Curtis: Okay we are back and we are going to be going through the music that you may have missed. Now there have been a lot of songs so if we didn't get to you there is always next week.
Tyler: Yeah, unlike some people we'll take this seriously and do real work.
Chris: I really don't like this bullying,
Curtis: So it is time for the Hot or Not Scale, and we are going with personal opinions. What we like and don't like, put it all together, and the combined score is where you end up. 30 is perfect, which I'm going to say right now is going to be really hard to do, 0 being the worst you can do, once again really hard to do.
The first single on the chopping block Blind Faith came out over a year ago, but just to give an example Listen to it.
Tyler: 6, I'm not a big fan of the slow melody of heartbreak songs. I do think the song is impactful to people that like this kind of thing and I'm not going to be a downer on the people that do like it. The lyrics are good and you can tell that this had some extra soul to it. Mostly from past experiences. Solid but nothing I'm going to put on my playlist.
Chris: 6 as well for me. I do find it a good single and something you will in times of heartbreak it loses points for not having billy in it, Team Billy all the way.
Curtis: 7 I think it is good. Something that can catch a lot of people, the somber sounds will get inside your head and it is I think a great combo of the two of them together. I think doing more collaborations is something that I would welcome. So Blind Faith gets a heat score of
19/30, Next
Tyler: 7, I think this is a good pop good intro to the band. Hear this is in clubs, in bars. The best thing about having club singles is that it needs to be accessible and easy to listen to and this does that.
Curtis: 7 for me, good not great. I agree it that is easy to listen to, I do feel like the other track Blind Faith could last longer in turn that it will have a deep connection with the people that it is going for, but I do think it is a nice song overall.
Chris: I just like the fact that it is upbeat, nice on the ears, and makes you want to dance, it serves its job well if you trying to party no matter where you are, putting this on my playlist for the family 8. So that leaves it with a score of
22/30.Chris: 7 out of ten, I've never been one of those people that think Lincoln is...what is the PC word I'm looking for, Ditzy. He isn't a scattered brain, He is playing all ya suckers, anyway dope song like it.
Curtis: 6, I do think the messaging is great I just think the delivery of it is missing. This isn't going to be a catchy song for the people that really need to hear it. You're going to bang this in the club, and going to be too much in a stupor to really get the meaning of it.
Tyler: We can't do point something can we?
Chris: oooo you on the fence tiebreaker?
Curtis: Only Whole numbers what are you leaning?
Tyler: Only the whole number I have to bump this down to a 6. I do think it is a catchy song the music is snappy the lyrics are important and should be listened to but nothing sobers you up quicker than someone trying to bring mortality into the club. Like if I was a DJ and I would play this song you have to do it at the beginning of your set, or not at all. So that's a score of
19/30Tyler: To see where Tika started and where she is now. I'm so proud and happy for her. Dance is a good song lyrically musically she killed it. 10 for me, dog.
Curtis: Wow your first ten?
Chris: Aww Tika pop your 10 cherry I see.
Tyler: why are y'all making this weird, just give it a score,
Curtis: I'm not going to go as high as you did but I can agree that it is a good club song, makes you want to dance, it does its job. I going to be that guy and say that the music does more of the heavy lifting.
Tyler: Boo! Boo this man!
*Crowd boos lightly*
Curtis: That being said it's a good song nothing bad really, 7
Chris: I think it is good, maybe the best one I heard so far, I'm not a fan of club music but I would put this on if I feel like I want to get lucky. 8 out of 10. Which gives it a
Chris: This thing is an earworm and I dare anyone to listen to it one time and not sing along to it in the end. It's not going to be a song that is going to be brought up in debates or have you think about something, you just going to be singing along to it. 7 out of ten.
Tyler: Meh, it's alright I don't feel it was all that special. I think Suzie has done better singles but she has also done worst singles. Oscar Holt did his thing on the production of it. 6
Curtis: I didn't think it was great but it wasn't bad. I'm not going to cut the song off if someone wants to listen to it or play it but if I was by myself I would just change, not my type of music 5
18/30. Next up
Curtis: Well, Damn. This is great I really enjoyed it, it was snappy. Catchy, Original, and something that you don't hear often Barbie Doll really did great on this. Shit,
Tyler: You know you want to give her a 10 just give it to her.
Curtis: Gah, 9 out of ten, I'm not going to be giving my 10s out easy. You have to really work to get it. the beginning was a little slow but I enjoyed it.
Chris: Well, I don't think she will have to worry, so I'm not going to be here next week I'm going to give her a 10. Still waiting for that Barbie, Radio, Allison buddy cop movie. I need that in my life.
Tyler: I do think it isn't something that I'm going to be listening to daily but I do think objectivity speaking is a great song. 8 out of 10
Curtis: Now I just look like an asshole for not giving her a ten.
Chris: You want to bump it?
Curtis: no
is a really high score.
Chris: This was nice, haven't really been my thing with R&B but people like it, and I'm not opposed to it 7
Curtis: The only difference here is the rap verse that Thick Mouse had on the remix but it's mostly the same song 6
Tyler: This is right up my alley vocals were on point, just wish there was a music video to it 8. so that's a score of
21/30Curtis: The production of this song is really great, I think Malik really has something with his sound, that I want him to improve on. 7
Tyler: There is this disconnect between me and this song I like the music, but the lyrics and really the tempo I get a little lost I would have liked it better if the tempo was slower. To me it feels rushed, 6
Chris: A good toe tapper and something that doesn't just paint men out to be assholes 7.
20/30 How many more singles do we have?
Tyler: want to speed through? Cause it wouldn't have been much if you just did your job.
Chris: I was building stuff out here, why are you getting mad at me?
Curtis: Few more left let's get into it.
Tyler: 10, don't even have to listen to it.
Chris: Fair point, but listen to it anyway
Tyler: I'm not a fan of techno stuff, the beat drops but still not enough to cloud my appreciation for the "art" only downside is she is married, so 9
Chris: Wow, so music-wise it was a nine?
Tyler: Chris you don't think the artwork doesn't go with the music?
Chris: okay, I like Coke, more than Pepsi but I like the normal one better. 6
Curtis; meh, this was okay for me 6, I feel like it's cheating that Tyler just based this off looks
Tyler: If Suzie was more my speed I would have given her a higher score than what I gave her but fine based on music alone 7, really a 9 but take the 7 you guys were fishing for.
Chris: that's a score
19/20Chris: Michelle, got me dancing with this one, and I enjoyed it, on to the playlist 8 out of 10
Tyler: this was a pleasant surprise and I like it but not on my playlist 7
Curtis: Fun, catchy, and a nice reintroduction to a fav 7 that's a score of
22/30Tyler: Dope bars, phat beat, Playlist for me 8/10
Curtis: The beat is catchy and the rhymes are good some are over my head but I like it overall 7/10
Chris: I don't know a lot about hip hop but people say this was a slapper 7/10
22/30Chris: Sexual, but not overall sexy, Like you can play this and you won't think this will put your parents or grandparents in the mood. 7/10
Curtis: Umm that's a weird way of putting it. it was cool, like the music and the lyrics were good 7/10
Tyler: in my wheelhouse and this is also on my playlist but this is for workouts
Chris: Sexy workouts?
Tyler: just regular workouts, I get it. It's not baby-making music. 7/10 making this legal all around
21/30Curtis: This song is a hit, Nick Urie comes out swinging with this 8/10
Chris: I like it really good 8/10
Tyler: wow I liked it and I think it a very deserving of that #1 spot it got 8/10
24/30Curtis: That's it that's all of the singles we can get to this time. be sure to send in your request so we can judge them.
Chris: They will also judge your taste in music, so no pressure.
Tyler: Well now that you going to be off the show you have anything you want to say to the people.
Chris: Really I just want to say that I'm really thankful for everyone here. I know it has been a long time but things needed to be hammered out and worked on, so I do think that Catch Up is in good hands and I want everyone to continue their support of the show, There's going to be some familiar faces coming in from time to time but I just wanted to thank everyone for sticking with a person like me. You will be seeing me around.