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#481 Posted : 17 July 2018 23:23:41(UTC)
erich hess
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"you killed people over synths? Theyre machines! " Dallas exclaims angrily. They had a good thing going here and Joshua fucked it up. He had half a mind to cut Joshua down right here and now. Maybe it would help smooth things over with the locals. But he refrains,he assumes someone here is friends with Josh,and since most people were friends with Dustyn...well, it's bad form to gun down hour boyfriend's friends in front of him.

After hearing Joshua's story,Erica and Nina's eyes turn towards sayyid. They may have hated Joshua Grimmie,but they hated the possibility of being captured even more. And at the moment,they knew the current Joshua Grimmie far more than the current sayyid. "I can't fucking believe you. You knew..you knew." Erica raises her sword to swing but is interrupted by the hellacious sound of the shotgun. Nina,keeps her gun pointed at him. He may be a good hostage to have. He's a doctor and very valuable to a town.

Erich glances around at their group and at the mob. Bundled in this tiny room put them at a huge disadvantage. But he was ready if need be. He wasn't so keen on this new world anyway.he just hoped his death was quick ."I hate you, Josh. I really do.". He says in dismay.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#482 Posted : 19 July 2018 23:13:55(UTC)
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"Damn right I killed them!" boasts Joshua as he steps up to Dallas. He didn't know the guy very well in the old world so doesn't have any preconceived ideas or old memories to cling onto, clouding his judgement. As far as he's concerned, this guy is just a Brotherhood soldier and he cannot stand them. "They murdered people too. Forget synths if that's your argument, if that's what you base morality on. They took people like me, like you, like your boyfriend, people just looking for a refuge in this world...and kidnapped them. They were then experimented on, tortured and killed. You REALLY want to get into what's right and wrong? You REALLY want to show your true colours here?" Joshua looks over his shoulder and catches a glimpse of Dustyn, which peaks his curiosity. "What would you do if he was a synth?" he asks, nodding over towards Dustyn.

"Guys, we have bigger issues at hand. Save your little arguments for after!" Billy exclaims as he fires his submachine gun, taking down a couple of the residents. A mini battle ensues in the small house. Thankfully most of the Covenant residents only yield melee weapons, making the battle easier for Billy and Co.

"I didn't know the whole story, Erica!" Sayyid yells over the gunfire, trying to defend himself. All he was thinking about was keeping his little brother safe and having a bed to sleep on. Sayyid then takes a shot to the arm, courtesy of Penny Fitzgerald. "Fuck!". Sayyid grabs his arm and ducks down behind a bed before he takes anymore bullets.

Dustyn squeals as the weird craftswoman makes a beeline for him with her beloved tools. "Go away you weirdo!!"




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erich hess on 20/07/2018(UTC)
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#483 Posted : 20 July 2018 01:16:53(UTC)
erich hess
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Dallas doesn't move when faced with Joshua. He's just another dirty wastelander holding onto ideas that became outdated the moment the first synth crawled out of the institute. "Oh...I didn't know humans were killed.."Dallas starts, looking rather shocked. But he instantly head butts Joshua. "They're collateral damage. Look at the big picture. This city is safe,at least from synths." Dallas says meaningfully,looking at Joshua. "I know Dustyn isn't a synth. But you're sounding awfully synth like. I say we turn you over the them." Dallas sneers, shouldering his weapon. He was only here for Dustyn,fuck the rest of these people. When a bullet strikes near his foot,Dallas starts firing lasers at the crowd. his power armor was outside,so getting shot at was a little more intense.

Erica narrows her eyes at the exchange between Joshua and Dallas. sometimes she didn't know where she stood in the whole synth thing. Joshua did have a point,if one was into that whole justice thing. She basically ignores saayid,she was so infuriated. But she does hear the slightly duller sound of a bullet hitting flesh instead of wood. "God, dammit!" She yells,seeing saayid is hit. This was out of concern for Billy,mainly. Even though she was considering killing saayid,l herself,it angered her that both his brothers were wounded. "Nina!" Erica squeaks over the gunfire.

"Right,love." Nina perks up. Her machine gun rattles off a burst before going silent. Nina could be heard whispering,"fuck." When the gun is empty. But penny is dead,very dead.the last of Nina's bullets all landed in her chest. Nina pulls her combat knife from her boot,ready to get pup close and personal.

Erich thought for sure they were going to see where this went before Fighting their way out. Possibly even turning Josh over to them. But that idea was gone now. He scanned for targets that he knew he could hit until he spotted the weird handy woman nearing Dustyn. She had a big ass wrench and looked like she aimed to use it. He fired his revolver at her, striking her shoulder and taking the arm with it. She drops to the floor, screaming in pain. She writhes on the floor until Erica puts her out of her misery by A stomp to the back of Talia's neck.

"You're the one I fuckin liked!" Erica yells at her corpse before ducking behind a bed.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#484 Posted : 20 July 2018 01:48:41(UTC)
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Joshua falls to the floor after being head butted by Dallas. He screams out in pain. "AHH WHAT THE FUCK, MAN??!!". Joshua rubs his head and stumbles back to his feet. Rather than retaliating, he leans against the wall while holding his head and continuing his argument through gritted teeth. Nobody stops Joshua mid argument. "Brute force won't stop me. I'm used to that with Diamond City security, you meat headed fuck." It's pretty obvious that Joshua has been assaulted many times. He just doesn't shut up. "How do you know he's not a synth? How do you know he wasn't replaced when you were away jerking over armour and weaponry? Is Dustyn an exception to the rules because he keeps your dick warm?" Joshua snickers and decides to twist the knife further, really getting under Dallas' skin. "Well, if I am a synth then I can categorically say we're a vast improvement from...whatever you are..." he says in disgust, looking Dallas up and down.

Riley snaps the neck of the mayor with one swift pull of his muscular arm, killing the last of them. A scuffle had broken out between Jacob Orden and Oscar, meaning Riley had to get physical and fast. He couldn't risk a stray bullet so sheer physical strength had to pull through. "The turrets are still active..." Riley says in a breathy voice as he steps back from the bodies and collects himself after what happened.

"I can't stay here now, can I?" says Deneil, kicking the corpse of Talia. "Full of dead people and shit, innit?". Deneil surprisingly handled himself well despite his disability. Being dependent on one hand really improves ones aim and determination to live.

"You're not walking around out there like that!" says Billy in a concerned brotherly tone, stepping over several bodies to make his way over to Deneil. The last thing he wants is for his brother to be out there with his disability, whether he travels with them or goes to find somewhere else. He's a walking meal for the predators out there.

"Can't fucking stay here, fam!" Deneil looks around at the carnage that lays before them. "Even if we did, who can maintain this place? I'm not staying here. I'm coming with you. You can drop me off...somewhere. Preferably a place that doesn't abduct and murder cunts, yeah?"

Billy is clearly flustered. He runs a hand through his hair and breathes deeply, gathering his thoughts. "Fine!". He doesn't want Deneil to be out there but he knows that he'd just set off in search of somewhere new regardless of Billy's decision. It's best to have him in a large group. "Where's Sayy?"

"Don't mind me, I've just been shot in the arm..." Sayyid's voice groans from the corner of the room, clutching his upper left arm.

"Oh my heart fucking bleeds!" says Deneil, raising his little stump.




Offline erich hess  
#485 Posted : 20 July 2018 03:02:38(UTC)
erich hess
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"I don't have time for your bullshit,Joshua. Go play with your toasters or whatever. Fucked up a perfectly fine evening." Dallas says, turning away from Joshua.he wasn't going to play into Josh's game. the man seemed like nothing got him off more than his own voice. He didn't have to justify anything to Joshua. He knew Dustyn Better than anyone. He would certainly know if he was a synth. He did have half a mind to crack Joshua's head open and check for a synth component.

Erica and Nina are rather surprised at the brutality of the Minuteman in the midst. Granted,Erica basically did the same thing,but not with her hands! Nina starts rifling through the pockets of bodies,she was in need of some ammo. She ends up finding fancy lads cakes and some bullets they didn't fit. ,"Cheap asses." She spats. She slings the Tommy gun over her shoulder and puts a stray 10mm pistol in her waistband. It was a nice auto model,but far weaker than her usual.

"You want me to take those turrets out, Reilly? I think I can get three of them from here." Erich offers kneeling by a window sill and sticking his rifle out. "Here,hold this a sec." He tells a corpse's before Placing a bottle of whiskey in it's hand. When this adventure was over,it was unlikely erich was going to become a quiet farmer. "This ones arm is still good,good grip too." He calls over to deneil. It look like they just gained two more people,may as well make them feel welcome.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#486 Posted : 20 July 2018 04:09:46(UTC)
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The group leave Covenant and its chaos behind, setting out on the open road once more - now with two extra bodies in tow. Billy still doesn't like the idea of his brothers being out here. For some reason he thinks that only he can defend them and himself, rendering the other two as weak. He just hates having family out in the open like this. It's a protective thing. The other Khan brothers are fine, however. Oscar patched Sayyid's wound up and removed the bullet and Deneil is as chipper as ever. The squabbling between Billy and Deneil over whether or not to cross Tucker Memorial Bridge is another reason he doesn't want his brothers here. The Khans are argumentative as fuck.

"Last thing I heard was that this place is swarmed with mutants. Might just be a rumour but be on guard, guys," says Riley in his sexy, husky accent. The new plan was to rest up properly in West Everett Estates after their downtime in Covenant was interrupted and then head out in the morning again.

The others aren't saying much on the journey. Oscar is tired out, Reuben has somewhat gone into shock after the Covenant massacre, Joshua doesn't wish to engage with a bunch of these people and Dustyn...well, Dustyn is surprisingly pissed after hearing Dallas' real stance on things during his argument with Joshua. Human casualties as collateral damage? That didn't sit well with him. Dustyn makes sure to charge a few paces ahead of his boyfriend to show he's not happy.

Sayyid catches up to Erica, still holding his arm as it feels better with a little pressure applied underneath the wound. "I swear I didn't know what they were up to..." he says in a low voice, not really wanting this conversation to be broadcast. He's still wanting to clear his name over the whole Covenant/Compound debacle.

Billy stops in his tracks at the front, raising a hand and immediately halting the group. "Shh, shh..." he hushes them softly as he stands as still as possible, listening to the night air. When the group quietens down, Billy can hear the horrid sounds of buzzing and fluttering wings a little more clearly. "OK, we've got insects close to us. It's dark so be careful. Those fuckers get right in your face real quick." Billy clenches his trusted gun just in case any of the pests fly over in this direction. They are pretty close to Taffington Boathouse.




Offline erich hess  
#487 Posted : 20 July 2018 05:12:51(UTC)
erich hess
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Erich and Nina are dragging their feet as they walk. The shit had hit the fan far too soon after the Love fest,so they didn't get much sleep. The pair were popping buffout like it was candy just to keep going. Erica, however,was happily trotting along near the front. Her gun in hand,she whistled a little and enjoyed the day. She was happy to be moving again.

"Mutants? " Erich asks, removing his jacket and tying it around his waist. It was too hot for leather,that was for sure. " The ugly fucks need to clear out on their own. My ass is dragging,man." Erich exclaims,looking up at the sky. What he wouldn't give for some air conditioning right now . He was too tired to even pick at Joshua. Who the mere sight of still annoyed him. Dallas clanks along in his armor. He notices that Dustyn is avoiding him or something,buy isn't going to address it here in front of Josh... though Dallas has started wondering if Dustyn is a synth. That would explain what has him upset...if a synth could even be called a him.

Erica's whistling stops when saayid speaks. "Saayid,do you know how many times have I've used that excuse myself? If I had a cap for each time,I could buy....well,not much. Maybe a thing of jet?" She laughs softly. Mainly to avoid making noise out here. If anything,the apocalypse brought peace and quiet. Just footsteps on the dirt made loud noise. "Well,you didn't seem to mind when we gunned your fellow citizens down,so I guess you're right." She says,holding her gun and mimicking shooting it. "Sorry..." She apologizes to saayid. "Does it hurt,your arm?" Erica says,changing the subject. She always hated admitting she was wrong. Even more so when being a hard ass meant life or death.

"Ew. I hate bugs,love. I didn't mind small ones,but these big ones? The little hairs just ...ugh." Nina shudders. Bloat flys were really what grossed her out. The lumpy and jiggly bodies on them. She really could just vomit.

"I'll take bugs over mirelurks any day." Erich say,taking cover inside an old car. It'd be harder for the mosquito type things to get to him there.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#488 Posted : 06 August 2018 20:35:48(UTC)
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As the group approaches West Everett Estates, they are on guard and ready to battle. Last Billy heard, this place was swarming with mutants but it has been months since he last heard anything. Leading the group, Billy is the first to draw his gun when he hears movement but it's not the heavy thudding of mutant stomps but a clanking of power armour. He pauses and halts the group for a moment to make sure he isn't just hearing Dallas' frame moving. The clunks continue. "This place is inhabited...stay alert..." he whispers, crouching down as he inches closer to the grounds. After examining the area for a moment, Billy suddenly rises to his feet and blurts out, "Scott?!"

Dustyn jumps at the sudden volume and is confused at the mention of his former band mate's name. "What the heck is going on?". Dustyn looks around the entrance to see for himself. Sure enough, Scott stands there in the centre of the estates, kitted out in rather old and obviously stolen power armour. A few settlers mill around too, looking at the group cautiously.

"Oh fuck, you bring the cavalry too?" Scott says with a laugh as he approaches them and gives Billy a fist bump. The boys may not be as close as they once were but they would never wish each other harm. It's nice to see everyone here...and Joshua. Scott has probably coped the worst with the trauma this world has brought upon him. He just walks around killing things that need killing, gets hammered, has a sleazy time in Goodneighbor and hasn't had a stable home until now. It may seem like fun to some but it's a dangerous life to lead and he clearly doesn't care. The smell of alcohol from him is strong. He isn't drunk but it's still in his system from constant boozing. A scar also runs from under his right eye down to his jaw. "You lot looking for a place to stay?" he asks, counting the hefty number of heads in this party.

"Just for the night...only passing through," says Oscar with a friendly smile. He and Scott used to be best friends in the old world. It kills him to see him like this but they've had that talk many times already. Scott wants to live this way and no offers of Diamond City and decent living will sway him.

"Oh?" Scott says with a tilt of his head, intrigued as to why they're only stopping by for one night. The commonwealth doesn't have many big attractions or events to travel for. It's pretty much just death and rads. "Where you off to?"

"Well..." Dustyn begins before being cut off by none other than loudmouth Grimmie.

"We're looking for Karoliena Summers. She's important to Erich and this wasteland has already claimed too many lives. We need to find her. She may even have kids with her. Any information you have would be great." Joshua is trying to take control of the mission again, stepping in front of the group. He has a real power thing. Billy gently ushers back in front of him. This is his squad.

"Blimey, you're intense!" Scott knows exactly what Joshua is like and doesn't have time for him. He can't resist having a little dig at him for old times sake. "I actually met her once in Goodneighbor. She said she was going to try out Vault 81. Can't stand those preppy and perky morons. Woo hoo you have clean floors, stop being so jolly and face the real world! Anyway, that's way over in the other direction."

Deneil sighs at the news of the distance. "Fam my feet are killing me and I barely got to sleep among that shagfest. Can we just kip here and go in the morning?"

"Yeah, that's the plan anyway. We need to recharge. I can barely keep my eyes open." Billy yawns and surveys the estates. Most of the houses are in decent condition. Should be the perfect place to get a good sleep. "At least we have an idea of the direction we went...and we walked right away from it. Typical. We'll head out over to the vault in the morning."




Offline erich hess  
#489 Posted : 06 August 2018 22:26:03(UTC)
erich hess
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And with Scott, weekend was now complete. It was weird for Erich to see scott as he was now. But If dallas could be a militant jerk,Erica and Nina being fearsome flesh peddlers...well, anything was possible. Still,Scott had a nice little place carved out for himself here. And if the smell of liquor could be believed,a fun time was to be had by all. It was a shame to hear they were only staying for a night,this place looked cozy... all things considered. Erich gives a nod of greeting when he sees Scott. "Good seeing you're still kicking it. I feel it's been hundreds of years since we last talked." Erich laughed. One had to laugh to keep from crying.

Nina and Erica just smiled at Scott. They already knew him well.... probably VERY well. Anyone who was anyone visited Erica's parlor in good neighbor. While this place had a much better vibe than covenant. Scott's people were clearly Erica's type of people,they wanted to look around. Maybe find
some gambling or chems. Besides the dick swinging of joshua,Erich, Billy and saayid was growing old. When Joshua spoke over Dustyn,that sealed it. "Right, loves. We're off to find some trouble to get into." The pair give simultaneous salutes and scamper off towards the bonfire...which had bodies roasting on it.

Erich almost understood Joshua for s second. Sure,he was being bitchy about karoliena being important..but he did mention the kids. Sure,he spoke over Dustyn,but...well,sometimes being bold displayed the gravity of the situation. "This vault sounds promising. Especially if the floor is clean. karoliena hates dirt." He says excitedly to scott, Joshua and Billy. This was the most promising lead yet. After the initial excitement wore off,Erich realized where Scott said she vault was. "Um...how far in the other direction?" He asks, looking back where they came from. Ugh. It'd be nice if they could fix one of the zillions of cars laying around. But the emp from th bombs fried the electronics he assumed.

Dallas hung back to keep the peace. Obviously stolen power armour,the general appearance of Everett estates...these were probably raiders.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#490 Posted : 09 August 2018 05:07:49(UTC)
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"Well it's way by Diamond City," Scott begins when Erich asks how far it is. He is very well travelled and knows this place like the back of his hand. "You should set out at dawn. Gives you time to travel and fight your way there. By the time you arrive it should be bright. The best route is to head down and pass through Bunker Hill and cross on over to Cabot House...odd people. Then follow the road by the water down by the amphitheatre, pass Back Street Apparel, through Hangman's Alley, across Chestnut Hillock reservoir and you're there. It's not the only route to take but it's less...ghoulish. Not saying it'll be easy though." The Commonwealth isn't as treacherous as it once was thanks to people like himself, Billy and co. The amount of dangers was truly unbelievable when they first arrived. Thankfully, the place has been cleaned up a bit but it's far from being the land of milk and honey.

"Yeah I know my way around, Scott. Thanks though," Billy says with a smug grin. He likes to feel like the leader. He didn't need Scott to map out the route for them.

Dustyn takes a step back and retreats behind Dallas in his armour after Joshua cuts him off. He doesn't feel like he has a voice at all in this. Aside from possibly Reuben, everyone else seems to brave and heroic to him. They're quick on the guns, aren't looking over their shoulders every 5 seconds and they speak with confidence. They know the wasteland. Dustyn has a lot of catching up to do and isn't sure if he wants to. This place is hellish. "Do you want to pick a place for us to sleep tonight?" he asks Dallas, holding his hand. Sure he was still a bit peeved at the synth remarks but Dustyn lives by the motto "never go to bed angry". The morning is never guaranteed and he doesn't want their last interactions to be frosty.

"Fam I'll sleep anywhere. Fucking knackered!" Deneil sighs, which turns into a yawn. He notices Scott looking over at his arm, or lack of. The last time he saw this guy, Deneil had two arms and didn't feel like a circus attraction. "Mirelurk, innit," Deneil says with a raise of his stub. Scott just pouts and nods his head, not wanting to get into the details. The poor guy is missing an arm and that's pretty much the gist of it.

Reuben follows Erica and Nina purely because he feels like he's an honorary part of their little team now. He's fucked Erica and things have been seen, felt and tasted. You can't get much closer than that. He sees some of the bodies on the bonfire and averts his eyes. Even though it's raider corpses, they were still people to him. "Uh...why...why they burn?". He has no idea if this is a sadistic ritual or now classed as a dignified send-off. This world is very different.

"Right, I think it's time to finally wind down," says Riley with a grunt as he heaves one of the heavy bags off his shoulder. He opens it up and is presented with bottles of purified water and Nuka Cola in different variants. "Quench your thirst..." he says before gulping some water. "Yeah, not very cold, I admit...but it beats drinking out of Dark Hollow pond."

"That one doesn't look too safe." Joshua remarks on one of the homes after examining it. Granted, the roof is half collapsed and there's a
giant hole in the kitchen wall but it's still standing and is somewhat more secure than sleeping at the side of the road.

"Shame 'cause that one is yours for the night," adds Scott, holding in a snicker. He also has no time for Joshua and putting him in the deathtrap house is his idea of making things more fun and interesting.

Sayyid sits at the side of the road with his head down, feeling beat and saddened by the whole Compound/Covenant affair.




Offline erich hess  
#491 Posted : 09 August 2018 08:08:57(UTC)
erich hess
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"diamond city,eh?" Erich grins before twitching and doing his best Mr Krabs impression,"you hear that, boys? She probably over by diamond city." The situation was comical to him, especially if this turns out to be where karoliena is. It was a hellacious walk, but it wasn't like they had anything else to do...well,some members of their party might. But Erich certainly did not. He makes a face when Scott mentions ghouls. He hated the things, but even worse were the non feral ones . He assumed it had to hurt living like that. "So what do you do these days?" Erich asks Scott,making conversation. It was rude just to show up and not take an interest in their host.

Dallas takes a look around before grabbing Dustyn hand gently while wearing the armor. Fine movements were hard to master,but after a while it had become as natural as breathing. "Let's go for whenever joshua Grimmie and Erica isn't. I'm in no mood for assholes or people who sound like banshees fucking." Dallas says to Dustyn with a smile behind his helmet. H e did not want a replay of covenant. ..or hear Joshua whine when nobody wanted to fuck him. "How about a nice little bungalow by the river. We can pretend life is normal and cram is actually good." He was joking,but could see them doing it. While far more dilapidated than covenant,these houses actually looked homey...in a wasteland sort of way.

As the girls walk,they notice Reuben following along. It was just as well. He wouldn't fit in with Billy and them. Dallas and Dustyn probably didn't want him around.. especially after the other night. Saayid seemed to taking it rough and deneil was stumpy. "Hey, Dont get any ideas,love. We aren't sneaking away for a sex orgy." Nina tells Reuben, wagging her finger at him. As they walk,erica picks up a bottle and throws it at the burning body. It looked to have been missing limbs. Super mutant victim most likely.
"Could be anything,really. Disposal to keep the smell down. Intimidation for other raiders...um...food." Nina says with a wince.

"Oh my God, remember that guy with the flamethrower?" Erica asks, clearly amused by the memory. She was looking around at a tool shed with a door in the floor.

Nina thinks for a moment and lights up with glee. "Yes!! " She laughs to Erica. " Lesson learned,never trip while using a flamethrower. It was hilarious,love... actually horrifying. But ...well,you know" Nina tells Reuben,letting him in on what she and Erica were laughing at. Truthfully,it was a close call. She and Erica probably would be dead if their victim hadn't been utterly incompetent.

Erica nods to the door of the bunker. Light was coming out from a gap between the hinges. Someone was in there.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#492 Posted : 30 September 2018 05:34:32(UTC)
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"I...drift..." Scott says in reply to Erich, looking off into the distance. It's not exactly a lie. Scott doesn't have a solid job or place of residence. Cutting out his heavy drinking, cleansing of nuisances and the odd dodgy chem deals, Scott pretty much just drifts. "I don't really have much going for me and nothing to care for...so I just take each day as it comes...". Scott doesn't like to go into detail but it's obvious that he is still hurting bad over the loss of his wife and son, as anyone would.

"You know that you could always come back to Diamond City with us," Oscar chimes in, trying to sound as soft and convincing as possible. It's a conversation he's had with his best friend every time they meet up in this disastrous place.

"And pretend everything is OK? Lead a "normal life" while we slowly get irradiated over the years? Pretend to be a civilised community while we're pick-pocketing each other so we can pay for crappy meat from two-headed cows? Fall in love again only for a random ambush to take it all away? Nah, I'll stick to the lone wanderer life, pal." Scott says with a forced and sarcastic smile. He really is done with it all. The only reason he hasn't killed himself is that he'd see that as the wasteland's final victory. It's not getting that satisfaction. He'll fight back for as long as he can.

Reuben sticks closely with Nina and Erica, following them as they explore the area. As unsettling as it is for Reuben, he can't help but feel a tad excited. That adrenaline that comes with fear. Sort of like a child watching a horror movie they shouldn't be. Sure the Diamond City area has the odd attack but he's never seen this side of the wasteland: the vast darkness, bodies upon bodies, people doing whatever they can to survive. It's a far cry from the "cosy" nature of Diamond City. It's educational as much as it is frightening. He follows behind the girls as they approach the bunker that is emanating light. "Is...is it safe?" he asks, cocking his gun just in case.

Joshua observes the house he has been designated by Scott. Aside from the intact bedroom area and the remnants of a garage, the building is pretty much dilapidated and caved in. "Uh...there isn't much room in this one, Scott. It doesn't look very safe!"

"It's fine! You'll be cosy in there!" Scott calls back before uttering under his breath, "Fucking wanker."

Down at the bungalow by the river, Dustyn settles down on the bed and looks out through the remains of the window out onto the water. Despite the heavy pollution, it's a pretty and calming view mainly due to the darkness covering it all and the stars highlighting only the smallest of areas. "I feel for the people out here..." he begins, kicking off his shoes and laying back on the bed. "I'm in a huge group, we're well armed and I have a big strapping boyfriend in power armour and I'm still shit scared out here. I can't imagine what it's like to just be a regular Joe, a single mother...a kid...just...out here. People who don't know of the big settlements. People who don't have enough caps and supplies to make long journeys." Dustyn frowns. He's always been a very loving and paternal guy. Having Shay and now also being a teacher in Diamond City, it really tugs at his heartstrings knowing that there are helpless families out here.

A shot is fired, causing a few jumps and squeals. Riley then holds his hands up in an apologetic gesture and pouts his lips, totally not expecting the gunshot to be so loud. "Sorry...bloatfly."

"Just about shit myself, bruv!" retorts Deneil with a chuckle as he and Sayyid set up camp in a small house across the way from Riley. The youngest Khan brother seems as cheery as ever despite only having one arm and being chased out of his old home. Sayyid on the other hand still looks kinda glum after learning of the news about Compound.

Billy walks up to Erich after surveying the estate. He looks rather apprehensive and nervous which isn't normal for someone as brash as Billy. After clearing his throat, he begins to say what's on his mind. "Hey uh...since people are pairing off for the night, winding down and actually getting some privacy...I was wondering...uh...you know...if you'd want to...pair off...with me?" Billy forces a smile, feeling extremely awkward. When it's all fun and games, Billy is as cocky as ever but when he's being serious and wants a TRUE intimate moment with someone, he goes all mushy.




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#493 Posted : 30 September 2018 11:06:07(UTC)
erich hess
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ooc: 2 months later? better late than never,right?BigGrin

erich takes a drink of one of the numerous bottles of whisky that litter the wasteland. seriously,it was like a distillery exploded and threw the shit everywhere. "seems to be a popular past time these days. real jobs are for squares even more now,right?" he states,nodding in approval of the destruction. he could appreciate what scott was laying down. he didnt see anyone he knew other than scott here. so it was safe to assume he lost people too. hopefully it was like erich and it was out of sight,out of mind. erich doesnt say anything when it comes to the exchange between scott and oscar, he was firmly of scott's point of view. the world had gone to hell,why try to go back? it was akin to playing pretend while the house burned down around you. he wanted to think like oscar,but even in his short time here...he saw how the world worked. if a world could turn erica,of all people,into a murderous maniac..it wasnt worth saving. become a beast and get rid of the pain of being a man.

"safe? lets hope not,love." nina grins at reuben. there was a certain thrill to be had when it came to putting yourself up against someone in a life or death situation. it really made one feel alive. nina loved it. it was even more fun than gunning down the unarmed. sure,it was nice knowing the power you had over people. it must be what being god would feel like. your will was all that mattered,vengeful wrath or mercy? but coming across a situation where your candle could be just as easily snuffed out? that is what is was all about.

erica puts her finger to her lips and readies her tommy gun. it was probably just a wasteland merchant behind this door. given the bunker was in scott's town,they probably shouldnt shoot them. but who's to say the merchant didnt try to pull a gun on them? figuring two women and a deaf man were easy pickings? she takes a deep breath. the air was sweet. as it always was when about to fling open an uknown door. that breath could easily be your last. erica flings open the door and shouts. "what are you doing in....here?" her tone drops in ferocity when the woman inside the bunker turns around in surprise.

inside the bunker is rather cozy.the dangling light bulb bathes everything in a warm yellow light. there is a desk and some bunk beds.a young woman sits at the desk with a smirk on her face. the woman was ready for the intruders and had a gatling laser leveled at the door. "holy...fuck." she says,dropping the gun.its mariko! but when she stands to greet erica and nina,its clear that mariko is not herself. she is far taller than mariko should be,she is nearly 6 feet tall. her voice is also....off. she has a distinctly southern accent to it.

erica drops her gun and tries to back out of the room,but is blocked by nina and rueben. "mariko! no...you're dead..i saw it. quincy..i saw it." erica stammers. it was surreal and almost nightmarish to her. there was no question mariko was dead. an assaultron impaled her with its sword hands before melting her with its eyebeam.

"oh,sugar. im a synth based off mariko.a defect,as you can see." mariko says with a shrug. "the institute just doesnt take kindly to faulty hardware,so i had to make a run for it." she had memories of her raiding days with erica. but they were like a lsd hallucination. she knew they werent real and were just overlays over reality. she was slated to be recycled in the institute but had enough of mariko in her to make an escape. a very bloody escape. the institute had crafted mariko with the intent to be a courser. which combined with the real mariko's mentality..made for quite a handful. it was rare that a synth would be made of someone and not actually replace said person,but the institute wanted to sow dissent. they wanted people to question who was real and who was a synth.

it was a lot for erica to process. the face was mariko. but the voice wasnt. erica wanted to pick up her gun and destroy this mockery. but..it looked like mariko. how could she? "how...how much of mariko are you?" erica asks. her voice drips with the hope of the impossible. a second chance to have her sister! did that mean there was a gretchen and a takara out there?! what if there was? she had become a monster after their deaths. could she even face them? she killed hundreds,many just for fun.

mariko smiles and looks to nina and rueben before speaking. " i remember everything. there is a small gap after the time we did that job for hancock. you remember the one." mariko says slyly,looking at reueben. she remembered him now. he was a diamond city guard. the job in question wasnt exactly bad. but certainly not smiled upon by diamond city authorities.

erica was convinced. she wanted to be convinced. this person was her sister. erica walks up and hugs her sister tightly. she cried for the first time in a long time while embracing this...machine..no,person. she didnt care who saw or who heard. the height and voice were wrong,but it FELT like mariko when embracing her. erica knew she didnt have to speak,mariko would come with them. "here. ive been keeping it warm for you." she tells mariko before handing her the sword and scabbard she had tucked in her belt. mariko takes the katana and bounces it in her hand,testing the heft. it was just as she remembered.

nina watched this all with a small smile. she and erica never had anything against synths,unless they were the robot looking ones. nick valentine was cool enough. he never really gave nina any shit,so he was ok in her book. "um..dont say anything to dallas.right,love?" nina quips to reuben. there was no way this synth wasnt joining them. unless erica and herself were killed. for all intents and purposes,that was mariko. joshua would probably cream his drawers having a real synth whos rights he could fight for.

dallas looks over the landscape as well.but he doesnt see it as dustyn does. he sees it as chaos at that aches for the brotherhood's firm grasp. he exits his power armor and sits his laser rifle against the wall. "yeah...i understand. but you cant save everyone,dust. its tough,but sometimes you just have to look away and either let nature take it's course. or do what you have to do." dallas says to dustyn almost dogmatically. the brotherhood certainly bred a certain aloofness in its soldiers. he didnt like .."appropriating" supplies from innocent folks,but it had to be done. there were no easy choices now. even dustyn living semi comfortably in diamond city came from people making hard decisions. there were no ghouls in diamond city,right? some people thought ghouls were actual people.

"hmm?" erich says,snapped out of his whisky stupor by billy. while he certainly would have rather spent the night with erica,as far as....THAT went. it would be dishonest with himself to say billy wasnt someone deserving to share a bed with. he certainly wasnt sexually attracted to billy. but emotionally? well,that was another ball of wax. a connection was a connection in this sick and sad world. the fact they may not have the exact kind of genitals you want to play with is a non point."it'd be an dick move to refuse you,billy." erich laughs to his...friend. yeah,billy was his friend now. he kinda was before as well. but now..time was fleeting. there was no reason not to express how one feels. one may not be there tomorrow. " lets find someplace comfy and get some well deserved shut eye...and talk about how we hate joshua grimmie." he adds with a laugh.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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BrownSugar on 30/09/2018(UTC)
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#494 Posted : 02 October 2018 04:16:31(UTC)
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ooc: Sean time is different to other time.

Reuben just nods along with Erica and Nina, having no clue what the hell is going on. He's not wanting to be nosey and his hearing isn't the best either so he's literally zoning in and out of the conversation. "Oh..OK...I.." he says, putting his finger on his lips to show that he knows to keep this on the hush. Reuben isn't very clued up on the Institute, synths and Mariko's fate. All he can muster is that there's a very tall version of Mariko, Erica is extremely emotional about it all and they have to stay quiet as far as Dallas is concerned. He looks around, pouting his lips and feeling like a bit of a spare part during this sentimental moment...with weapons.

Scott nods and lights up a cigarette with a match as he talks to Erich about his lifestyle. "Yup, I'm not the only one trawling the waste. There's no law, no real economy...we can pretty much do what we please. The novelty wears thin after killing 100 or so mutated dogs, though." Scott narrows his eyes and sees that the bunker has been entered. His stomach leaps but he maintains steady composure. He totally forgot to mention Mariko and decides to keep quiet, awaiting to see how things from the bunker emerge. He's not sure on Erich and Billy's stance on synths, let alone faulty versions of someone they know. You know it's a crazy world when you forget to mention the 6 feet tall synth copy of a small Asian woman that happens to speak with a Southern accent. "So..." he begins, kicking at some debris to take his mind off whatever could be going on in the bunker, "I see Reuben is here. How is he getting along on account of...?" Scott taps his ear, alluding to his deafness. It's not like "deaf" is a dirty word but, to him, it seems kind of blunt and defining.

Billy smiles and lights up when Erich agrees to spend the night with him. Whether or not Erich is attracted to him, the simple gesture of even so much as sharing the same structure means a lot in this world. Most people are usually cold, afraid of feelings, only looking out for themselves and will probably kill you in the middle of the night for all two caps you have. A bit like how Scott is now. "We shall have the best home this side of the Glowing Sea." Billy jokes with a charming wink that could suggest many things. "Scott, what delightful accommodation do you have on offer for guests of a more...upscale nature?"

"You including yourself in that, B?" Scott quips with a drag of his cigarette. "You'll have a collapsing house that may or may not still have mutant remains on the walls and you'll like it."

"It's very STUFFY in here!" calls Joshua from across the street in his little home for the night. Even with a bed to sleep on and a roof over his head, there's always something for him to moan about.

Dustyn raises an eyebrow and smirks when Dallas exits his power armour. He never grows tired of seeing that body. It does make him feel even meeker in comparison. The Commonwealth doesn't exactly provide lots of nutrition or gym membership. "I know you can't save everyone...but you can try. I'm so lucky that you and Billy came into this world before me. You were able to get me and Shay across this place and into Diamond City. If I was just left to my own devices, I wouldn't know the first thing to do. It doesn't mean I should die. I feel bad for all those people still out there. How scared they must feel..." Dustyn's problem is not only his heart of gold but the fact that he still has a family. Shay is thankfully still here and while Dallas is away a lot, he's still alive. He hasn't endured trauma or loss that hardens people. Dustyn is very much still sensitive and on edge, wanting to keep somewhat of a perfect picture for as long as possible. Others have already learned the hard way that it only gets worse. Dustyn turns to face Dallas on the bed, looking slightly perplexed. Stuff is running through his mind. "Dallas...isn't this like a video game we played hundreds of years ago...or did I just dream that up?"




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#495 Posted : 02 October 2018 08:22:12(UTC)
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the girls look at each other and nod before winking in unison at reuben. it was for the best that he went along with them. while certainly very fond of reuben,nina's loyalties were with the people she knew best. it avoided the unpleasantness that could've gotten real ugly,real fast. though they probably didnt have to ask. its not like he really knew mariko anyway. for all he knew she certainly could have been very tall and southern. it just never came through on videos.
"stop,hitomi. people see you crying and they just arent going to take us serious." mariko tells her sister,nodding towards the door. she never used the stage name of her sister. she always found it kind of silly.

"fuck you." erica sneers playfully while composing herself. she gives one final sniff before smiling an impish smile. the gang was back togther,it was time to raise hell. while mariko was the fiercer fighter,she had the self control that erica did not.

nina figures she should warn mariko and reueben of just what lay in store for them. "right,loves. we're traveling with a fanatical moron. or,as they like to be called:a paladin of the brotherhood of steel." at the mention of this,,mariko silently mouths "why?" which even real mariko would do. the brotherhood were second only to the minutemen when it came to being a killjoy...actually,they topped the minutemen. minutemen behaved like humans who could be reasoned with." mariko,here. she's a synth. those fucking brotherhood shits shoot them on sight. and....well,mariko used to be a lot shorter. dallas will know. you might want to head back before us,reuben. shit is going to pop off." she warns him. this was their battle and not really his concern. plus,she had doubts if Reuben could take dallas. dallas knew the girls were formidable,so he'd probably go for the unknown factor first.

erica merely stares at the door before opening it. "we'll see just how much dallas believes in that brotherhood shit." she spats pulling a pipe pistol from her waistband. usually she frowned on them as being for scrubs. but this one was chambered for .50. it would make a hell of a mess at close range. with that,they padded off into the night back towards the group.

"dogs...yeah. but those ghouls? that hasnt lost its charm on me yet. its like doing the world and them a favor. poor bastards probably dont even know they're still alive." erich says with almost pride. he danced the fine line between full on nutter like erica and genuinely wanting to help what used to be people. it was a fate he certainly wouldnt wish on anyone. erica told him about ghouls that arent basically zombies,but he had doubts. she probably was just pulling his leg. erich follwed scott's eyes over towards the bunker and wondered what was so interesting over there. if there was an orgy and he wasnt invited...there would be a stern letter written to the head of the wasteland. at the mention of reuben,erich starts chuckling. "oh,the old boy is getting along just swimmingly. i think he's really been accepted by the ladies. seems nice enough. never really spoke to him before all this. maybe beind deaf has sharpened his other senses. mother fucker may be psychic for all i know." erich says brightly. it said a lot when someone deaf and someone like dustyn could thrive in the world. hell,someone sensible hadnt shot joshua yet. so whats a little handicap?

"this glowing sea thing sounds fantastic. so its like an ocean of quantum?" erich asks billy. while he had adapted quickly to the reality they were in,he still wast pretty green in areas like the geography. " we'll loot some speedos and sunbath with our cheeks hanging out. we'll have to fight the settlers off who will think they just stumbled over the 4 ripes melons in town." he chuckles,oblivious to what the glowing sea was or the fact that speedos may not have survived the war.
erich looks around at the once quaint neighborhood and can see them all living here in a brief daydream.it's shattered when he hears josh complain. erich takes out his revolver and takes a potshot at the house joshua is in. "pipe down over there! decent people gotta work in the morning!" he yells at joshua.

dallas thinks briefly on dustyn's words and nods slowly in agreement. it was easier to agree than try to change his mind. besides,it was charming to see that dustyn still maintained who he was. "i dont know,dust. we're trying to save all the people we can at the brotherhood. but sometimes you dont want the ends to justify the means." he says quietly in a moment of rare straying from the brotherhood's ideals. "a lot of times i think it would have been better if we all had just went up in a ball of fire. these people have it good. they dont know what the world was like. what it really was like. where everyone could be thoughtful and kind like you. to know what it was like to love someone and grow old with them. " dallas says sadly,putting his hand on dustyn's. more than likely that was a future that wasnt for anyone now. dallas looks out the window and laughs a little. "yeah,it does remind me of that game ...borderlands or something."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#496 Posted : 03 October 2018 08:11:21(UTC)
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Reuben doesn't really have a stance on anything in the wasteland. He isn't particularly well travelled and his hearing impairment causes him to shy away from conversation. He's not very clued up. All he cares about is not dying and hoping his friends live as long as they can too. Whatever this Mariko identifies as, it's clear that she's nice and has every right to live so that's good enough for Reuben. "Maybe we can stop a fight if you tell Dustyn first?". Reuben hates confrontation and bloodshed. It's bad enough seeing ghouls get their heads blown off let alone someone he knows. The last thing he wants is for the group to turn on each other.

Joshua calls out from his tiny, crumbling house; "I get shot at all the time! Your bullets don't scare me, Hess! Come in here and fight me like a man!...or however you identify, I don't judge.". While he's slightly joking about being used to bullets, there is a lot of truth to it. The amount of people who have taken a shot at Joshua is certainly a double digit figure.

Scott strolls around the entrance of the estate, smoking his cigarette and keeping watch. His gun is handy, not only in case of an attack but he fears something will kick off due to Mariko's discovery. Scott's a tad bitter but he doesn't hold anything against synths. The evil robotic looking ones can fuck off but the ones that pass as human don't both him. They can't help their creation and are just looking for a shot at life, although Scott can't really see what there is to live for here.

Dustyn clutches Dallas' hand as they lay on the bed. He's realising just how lucky he is. Everyone else lost their partner. The only other couple to really thrive and survive out here was Andrea and Payton but they travelled east a while ago and nobody has heard or seen from them since. Their fate is still up in the air. "Yeah...going up in flames would have solved everything...but we're here and we're stuck with the memories. We just have to deal with it. It's all very cruel," Dustyn says with a sigh as he rests his head against Dallas' muscular arm. "I know you're out fighting for us and doing a great job but do you ever think about quitting and coming home? Are you even allowed to quit? It's all very secretive." Dallas pretty much left without much explanation or warning. This is the first time he's been back since. BoS seems like some sort of cult to Dustyn. It's shrouded in mystery.

Billy raises an eyebrow and chortles when Erich starts to fantasise about a life in the Glowing Sea. He clearly still has a lot to learn. "I forgot that you're still a NOOB. We have a lot of places to explore after this adventure. The Glowing Sea...maybe we'll give that a miss. It's a huge region and it's where one of the bombs struck. Highly irradiated, filled with the worst creatures, smells like shit and filled with mad cunts who worship "Atom" and his "glow". Wankers." Billy walks with Erich, heading towards one of the houses towards the back of the estate. "The place is still so toxic, it has a yellow tinge to it. It also blows out clouds and causes radiation storms every so often. Nowhere is safe. Not even Diamond City. Really not worth heading down to that part of the wasteland. Although, if you still feel like sunbathing with your arse out that's fine by me." Billy chuckles as he pushes the door to the house open. He doesn't look around much, always finding it weird that this used to be someone's home back in the day. It always feels like he's trespassing and stomping over properties and memories. Yeah, Billy can get deep. He immediately makes his way to the bedroom, not wanting to snoop around too much and just get out of these leathers and lay down. "So..." he says, leaning against the wall next to the bed. He finds it a little awkward, not knowing how Erich wants this night to go. He really does like him and doesn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. This truly is the only time they'll get together without interference. Tomorrow they'll head to Vault 81 and then this adventure is over.




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#497 Posted : 03 October 2018 23:43:24(UTC)
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Nina raises an eyebrow at Reuben's proposal. It certainly sounded plausible. "Capital idea,love. Maybe his hard on for Dustyn is more raging than his hard on for the brotherhood." She tells Reuben happily. A lot could go wrong and appealing to Dustyn could be the best way to go about it.

At the mention of brotherhood, Mariko's entire demeanor changes. "Brotherhood? Here? That just will not do at all. At least the institute sees me as property. The brotherhood would see me destroyed." Mariko sneered. She carried an intense hatred for them. They loved technology but were openly hostile to the most advanced technology ever seen? Mariko would never age,never get sick.as a would be courser she was near super human. This technology could help so many People. Why destroy it? Take it over and use it for the greater good.

Erica tosses her head side to side in thought. "Nice idea. But it could lead to being open to interpretation.". She quips before walking slowly around the area and listening for the voices of Dustyn and Dallas. It was unlikely they had went right to sleep. Her sharp ears eventually heard them talking,so she ducked near the wall of the house and motioned for Nina to get on the other side the window they would hop through. Mariko knew what was up,but hung back. If things turned ugly,she would ensure nobody else got involved.

"You motherfucker." Erich spats before shoving his bottle into Billy's hand with a quick," hold my beer." Granted,it wasn't beer. But the phrase doesn't sound was good when not saying beer. He takes off running towards the house, infuriated at Joshua. He didn't know why the man got under his skin so... Actually yeah he did . The man's name spelled out Joshua Grimmie. But on the run over there,his fires cooled and he thought that beating the brakes off Joshua would be fun,but not funny. The world needed humor. Especially in these dark times. He scrambles up a tree and onto the rusting roof. He starts stomping on the roof,causing rust to fall on Joshua in a large cloud. He does this all while loudly singing "raindrops keep falling on my head.".

Dallas looks up and out the holes in the roof. The lack of most electrical lights really let the stars shine. It was peaceful looking up at the arm of the milky way. He vaguely heard Erica and Nina talking. Those two never seemed to shut up. He instead focused on Dustyn's head on his arm. "We're here but it's feeble grip on existence." Dallas says sadly. The institute wanted to replace mankind, even the brotherhood had liberty prime,who was easily capable of taking out every settlement. Not to mention the random missle sites around just sitting around unguarded. He considers Dustyn's question and nods slowly. "I'd be a liar if I said I never thought about it. But I have to do something to make things better. You teach and I take down threats to humanity. This could work." He laughs to Dustyn before kissing his cheek. He strokes Dustyn's hair and shakes his head. " I don't really know . I've heard rumors that one of our members was exiled and is officially listed as dead. I know one of our West coast chapters had a member leave to attempt to join the followers of the apocalypse...they murdered the entire Outpost she visited. I can't really say, Dustyn. There is such a wide variety between chapters. Our DC brothers formed two separate brotherhoods over differences in policy.i honestly don't even want to ask about leaving. It..could put you and Shay in danger." Dallas says feeling much like he made a deal with the devil when he joined.

"Noob?!" Erich says, pretending to be offended. "You better hope you don't get shot. I will fucking teabag your corpse and scream things about fucking your mother." He jokes to billy. The glowing sea sounded like a real shit show. he most certainly didn't want to visit. "Oh..nah let's not get a beach house there. I'm sure we can find one in Boston proper. Live like some god damned Kennedys or something" he grins. All those fancy houses were empty now,just waiting for hermit crabs like he and billy to crawl in. "Atom worship,huh? Nice to see atomic war bride was FINALLY realized as the genius it really was." Erich says proudly. That's all he had wanted in life . To be seen as divine by generations he would never meet. "Maybe tomorrow.ill find a towel and do some nude sunbathing on the lawn." Erich says to billy inside the house. Unlike billy,he has no problem rooting around the remnants of someone's life. It wasn't anyone he knew or ever would meet. Fuck em. The only way he'd care less,was if they were in new York. Because fuck new Yorkers. "Fancy a Fancy lad,lad?" Erich chuckles to Billy,offering him half the box he found . He was sure that joke was made a thousand times. But if you drive a joke into the ground far enough,it pops back up on the other side of being funny. Erich reaches up and spin the ceiling fan. "You sound like you're about to jokingly ask me to accept money for sex. But then claim it was just a joke if I refuse." Erich smirks to billy. He hops up on a dresser after rummaging through the drawers. No pistol in the sock drawer or porn. This used to be a square's house.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#498 Posted : 04 October 2018 00:47:34(UTC)
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Joshua grunts and grumbles, stomping out of bed and into the street to see what all the commotion up on the roof is all about. "What the fuck?! Get down from there! You could hurt yourself, man! I'm also trying to sleep so it really would be best if you come down and stop acting like an ass." Joshua isn't exactly a ray of sunshine at the best of times so it's not wise to push him when he's tired and cranky. Dear God.

In the heat of the moment, Joshua had ran outside shirtless to scold Erich. Billy looks on and raises an eyebrow, enjoying the view. Joshua may be highly irritating but damn he's ripped. Billy can almost forgive his annoying ways for those abs. Almost. "Nice nipples, Grimmie!" Billy catcalls from the road. Joshua's face turns red and he folds his arms over his chest before heading back inside. Billy meant the compliment but he also knew that embarrassment is the only real way to shut Joshua up. When you fire words at him, it only riles Joshua up and he bites back but mention something like say, the pee thing, he'll close up and recoil.

"I at least wish The Brotherhood could be grounded instead of living up there in that big balloon thing. You seem even further away...out of reach up there." Everything certainly would be more homely and friendly if Dustyn ran operations. "I appreciate what you do. I just feel lonely and worried left down here. I always wonder if you're OK. Going to bed alone isn't the same either. You sleep alone up there too, right? RIGHT? I swear if I have to beat up some metal hussy..." Dustyn jokes, snuggling into his boyfriend. Dusty sides with The Brotherhood and doesn't think too much about it. His stance is mainly due to the paranoia of living in Diamond City, the Institute horror stories and the fact that his boyfriend is a Paladin. That's not to say it'd be a different story if he were to actually meet and befriend a synth. Dustyn has far more compassion than the diehard BoS supporters. "If it's going to put Shay in danger then just keep your head down, I guess. I miss you but if anything happened to my baby boy...I'd throw myself to the mirelurks." Dustyn means it too.

"Scream things about fucking my mother if you want. She was like Hackney's Titanic anyway. The amount of people who went down on her was off the scale." Billy shrugs, totally unfazed by any remark about his parents whether it was joke or insult. There was no love lost. The only thing he's grateful for are the genes they passed on. Rowrz. He grimaces at the offer of Fancy Lad cakes. Anything pre-war is not for him. "No thanks. I prefer my food to be less than a century old. Knock yourself out though." Billy sits down on the bed and kicks off his shoes, watching Erich rummage through the drawers. "Nah I wouldn't offer you money. Money is obsolete. I could offer you caps though. You could buy yourself a nice hat." Billy chuckles and starts to undress from his leathers and armour.




Offline erich hess  
#499 Posted : 05 October 2018 22:48:05(UTC)
erich hess
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Erich stops mid stomp when he sees Joshua emerge... shirtless. For some reason Erich always had him pictured sleeping in a shirt. Possibly a long night shirt. Like the lazy old fuck, grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka. Erich turns his head to the side in confusion at Joshua's words. He expected white hot rage..not this. Erich almost pouts with an almost affectionate "god damnit,Joshua." The wind was taken out of his sails by Joshua not really retaliating. Erich hops down and walk off,shaking his head. "Have a good night,Joshua. " He tells him, actually meaning it. He didn't like Josh,but he was so thrown off that he forgot. At the mention of nipples,Erich unconsciously looks down at them. He'd defer to Billy's judgement. Men nipples looked like men nipples. As long as they weren't like an inch and a half long,he assumed they were good nipples.

Dallas sighs and holds Dustyn with one arm,using his other to run a hand through his hair. it was surprisingly soft compared to the greaseball that usually was on top of people's heads. "How attached are you to the Commonwealth? You up for a few days travel and I can transfer to DC. But I'll tell you,it's even worse down there. No real synths to speak of,but it's thick with mutants. we could take in the sights of this great nation's Capitol." Dallas says with a sarcastic little salute. Anyone thinking this country was great was a damned fool. " We have separate bunks..."Dallas starts carefully. His main concern was if men could be called hussies. This was the first he had heard of it. But Dallas usually did lead a pretty drama free life. So it was a mystery. " I thought we had an understanding when it came to danse?" Dallas jokes to Dustyn. The man was gorgeous but Dallas didn't have a straying heart...or loins. " Maybe one day after the institute is gone,I can apply to run a check point near diamond city. I'd be closer and at least on the ground. You could visit and inspect for hussies." Dallas's grins to Dustyn.

Outside,Nina and Erica were listening to the conversation,the mention of Shay was noted in case extra leverage was needed. They hoped it wouldn't come to that,but they certainly weren't above that. Erica takes a deep breath and shoots a look to Nina. Nina looks down briefly and nods. Things were about to get unpleasant and how. Erica springs into the window and grabs Dustyn away from Dallas, jamming the large pipe pistol under his chin. Nina slides into position between Dallas and his laser rifle. She has a finger in her belt loop, within easy reach of her pistol. "Right,loves. Let's have a nice quiet chat.

Dallas looks wide eyed at the girls,who were psychopaths,but at least on the group's side. "Just take whatever you want. Don't hurt Dusty." He says as calmly as he could. Yelling would only make this a lot more tense. It was stupid to try and Rob him here. What? Did they want his power armor?! The few caps Dustyn had? All he knew was Dusty's date was hinged on how this played out.

Erica hated what she was doing. This was really the first time she ever assaulted someone she knew from before. But the point had to be made and this was the best way. Even getting the jump on Dallas wouldn't be a sure thing. They had to go where he was most vulnerable. "If my sister is ever so much as shoved by the brotherhood,we will fucking murder him. We will murder Shay." Erica sneers,deadly serious.

Dallas now just looks confused. Did these girls get into some bad jet? Knowing them,they probably did. "C'mon...let's just be cool,I have no idea what you're talking about." He briefly considers that he could probably take out at least one of them. If this ever got back to the prydwyn...two two bit hooligans from good neighbor got the jump on a paladin. But they had Dustyn and knew where Shay was. His hands were tied. It wasn't worth it.

Erich looks off in thought at the idea of Billy's mother. "Was she hot?" He asks with a smirk. " I'm just saying,I always had a range from 18-60. I ain't picky." He chuckles,then full on laughs as he pictures Billy's mother looking like billy. And billy with breasts was just weird. "Man, we're over a hundred years old. Don't be discriminating against cakes that are alSo kicking it out here. They have survived a god damned apocalypse,just so we can eat them." Erich states,stuffing one into his mouth. he wasn't sure if they ever tasted good. Currently they taste like strawberry flavored Vaseline. Pretty much the same texture too. "A hat?! And cover up these gorgeous locks? That'd be a real crime against nature. Not these mutants and ghouls." Erich sees billy getting ready for bed and decides to kick off his own shoes. Luckily he was frozen in a decent pair of boots. They've stood up to the wasteland well.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#500 Posted : 06 October 2018 08:12:07(UTC)
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Dustyn squeals when he's ambushed, completely thrown off guard. He was getting ready to settle down for the night in what he thought was a safe environment. Any attacks and threats would surely be handled by Scott and the others down at the entrance. It takes a few moments to process what is going on. "What...Erica?!?!" he calls, half questioning her motives and half wondering if it really is her. It's all so confusing. His thoughts are confirmed when Nina steps in. Why would they attack like this? "PLEASE! Please let me go!!" he pleads, on the verge of tears. Dustyn bends his knees, trying to wriggle out and away but after a few moments and feeling the gun against his neck, he pacifies and stays still. He's gone into shock and it's a face Dallas knows. Dustyn has unfortunately been on the receiving end of abuse and violence multiple times. As a way of dealing with it, he just shuts down. The shock causes an outer body experience of sorts. Dusty just stares off into the corner, looking at nothing in particular. He doesn't even flinch when Shay's name is brought up. Dustyn has truly checked out.

Meanwhile, blissfully unaware at the end of the street, Billy climbs into bed in his boxers. "I'd rather not talk about my parents. Long time gone. Although my mum probably would have bedded you...but then my dad would've killed you. End of story. I'm not even kidding." Billy is a combination of his mother's promiscuous ways and his father's murderous tendencies. Khan family gatherings were always a hoot. Billy reaches into his bag and pulls out a blanket. He can't help but smile when he holds it. The thing looks seriously old - an array of woven coloured wool. It is clean though. Not like the filthy rags elsewhere. "When I heard it was time to head to the vaults, I grabbed this. Was my grandmother's and she handed it down to me. Well, technically to Sayyid but he passed on it. I love it. It's...comforting." Billy often acts cold but he's definitely the mushy sentimental type at heart. He pats the mattress, ushering Erich to lay with him. The blanket smells like Billy. It smells familiar and comforting. It's one of the last remainders of the old world.




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