Thedrunken huntmans bar, afternoon
Oona and Lucy settled in, their drinks clinking against the table.
Lucy couldn't contain her excitement. "Did you check out the latest charts? Jack Dunn's debut single just snagged the top spot, straight-up #1!"

Oona's eyes widened, genuine enthusiasm in her voice. "No way! That's fantastic for him."
Lucy grinned, but a shadow crossed Oona's face. "But hey," Oona interjected, "just a gentle reminder that I'm in the wings, waiting for my debut to make its mark too."
"Absolutely," Lucy reassured her. "Your time will come, Oona. They signed you for a reason."
Lucy, riding the wave of excitement, continued, "And you know what's even more incredible? Head South talents are dominating the album charts. We've got #1, #2, and #3 spots secured!"
Oona's smile faltered, and Lucy noticed the subtle shift in her expression. "What's on your mind?"
Oona hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "It's great for them, really, but I just hope the label doesn't expect all of us to fit into the same mold, right?"
Lucy nodded, understanding Oona's concern. "You're absolutely right. The label signed a diverse group of artists for a reason : to bring a variety of sounds to the table. Your authenticity is what drew them in, and they know that."
"Exactly what Ben Rodini told me", replied Oona, thoughtful.
Oona's confidence flickered back, and she smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Lucy. Sometimes it's just hard not to get swept away in the charts and numbers."

Lucy leaned in, her tone reassuring. "Numbers don't define artistry. Your music, your story, that's what matters. Charts are just the icing on the cake."
As the conversation veered towards the intricacies of the music industry, Oona and Lucy found solace in their shared understanding, ready to face the challenges.
Lucy flashed a mischievous smile across the table, her fingers tapping a rhythm on the pint of beer She ordered. "Spill it, Oona. The nerves must've been insane when you sang here. What was going on in that head of yours?"
Oona chuckled, a wry grin playing on her lips. "Oh, you have no idea. There's this guy, Dany Sheen, a fucking wizard with the guitar and vocals. Blew everyone away, but the scouts didn't bite. That set the bar high, and let's just say it, I was scared stiff."
Lucy leaned in, intrigued. "But, come on, you crushed it! Your song was pure fire."
"Thanks," Oona replied, a modest smile dancing on her face. "I didn't exactly spend days agonizing over it, though."
The café hummed with the distant chatter of other customers and ambiant music, and Lucy's gaze grew thoughtful. Curiosity sparkled in Oona's eyes. "Hey, I remember you saying you're a musician, right?"
Lucy nodded, a bashful smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I play guitar. Decent enough for small gigs here and there. But singing a whole song on stage? Not my thing. I'm more comfortable in the shade of a vocalist, you know?"
Oona leaned in, a glint of curiosity in her eyes. "Cool! and what do you play?"
Lucy's face lit up with passion. "Started with folk, but indie, alternative, Cold wave... that's where my heart beats. Dum Dum Girls, Porridge Radio, Death Cab for Cutie..."
Oona's eyes widened with recognition. "Porridge Radio? Love them!"
Lucy nodded, reaching for her phone. "7 seconds" is so cool. Love this one.". Oona agreed "Dana Margolin's Vocals are awesome. Saw them live few times. They're from Brighton, you know?".
As "7 seconds" filled the air surrounding their table, Lucy asked, "Your turn. What's your playlist??"
Oona leaned back, contemplating. "Oh, I listen to various things....The Cure, Nightbus, Sneaks, Warpaint.
Lucy's eyes widened. "Warpaint? Nice choice! And Nightbus and Sneaks, huh?" She immediately pulled out her phone, ready to explore Oona's musical universe.
Lucy seemed to enjoy the minimalist vibe of Sneaks.
"I'm all about that bass. There's something about crafting the structure of a song, you know? Drummers get that too", Oona said.
Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you play drums?"
Oona laughed. "Nah, bass is my thing. It's like holding down the fort, laying the foundation. You feel the pulse."
"Badass," Lucy remarked, genuine admiration in her eyes. They both lough. "So, what's on the agenda for the afternoon?"
Oona suggested with a grin, "How about we hit my flat? Got a bass and guitar waiting for us."
The characters are in a public place, so anyone willing to take part to the story is welcome ;)
Edited by user 19 February 2024 06:16:26(UTC)
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