Originally Posted by: freestylechamp 
Younghood almost choked on his food as she had this serious look of what she was eating, " Girl, I can't say sike. On the bright side, it wasn't bad when eating it right? Now the real food is coming so you don't have to worry." He said eating and drinking "Fuck yea, take my single with your name in it and rock out. I'm sure you will get views and become a bigger star than you already are, no doubt."
"Oh yeah! I appreciate the shoutout." Tatiana laughs. "Like I say, any press is good press. Now, Mr. Hood, do you dance at all or are you one of those people that likes to hold up the wall and look cute?"
Originally Posted by: erich hess 
lydia looks down into her drink and sighs in defeat. "i can wear heels,but i cannot move in them. " she admits and looks around before whispering, "i'm actually barefoot under the table."
"joey is some guy that nobody ever sees. he is dating,or maybe even married to isabel. my friend erica swears he doesnt exist...in spite of him being well known to one of our friends.. fucking well dense she is sometimes." nina explains,finishing her glass of wine. "but yes,he is a beautiful,beautiful man. like,prettier than most women i know. present company excluded."
"we're like hot wine moms." lydia adds. the putting away of alcohol displaying its effect.
"Oh I can teach you! It's hard but once you get used to them, it's like walking on air. And you can look taller." Serenity smiles. She was only about 5'3" but her heels made her about 3 inches taller, 4 on a good day. When Lydia says shes barefoot, she sneaks a peek under the table cloth. "Wow, your feet are nice."
After confirming the identity of this man Joey, she shook her head. "Ohhhhh, okay. I've heard of some people who make up their significant others so maybe she was onto something. But if he's here tonight then yeah, I don't think she'd show up with a random guy...maybe." She had only spoken to Isabel a few times but never really about personal things. She had never seen Joey herself but she was sure he was real. "Aww, we're all a couple of catches, right? And we got personality too. Hell, we could be the most attractive group of women in this place. After Anniken, of course." She said the last part loudly as if she thought she had secret service men listening and ready to throw out anyone not saying good things about her.
"Yes, though I might be more heavy on the wine if I ever had a kid." She shakes her head, almost afraid of the thought. When she heard the dancefloor was opening, she got excited. "Oh my god, let's go dance!!!"