asdf wrote:Its is possible that we are just a fluke, but the chances are astronomical, the science and lay out too deep, the way things have come to be, the science of life and creatures to complicated. How can everything that is, come to be by a fluke explosion, or a chance bang? Its like saying "fire is fire because it burns" it makes no sense.
The first point yet get wrong here is this idea that the chances are astronomical and therefore impossible. The universe appears to be large beyond human comprehension. I mean, to a literally unfathomable degree. And the fact is that the universe seems to be made up of largely the same common elements. Therefore it's entirely likely that some planets revolve around some stars at exactly the right distance to support life, and that furthermore, the processes which give birth to life seem so fundamentally emergent that life itself might well be an inevitable side effect of the Universe's physical laws.
The fact that you are alive and asking the question may seem astronomically unlikely, but that's passively egocentric. You could just as likely not be alive. You could just as likely be a cat, unaware of the complexities of the cosmos. You're implying that you think it's unlikely that we, or rather you, are the end product of the Universe. Well guess what, the Universe gets on fine without life, just the way it gets on fine without plastic, without barstools, without cheese... You think it's strange that by chance we look like this? As if at the start of the Universe there was an entity who said "boy, I bet this Universe doesn't end up with HUMANS on a planet they call EARTH... I would eat my own hat if something as crazy as that actually happens..."
To you it probably seems like we're saying the universe miraculously conspired to create humanity, as if we're some kind of ultimate perfect being. No. The Universe, in its ongoing ever-unfolding nature, along the way, has resulted in this, in us, as a by product of forces beyond our comprehension. You're working from the theological endpoint of humans as a divine perfect creation and not understanding how the science gets there. It doesn't. It's not like one missed turn and no humans oh well the Universe is a failure.
Boy, it's kind of hard to explain this concept, but in summary: Science doesn't answer why, it only answers how. Why humans? We'll never know. How? Cellular mutation, evolution, genetic inheritance, etc. etc. etc.
asdf wrote:Science has many numbers and logic's I don't understand that will say otherwise of a God existing. Here is my theory, God created these little particles, and atoms, and every little confusing bit of science just so we could have something to ponder at. If God created the Earth as the Bible says why could he not have created all the different things that say otherwise? Its very confusing, and I cant figure out out to put it, but my theory is: God wants us to question it, and the answer we produce is how we will be judged.
Also, on being judged. We are not judged to go to hell for that one puff of pot, or that night you got drunk, you are judged on a whole, and in the end if your life results comes up above 50% you are taken to the chamber of God, if not, you are cast away to the fires of Hell to burn until the lake is cast away.
Heaven is not a magic place in the sky, that is theoretical statement in the Bible, I could be wrong but here are my beliefs: Heaven exists in another realm, or dimension per say. It does not exist anywhere in the universe we live in. Also, time is a aspect of this universe that does not cross over, which is why God has "always existed" which is a top question among non-believers, "how did God get there?" they ask. In a realm without any sort of time, there would be no need for a creator of God, God created time, and creation itself. That is also why, in Heaven, we last forever with no end. There is no time, no beginning, and no end. Yay we obtain the everlasting life to dwell with our lord forever without times unbearable ends and shortcomings.
It sounds to me like you're trying to reconcile theoretically improvable scientific concepts with theoretically improvable religious beliefs. If you believe in the God of the Bible, but you don't believe the actual word of the Bible is his actual word, then where do you get this stuff from? The Bible says nothing about a >50% good clause, or anything about the sum total of a life. It specifically asks only for repentance and acceptance of God, and of Jesus as the saviour, and all of your sins will then be forgiven. There's no case-by-case judgement of merit, that's you ascribing modern moral values to an incompatible ancient text. The Bible also does not say God lives in another Universe. That's you taking modern scientific theories completely alien to ancient people, and mapping that to their vague talk of the Kingdom of Heaven. You might as well say that when God comes down at the end times to take all the people to Heaven, he does it in a fleet of Chinook helicopters piloted by angels...
Edited by user 15 years ago
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