladin who just found the scribe who is a synth. how are you going to win my silence?" dallas jokes to dustyn . he closes his eyes and enjoys the moment. while loyal like all brotherhood. he did tend to get a little more lighthearted about the whole thing the longer he was away.
she feels the extra bit of wetness against her. it was something that turned her on immensely. she liked to see the effects of her actions. if that willy was in her,she couldnt see or feel it. when she first puts her mouth on his dick silently,erica said to herself. "thank god he's circumcised. i can barely fit this thing as is. i dont need extra skin to worry about." this also causes her to slightly laugh while shes pleasuring reuben. but it was pretty,so erica would occasionally stop just so she could get a good look at it. but when she wasnt admiring reueben's gift,she was very noisy. with all the slurping and other sounds that go with that much liquid,there wasnt a person in the house that didnt know exactly what she was doing. erica appreciated that reuben wasnt the sort to push her head down on him. she knew what she was doing and didnt need help. plus she had a method of just how much goes how far. if they gave awards for blowjobs,she'd at least have a bronze. as soon as reuben says hes going to blow,she takes the full length of him and holds it until she doesnt feel the pulses anymore. this was both to be hot and to bypass tasting most of it. she didnt mind a little,but a lot could be so damned salty a six pack of nuka cola couldnt quench her thirst after. and its probably a good thing. because there was a LOT. she playfully slaps reuebn's thigh. "you fucking trying to drown me! i swear you've been saving that just for me." she playfully tells reuben,giving him one last lick to get any residuals. she didnt want to be a rude guest and leave stains on their beds. she crawls up and lies next to reuben,tracing her finger over his chest. he earned not to be loved and left.
"oh dont worry ,oscar. i used some old lab coat i found as a splatter shield." she says over to oscar. "damned good thing too. because i swear this boy dumped a full cup of the stuff. " she says looking at reuebn and raising her eyebrows as she speaks.
"on no giggles at all,love. that was just a chortle. " she tells billy while rolling her eyes. naturally,nina was a fan of cute. she's stuck around erica this long. and even now,erica managed to be cute...even while doing atrocious things. she closes her eyes and moves her hips against billy,sliding against the entire length. erica may have won the size trophy tonight...even if nina knew erica wasnt going to do much with it. but nina had far more to work with. even after all this time,she and her friend did have a friendly competitive streak. "well,i got one and half gorgeous men." she tells billy,kissing him deeply while holding his head with both her hands. she answers his question by raising her hips and sliding him into her very slowly. "oooh,fuck that feels so good,love." she says breathlessly,rocking gently. she closes her eyes and takes the moment in before leaning down so her breasts brush billy's face. " right,so you know where you go now,erich." she tells him,looking up at erich.
"i thought you said the butt was out?" erich jokes to nina,pretending to be going behind her. oddly,in all of erich's years,he had never been in the room with another man fucking a woman. this fact struck him as behind nina,he could definitely see all of billy .
nina laughs,leaning down and shaking her head beside billy. " i swear to god,its like fucking erica." she whispers in his ear. the two never took anything serious. ever. she leans back up and says in between taking billy, "look,love. you can either put that fucking cock in my mouth or take your ass back over there and stroke your hate boner for joshua grimmie." she says almost convincingly fed up as she points animatedly back to the other side of the house. she opens her mouth with a loud smack of lips.
"id imagine a few story writers are posthumously are celebrating. though do you think any invovled nina?" he says truly wondering. erich jumps a little when billy touches him,but moves his hips in approval. "well,ok.but promise you wont tell anyone." he jokes to billy in the same tone that brad says the same line to dr frankenfurter,smiling at him. billy had an attractiveness that did transcend gender. between that and the sultriness of nina,erich was at full attention. "duty calls,for the moment" erich tells billy,kissing him again. but there was a chance nina may make good on that threat of sending him back to bed. so he stands over billy and nina starts kissing and nuzzling erich's balls. she was the star of this show and was going to put on a show.
nina looks down at billy quizzically. "you know,sid. your dr brother." she tells him,looking over her shoulder as if she needed to direct his gaze. cute worked for nina. her hips bore down on him much firmer after he laughed. "your moment was cute and rather hot. to be honest." she tells billy,picking up his arm and putting it on one breast. she does the same with erich for the other. if there was an abundance of flesh here she wanted to feel it all.
erich looks down at billy confused. "billy,much like nina and her butt. im not fisting you with a power fist.or even without." erich tells billy. |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |