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#81 Posted : 19 April 2020 05:22:22(UTC)
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Wanna talk? LET'S TALK!
Joshua Grimmie
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2020 has certainly been a rocky year. A lot of people have been talking. Talking without actually saying anything. Talking for me. Spinning stories about me when I couldn't even get up out of bed some mornings. This is my truth.

Hey, everyone. Uh, I'm not great at this whole YouTube/vlogging thing so forgive me. I'm not a skilled editor, I'm probably just going to put this video up as is. Kinda off the cuff, just raw and in the moment. This video has been a long time in the making. The start of 2020 and a lot of last year has given the internet some fodder involving myself. I was actually due to have a sit down with Anderson Cooper and set the record straight on a lot of things before this Corona business put a stop to those plans. In all honesty, I'm glad the interview fell through because I wasn't in the best state of mind a few weeks back.

First of all, I'm OK!. Well, as OK as I can be following all the shit that has happened, which we will get into. I know that I've been off social media for a while, people were concerned about me and my mental health after...a lot of shit went down...and with the whole isolation thing, yeah, I totally get why a lot of people were concerned for me. I really appreciate that, honestly. I feel the love. I should've put out an update sooner just to say that I was alive and well but social media, man...it's too toxic at the best of times and these last couple of months...I wouldn't have been able to handle it. Still to this day, I'm not keen on returning to Twitter and Instagram. It's just way too negative. After everything that has happened lately and with this virus crisis still going on, it's the last thing I need. I'm just taking each day as it comes. Enjoying some solitude. Doing a lot of reflecting and meditating. I'm trying to view this as time for a reboot. Time to cleanse and just step away from the chaos for a bit. And no, I won't be reading or reacting to comments after I post this. Will just upload what I have to say and go. I'll give you all the information and those who care can deal with it, dissect it or whatever. I'll go off and lounge in my garden.

So...Ashley...uh...that's what has hurt the most. I don't think I'll ever truly get over losing my big sister. Ever. I don't want to dwell too much on this topic because it still cuts fucking deep, man. I know there are a lot of questions. I know people are still shocked. It's fucking tragic. It...it still doesn't seem real. Even with all the constant reminders that she's gone, it still doesn't feel right saying that she died. I miss her every single day and I still cry...a LOT every night. It has taken a moment for me to get here. To even be comfortable and somewhat coherent when talking about her and her passing. After we got the news, I just went into shutdown. Things were already a shit show and that?! That felt like someone was playing a sick game just to fuck with me and my family. How? HOW?! How the fuck does all this shit happen one after the after? Why Ashley? Just...why? I don't understand it. I don't understand how that was her fate. How that was the cards she and our family were dealt. She didn't deserve it. She was a wonderful person. I...just none of this is fucking fair. None of it.

I'd also like to say to the people, and I'm not going to say names because they know who they are, uh...yeah, the people who put my actions on Ashley, shame on you! Same goes for those who came for her whenever her "boyfriend" did something. Oh, I'll get to that asshole in a minute. Like, why blame the girl?! Jealousy? You're just assholes? People would say shit to her and still call themselves my friend?! What the fuck?! So if I was going through drama, a regular occurrence in my life, and Ashley tweeted ONE thing during that time, one little 10 word post, people would jump on her with shit like "Don't you care about Joshua?!". What the fuck? Just because she didn't spend every minute of every day writing about me doesn't mean she wasn't there for me. Where you there? Literally, where you there? No. So just stop. Stop with the whole "Ashley only cared about herself" or "Ashley only cared about her boyfriend" stuff. You didn't know her like I did and now you never will.

I'd now like to take this time to publicly address my sister's boyfriend, fourth best singer in The Zone and everyone's second favorite Twitter warrior behind me, Blake Williams. Yeah, you fucking destroyed my sister's life. You took advantage of her. Ashley loved to see the good in people. Even when there was none, like you for example with your charcoal soul, she liked to believe there was something good under the exterior. You did not love my sister. I had conversations with her about you two. Even though I hated the idea, I tried to be a supportive brother. I'd ask how things were going and if you were getting serious and, all the time, up to her death, she always told me that you guys still hadn't said you loved each other yet. Soooo...why were you acting like she was the love of your life when talking to the media after she passed? You said a lot of heartfelt shit but there were no tears. Your mouth was saying one thing but your face and body language were saying something totally different, dude. You're so fake. You "loved" my sister but you STILL to this day, obsess over Dustyn. The album you want to put out, which you're struggling to fund, is all about your fucking ex-boyfriend! Ashley doesn't even cross your mind. I have no idea why you still can't put out the record because I know for a FACT that Ashley helped you financially. We both know that was your main reason for hanging around. A sweet girl who would give you her last penny. Yeah, you're a vulture.

Also, Ashley's cause of death was officially ruled as an accidental overdose. My sister hadn't even had a fucking sniff of anything before she met you, Blake. Hadn't had so much as a whiff let alone have it in her home and then fucking overdose on something. We all know that you're an addict. You can look down your nose at everyone but people in the know aren't fooled. We know. We know, Blake. People just have to look at the mess you and Dustyn were in. He got away from you and your toxic traits and he's doing great. His life hasn't been better. That poor guy overdosed twice in your old apartment. ISN'T THAT SAYING SOMETHING?! Unfortunately Ashley wasn't as lucky as Dustyn. You've skated by all of these years using, belittling and ruining people but you fucked with the wrong guy here. TRUST, things will be handled.

Personal trauma number 9843; my relationship with Layla. We aren't together anymore. You might have guessed. A lot of people thought that I'd be distraught and I know that the timing of the breakdown wasn't the best but honestly, we're good. We're still great friends. I think we realised that, as a romantic couple, as fun as it was...we just worked better as friends. We had known each other for years and even though there was an attraction there, we cared TOO much for each other. We didn't want to ruin our friendship. She's one of the closest people in my little circle. We got together under bad circumstances too. It was just us trying to fill a void. I was suffering after the breakdown of a huge relationship and Layla was recovering from personal trauma. We just...we went looking for love and reassurance in the wrong places.

I'd also like to address that yes, I do acknowledge that I hurt Austin Nimmo through my relations with Layla. This isn't a public apology, I'm going to send him a message personally and I hope we can talk things through or at least just come to an understanding. I just want to put this part into the video because I know a lot of you would be mad at me if I didn't address it. I know it's an elephant in the room and something that a lot of fans go to war over. Yes, I'm very much aware of how much of an asshole I've been to Austin and I'm hoping to lay that to rest.

This next topic is the one that I know most people clicked on this video for. Let's just get straight to it. My ex-boyfriend Johnny and his Human album. First of all, he's a great singer and writer. Not taking that away from him. I also don't mind artists writing about personal stuff as that's what the best ones do in my opinion. What I don't like is a twisted narrative. I don't like half-truths. I don't like the fact that I'm, yet again, being painted out to be the bad guy. It's always "jump on Joshua Grimmie" time. It's even more difficult when I'm laying low, trying to sort my life out and your ex-boyfriend is out there trying to drag your name through the mud. I checked out the album when it dropped because I had a few friends text and call me about it. They were saying that I was being dragged and that somehow he made it out to be an abusive relationship that he broke free from. What the fuck?!

OK, first of all I dumped HIM because, breaking news, Johnny cheated on me!...oh and SEVERAL TIMES! No trace of that in his "honest and bare" record. He'll only tell half-truths. Yeah, I was a lot to handle. I suffer with bipolar and yes, there probably were times were he felt like he needed some room to breathe. It's fucking intense living with someone like me. I get that. I'm not trying to deny the fact that Johnny must have felt exhausted and frustrated. However, a lot of these songs are made to sound like I broke his heart, that I didn't let him be himself or that I made him feel like he wasn't good enough for me. Not true!.

I had my heart broken. I find it hard to trust people not only because of my mental health but because of the target on my back. You guys know that I can't breathe without #JoshuaGrimmieIsOverParty trending on Twitter every second day. My name sells stories and people are quick to throw me under the bus to make a quick buck. Fuck, like 70% of the things that gain traction about me aren't true but everyone believes because "well, it's Joshua!". Johnny was the first person, since breaking through in the industry, that I trusted. It took so much for me to let him in. Not only did I tell him secrets and personal shit but I shared my life with him. We were intimate. We intertwined our families. I confided in him, something which is hard for me to do with all these snakes in the business. It took a lot for me to give myself to him. I fully trusted him with my life and he constantly reassured me that he loved me. Jesus, I was thinking about proposing but I found out that he was sleeping with other guys behind my back for months. A few of them in the industry and a few of them I could out right now but I'd never do that. Count yourself lucky that I'm not dragging you out of the closet and feeding you to the wolves. You know who you are. So yeah, he was fucking around with other guys, crawling into our bed at night, saying he loved me and would never hurt me...yeah...what a victim, huh. No trace of that on his album.

Also, Johnny's bloodied nose and the nightclub attack. Yes, I fucking socked him. I was arrested. We know that. Not my finest hour. HOWEVER, this is something else that is being spun. Yeah, we were drunk and we had cross words. He's been making it seem like it was unprovoked though. It wasn't. HE actually shoved me pretty hard first and insulted my then-girlfriend Layla to my face. I was fucking angry so I clocked him! Yeah, I threw the punches. I admit that. Was it a grown thing to do? No. However, I'm sick of this narrative of me being abusive. Like I did NOT just walk up to my ex and punch him in the middle of a club for the sake of it. Jesus. Oh and that Instagram picture that he conveniently posted yesterday? It was just a nose bleed that he let drip down. There's no trauma to his face. That wasn't me. Yeah, he never explicitly said it was me but he captioned it something along the lines of "how this year started out for me" or something, referring to our altercation in the club. People jump on this thinking it's an old picture of the damage I did to his face and then I'm the bad guy again. Convenient that he also drops this picture the same week he has an album out which also, surprisingly, contains tracks on it that paint me as a shitty person. I will NOT stand by and have people assume or try to make it out like I'm an abuser. I am NOT. I'm a sarcastic asshole, I don't know when to shut up, I can be annoying as fuck but I'm not an abusive boyfriend. Good luck with your album, Johnny. I hope that this pathetic stunt was worth those streams.

The last thing I want to talk about is well, it's two things actually. My mental health and drug abuse. It's well known that I have bipolar. I used to say "suffer from" and even though it's fucking hellish at times, I'm trying to use the correct terminology and put a positive spin on it. With everything that has happened over the last year, my mental health has taken a knock. A lot of the time, I get so worked up and saddened by stuff that I fall into a depressive state and then I don't care about myself, which means I neglect my medications. It's not a big or smart thing to do. At the time, it feels like the only option due to my state of mind. I get stuck in a "I'm worthless! Fuck this world!" sort of rut. I had one after Ashley's death, I won't lie. Sometimes I also medicate with different drugs. I don't take the prescribed ones out of stupid pride and self loathing but there are moments where living inside my mind is unbearable and I NEED SOMETHING so I turn to other shit. Looking back, I've posted some worrying and nonsensical stuff on the internet while under the influence and, unfortunately, those things are there forever. I delete them but people have screenshots and my breakdowns become either memes or as ammo against me. It sucks. I'm not proud of my drug abuse and it's not something I ever wish to promote. I just make many, many mistakes and I hope that you can forgive me. I didn't mean to upset anyone. I didn't mean to worry anyone. I didn't mean to glamorise anything to impressionable people.

After Ashley's death, I won't lie, I fell HARD. I was consuming all sorts of shit to numb the pain even though that is what killed her. It was so fucking stupid but it's what got me through. It's selfish though. In doing that, I was hurting my parents, those who love me and really being disrespectful to my sister. This stuff took her life and I was just casually throwing it back to make myself feel good. However, I learned the hard way that, I too am an addict. Took a stark wake-up call for it to hit me but yeah, I admitted that I have an addiction and needed help and I'm getting it! With this virus, it's difficult but I'm having only coaching sessions, I have therapists and coaches on call and yeah, I'm doing this!

I won't say that life is great right now but looking at the bigger picture, it's better than it has been for the longest time. Yes, I still miss Ashley and if she were here, things would be infinitely better but that's just something I have to keep working with. Things are still hard and I still have a lot of this hill to run up before I can enjoy the view but...I'm getting there, guys. Thank you for all of your support. I love you. Keep going. I can't wait to see you all again. Bye, guys.




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#82 Posted : 19 April 2020 06:09:24(UTC)
erich hess
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video opens with erica sitting her tent,serenely drinking a steaming cup of tea.
"oh,hi! i'm erica hess." she says enthusiastically with a wave. "welcome to a special episode of hello kitty's Friend Takeover. i have wanted to do this for sooooooo long,but hello kitty just has so many friends that we all have to take turns. so today,its my turn to visit! and what a time to visit it is. we're all stuck in our houses and looking at the same few walls. so what is a person to do? why,build new walls of course! " she laughs and holds up a rather intimidating tool belt. the belt is bristling with hammers and rulers and all matter of construction bric a brac. "oh, we wont be needing this. so put all your tools away. nope. all we'll need today is a blanket or sheet. some sturdy string,two points to tie the string to and some heavy books,shoes,etc. it's camp out time in your house."

erica happily walks over to a room that is well lit and open. if the room is in her castle,its one of the more modern looking rooms. "so. what you want to do is tie one end of your string to something that isnt easily moved. a heavy kitchen chair,unused exercise equipment,a door knob. really pudgy pets..i'm kidding. please dont tie things to your pets. fat or otherwise. me? i'm using this closet doorknob. if you use a doorknob for a door people actually use,your tent may collapse. nothing makes a camp out less fun than a tent that fell down." erica grins and saunters over a chair placed about 6 feet from the closet door. "now. tie the other end around something else. we are allllmoooost done. if you cant tie knots,ask a friend who can. " erica picks up her sheet. bright pink and hello kitty,of course. "sooo. now we just drape the sheet over the string and use the books or shoes to pull the edges out in the shape of a triangle. now THIS is where your pudgy pet can help! even better if you have more than one. cats love this tent and will sometimes sleep in it with you. isnt that just the best? dogs probably do too,but i dont live with any dogs." erica's little tent is done and looks adorable,if a little plain.

"hmm" erica muses with her hand to her chin and socked foot tapping. "its nice...but it needs something. oh,i know!"
erica exclaims and runs out of the room. the screen is just the tent for several seconds. some rummaging is heard off screen. the sound is loud enough where it almost could be cartoon sound effects,but given there hasnt been any in the video,chances are erica really is being this loud. she skids back into frame with an armload of stuff.
"right!" she pants,dropping most of her stuff. she does place the potted plant down gently. " you'll want to use another blanket for the inside of your new tent. especially if you have wood or tile floors. we want to be comfy camping. no roughing it for hello kitty and her friends. some pillows and stuffed toys are nice to have too. i'm also bringing a plant. you know,for that outdoorsy feel." erica finishes her tent. it now has blanket floor with oodles of pillows and looks very comforting. she places her plant last and nods in approval at her work.
"ok. the campground is now open! bring your favorite snacks,your favorite book,or anything else you like and put your feet up. you have a home inside your home. night night!" erica crawls inside her tent and picks up a small and well worn sketchbook and starts scribbling in it as the screen fades to black.

TomNookCanEatADick: this is so wholesome.

LavaLamprey: you just know she and gretchen fucked in that tent.

BillyKahnDoME:erica's feet!

Info-Qarrior:another one of the elite telling us to stay inside. what about the economy?!

OILYGrease: this is so dumb. who doesnt know how to do this?


RangerRichard:i'm making this right now.

RangerRichard:instructions unclear. dick stuck in ceiling fan. i didnt even have a ceiling fan when i started!!

eXXXPloitedWatty: erica hess on hello kitty's official channel? fucking sellout.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#83 Posted : 29 April 2020 21:27:35(UTC)
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New beginnings, new bandmate, new music and bye bye coronavirus


"Hellooo!". Smiles and screams open up the video. The five guys are sitting on the sofa and all look rather excited in their own ways. Rose who no appears blonde never looked so smiley and waces her hand in such a sweet way. Zafari looks a little more relaxed, he even screams out of excitement. Natasha who instead of Rose now is brunette spreads her arms around, she also looks more relaxed than usual.
As for the new member, Fabriano, he appears to be a very collected person, just there grinning but looking calm and confident.
David takes the lead as he speaks first. "Guuuys! It's been a while. It's been months. Most of you probably thought we were done which was close to happen, but did you really think we wouls waste such life opportunity?"
"Someone did..." Interjects Zafari who giggles and looks at the others. David continues.
"Someone actually left in fact as you can see. The redhead is gone. Cj was a real friend for all of us but you know, in a group of five people differences can happen".
"Absolutely" Rose takes the lead with her sweet manners and tone "But we really believed in this project and put our hearts into it. Cj didn't feel like continuing, his heart was somewhere else".
Natasha still observing adds a little more honest version of the story "And it was better this way. It wasn't fair that some of us would suffer about that or the differences, Cj was amazing I don't mean to be bad saying this, but even him felt like he didn't fit in the band".
David and Rose nod. Something myst have definately happen but they seem to have moved on and Rose speaks again, she seems less shy than before as she shows Fabrianoto the camera. "And here we have someone who's joining this dream, Fabriano!"
She hugs him a little from behind, he looks slightly embarassed by that and all the screams and laughs but just grins as Natasha adds "Look at this jock right here". He definately looks like the opposite of Cj Frankson.
"Hello everyone. I'm Fabriano Galore. I'm Italian and I'm 25. I've known some of the guys for a long time, but only recently been approached when Cj left after I expressed my intentions to begin a music career. I was into the modelling, gym and photographic worlds before. But I always had this dream to make music of my own and also exploring DJing."
David nods and then looking at the camera he says "So the rules are quite simple Fab, you don't ever quit the band, you agree with everyone else always and forever and just do what we say".
"Yeah! Welcome to the band" adds Zafari.
Fabriano just smiles. "I though I was joining a band not a slavery."
"I'm sorry you had to know."
"In fact... you also get whipped for skipping work." Finishes Zafari and everyone laughs. Fabriano doesn't feel like the new odd one out, he mostly looks like he integrated well with the band, even though he looks more calm and collocted than the others, wich was something that Zafari, Rose and Natasha looked like before. Maybe Cj's presence was too heavy? We'll find out someday...
The video continues changing the scene and the guys all look a little more serious. David speaks again. "So in this very had time we decided to live all together and stay, despite staying away from families. It was an hard decision, for all of us. Fabriano is also Italian, so most of his family is in a danger but we didn't want this virus to win and kept on working. We can't let it win"
Fabriano just nods, David said it all and Rose adds "Also we would to contribuite with some relief for everyone and send out some music we've been working on. We want to give you light-hearted, uplifting Pop that can inspire you, lift you from fears and stay with you". So Zafari also says "We also have a chance to really get to know each other, the real us because when you live with someome you really get to know them. So no more people leaving you know!"
The others laugh and smile. The scene changes again and after Rose gives numbers for helping donate against the Coronavirus.
"Now enough talkin'! Who wants a performance of InstaStory?" Shouts Zafari and the others get back to the excitement, as Rose shouts a long yeah, Natasha raises her hand "Me! Me!".
So it was time they performed their debut single, released in July.

The guys perform with energy and fun as they get up from the sofa and begin dancing around. By this performance, vocally and on chemistry terms the guys loom better than before, there was definately something off with Rose, who now looks less shy and more bubbly and sweet, and with Natasha who looks more energic and fun. But the real change comes with Zafari, he looks like a new person, totally open and as he also perfectly sings Cj's parts perfectly in a more rap kind of way, he also shows a deep vocal tone that outperforms somehow the weaker and less trained vocals of Cj. He now totally owns the song.
David on the other hand still looks confident and seems unaffected, he seems to enjoy the raw but fun performance. When he sings the little rap he does, the others all have fun with him and he seems to handle it all very well.
Fabriano is not a great dancer neither seems to be smiling big but seems very concentrated in delivering good harmonies and with a few grins, he looks very elegant in his moves, definately not a presence that gets suffocated by the others.
When they finish they all point at the camera all smiling and fun and the video ends.

Edited by user 30 April 2020 03:24:40(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Titans (Laurence, Jo, Martina, Den, Tanya)
Kegan Dawson - Actor, presenter, radio speaker, model, showman
Cj Frankson - Youtuber, Actor, model, showman
Rashai Mari - Model, Dj
Igor Stanovski - Russian tycoon, businessman
Claire Becker - Writer, vocal coach, presenter, radio speaker
Augusto Lincoln - Enterpreneur, model, manager
Lukas Paradiso - Model, Actor

The Jollies
Zafari Mari 👩🏾‍🦲, Rose Hemsworth 👩🏻‍🦰, David Hernandez 👱🏻, Natasha Stanovski 👧🏻, Fabriano Galore 👨🏻


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#84 Posted : 02 May 2020 03:35:56(UTC)
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Why Johnny Carter's "Human" Went Wrong
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Let's discuss the lacklustre reception of Johnny Carter's "Human" album...

Twitter: THATBee
Instagram: THATBeeOnIG

When Johnny Carter debuted on the music scene in 2015 with "Deadly Love", the then unknown singer suddenly found himself within the top 10 of the singles chart, garnering huge fanfare and capitalising off of the thirst that the public seemingly had for a new male R&B star. With Dominic Brown falling off the radar and Kato entering fatherhood, Johnny grabbed the torch and ran with it. After crossing over onto urban radio with a Kidd Amaze assisted remix of "Deadly Love", Johnny continued to rack up hit after hit before landing that coveted #1 position with his single "Come Out", which is now considered a gay anthem. Throughout the late 2010's, Johnny established himself as a serious contender for main pop boy status. The release of his EP "Deadly Party" and eventual debut album, "Honest", also proved this with strong sales and critical response. As of recently, however, Johnny has somewhat struggled to replicate his debut era's appeal and success with his sophomore record, "Human". While the album is a solid body of work and did go on to top the charts as well as spawn a #1 lead single, overall sales have paled in comparison to his debut and the general response from the public has been lukewarm. "Human" debuted atop of the Chart Heat with 150k units, that's a 100,000 drop from "Honest". The album era has suffered from many preventable detriments, which I believe are a huge reason for it's overall underwhelming performance. So today, we're going to look at exactly what went wrong with "Human".

Single choices & marketing. The Human era would officially begin on November 10th 2019 with the release of the long-awaited single "Nice Guys". The song itself was a fun, catchy pop/R&B crossover with infectious lyrics and an earworm brass section woven throughout. It was enjoyable and did what a leading single should do; catch radio's attention. While it's well known that pop music doesn't have to contain profound and groundbreaking lyricism, "Nice Guys", however, did fall victim to some lyrical snobbery. The song is a tongue-in-cheek jab at "golden boys" and how Johnny prefers someone with a little edge. Alright, promoting "bad boys" isn't exactly a wise thing to do but the song was harmless enough. However, the song peaking at #1 meant that it dethroned Weekend's ENORMOUS hit "Be A Man". A song which broke chart records and garnered universally positive responses for it's take against toxic masculinity. The difference in lyrical sentiment between "Be A Man" and "Nice Guys" was astounding and pretty comical hearing them played back to back on the radio. Billy Khan even liked a tweet which compared the meanings unfavourably. Still, the song debuted atop of the charts and gave Johnny his second #1 hit but things would soon fall stagnant.

It wouldn't be until April 13th 2020, a whole five months later, when we'd receive the second single "Back That Up". The trap inspired sexually charged song revolved around Johnny wanting his potential suitor to impress him with his moves on the floor before anything else. Filled to the brim with innuendos, the song definitely got listeners hot under the collar but, following on from "Nice Guys", many people found yet another track about guys and sexual performance to be rather reductive, with many fans claiming that there are far better songs on the record. "Back That Up" debuted at #5, his lowest peak in five years. This single was meant to reignite anticipation for the "Human" era, which by this point, had already been drawn out for five months prior. The song was also released on the busiest week the chart had seen in years - not a wise move when you're trying to clear a path for your album that's dropping the next week. After a fierce chart battle, Deneil's "Whistlin'" came out on top.

While both "Nice Guys" and "Back That Up" are enjoyable and really good songs in my opinion, they aren't strong enough to lead an album campaign and certainly don't represent the "Human" album well at all. They are sexually charged, disposable radio hits, which is fair enough. However, "Human", was intended to be a raw and personal insight into Johnny's life over the last three years. The album is extremely introspective in parts and gives us some of his truest and most personal songs to date. Songs like "F With U", "Passenger" and "Why Does It Have To Hurt?" represent the emotional turmoil the star has endured as of late while also giving us lush production and some of his best vocal performances ever. "Nice Guys" and "Back That Up", as enjoyable as they are, don't give us any of that and certainly don't represent the soul of the record. People who only really enjoy radio hits are usually not interested in buying full albums and those who do like to listen to full bodies of work may be put off by the nature of "Nice Guys" and "Back That Up", believing that the album may have zero substance.

For an artist who gave us the highly lauded "Come Out", a song that empowered the LGBTQ+ community and went against the grain of modern pop music ideas and whose debut album was called "Honest", the sentiment of the two recent single seemed false and forced in comparison. While Johnny is no stranger to a hot and steamy song (just listen to Pleasin' You from his debut record), to return after years off the scene with two of them launching the project does seem rather jarring and misleading following on from the expressive "Honest" album.

Radio may be enjoying these songs to a degree but they failed to entice more people into investing into the entire album.

COVID-19 pandemic & timing. While digital downloads and streaming services are the driving force behind sales and charts nowadays, it can be said that physical sales are still not dead. In fact, you could say that the trend is rising again with many fans taking pride in collecting variants of records. While physical copies can still be bought online, the closure of record stores and the ongoing pandemic keeping people indoors, the "Human" album has lost some potential sales from people who might pick it up when out shopping. What COVID-19 has impacted more so than sales, is promotion. The fans who are devoted to Johnny follow his every move and those who were always set on buying it will buy it. However, with everyone in quarantine, it has restricted promotional campaigns not just for Johnny, but for everyone. Tours, TV interviews, promotional press trips have all been cancelled. With life being turned on its head, not many people outside his fanbase or the "stan Twitter" world know or even care that Johnny has a record out.

After already pushing the album back from a December 2019 release to an April 2020 one prior to the Coronavirus outbreak, I believe Johnny and his team were over a barrel. Fans already expressed disappointment at a four month delay. With a new date being announced and the pre-order finally going live, pushing back the album for a second time for a global pandemic that has no clear end in sight would've cost the album campaign even more. A case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Imagery and content backlash. OK, Johnny is a gorgeous guy. Let's face it. However, the imagery used for this era has raised a few...eyebrows. Johnny appears naked on the cover of the album with nothing but a scrunched towel covering his modesty. Within the album booklet, his bare buttocks are exposed on a page and the artwork for the second single, "Back That Up", saw Johnny wearing tight white boxers that clearly highlighted the head of his penis. Now, while I personally don't find this offensive or a turn-off, many do. The "Human" record is all about him feeling "bare", spilling his truths for the world, which is what the images are meant to reflect. Many people find them to be smutty instead of artsy, which is subjective. A lot of conservative people will not be in a rush to pick up an album with such a bold image. Unfortunately, due to the toxic masculinity we suffer as a culture, a lot of men would be uncomfortable owning an album that features a naked openly gay man on the cover. It's sad but it's true. In America especially, which is his home market, sexually charged and homoerotic content isn't celebrated in the mainstream.

Sexual content aside, many groups took issue with other aspects within the album. British anti-drug organisation FRANK called out Johnny for using "MDMA" as a metaphor in the Deneil collaboration "Take It Home". CSGV, America's oldest gun violence prevention organisation, also slammed the singer for the line "pull the trigger on this loaded gun" in the deluxe track, "Midnight Fever". Now, while drug misuse and gun violence are not issued to take lightly, my personal take is that these are pop songs. The lines are innuendo filled and metaphorical. I personally don't see it as Johnny promoting terrorism or addiction. It's fun pop music. However, if someone is personally triggered by his remarks then it's not my place to tell you how you feel. While these comments from these organisations came out after the first tracking week, not impacting sales, it still leaves a mark on the era within the public conscience.

Joshua Grimmie and the "Let's Talk" video scandal. Whether you are Team Johnny, Team Joshua or Team I Don't Give A Shit, there is no denying that the feud between the ex-lovers has been highly publicised and it has impacted the album. I'm not here to talk about the gory details or tell you who to believe and support. What I am going to tell you is that if the messy breakup can be seen as the death, Joshua's video was the final nail in the coffin. Again, his diehard fans will always support him and those who don't care for public drama won't have let this battle sway them. However, a huge fight like this between two young, relevant, ex-lovers in the same field is going to get tongues wagging. It's going to evoke a response in a lot of people.

This lost Johnny a lot of potential fans or even ones who previously supported him, if they chose to believe Joshua Grimmie. While Grimmie will have also lost fans in the battle, he isn't releasing music. He's confined at home, laying low, with no sign of music coming. Joshua could release his new album months down the line when this has all blown over. Unfortunately, Johnny was the one in the public eye at the time. He was the one trying to sell an album during the midst of it all. Ultimately, Joshua delivered a fatal blow when he clicked "upload" on that video, during the week of release.

In conclusion, I think that "Human" is a great little album that unfortunately suffered from many preventable detrimental factors. The content is not the problem, in my opinion. It's a strong, cohesive body of work and I'm sure that it can be seen as a triumph within the LGBTQ+ community. Johnny returned after all this time with a confident, well polished record which doesn't hide his identity as an openly gay man. The album is not the issue. Poor single choices, personal drama, bigoted responses and the unfortunate state of the world lead to this album under performing in its opening week.

What we have to remember is that, while a drop from his debut and the lowest opening week sales in over a year, "Human" still managed to snag that #1 position and shift 150,000 units. We don't know what the future holds for the "Human" era just yet. Could a third single save the campaign or could the COVID-19 pandemic be the perfect excuse to cut the album cycle short, sweep it under the rug and allow Johnny to return with a better structured third album era?

I've been THATBee. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video.




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#85 Posted : 08 May 2020 00:04:00(UTC)
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Barbie Doll: The Q&A! Answering Your Questions.

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Hello, This is Barbie Doll and welcome to our official YouTube channel! It's been a while since I've had the chance to do something like this, so my staff made the decision to pick out your most asked questions about me! Well..I'd say let's get right into it.


When is this album finally coming? It's been too long. First, I want to say that I do apologize for the lack of musical output from me. I could say that I had personal issues, which is true, but there's also the fact that I don't feel like I have the right songs to put out..just yet. We do have some songs sitting in the drafts but they are not anywhere near ready to be released. Some of it...yeah. I'm sorry. I hope to put out something soon.

Anyone you would like to collaborate with? Honestly, I'm not necessarily sure whom I would like to collab with, but I'd say someone not expected? I would genuinely like to collaborate with an Artist where you guys would say, that you did not expect it at all. That would be a successful collaboration for me. With that in mind,,I guess a pure pop record, R&B or as a feature on a hip hop track? I feel like that's a sound not necessarily in mind when you think about 'Barbie Doll'.

You started out your career with a really mysterious sound, are trying to grow out of that? Well, I guess so? I started out rarely doing interviews or anything of that sort, to have this creepy image that would fit to my music. I'm really not as creepy as some of the music I put out. No, I don't want you dead *laughs*. I would say that I do want to be more accessible for my fans, so I hope we can start touring soon, once this covid-19 situation calms down.

What's been the hardest thing to deal with since starting out your career? The realization that you can't trust even your closest circle. I've had people in my team previously, who geniunely didn't like me for some reason. Maybe it was jealousy? Maybe I was not nice? I couldn't tell you what happened, but the situation was bad at one point, so I'm glad that I have a now better and just more genuine team. People I can trust.

Your favorite albums to listen to at the moment? I would say Sabina's "ELECTROHEART" is something I listen to alot at the moment. Some of you might be surprised about my choice, but it makes me feel good. It's a great album to just enjoy your day, and it fits even better now that it gets a bit sunnier outside.


Okay, guys! We're wrapping up the Q&A for now! We will definitly do more of these in the future, so make sure to leave alot of questions, okay? Thank you, dolls! I'll meet you in the future with even better music, please look forward to that!
Aliya RoseBarbie DollEzra Allan • MOON • NicoleYumiRealTalk.com (Talk Show)


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#86 Posted : 08 May 2020 16:38:03(UTC)
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Ready To Fly (Official Music Video)
Director:Hype Williams & Hannah Lux Davis
19 dislikes

the video shows Tika Mays telling people to come on the bus go to plane center and bus leaving to plane and shows Tika on the plane being sexy but fun
Makeup, check
Body, check
My sexuality, check
Car key and my Credit Cards
Now I'm ready
The Video Shows Tika on airplane being sexy and singing

Tonight I'mma have some fun now
Only the dance can save me
It's over done, oh honey
You be hatin me today
Tomorrow you gonna like me
video angle to her back and show some airplane

I'm not good girl tonight
Got an Energy drink filled with something vodka tonight
It's gonna be, a lit
As soon as DJ turn the music up

video shows her in blue room & orange room
Cause the beat came on
The ground just shake
And it feels so alright, it feels so good
No matter what you think it's understood
Do you get it?
Got it?

video show back to her at airplane

When I do my thing, they all gonna stare
And it feels so sexy, it feels so good
If you not lookin at me, it's off the hook
Do you get it?
Got it?

video shows people dancing also Tika dance as well

I don't want no ex’s
'Cause I'm ready to fly (Ooh yeah)
You keep doing you okay
'Cause I'm doing me (Ooh yeah)
We gonna turn it up like we up in Bahamas, yeah
I don't need no drama
'Cause I'm Ready To Fly (away)


video cut to mansion house where she gonna from having fun to diva who like to cause trouble
Wanna be down?
Well, o-kay kay
I'll be in the bars with my Girlfriends
Free Drink all around on my b-day
Get a little tipsy like J-Kwon

video show her being sexy side and got selfie on her leg
When the music came on
The ground just shake
And it feels alright, it feels alright
I know what you think it's understand
Get it? Got it? Good
When I party all night, they all just stared
And i feels so naughty, it feels so good
If you lie to my face it's off the hook
Do you get it?
Got it?

tika was been recorded by someone and showed selfie & show back to blue & orange room

I don't need no ex’s
'Cause I'm ready to fly (Ooh yeah)
You keep doing you okay
'Cause I'm doing me (Ooh yeah)
We gonna turn it up like we up in Jamaica, yeah
I don't want no drama
'Cause I'm ready to fly (away)


video show back to fun loving girl
Everybody like,
Hey, hey, hey
A yo oh
Hey, hey, hey
Oh ay oh
Hey, hey, hey
Oh ay oh
Hey, hey, hey
A yo oh
Hey, hey, hey
oh ay oh
Hey, hey, hey
A yo oh

video finally show her sexy party girl
I don't need no ex’s
'Cause I'm ready to fly (Ooh yeah)
You keep doing you okay
'Cause I'm doing me, ooh yeah
We gonna turn it up tonight we up in Ibiza, yeah
I don't want no drama
'Cause I'm ready to fly (away)


video show some different clips

Oh ay oh
Keep it real for me
Oh ay oh
Keep it nasty for me
Oh ay oh
Keep it sexy for me
Oh ay oh
Keep it hot for me



GooMadm:i'm her biggest fan of all time
Supermancrankthat:she hot

Edited by user 08 August 2020 08:10:51(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified


My Character:
Jade Trembay,
Ava Tuffin,
Gabby Love,
Jamel Jones,
Tamar Gilbert (TikaBKilla),
Rose Harris,
Liam Russell,
Natalie Mays,
Murda Bling,
Cosmic Blue,
Camille Preston,
Chanel C. Fox,
Aubrey Cassidy,
Sophia Delaney,
Sally Parkwood,
Tika Mays,
Diego Lopez,
Samantha Stevens,
Paige Wesley,
Mr DJ Hurricane,
Keshia Love,
Stardom Boys,
Alexis Brooke,
Christina Moreno,
Slim Money,
Fatima Amari,
David Dankworth,
Ciara Lovett
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#87 Posted : 09 May 2020 02:24:32(UTC)
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The Jollies talk goals, music and stories taking the world by storm | TVN

Kristine, the blonde interviewer opens the video with the Jollies sitting looking all fun as they whisper things to each other or laugh, not even caring.

"Hello everybody, we are here with The Jollies today at their house, the new Pop band that you must have heard about lately and..." she gives a look at them. "They look very excited"

"How are you guys?" Says she taking their attention.
Rose: Aw amazing thank you!
Zafari: we goin' great ma'am

"So you look very excited, obviously with new music coming out on the 11th of May, this month, a collaboration with Coca-Cola and even a member in the Celebrity Big Brother right now, because you are actually 5, that is why one of you is missing."
Rose: Yes, David is in the Big Brother house and we follow him every day, he's doing amazingly.
Natasha: We think people are really getting to know him and he's amazing but you can tell how he just.. stresses all out A BIT! You know being messy and stuff...

The interviewer and Rose laugh a bit. " I think I get your point, is he like that at home too? Because I know that you guys live together."
Natasha: Yes and let me tell you, we have to whip his back a lot for that.
Zafari: YES we do the S&M stuff with him, like Stephanie and Adam

Interviewer laughs.
"I guess you guys get on very well then."
Rose: Yes, I mean, don't take Zafari seriously but we're like a family. A happy one.
Natasha: Yep, with highs and lows of course.

"So guys I have to ask you this, David seems to be very close to Silver Spoon but nobody can't quite understand what is going on. What do you think about that?"
Zafari: (laughs) They're gonna do bad stuff, don't let your kids watch at home.
Natasha: Obviously something is going on, and I'm surprised. David avoids romantic stuff ever since I know him from school. He really didn't like some of the experiences he had back then.
Rose: I think they are lovely, I hope something beautiful comes out it.

"Do you think the fact that they are two men will somehow have its effects on it?"
Zafari: Of course it does! Homophobia is still on the planet ya know.
Fabriano: I know David has been through hard times facing homophobia and his own sexuality, but we all together battle against this type of things, that's the message of the band.
Natasha: Exactly, I think he doesn't care about it but it may show that homosexual love is just... love. (She shrugs)

"Yes, absolutely. So guys my next question is about your music. Your new song received a good response by the public and it's already having success on Youtube and the general streaming. How do you feel about that?"
Rose: Aww it's amazing!
Zafari: We love that ma'am!
Fabriano: We are obviously overwhelmed, but it's not over yet. We much more to show and give, so...

"You said the song was inspired by Covid 19, can you explain that?"
Zafari: Well, that's easy, we were feeling oppressed by the whole situation in the world, like everyone. So what we thought was making this song to have everyone join together and just have fun.
Natasha: Yeah, we need that at this very moment.

"How are you guys coping with this situation?"

Rose: Uhm, it wasn't easy. We were ready to realease new music after so many months and just about to do many things, like so many other people in the world. It was a bit sad but we worked through it and living together was a really good idea. It made work easier and we also got to know each other more.
Zafari: I honestly feel like the situation is coming to an end soon, I see it getting better in many parts of the world, so ya know, we'll be right on track when it's over.

"You guys actually come from different cultures, Fabriano you are Italian, Zafari you were born in Morocco or Natasha you were born in Russia, did that affect you in someway?"
Zafari: Oh yeah, of course. My biological mum still lives in Morocco. I got to know her a few years ago and that got me worried. But you know, I try to look for the better, so I'm sure everything gonna be ok.
Natasha: I have actually moved to here in London 15 years ago when I was about 9 and I have few parents there in Russia, nut luckily everyone is fine.
Fabriano: I have been living here in London when I was a teen and attended school, that is how I met these guys. Then went moved back to Italy 4 years ago, returning for work only one year ago, when I was trying the modeling job. It's not easy being away, have to be careful but we'll see what happens.

"Alright and you Natasha, there is news everywhere that you spoke to your dad after 10 years, is that true?"
Natasha: Well, quite. It's a long story but it's very private, I don't like speaking about it publicly, but everything is under control really.

"Alright, so guys I think our time is up. I would like you to do something for me. Could you please do a quicj acappella of your new single?"
Zafari: Alright!
Rose: Sure!

So the four look at each other. One, two, three and they synchronize to do a nicely harmonized acappella of 'Meet Me At Soda Pop' which fades into the actual song as the interviee finishes and videos of the group laughing or playing with each other, taking pictures in the behind the scenes of the interview appear during the rest of the song.

Edited by user 09 May 2020 02:39:55(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Titans (Laurence, Jo, Martina, Den, Tanya)
Kegan Dawson - Actor, presenter, radio speaker, model, showman
Cj Frankson - Youtuber, Actor, model, showman
Rashai Mari - Model, Dj
Igor Stanovski - Russian tycoon, businessman
Claire Becker - Writer, vocal coach, presenter, radio speaker
Augusto Lincoln - Enterpreneur, model, manager
Lukas Paradiso - Model, Actor

The Jollies
Zafari Mari 👩🏾‍🦲, Rose Hemsworth 👩🏻‍🦰, David Hernandez 👱🏻, Natasha Stanovski 👧🏻, Fabriano Galore 👨🏻


Creating Sims content here on my YouTube channel! -----> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Tq0J8bDFMidZWlrFK0gtQ
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#88 Posted : 19 May 2020 01:40:13(UTC)
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The Jollies play Popping The Question | MTV NEWS
MTV News

The video opens up with a preview of Zafari reading a question on a tiny piece of paper and the other three Jollies around him looking. He reads 'What is your favorite gesture and why?' and then looks at the others and they all laugh together making the dab move simultaneously.

Then the video actually starts after the laughs and the little preview, with the MTV News logo appearing on a yellow quick screen. The guys all wave at the camera, Rose looking all sweet and smiley, Natasha grins, Zafari puts out a wild open smile and Fabriano smirks confident. "Hey everyone, we're the Jollies and you're watching us play Popping the Question" they say together speaking in unison and Zafari continues. "We're gonna pop these balloons, read the questions in them and you just have fun, alright?" He does a thump up and looks at Rose. "Let's do it girl."

"What’s the weirdest crush you’ve ever had?"

Rose reads this question after popping her pink balloon and laughs embarassed. "Oh dear, I don't know... Uhm..." She looks up thinking and Zafari shouts "You can say my name, don't worry". So she laughs and Natasha adds "Oh stop it, we know it's me, right?". The two girls laugh together and Rose finally answers. "Actually it was when I was a kid, I had a crush on my cousin! I know that should be very weird." "I didn't think ya were into incest huh?" Zafari shakes his head with a funny expression looking at the camera and she laughs again, quite embarassed.

"What's your favourite animal sound?"
Natasha reads this question popping her violet balloon and gets all hilariously excited. "Ohh oh, I really love foxes' sounds! Sometimes I get on youtube and hear what they sound like because they're such nice animals, aren't they?"
Zafari looks at the camera confused and Rose laughs. So Fabriano looks at her "Do you go on youtube listening to Foxes talking?" and Zafari adds "Heck, is that what ya do when you can't sleep at night". So Natasha laughs and nods. "Yes, most times actually".

"If you could read minds, how would you use the gift?"
Fabriano reads the question out of his white balloon. He looks at the others with a confident smirk and then at the camera. "I already read minds." he says and Zafari looks at the others and then at him playfully but still like he was starting a beef. "Man, what? Get out of my mind man, I want my lawyer". Fabriano just looks at him and then shrugs at the camera.

"What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?"
Zafari reads this from his yellow balloon. He looks at Rose and points at her his finger. "You, you made that weirdest thing when you baked that pink pie that had a strange, elongated form. It looked like something else" he shakes his head and Rose remembers what he means laughing hard, a little embarassed and covers her mouth. Natasha widens her eyes. "OH MY GOD, I remember that... and I must say it was good". She says with a funny smirk and Zafari shakes his head. "You naughty girl."

"If you could steal one thing without consequence, what would it be?"
Rose reads this from a red balloon and looks at the others with a thoughtful smile. "Oh... I don't know... I wouldn't ever steal anything" she says, looking all innocent and Natasha looks at the camera. "She's our little angel, you know."
Zafari nods in a funny way.

"If you had a time machine, what time period would you visit and why?"
Natasha reads this from a blue balloon. "Uhm, let me think" she says taking her finger to her chin. Then she adds some seconds later "I would really love to see Middle Ages and those castle alive, how they lived in them." and Rose holds her own hands looking like she loved the idea. "Aww, so romantic, like seeing kings, princesses, princes... all that!" and Zafari looks at the camera. "Disney fan, don't mind her" and she laughs at him with Natasha.

"Would you rather never play or always lose?"
Fabriano reads this popping a green balloon. "I never lose" he says confidently and Rose giggles amused, but Natasha looks confused. "Fab that answer is not valid" and he answers "Yes, becuase I never lose. Simple." He seems so confident you could hardly get his dry humor and Natasha shakes her head smirking, she can't with him. Zafari just nods playfully and looks at the camera with a random thumbup.

"If you could meet another artist, who would it be and why?"
Zafari reads the question popping the last orange balloon. "The Chickmunk Girls man! They're hot" he shouts and Rose laughs, Natasha shouts too. "Stop being a pervert!" And he looks at her. "I'm not a pervert, I'm only a Pinocchio with a nose in the underwear" he says raising his eyebrows at the camera to tease and Natasha facepalms laughing, Rose just covers her mouth embarassed but amused. Fabriano smirks adding "He's not wrong, actually. I would meet them too." and the two girls look at Fabriano shocked, but even more amused, they didn't expect that from him so it was even funnier. Zafari then just looks at the camera and grins waving.

So the video finally ends this way as the MTV News logo appears with a bit of the 'Meet Me At Soda Pop' chorus of in the background.

Edited by user 19 May 2020 02:52:35(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Titans (Laurence, Jo, Martina, Den, Tanya)
Kegan Dawson - Actor, presenter, radio speaker, model, showman
Cj Frankson - Youtuber, Actor, model, showman
Rashai Mari - Model, Dj
Igor Stanovski - Russian tycoon, businessman
Claire Becker - Writer, vocal coach, presenter, radio speaker
Augusto Lincoln - Enterpreneur, model, manager
Lukas Paradiso - Model, Actor

The Jollies
Zafari Mari 👩🏾‍🦲, Rose Hemsworth 👩🏻‍🦰, David Hernandez 👱🏻, Natasha Stanovski 👧🏻, Fabriano Galore 👨🏻


Creating Sims content here on my YouTube channel! -----> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Tq0J8bDFMidZWlrFK0gtQ
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#89 Posted : 19 May 2020 06:20:56(UTC)
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Got It All (Album Track & Used For Samsung Commercial)
2 dislike

So i releasing 2 songs on YouTube cause after we got song on charts and peaking at number 12 this is why i doing this and u finally get to hear a exclusive track that was come with as limited edition Samsung S20 and my album track from upcoming debut album so... SURPRISE!!!

I see u from across the bar
You was looking in the right direction
And i can tell that your sexy body will adore me

Yeah Man, you can be a my husband
And just a honey with the right connection
And I gone tell you how it is
if you can follow me

Cuz I got the love with dignity
You caught my eyes with body
I run the show so take a sit
I leaving here with u

You Got It All
If you want me come get me
I Got It All
And I am gonna retain u
Oh ah oh, i see whacha doing
Oh ah oh, But I have some for u
I Got It All
Cant you see my name on u
You Got It All
I can tell that you want me
Oh ah oh, I know your doing
Step up your game cuz
I Got It All

I know you think your looking fly
I see you checking my car i came in
I saw you eyeing up my back and looking at me
But boy you know the car i drives
Ain't going nowhere cuz i at nightclub
See clever man, know the way to get
What boy need
Cuz I got the cash, I got the cool
Is u flirting or make your move
i like to see what you can do
Cuz u leaving here with me

You Got It All
If you want me come get me
I Got It All
And I am gonna retain u
Oh ah oh, u see what i doing
Oh ah oh, But u Got sumthin
I Got It All
Cant you see my name on u
You Got It All
I can tell that you want me
Oh ah oh, I know your doing
Step up my game cuz
U Got It All

If you want me come get me
If i want u i claim u
u so fine, I see why u looking
But u all mine baby
If i need you i could get u
If i need me u could claim me
u so fine, I see why i looking
But i all yours baby

You Got It All
If you want me come get me
You Got It All
And I am gonna retain u
Oh ah oh, i see whacha doing
Oh ah oh, But We Got Chemistry
You Got It All
Cant you see my name on u
You Got It All
I can tell that you want me
Oh ah oh, I know your doing
Step up our level cuz We Got It All

Edited by user 29 July 2022 12:20:11(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified


My Character:
Jade Trembay,
Ava Tuffin,
Gabby Love,
Jamel Jones,
Tamar Gilbert (TikaBKilla),
Rose Harris,
Liam Russell,
Natalie Mays,
Murda Bling,
Cosmic Blue,
Camille Preston,
Chanel C. Fox,
Aubrey Cassidy,
Sophia Delaney,
Sally Parkwood,
Tika Mays,
Diego Lopez,
Samantha Stevens,
Paige Wesley,
Mr DJ Hurricane,
Keshia Love,
Stardom Boys,
Alexis Brooke,
Christina Moreno,
Slim Money,
Fatima Amari,
David Dankworth,
Ciara Lovett
thanks 3 users thanked 2001clay for this useful post.
erich hess on 19/05/2020(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 19/05/2020(UTC), kandii on 27/02/2021(UTC)
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#90 Posted : 11 June 2020 10:59:47(UTC)
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About Me (Non Album Track & Used Samsung Bonus Track for Galaxy S20 Limited Edition)
900,000+ views
2 dislike
So i releasing 2 songs on YouTube cause after we got song on charts and peaking at number 12 and got signed to La Familia this is why i doing this again and u finally get to hear this a exclusive track that was come with as limited edition Samsung S20 and my non album track from unreleased debut album & also it will be used for my second album !!!
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me

[Verse 1]
I know that when i talking in the room,you just be hatin
You hate me, at the same time I be wishing they could go away
I got that heat, that fire, got you all eyes on me
Yeah, I run things, my name should be Obama

[Pre-Chorus 1]
Round of applause, with a standing motivation
Standing motivation, we be hustling out for that money
Radio's on, now I'm heard on every station
Why you staring me for? Now, watch me take the nation
I, I see the way you're acting so jealous
You're wishing you could be in my shoes
We be up on that, making everybody mad
Make it all about me, like that

We be riding around in that yacht yacht
Shoes and bags of that Gucci
Watch me get me that new new
About me me about me me
We hit the club with that new dress
Walk around with that diamond
Now watch me get me that money
About me me, about me me

[Verse 2]
I'm that the people asking for, exactly what they needed
I look and feel and smell just like a brand new car of gold
Yeah, I'm a Queen, I got the boys all checking for my freaky
To think we going down on me is no no

[Pre-Chorus 1]
Round of applause, with a standing motivation
Standing motivation, we be hustling out for that money
Radio's on, now I'm heard on every station
Whatcha are you doing? Now, watch me take the nation
I, I see the way you're acting so jealous
You're wishing you could be in my shoes
We be up on that, making everybody mad
Make it all about me, like that

We be riding around in that yacht yacht
Shoes and bags of that Gucci
Watch me get me that new new
About me me about me me
We hit the club with that new dress
Walk around with that diamond
Now watch me get me that money
About me me, about me me

We ride around in that Lamborghini
My Expensive shoes with that new new
Yeah, everything I own has my name name
Yeah, all we know is about me me
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me
Me Me, Me Me, Me Me
New me
Me Me

[Pre-Chorus 2]
I, I see the way you're looking at me
You're wishing you could be person like me
We be up on that, make it all about me
Finna do like that, like that

We be riding around in that yacht yacht
Shoes and bags of that Gucci
Watch me get me that new new
About me me about me me
We hit the club with that new dress
Walk around with that diamond
Now watch me get me that money
About me me, about me me

I’ll be riding around in that yacht yacht
Shoes and bags of that Gucci
Watch me get me that new new
About me me about me me
We hit the club with that new dress
Walk around with that diamond
Now watch me get me that money
About me me, about me me

About Me Me,That me me
Me Me,that new me


My Character:
Jade Trembay,
Ava Tuffin,
Gabby Love,
Jamel Jones,
Tamar Gilbert (TikaBKilla),
Rose Harris,
Liam Russell,
Natalie Mays,
Murda Bling,
Cosmic Blue,
Camille Preston,
Chanel C. Fox,
Aubrey Cassidy,
Sophia Delaney,
Sally Parkwood,
Tika Mays,
Diego Lopez,
Samantha Stevens,
Paige Wesley,
Mr DJ Hurricane,
Keshia Love,
Stardom Boys,
Alexis Brooke,
Christina Moreno,
Slim Money,
Fatima Amari,
David Dankworth,
Ciara Lovett
thanks 3 users thanked 2001clay for this useful post.
erich hess on 11/06/2020(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 11/06/2020(UTC), kandii on 27/02/2021(UTC)
Offline FiveT  
#91 Posted : 23 June 2020 10:07:53(UTC)
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Honest Vocal Coach Reacts to Squad Goals 'The Jollies' Full Album Review - LIVE STREAM
Honest Vocal Coach

Hey everybody! Are you alright? It's Georgina here, I'm the honest vocal coach and I teach singing all day, every day when I am not making videos like this one and we are on a livestream NOW! How exciting!

Now today it's another day of livestream reaction to a brand new album and I must say I'm pretty excited today because we'll be listening to 'Squad Goals' album by the Jollies so we're gonna get to hear five different singers, that let me tell you, they all sound quite interesting and different from each other from what I've heard. Today we'll be hearing this whole record in full and together, so how exciting. Now I'll dive right in, I will read your questions and give you opinions on each song so... let's dive in!

['Squad Goals' Playing]

[1st Track: 'InstaStory']
[Stops song at first intro chorus] Wow, just how catchy it already sounds and you can hear the two girls singing in a nice harmony, I like that. Such a pleasing intro don't you think?...
[Stops before second chorus] Ok, so I heard this song when there was their other member, Cj Frankson who I thought was brilliant on this but I must say it's the first time I hear this version without him and I love it. I think this is definately Zafari singing the first verse, you can hear him rap so well, flowing so easily and it's like he definately has this agile way of singing and still sound quite soulfoul. I like how gets to the rhythm of the song so easily...
[Stops after middle 8 sung by David] I mean this is definately David, I remember the song from last year and of course, you can recognise his voice everywhere after the Big Brother, really. I think he really has that low, jazzy voice, I like how it's not exactly a rap but still it kinda feels like an attempt to rap here. Of course he would have his own way of doing it because Zafari really did own this track with his rapping skill, like... yeah, definately the rapper is Zafari here.

[2nd Track: 'Meet Me At Soda Pop']
[Before the song starts at Rose's first verse] I must say 'till now, 'InstaStory' didn't feel like a much autotuned track in the vocals, they felt very authentic and I feel like these guys actually have some talent as a band but I guess we'll have to hear the whole record, right?...
[Stops after Rose's verse] Aww isn't she blessed with such a nice, warm voice? It's so pleasing!
[Stops after Zafari's verse] Oh God, I remember hearing this song after a Coca-cola advert and I was so curious about it, then I heard it and when I got to this part I was shocked to hear they would take a dig at Donald Trump 'cause that is so obvious, with the Melanie being Melania Trump and... wow, such a subtle way to be political, right?...
[Stops after Fabriano's voice] I like how Fabriano showed up to be a member of this band with attitude, he's actually the one that replaced Cj Frankson and I think he fits this band perfectly. I know and I remember in this song you can hear a deep man vocal in low harmony and I am pretty sure it's him when I hear this. I don't think he's the strongest vocalist in the world, but still... good low tone....
[Stops after the first chorus] Well, it all speaks by itself! Harmonies on point, catchy melodies, this is the perfect gender blended band, I love this song....
[Stops the song before 2nd chorus] So yeah, David really has that fun, jazzy vocals here too, I think he would do so well with a bit of training on his vocal range on a jazz album, it would sound quite interesting. Also how nice they seem to cooperate in singing bits on the verse verses sung by the others, like Zafari adding some ad-libs here to David's lines. It's like they really feel like a team...
[Song ends] Aww, so wasn't that nice? Made me want to drink some Coca-cola! How crazy. Now let me read some questions... "Who's your favourite Jolly so far?" Uhmm, I don't know they all seem pretty different but on a scale... I would say Zafari first now, he sung the most and he's so versatile in what he sings, we'll see the next tracks which are totally new for me. Let's dive in!

[3rd Track: 'Emotions In The Moonlight']
[Stops right after Zafari begins to sing] 3rd track, Zafari again. Mmmh, I'm thinking maybe he's really the best vocalist out of them after all...
[Stops while Natasha sings the second verse] Oh wow, why didn't they let Natasha sing on both of their two only singles at least one solo line? Her voice sounds so incredibly strong, wow...
[Stops track after the first chorus] Loving how this sounds like an opera Pop type of song, I don't know. It feels like they are singing in a teathrical play and Rose's nice vocals they fit so well with Fabriano which I can say now it's him, I recognised his tone. Totally the boss of the low notes...
[Stops after second verse sung by Natasha] God, I am shocked. Natasha has an amazing voice, such an incredible technique, she maybe only really needs to work a little on the very low notes which may be struggling but really? I'm confused as to why they didn't give her a line...
[Song ends] Soo, beautiful track, I read someone just wrote on the timeline that this is their next single, is that true? It would be nice. I think it's such a melodic, romantic ballad. I'm wondering do they write their own songs or...? Oh, they do? That's just what someone just wrote me on the timeline, I didn't know that! How nice. Such a big talent here. Good job Jollies...

[4th Track: 'Heart Is A Muscle That Works Out']
[Stops song right at the beginning of first chorus] I'm loving the meanings of their songs, each one has something to say and sound so quirky. Also Natasha singing again here, and brilliantly, please more of her.
[Stops at the end of chorus] Harmonies on point, again! Nice team!..
[Stops after David's verse] If you listen to this part closely, you get what I meant at the beginning saying that David almost tries to rap but really ends up speaking in the songs and you can hear all the difference with the rapping skill of Zafari, definately two different styles. I like Zafari a little bit more maybe, at least here. Sorry Dave...
[Stops after middle 8] Woo, I hear a bit of autotune here maybe on Fabriano? I didn't expect that? I guess artistic choices have to be made after all, right?...

[5th Track: 'Yin&Yang']
[Before song starts] So that was interesting and I guess I can tell more the sound of the album now, very Poppy but a bit retro sounding. I think it's more about the lyrics and the catchy melodies, the vocals, the harmonies.
[Stops while Zafari sings] Ooh, pace of the album slowed down. Zafari delivering again his raps! Definately a star on this group...
[Stops when Rose sings some lines] There is like a contrast between the rapping and loudness of Zafari and the sweet vocals of Rose until up here. It's a shame though, I feel like the other three may deliver a bit more but I guess we'll hear that in the next tracks? Especially on Natasha, she's amazing...
[Stops right after Natasha's high notes in the middle 8] Alright! That is what I was talking about! I understand now, it's like they are building up the hype for the other three. I'm really liking how this is being thought out now.
[Song ends] So what do you think? I feel like this was a good track about friendship, an important theme to a Pop band like this one. Very calming song too. Oh, Katie asked on the timeline "Did you expect them to be like this?" Well, I did, in the last weeks it's like you find this group everywhere and I was so curious about this album. Now I understand the success behind it, so much hard work on this yeah.

[6th Track: 'Valeur']
[Stops the song before Rose sings] Okay! David really gave that intro a personality. Perfect timing, perfect way to introduce and Gosh, those trumpets! I'm expecting this to be a single at least, imagine the dances....
[Stops after a few words Rose sings] Aw her sweet voice again...
[Stops after Zafari's verse] A bit different sounding from Zafari here, more soulful tone but still good. I told you he's the star on this album for me...
[Stops again after Natasha sings] Aw, she could have been too if they let her shine more! Her vocals are so on point....
[Song ends] Feeling empowered right? Such uplifting lyrics, like I they know how to make you dance here. Not the most keen on big vocals type of track but still, those trumpets gave me LIFE!...

[7th Track: 'I Will Listen']
[Stops song after David and Fabriano finish their verses] Okay, David and Fabriano almost share like deep vocals only David is a bit more jazzy and fun, Fabriano on the other hand sings with more attitude, less cheeky in a way. But I like how they introduce this, I think David shined a bit more on these last two tracks....
[Stops during vocals] Oh my God, that choir behind is definately more than just their vocals and it's so empowering. You know... with those lyrics about standing up for a friend... Just, wow...
[Stops after Rose sings] Sweet vocals but a little bit more sultry don't you think?...
[Stops when Zafari sings] Gosh, I know who my favorite is now...
[Song ends] So another song gone by and still no Natasha moments again here. I'm thinking she deserved more, I'm eager to hear more of her, but still the track was very good. It feels like they rely a lot on the lyrics, the melody, the sweet vocals of Rose, a bit of personality of David, the low notes by Fabriano and Zafari, you know what I mean about him. Now I can only hear Natasha sounding high in the harmony, it's definately her leading most choruses but why not sing more lines and verses, you know?

[8th Track: 'That Best Something']
[Stops at Zafari singing] And Zafari singing, again!...
[Stops when Natasha ends her verse] Oh God, finally! That was wicked. It's like they realised how good she is, finally. She can really lead the track here and those comics hints by the way, that is cute. I mean, Dragon balls?...
[Stops song after chorus] Finally, a song shared between Natasha and Zafari, this is so good. I think they are my favorite vocalists of the group so far, with Rose's soft and pleasing tone too. But David and Fabriano can sing well too, I don't mean to say they are bad, but maybe a bit more training on David's side and a bit less serious vocals by Fabriano would make their vocals shine more on songs like this, I think...
[Song ends] Definately Zafari and Natasha lead vocals, I wish now to hear more of the other three though...

[9th Track: 'Reconciliation']
[Stops songs when David is about to end his verse] Okay, so I think this very low sounding song and theme really fit David's vocals. His personality really shines here and still almost speaking instead of singing but... yeah, I feel entertained by his vocals, it's like he means every word he sings...
[Stops right after chorus] Oh wow, isn't this such a more sexual song, definately different from the rest. Interesting...
[Stops during Rose singing her second bridge] I mean, this must be another song led by Rose, she seem to like ballads. And she sounds nicely on them. So calming...
[Song ends] Riight, finally hearing more of Natasha. Her middle 8 here was just amazing as expected. her high notes, so on point and totally natural, no autotune. Also such a nice track lead by David and Rose, I'm reading some of you are writing on the timeline that they two wrote this songs alone. That's nice, I wonder who inspired them this quite sexual song...

[10th Track: 'The Tribe']
[Stops song when Natasha finishes her bridge] Last track, David and Natasha giving their best with what they can do, David delivering personality, Natasha hitting high long notes, I think I can tell now the roles in this group...
[Stops after chorus ends and Zafari sings] Wow, such inspiring lyrics! I love it! Also Zafari singing here, here we go...
[Stops when Fabriano sings middle 8] It's interesting to note how Fabriano can hold long notes too without going off key and I am pretty sure there isn't much autotune here...
[Song and album end] Alright! So first all, this album was amazing! Only thing they should have added more tracks, maybe 10 tracks weren't enough to show what they can really do and some member deserved to shine more than others did, but I don't know, I have a feeling they'll give us new music and we'll hear more and more of all of them.
By the end of the album it's like you can tell they divided the parts on certain criterias like trying to have David give personality to the songs, have Natasha raise the tension and high harmonies, she led most choruses. Zafari would rap, Rose would rule the ballads and Fabriano just brind the lower harmonies and bring attitude to it. Overall I liked it, really. I can definately say why they find this group to be succesful right now and I'm hoping we will get to see them live soon, because there is when we'll really get to see so much of them, especially on vocals, you know.
So now I guess I signing off, it was nice to share this listen with you, I hope you enjoyed this livestream like I did and let me know in the comments what you think about the Jollies' new album 'Squad Goals'. Please, like and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this! See you guys soon!

Titans (Laurence, Jo, Martina, Den, Tanya)
Kegan Dawson - Actor, presenter, radio speaker, model, showman
Cj Frankson - Youtuber, Actor, model, showman
Rashai Mari - Model, Dj
Igor Stanovski - Russian tycoon, businessman
Claire Becker - Writer, vocal coach, presenter, radio speaker
Augusto Lincoln - Enterpreneur, model, manager
Lukas Paradiso - Model, Actor

The Jollies
Zafari Mari 👩🏾‍🦲, Rose Hemsworth 👩🏻‍🦰, David Hernandez 👱🏻, Natasha Stanovski 👧🏻, Fabriano Galore 👨🏻


Creating Sims content here on my YouTube channel! -----> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Tq0J8bDFMidZWlrFK0gtQ
thanks 7 users thanked FiveT for this useful post.
stephaniewazhere on 23/06/2020(UTC), 2001clay on 23/06/2020(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 23/06/2020(UTC), snap_itshannah on 23/06/2020(UTC), BrownSugar on 24/06/2020(UTC), kandii on 27/02/2021(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 27/02/2021(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#92 Posted : 23 June 2020 10:40:40(UTC)
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OOC: That was so realistic and cool to read :) You have been killing it! I like how in depth it was each track, I almost forgot this was an RP lol It seems like this vocal coach lady has a love for David, she better back off ;) lol I joke I joke
thanks 2 users thanked stephaniewazhere for this useful post.
2001clay on 23/06/2020(UTC), FiveT on 23/06/2020(UTC)
Offline FiveT  
#93 Posted : 23 June 2020 10:52:09(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post

OOC: That was so realistic and cool to read :) You have been killing it! I like how in depth it was each track, I almost forgot this was an RP lol It seems like this vocal coach lady has a love for David, she better back off ;) lol I joke I joke

Ooc: I love watching her videos reaction on youtube so I thought how cool to have her react to their album :P Thank you so much, I'm pretty sure David has only room for Spoon in his heart BigGrin

Titans (Laurence, Jo, Martina, Den, Tanya)
Kegan Dawson - Actor, presenter, radio speaker, model, showman
Cj Frankson - Youtuber, Actor, model, showman
Rashai Mari - Model, Dj
Igor Stanovski - Russian tycoon, businessman
Claire Becker - Writer, vocal coach, presenter, radio speaker
Augusto Lincoln - Enterpreneur, model, manager
Lukas Paradiso - Model, Actor

The Jollies
Zafari Mari 👩🏾‍🦲, Rose Hemsworth 👩🏻‍🦰, David Hernandez 👱🏻, Natasha Stanovski 👧🏻, Fabriano Galore 👨🏻


Creating Sims content here on my YouTube channel! -----> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Tq0J8bDFMidZWlrFK0gtQ
thanks 1 user thanked FiveT for this useful post.
stephaniewazhere on 23/06/2020(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#94 Posted : 24 June 2020 13:12:17(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: FiveT Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post

OOC: That was so realistic and cool to read :) You have been killing it! I like how in depth it was each track, I almost forgot this was an RP lol It seems like this vocal coach lady has a love for David, she better back off ;) lol I joke I joke

Ooc: I love watching her videos reaction on youtube so I thought how cool to have her react to their album :P Thank you so much, I'm pretty sure David has only room for Spoon in his heart BigGrin

ooc: I need to check her out!

Spoons is a ride or die for David no pun intended haha ;)
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FiveT on 24/06/2020(UTC)
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#95 Posted : 27 February 2021 16:11:28(UTC)
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The video starts with Coke walking onscreen in a dingy secluded location. She has on a sexy white outfit which is covered up by a big white hood. The music is not yet playing, the only thing that can be heard right now are the loud footsteps from her heels. Once the music to Keep Up With Me does start, the scene switches.


Call me Cleopatra, I might let you take a bite
Fire in this ride, some say I’m a ghost in the night
Leave so many behind, I only take what I like
Wont believe the hype until I see just why

The setting is a low-lit fight club that seems to be set in a modern time period that still preserves some dated elements. This is clear because the room is lit up by large bowl-shaped oil lamps. One side of the room seems very laidback as they watch the other side of the room fight for their lives. All of the fighters are men and it seems that they are all fighting for a chance to be with the special guest of the night who is Coke. Coke is sitting at her VIP table, bored and drinking away with empty glasses scattered around her. No one here has been able to catch her eye. Suddenly, she notices a big strong man who's been looking at her this entire time. As soon as they make eye contact, he decides that she is worth it.


He smiles right before getting up and walking over to the fight. Sizing up a few of the contenders, he joins in. He begins swinging with all of his might, knocking men down one by one. The others see a fierce competitor make waves in the big fight and make it their mission to target him all at once. Even with so many men coming at him, he does not lose his cool. He grabs one man by his long braid and picks him up, swinging him around and using the man's body to knock over other men.


I choose you, prove you’re special
Let loose, it’s a whole new level
Overdue, our secret little meet up
Been searching for a love who can keep me up

Coke is not impressed. She's seen plenty of men knock out each other tonight and she's still bored. She pulls out a blunt as her servers walk over to her. They pull out a match and brush it across the table so that they can give her a light. Once her blunt is fired up, she starts smoking, not even watching to see what the men will do next.


Desperate for her attention, the man becomes enraged. His hits become even harder but he knows this alone is not enough to really get her to notice him. Taking a brief second to think on his feet, he looks around the room. While he's plotting his next move, one of the men try to catch him off guard with a sneak attack. He blocks the attack, swooping under and slamming the man on the ground. He walks over to one of the oil lamps and and grabs it off the wall. Walking back to the man who tried to take him from behind, he sits him up on his knees and begins to dump the burning oil and it's fire on the poor guys head. The contents are so hot that it kills him.


You’ve conquered the mountains
Blinded every tiger
Took on the world, still ain’t tired
Challenged the gods
Even tamed a sphinx

As things heat up on the fighting floor, Coke makes her own little dance floor with her servers. They dance tribally in celebration of the men killing each other. The choreography is seductive and seeing it encourages all of the men to fight harder and harder. They brutally take each other down, seperating the men from the boys.


Soon, it all boils down to 2 men left in the fight. Coke's love interest is one of them. He's playing no games because he knows he has something to prove. The two men look at each other viciously as they circle the fight floor, waiting for the right moment to swing at each other. The other men starts fighting first, getting in a few good hits on the love interest. However, the love interest dodges one of the hits and begins to counterattack, beating the man senseless. For his finishing move, he yanks the guy by one of his shoulders and puts his other hand on the man's neck. With a quick move and a lot of brute strength, he rips out whole organs out of the man's throat, windpipe laryngitis and all. Blood splatters across his face and he smirks, knowing he just won the ultimate prize. He turns to the queen and lifts up the organs, offering his win to her.


Coke and everybody on her side of the room are seen hyping up the fight and cheers on the winner who impressively fought his way to the top. Coke and the servers look happy as they dance the rest of the night away, showing just how amused she finally is to see that someone is truly willing to stand out for her.


Don’t let that make you think you can keep up with me
You can't keep up with me
You can't keep up with me
You can't keep up with me

The video cuts back to the cutaway scene where Coke first introduced herself. She is singing the hook of the song and dancing her heart out. Here, Coke really gets to show out in her sexy white attire. She is a trained dancer and it's clear in how fluidly she looks in motion, making the advanced moves look easy. In one cut she even does a backbend and in another, she spins her body around until she hits the ground, landing perfectly on her knees.


Graeae to the bullshit, you forget you’re on my time
Im greedy, make it worth it, don’t wanna regret making you mine
When you touch my body better give me peace of mind
Free me of my demons, don't be scared to come inside

Coke and the winner of the fight meets up at the beach right along the shoreline. With him, he brings a beautiful big white horse. When he sees Coke, he hands the horse over to her, treating her with a valuable gift. She seems pleased, walking over to the horse's head and hugging it with her two hands. She lets her hands travel, feeling on the horse's mane and petting it's silky shining coat.


I choose you, prove you’re special
Let loose, it’s a whole new level
Overdue, our secret little meet up
Been searching for a love who can keep me up, ooh

In the next scene, Coke and the man are in a skyview venue. He's cleanly shaven now and they are both wearing black pants with a lightly colored top. The setting is futuristic, the blue skies mixing well with the all-white area. The room is big and Coke and her love interest are standing in the middle of the floor, looking at each other passionately. At first, they are eye to eye, their noses basically touching each other and then the man grabs her by the neck and dips her.



You’ve conquered the mountains
Blinded every tiger
Took on the world, still ain’t tired
Challenged the gods
Even tamed a sphinx
Don’t let that make you think you can keep up with me
You can't keep up with me
You can't keep up with me
You can't keep up with me

So begins an intense dance scene between the new lovers. They dance well together, switching between various styles from an advanced tango to an experimental ballet. They have a lot of chemistry together, Coke wrapping around the man with ease and twirling right off of him to the beat. After all the fighting he's done, dancing with Coke is like completing the boss level in a video game and the pressure to get it right is high.


Such a king, let me be your favorite rebel
Think bigger, I need you on my level
Just a whiff of me, I can make your heart jump
You've never known a lover who'll leave you stumped, oh yeah!

Out of nowhere, he misses a beat and accidentally steps on Coke's toes. This causes her eyes to turn bright white and she charges herself up to throw him away with her supernatural powers. The words, "GAME OVER" appear above his head as this is done. After he's pushed by the force, he does not stop sliding until he hits the wall, hard. Just like that, the fierce lover has been cast away by Coke. It was essential that he didn't mess up during the rigorous dance routine and unfortunately, he did.


Once he hits the wall, it isn't long before blood starts to seep onto the white floor. He lies lifeless with a pool of blood underneath him.


You’ve conquered the mountains
Blinded every tiger
Took on the world, still ain’t tired
Challenged the gods
Even tamed a sphinx

Coke looks down at the dead man who once had all of her attention. She sighs, her eyes turning white once again while she lifts her hand up. His lifeless body begins to lift off of the floor and hover over her as she moves her hand, using the same powers that took his life away to give the poor guy his life back. The all white room is consumed by blue and white metaphysical atoms that are currently rearranging the particles in his body back to normal. Once she is done healing him, the room turns back white and he falls to the ground, shaken by his neardeath experience but grateful to still be alive. He tries to thank her but she rolls her eyes, snapping her fingers and disappearing. Left in the room by himself, he hangs his head and shakes it knowing he messed up his only chance.


Don’t let that make you think you can keep up with me

The video ends with a shot of the same scene that introduced it. Coke is no longer dancing, she's just facing the camera in a close up as it fades to black.

Edited by user 27 February 2021 17:24:34(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#96 Posted : 16 April 2021 05:49:53(UTC)
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Wendy Williams GOES for Joshua Grimmie
spill it
60,748 dislikes

After discussing Leah Remini's tale of working with "difficult" Sharon Osbourne during her tenure at "The Talk", Wendy segues into her very own Hot Topic as she recounts one of her personal experiences with an onerous celebrity...

"Speaking of horrible people to work with, how you doin', Joshua Grimmie?"

Suzanne starts SCREAMING behind the cameras, encouraging the audience to follow suit. Wendy just grins and looks into the camera as chaos ensues in her studio. Despite being an overzealous audience at the best of times, this is still rather juicy news. Joshua Grimmie is now considered an industry darling and it's no longer "cool" to attack him. Wendy, however, just shrugs and crosses her arms.

"Yup! Yup! Yup! Suzanne, you remember, right? He was a B-RAT!"

The camera cuts to Suzanne like it always does whenever she's forced to agree with Wendy or get yelled at. "Yeah, I do. Not...not very pleasant to be around, no." After getting her five seconds of airtime, the camera focuses back on Wendy, who is now leaning closer in her purple chair.

"OK, so here's what went down! This was before we were all dipping and doing it to SURPRISE! and Forbidden Honey and all that stuff. Heck, this was even before all the Trump stuff went down. Yeah, yeah! Way back. Anyway, I...had no clue who he was. I think he just had like the one song at the time and this was when we only really knew Ash-" Wendy stops in her tracks and sits awkwardly in silence for a few seconds. "God, I keep forgetting about her and then whenever it hits me, it HITS me, you know? That was tragic. Rest in peace, Ashley. Yeah, yeah." Wendy nods and takes a sip from her lipstick stained mug as the audience clap along. Like always, they agree with her. She totally should rest in peace.

"OK, now back to her piece of work brother. It was his team who reached out to US, OK? We didn't really know him apart from a few interns but we agreed to do the interview because of the Jersey connection. I'm a Jersey girl so I wanna look out for my own, you know?" The audience clap again and vehemently nod their heads despite most of them being from NYC and not giving two shits about NJ. "Anyway, we're doing the interview and he seems like a really nice kid. Very well-spoken, handsome young man, great smile. He's got those GOOD teeth, yeah. So I'm thinking nothing of it and when the interview wraps up and I cut to commercial, BAM!" Wendy clicks her fingers and puts on a stern expression. That smile dropped, his head was in his phone, he just gave me a "hmmph" when I said that he did a great job. He then stood up, still texting away, not only being rude and brushing off members of his own team, but there were some young girls in the front row of the audience who were there for him. They were screaming and doing all that typical young girly stuff. He just stopped, looked them up and down, screwed up his face and walked off."

Suzanne starts SCREAMING again as if she literally wasn't stood right there in the same spot when this event actually occurred.

"So that's kinda rude enough, right? Well, let me tell you, it doesn't end there. After the show when I'm backstage, winding down and getting out of full drag, I start talking to some of the staff and I happened to say that I thought the kid we had on was quite rude. Well, one of our runners filled me in on EVERYTHING that went on with Joshua since he entered the building. Apparently the biggest diva our staffers ever had to work with...and I've had many a Housewife on this show. Oh, yes! Oh, yes!" Wendy laughs and uses a cotton swab to wipe a tear from the inner corner of her eye. "He was paranoid about someone sneaking a photo of him so he demanded that every member of staff working around him turn in their phones. He wanted his dressing room a certain temperature. He kicked up a fuss when we didn't have a specific brand of bottled water. Water is water, Grimmie! Now, come on now! He made one of his own team eat OUTSIDE because he was eating tuna pasta or something and I guess Joshua has something personal against tuna. Oh and get this..." Wendy adjusts and plays with the bottom of her skirt, chuckling to herself as she leans in a little closer to the camera. "Moments before coming out to do the interview, he made everyone backstage turn and face the wall so they wouldn't give him eye contact as he walked by."

A very audible "NOOOOO!" can be heard from Suzanne off camera and the audience gasp.

"Right?! Right?!" Wendy looks out into her studio audience, encouraging the dramatics before calming down a little, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes. "SURPRISE! is such a great song though. Yeah." Wendy nods and the audience once again clap in agreement with her.

Top Comments

Cheap shot but I'd expect nothing else from Wendy and her hellish show.
Joshua has literally posted open letters apologising for his past behavior.
He was a young kid, dealing with a lot of pressure and hadn't had his
bipolar diagnosis back then. He literally must have only been 16 when he
appeared on that show. You'd think by now that Wendy would have at least a
smidge of compassion for someone with a history of substance abuse and
mental illness. Guess not. Anyway, #TeamJoshua.

tha truth warri0r
You'd think two crackhead loudmouths from Jersey would get along like a
house on fire. Guess, like in Highlander, there can be only one!

Tasha N. Wright
Sounds about right. I did the wardrobe for a photoshoot he was doing
for a magazine and he was an absolute nightmare. Condescending know-it-all
and unnecessarily rude. I tried to be polite and asked him how his morning was
and I got a heavy exhale through the nose whilst he stared right through me.
Similar energy was directed to everyone on set. Horrid, horrid boy.

Pink Sparkle
Wendy and Joshua are both trash. SUZANNE is the star!!

NOT Wendy coming for a then-16-year-old's neck. It was like six years ago!
Let it go sis! lmaoooooo

Taylor Dee
Glad people haven't forgotten what a trash person Grimmie is. Thought I was
the only one with any braincells left. Everyone has been up his ass for the last
year and have conveniently forgotten how much of a horrible person he is.
He loves to start drama, twist the knife and then act like the victim.

Darren Sullivan
Joshua was a hormonal, angst-ridden teenage boy back then.
He has also had a very long battle with mental health issues.
Of course he wasn't a ray of sunshine then and in no way am I trying
to condone that behavior but...a little bit of compassion, folks?

Some of these comments sicken me. Shame on you and shame on Wendy!
Joshua has repeatedly apologized for how he behaved back in the day.
He even has a song detailing his own insecurities and how he used to
unfairly take it out on others. You can't undo the past but he has said
sorry multiple times over. Stop bringing it up and using past mistakes
to justify your unwarranted hatred and heartlessness. Would YOU really
want to be defined by the person you were at 16? No.

Edited by user 16 April 2021 05:51:30(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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#97 Posted : 04 June 2021 00:24:42(UTC)
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Song fades in and Erica appears on screen.

The song becomes softer as Erica takes in a large breath. " I just heard the News today..oh boy. The news that...that... Dustyn Blue-Connors ass has been sunburned. " Her voice cracks as she speaks the sentence. With great sorrow,she shakes her head and looks down as she continues. " Some say he may never recover. His ass could be out of commission for upwards of three or four days. I don't think I need to remind you of how serious this is, considering this is the first week of pride month. I'm not saying the sun is sentient and did this out of spite,but..." Erica gives a small shrug and gestures to a screen behind her.

"We've all played super Mario and been chased by this dork. I'm not saying this is concrete proof that the sun is capable of targeting specific people....but prove me wrong, Neil degrasse Tyson, michio kaku, or Amy Mainzer. " She says sternly. the screen behind Erica switches off and the music swells loudly as she enters into the call to action .
" This is why I am asking you,all of you to call your friends and family and let's raise awareness for Dustyn's poor cheeks. They should ONLY be red from spanking,body paint or perhaps skin irritation from Dallas' beard. The sun however...the sun needs to step the fuck off and away from Dustyns butt. For a donation of merely 10cents a day we can ensure dustyn has a supply of aloe to get him through this trying time. We can also provide him with one of those umbrella hats. He's rather small,so the save Dustyns ass from sunburn foundation,or SDAFSF, is pretty sure he can wear it on his butt as he tans." Erica says brightly as a phone number and PayPal link appear at the bottom of the screen. " Together,we can beat this. Act and you will receive a sturdy tote bag perfect for carrying sunscreen."

Screen fades to black and Erica is now standing beside a poolm it's very sunny out so Erica is now wearing a pair of sunglasses. " It's summer and we all like having fun out of doors. But, danger lurks.." she says menacingly as the sun from Mario 3 appears on the screen. "Begone,you!" Erica squeaks as pretends to shove the Mario sun off the screen. "Whew! That was close! He almost had us that time!!" Erica says while acting like she cannot catch her breath. "Now." She starts while walking to the pool. She squats down and runs her fingers through the water,flicking the water off her fingers when she is done. " You may be asking Erica,what can I do to protect myself from ass sunburn? well,I'm glad you asked. I usually don't wear bikinis or sunbathe nude. My ass is simply too precious to expose to the sun or air pollution. But,other people like to live dangerously and I appreciate that. My friend gretchie here is going to demonstrate some things to do, and some things not to do, if we are going to save asses this summer."

Gretchen runs onto the screen and jumps into the pool. The splash of the water narrowly misses Erica. Erica puts her hands to her face and looks to the camera and then back to Gretchen. "Gretchen! What are you doing?!?" Erica calls out to her friend.

Gretchen does the backstroke across the pool. She whistles a little tune before answering Erica. " I'm swimming, silly. What does it look like? " She answers in a carefree manner.

"Did you put on sunscreen?" Erica asks earnestly.

"Nope. Sunscreen is for lame-o's. Gretchen answers and splashes waters towards Erica.

"Gretchen,don't you remember what happened to dustyn?!" Erica exclaims.

"Psssh." Gretchen scoffs. "That won't happen to me. Nobody real gets sunburned on the ass." Gretchen answers before swimming away. She turns from her back to swimming on her stomach and....an air raid siren sounds and the camera zooms in and out in her exposed butt cheeks.

"OH NO!" Erica exclaims before running to the pool house in an attempt to get a lifesaver. But Erica slips and falls and is knocked out. The curtain falls and time passes. When she comes to,hours are implied to have passed.

The sun has set and Gretchen is ready to get out of the pool. But when she goes to climb out....


" Oh my gosh! My ass! It's so sunburned!!! Call an ambulance or maybe a hearse,I don't know if I am going to make it. Why? Why didn't I listen to Erica?!" She whines loudly before the camera cuts to Erica,now sitting comfortably in a chair and drinking a drink with a little umbrella in it.

"Thankfully,this was just a Reenactment." Erica says after slurping the last of her drink. " Gretchen's ass is fine. Precautions were taken through the magic of tv to ensure she was completely safe the entire time. But this easily could've happened to her,or me,or maybe even YOU!" Erica warns in a spooky voice while pointing towards the viewer. " So if you're out for doors and bare assed this summer,please remember to slather those delicate parts with sunscreen. Don let this happen you."

Gretchen swims over and props herself up on the edge of the pool. "Thanks, Erica! Now I know." She says brightly.

"And knowing is half the battle." Erica replies, before leaning in to give Gretchen and high five. There is a closeup and freeze frame of the two hands as the video ends.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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Authentic Freestyle
Discription: Would you even know the real me?

It’s early morning yet I burn the night oil
Playing beats over in my head while lyrics begin to foil
As my mind toils my body coils,
wrapped in sheets you would think I got from wise men
Seen the things I have been, you could help but wonder
Something had to slip with the pressure he’s been under
Did he rise too fast from the bottom,
just look at the bends
He might have fallen off,
given a look at the trends
Well Damn, I guess this is as far it as goes
If you have another playing my part
If they knew how the movie would start
But no, No YOLO for me, I’m out making a dynasty
So, when I’m dead and gone, I have someone that will blast for me
My lines out lastingly carry over my will
You could never break my spirit, try to copy the skill
Still never measured replicate but never duplicate
The attention to detail that I do excruciates most
Around me, to the point, it’s hard to find the
Finer points that I have to crisscross some of the lines
Many just lost with the pish posh kind of rhyme
Wishing I was out of time, out of any prime
No longer on my grind,
Tell me how many things I have to climb over
How many more people have to look over the shoulder
Y’all don’t get the message
How many more times do I have the leave a booth in wreckage
Have beats come out desolated
Fans rejuvenated
While hate is obliterated
Try as you might you can never deny
The passion that I obtain to get this right
It’s early in the morning still haven’t seen the sunlight
Even in the darkroom, it feels bright with records on the wall
With goals dreams on a list, with the mic standing tall
All other things are other things if it isn’t about the family
I did too many things to not get what was handed to me
Branded as outsider stranded among some fake shit
Everything was cloudy on that opaque shit
Thataway shit, get in where you fit in
The takeaway people pay to fake the life they portray, shit
And where has that taken them, dark places
You would think prison was a better choice
They lost faces plus ripped from any voice
Eyes that can’t see, mouth with no sound
Body without movement, a spirit that’s bound
And restricted hurt and conflicted
Their views are now twisted
Keep buried in the lie than stand on the truth
Instead of being authentic, they choose to dilute
with a gun in one hand they would pull the trigger and shoot

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#99 Posted : 29 July 2022 09:24:38(UTC)
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#honestvocalcoach #vocalcoachreacts #reaction #vocalcoach

Who is the Best Singer in Weekend? | Vocal Coach Reacts
Honest Vocal Coach

Hey there and welcome back to my channel! My name is Georgina and I'm the Honest Vocal Coach. I teach singing all day, every day when I'm not making videos like this one and if you want to work with me, you can do! There is a 10% off special on at the moment. There is a link as well as a code down below in the description box. If you like what you see today, why not give me a thumbs up and maybe hit that subscribe button for good measure!

So, we are BACK doing our beloved Pop Group Thursdays series. For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE lover of pop groups. Girl bands, boy bands and everything in between and this series shines a light on them. I think that sort of mainstream pop bands get a lot of unnecessary flack. There's this sort of stigma about them being, you know, either manufactured or not authentic or that they just can't sing and we know that's not true. There's some AMAZING talent out there in these groups and today, I am going to be reviewing and ranking none other than Weekend! Yes, THEE Weekend. What a way to bring the series back! If you have any other suggestions for who you'd like me to react to or rank then feel free to pop a comment down below.

Now, it's no surprise that I am a huge Weekend fan. Although I do tend to lean slightly more towards girl groups, I have a major soft spot for Weekend. They're fun, they're talented, they're bursting with personality and they're really a spectacular act. I was lucky enough to see them on tour and it was without a doubt one of the best shows I've ever been to. I've been championing them from day one even when it wasn't cool and I think nowadays, most people have gotten over themselves and come around to Weekend. 10 years on, a whole DECADE, and these boys are still an absolute force in the pop world. There's no shaking them and they continue to go from strength to strength.

In this video, I'll be ranking all five members from worst up to best in terms of their vocal performances. I'll also be doing a comparative list. Like I said, I've been a fan from the early days, so I'll be telling you my initial ranking from way back in 2012 or so and my current order. The vocal growth and even decline in some members has been really surprising and interesting. A LOT has happened to them as performers over the last 10 years. For this video, I've compiled and watched a whole different bunch of live performances from the boys, a mix of both stripped back, acoustic type affairs to actual on tour, on stage performances.

I'm taking into account all sorts of things. Who is the most consistent? Who is the most confident? Who has shown the most growth? Who is the weakest and who is the strongest? Let's dive in!

A short clip of Scott singing his part in Weekend's deep cut "Animal" live on tour plays. Georgina nods along cautiously before wavering her hand at a pitchy note. A segment of him singing part of Weekend's "Be A Man" in an acoustic setting as part of the group's BBC Live Lounge sessions follows. Georgina sucks air in through her teeth and gives a quiet "Oh dear!" to the camera.

So, kicking things off in fifth place we have Scott. Now, back in the day I still had Scott ranked last but if anything, I think his singing has gotten worse over the years and let's take a look at why I think that is. For a start, Scott doesn't naturally have a strong voice. It's very thin and light. That doesn't necessarily make a person a bad singer. You can have a very soft voice and still hit all the notes and do what you need to do. However, even when Scott's on good form, if you place him next to the four other boys who have very strong, bold and versatile voices, he unfortunately stands out for being almost rather one-note. It lacks the depth and warmth that the others have and I don't think he'd receive half as much criticism as he does if he were a solo artist and not stood next to four others. That constant comparison makes him stand out and I feel that's also played a part in Scott's performance issues itself.

Confidence is a big issue with Scott. Like I said, he's always been the weakest in my eyes but he's still had really good moments. On that second album, he really grew and developed. I'd say around 2014/15 was his peak. He was singing with much more oomph and gusto. You can see it and you can definitely hear it. He wasn't hitting any bum notes, well, not in any of the clips I watched while compiling this video. So, what went wrong? Well, he's gone on record saying that he suffers with performance anxiety and that his confidence has been knocked and that's a damn shame, really. You can totally hear it. He's very reserved while singing these days. Almost like zero effort and his voice is cracking at the most basic notes. Another thing I've picked up on is that he's much more confident when singing in unison with the other lads. When they're harmonising, I don't hear him hitting any bad notes or throwing anything off. It's just when the spotlight is on him that he goes a tad...wonky, shall we say? I think that's why he rarely gets any solo parts these days.

Yeah, so Scott is fifth. A competent singer with a nice voice, it's just a confidence thing. There's no effort there. He just kinda walks through the songs and there's like no technique whatsoever. It's bizarre to think that out of all the boys, Scott actually had some vocal training prior to entering the band. He used to do musical theatre! You wouldn't know it to hear him these days. We KNOW he has a skillset there. If he can snap out of that clouded headspace, I'm sure he can pull it back. Onto number four!

Oscar is seen performing Weekend's debut hit single "Everything About You" on a morning television show back in 2012. Georgina beams from ear to ear, clearly enjoying the performance and sings along silently. "The original lead singer. BAGS of charisma!". A 2015 performance of Weekend's "Only Just Begun" on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon follows. After a voice crack, Georgina purses her lips and rests a sympathetic hand on her chest. "Yeahhh, that was unfortunate..."

Moving on to fourth place now and it's a controversial one but I've decided to go with Oscar. Now, Oscar was actually my top rated vocalist back in the early days. Yes! Oscar was my #1 then and he really used to be pushed as the lead singer back then. I can see why. He definitely had the most confident and mature voice in the beginning as well as tonnes of stage presence. So, what went wrong? Why has he fallen from first to fourth? Second to last place! Why does he not take the lead anymore? What caused that dodgy note we just heard? Well, a lot of physical vocal issues, really. Oscar has had surgery on his cords and basically blew his voice out many years ago. You can always recover, and he has done, but your voice is never truly the same after a surgery. You can hear it on him today. AMAZING voice. Still a wonderful vocalist but he can sometimes sound very dry and hoarse. Vocal nodules are absolutely no joke. I've worked with people who've been recovering from them and it's...yeah, it's a process and a half.

Imagine being a 16/17 year old with no vocal training, being put at the front of a HUGE boyband and told to go sing all around the world, not to mention studio sessions. If you don't know what you're doing with your voice, it CAN be quite dangerous. With lack of proper care and educated technique, Oscar basically pushed his voice too much and fried it for a while. He may have lost some depth and versatility but let's focus on the positives. He is still a wonderful singer and has a very rocky, husky edge to his voice. It oozes a kind of sex appeal if I do say so myself. It's very...it's very 70's rocker. Even though he has his limitations, it's still powerful and on a really good day, he can still hold his own up their with the best in the industry. It's a very "manly" voice for lack of a better term. There's grit to it, there's bass, there's a kind of coquettish lilt to it. He, alongside Dustyn, does the lower harmonies and I think it's Oscar himself who does the VERY lowest, so there's still good range and control there to sustain that.

Oscar being fourth doesn't take away from the fact that he is a fantastic singer and performer. He's just in a band with super talented people. Unlike Scott, Oscar is confident on stage and behind a mic. I watched some clips when he was going through his vocal lows and even though I wouldn't advise pushing your voice until it has fully recovered, he still went for it even then. Didn't sound too good but you could see he was determined. Now that he's much better, you can see the magic is still there. He gives it his all. Oscar clearly looks after his voice and doesn't second guess himself. If he was in his own head too much, he probably would crack a lot more but he doesn't. I think he knows his voice and his limitations now so, for the most part, his performances are rather clean cut. There's still the odd dry-sounding moment but that's really nothing considering that things could've turned out much worse for him.

A clip of Billy performing his part of Weekend's second #1 hit, "Lock It Up" on Good Morning America in 2013 plays. "Billy has such a powerful, soulful voice." A more recent performance of his solo hit "Gemini" on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon follows. Georgina pauses the video and looks stunned after hearing Billy's lower register. "Wow! The range! I've never heard him use his voice like that before. Had no idea he could use his lower register like that!".

Another controversial choice; in third place we have Billy. I know, I know! I can hear the keyboards rattling already. This was a tough choice. I kept going back and forth between second and third place. It was a tough call but I had to make a decision and he's third on the list but by a hair, really. In my initial ranking, Billy was still third so he hasn't changed! That's another reason why I've stuck him in the middle. Yes, he's developed over the years, but it's not as stark as most of the other boys. His voice has matured and gotten richer over time but there's no major shift. He's a solid, consistent vocalist and always has been. Billy is a fantastic singer. Up there with the best. His belts, his runs, his tone, oh my goodness! It's like gooey caramel! If you were to personally put him as your #1, I wouldn't blame you. There are just some other factors that have edged him out of the top spot for me personally. I think why a lot of people rate him so highly is because he has, probably, the most "different" voice. All the guys have their own unique voices but Weekend's music is very rocky, very poppy at times and Billy has a more soulful tone. It cuts through on the records and it's why he's gone down a more R&B root for his own material.

Billy has great control. He hits those big notes like it's nothing. As we heard in that clip, he can get down to a grumbly lower register and not strain himself. He has amazing riffs and vibrato. Honestly, alongside one other member, I don't think you can find Billy fluffing up any performance. He always sounds good and that's really impressive for a decade long career. There's only one thing about his voice that could be seen as a negative but how he combats it flips it into a positive. That shows how skilled he is as a vocalist. Billy smokes, alright. It's not TOO noticeable but there's a teeny, tiny little bit more grit in his voice. It's still silky smooth but there's the smallest piece of huskiness underlying there. I believe his smoking has impacted his lung capacity a bit and sometimes, not all the time, he doesn't do all the big notes in live performances. However, Billy KNOWS his voice. Rather than attempting it and failing completely, he does something different. He'll change the key or shorten the note but add in a really cool adlib or run to make up for it. You won't hear Billy screwing up. He does seem to be a bit of a perfectionist and it shows. A very talented, solid, consistent singer.

Personality wise, you know, Billy...he isn't really for me. I think he's a little too naughty for my liking. His solo music in particular is a bit heavy with the swearing and all the sex talk. It's too much for my innocent ears! That's not to say that I dislike him and it definitely doesn't take away from his talent and abilities. Being third doesn't mean that he's middle of the road. Like I said before, these guys are incredibly talented and I was conflicted about where to place Billy. He still stands strong among the best voices in the industry...but so do the other boys. Even though he's third in the list, I'll also say he's probably one of the most important voices in the band. That unique hearty, soulful tone is important to Weekend and their sound. Billy offers something really different and if you were to take that away, you'd REALLY feel the impact. My only critique of Billy would honestly be to stop the smoking, silly!

A video of Riley singing during Weekend's acoustic live cover of Nelly Furtado's "Say It Right" as part of their 2012 BBC Live Lounge sessions plays. Georgina smiles sweetly as she watches this clip. "God, Riley just makes me grin ear to ear. This was definitely one of his better earlier performances for sure." The clip is then followed by an excerpt from an online concert held during the 2020 pandemic where he sang Weekend's "Victory". "Ooooh, I loved that! That vocal flip as he was going up the scale! What a lovely touch."

Here we are, only two members left! Ooooh, who's it gonna be?! Well, in second place we have Riley. Yes, Riley! A very underrated member in my opinion and as you can probably tell by how pink my cheeks were turning watching those clips, I am a Riley girl. Always have been, always will be. I think everybody has that one member of Weekend they gravitate towards and it's Riley for me. Back when I did office work, the girls there got me a big Riley mug for my coffee and I've still got it. He's a darling, isn't he? OK, enough gushing! Onto the vocals! I was in two minds about his placement. I think Billy has been far more consistent throughout and slightly more refined BUT I gave the edge to Riley for a few reasons. I find his voice more interesting than Billy's. He's extremely experimental and confident in his voice and his growth is astounding! Riley was initially ranked fourth for me in terms of singing ability back in the day but my word, he has gone from strength to strength. Definitely the member who has grown and adapted the most as a vocalist. He's really risen through the ranks and it's like hearing the caged bird sing.

Riley naturally sings in a higher, upper register. A lot of head voice and does the highest harmonies. Sometimes a bit Bee-Gees and I know that may not be for everybody but I adore it. I always find it amusing how his speaking voice is so low and gravelly and yet he sings with a gorgeous falsetto most of the time. Back in the day, he didn't know his voice. Had very little control. It was mainly his head voice he stayed in and it could often sound a little too nasal or he didn't have the breath control to sustain it. Now? Wow! Not only is he still going up those scales but he has so much depth and complexity now. He can belt, use his chest voice, riff, run and just do all sorts of vocal acrobatics while still maintaining his higher sounding voice. He's not a one-trick pony anymore. He's not just there to do the highest harmony, which is still impressive when you think about all the energy that goes into their big choruses, or to sing a few lines when others need a break. No, he's a heavy hitter now has really come into his own.

What sealed the deal in placing Riley second is the risks he takes in live performances. Where Billy changes notes and technique to save his own skin, Riley does it for flare. I'd say that in the last five or so years, Riley has stepped up to the plate and taken control. He is a very ambitious performer. For example, in that clip we watched, he did this little vocal flip that's not on the actual record just for the fun of it. He'll make notes bigger and more powerful in live performances for a bit of pizzazz. He'll add some vibrato or a growl where you don't expect it and that makes me sit up and pay attention. That's what I mean when I say he's a more interesting performer. His slightly nasal, high tone won't be for everybody but he can't really change that and I wouldn't want him to. My only piece of advice for Riley is to keep pushing. Keep exploring. He's come a long way over the last few years and I hope he continues to grow.

Georgina immediately beams as Dustyn sings during Weekend's 2012 Olympic Games performance. "He is SUCH a showman, even at a really young age. That voice is just beyond its years." A more modern clip of Weekend performing "Pucker" acoustically on BBC Radio 1 with Dustyn simultaneously singing and playing guitar follows. Georgina's jaw drops after hearing Dustyn growl and riff. "The voice on that man! God, I've got goosebumps! So warm and textured. Absolutely adore it. Husky but sweet. It's like chocolate honeycomb."

Well, that just leaves us with one boy to talk about. Yes, coming in first place, the best vocalist in Weekend in my humble opinion is none other than Dustyn. There is some voice on Dustyn Blue or Dustyn Conners, I'm not quite sure what he goes by professionally now. I struggled and felt bad over some placements on the list but this one was without a doubt the easiest decision to make. Like I just said while watching that last clip, I have goosebumps. I really do! Dustyn, for me, is not only the best singer in the band but really sits up there in the upper echelon of vocalists in general. Back in the day, I had him pinned as second, only because he was 15/16 and still had a slight juvenile tone to his voice. I knew that once it fully broke and he had more experience, he'd really become a force to be reckoned with. Dustyn has the voice of an old soul. It's rich, it has layers, his range is unbelievable, he has great control and agility as well as an emotional pull. He's one of the few singers who has brought tears to my eyes and I'll talk about that in just a second. Like Billy, I have never heard a bad note come out of that lad's mouth. A golden voice.

I don't mean it lightly when I say Dustyn can sit up there alongside the likes of Frank Sinatra, Otis Redding, Freddie Mercury. Back in the day when we had SINGERS. His voice is deep, it's warm, it's colourful and he sings like he believes in absolutely every word. He can tug at the heartstrings effortlessly. As I said, he made me tear up before. Unfortunately I can't play it due to strict copyright on the song but there's a video of him covering "Unchained Melody" and my God, it was so beautiful and emotional. Very few singers have made me cry and he was one who managed to do it. I don't mean it in a bad way when I say that Dustyn's voice sounds almost haunted. It's like he's been here before and he's been through and seen a lot of stuff. You look at him being all small and cute and don't expect this big, grown voice to come out of him. It's way beyond his years. The guy must only be in his mid-twenties and he sounds so refined and polished. It amazes me that he wasn't classically trained or had any other singers in his family to learn from. He's just naturally gifted. I wish he was more revered in the industry, I really do

Dustyn sits at number one not only for the beautiful sound of his voice, which also comes with that lovely Irish twang, but for his range and agility. He has a naturally deep voice and will take on lower harmonies but Dustyn never really sits in one place. He can do it all. He has a husky texture to his voice, he can belt absolutely huge notes and sustain them, he can go into a falsetto register and drop down to real bass-like notes. He can riff, run and improvise like it's nothing. He can do what all the other members can do and more times than not, even better. There's soul in his voice, a bluesy grit, a rock and roll snarl, a pop jauntiness when needed. He's also known for playing guitar but he can also play a plethora of other instruments. He's a talent, he really is. He can adapt so easily. I've seen him jump around on stage and perform big bubbly, fun numbers and then reduce me tears when he strips it all back. For Dustyn, I'd advise him to continue looking after his voice and maybe give him a little nudge and convince him to try releasing a solo album next!

So, there you have it! Weekend members ranked from best to worst. I'll put my current and my old rankings up on the screen for you to see.





What I love about this band is that no matter how strong and unique certain voices are, they still all seem to work together perfectly. With all the different voices and styles, you'd think that these five wouldn't work together but they do, they really do! Had so much fun going down memory lane and creating this video.

Do you agree with my list? Do you not agree? How would you rank the boys? Who do you think has gotten better over the years and who has declined? Let me know down in the comments below. As always, please keep it respectful. Thank you so much for watching and I shall see you in the next video! Bye, loves!

Edited by user 29 July 2022 14:04:10(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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Chris Walker Live Stream
#AMA #PandaMan #JapaneseCartoon


Chris comes in and he is animated. "Hello? Hello? is this thing on? Audio working good, how we feeling chat, and don't gaslight me saying I'm muted, I will ban you or time you out like the children you are. 1's in the chat if everything is good. Also, 1's in the chat if I can bang your mom's." People are spanning 1, 2, and all kinds of numbers.

"Alright I can see the chat moving, I see some 1's, drop me a discord message with your address to your mom so she can be in a threeway with me and my mans. You know it fun if the homie can't have some right. Is that how it goes chat? I've been around a lot of artists, so I should know how slang goes right? Gyat, gyat, sigma, ohio! Can I just say, on the half of myself cause I don't speak for everyone but I rock with this younger generation simply because they took sigma from those alpha bros. You know when these fuckers are going to turn 30 they're going to look back and die of cringe. Chat, you guys are going to be embarrassed of the word sigma, the old people are going to use it when you get older and it going to make you think of middle school and it going to die off. No one should call themselves Sigma or Lone Wolf and be serious about it. This isn't a fairy tale. The matrix, if it is happening, does not have you as neo. Side note, why instead of pretending of being a fictional character from a movie why can't you act more like Keanu Reeves the person. Name me one thing bad about the person, if you do I'm hitting you with the ban hammer."

"Alright I got some questions on twitter, and let me say I'm disappointed, not a lot of questions and I came here to ramble, I came here to talk and you guys disappointed me. shame chat shame. I do have some questions so I'm going to get to them. if you have any other questions I might come back to it but I'm going to need some likes and engagement.

Atomic_Erich:@MyNameisCHRIS has pop culture catch-up ever had an office fight with the people over at culture uncut? If so,who were the victors?

"First of all, did you really think we were going to compete with an actual news site? Of course we would have, loss. They had Wynter over there and her boyfriend how still kinda scares me. No office fight, they were pretty professional. People was asking for my head on a spike after my first two episodes. Now which place had the most fun? Early days we were doing illegal stuff, I was young wild and crazy and people just seem to like me and my personality and didn't call the cops. If they did I would have been in jail, hands down. who knows what would of happened but to answer your question no, no fights and if there was Kai would have beaten the shit out of me. Yes chat that Kai and Honor, remember them? I miss them but they look like they are doing well. I didn't get there number or anything but I hope all is well with them. Alright next question"

Ggeist:@MyNameisCHRIS as a panda man ,are you related to the panda man in the backgrounds of one piece?

"Chat, let me be honest, can I be honest right now? I never watched one piece. I read like the first three or four chapters to one piece and I was like 'Wake me up when he becomes the pirate king,' It's been years chat, Years! and this man luffy STILL ain't the pirate king! Where the hell is the one piece man? Anyway I don't know anything about one piece, but a good character that I do like is the father from Ranma 1/2. That show is great, and it's on Netflix if you get a chance to watch it, you should watch it. It's a great show. Maybe I'll jump into it when we have another global shut down and locked in our rooms for a year or more but looking it up it will take almost twenty days straight to watch all of the current episodes and I don't have that kind of time to just sink into a show they STILL isn't finished. Instead think of an old man who knows kungfu and when he gets wet that is a panda but hide it from everyone and that's me."

Erica_Rox:@MyNameisCHRIS is karoliena as intimidating in person?

"Ayo, chat. I get this question a lot and I don't know why." laughing as he reads the question, "When someone asks me this question it falls under two camps, one I'm intimidated and I don't want her to hurt me, or two I'm intimidated and I want her to hurt me." Laughs while the comments are saying they pick option 2. "Chat, you're horny stop it. You are not going to get women if you are going to want them to hurt you. Have some self-respect and dignity. At least make it fan art okay? If you can turn your horniness into a workable skill like drawing you have a chance chat. Otherwise stop it and get some help. Now the question, Karoliena is a sweet person, but she can mommy when she wants to be. You know what I mean chat, I know you guys have mommy issue. Karoliena has no problem with that role but it isn't like the hot sexy time like you think. It's the mom where she drives the minivan but also has a secret compartment for the spriters. If it was the suburbs there would be gossip about how she beat up the teacher in school and you wouldn't know if it was a sexy thing or she actually beat them up. That's all I have to say she is a very nice person."

thanks 6 users thanked freestylechamp for this useful post.
2001clay on 29/12/2024(UTC), C4AJoh on 29/12/2024(UTC), Head South Records on 29/12/2024(UTC), snap_itshannah on 29/12/2024(UTC), erich hess on 29/12/2024(UTC), BrownSugar on 31/12/2024(UTC)
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