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#21 Posted : 15 years ago
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Mt. Epic wrote:
Just knowing the fact that one day, there's simply going to be nothing left of me.

I firmly believe that when you die they place your body in the ground (or burn you to ashes, or throw you out at sea or whatever) and that is it. However, that won't be the end of you. Think about all the family and friends you have lost over your life, you still remember them. Think about people like George Washington, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther (King Jr. optional), and others. The legacies they left all live on long after they have gone. If you want to continue existing after you die then focus on doing some good in this world that will make your legacy everlasting.
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#22 Posted : 15 years ago
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forkboy wrote:
asdf wrote:
True, but if this is proof a God exists, why would he put us here if not to judge us for our afterlife? It would be pointless to design everything so that it works perfectly for us to live here, and then just let us go about our business here with no further purpose.

You think the world works perfectly? Oh jeez.

No, but on a scientific level, the planet works perfectly to support life and not become wrought with gasses and such like our neighboring planets.
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#23 Posted : 15 years ago
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Rincewind wrote:
asdf wrote:
I too, am terrified of death. However, am I supposed to believe that Earth is just far enough from the Sun that we dont burn, and just close enough to not freeze by a fluke chance of good luck? Bull, God is the only answer, is some form or shape there is a high creator weather you believe in the Christian God, the Hindu God, or the ASDFistic God, there is a higher being behind the luck and fortune that Earth has, we have just enough water, gas, oxygen and so on to have a sustainable ecosystem and life on Earth, but not too much that it becomes poisonous and kills us all...yet science wants us to believe it was all just a chance happening that made it this way? Think about it.

how many millions of stars are they? and how many billions of planets?

we are a fluke chance that it all nothing more nothing less.....
i am an Athiest... Not an Agnostic.. i honestly have no idea what happens after we die but i am damned sure theres not a magical place in the clouds we all go to and spend eternity happily there.
in a way i am looking forward to finding out what happens next.. its one of lifes last great mysteries!

Its is possible that we are just a fluke, but the chances are astronomical, the science and lay out too deep, the way things have come to be, the science of life and creatures to complicated. How can everything that is, come to be by a fluke explosion, or a chance bang? Its like saying "fire is fire because it burns" it makes no sense.

Science has many numbers and logic's I don't understand that will say otherwise of a God existing. Here is my theory, God created these little particles, and atoms, and every little confusing bit of science just so we could have something to ponder at. If God created the Earth as the Bible says why could he not have created all the different things that say otherwise? Its very confusing, and I cant figure out out to put it, but my theory is: God wants us to question it, and the answer we produce is how we will be judged.

Also, on being judged. We are not judged to go to hell for that one puff of pot, or that night you got drunk, you are judged on a whole, and in the end if your life results comes up above 50% you are taken to the chamber of God, if not, you are cast away to the fires of Hell to burn until the lake is cast away.

Heaven is not a magic place in the sky, that is theoretical statement in the Bible, I could be wrong but here are my beliefs: Heaven exists in another realm, or dimension per say. It does not exist anywhere in the universe we live in. Also, time is a aspect of this universe that does not cross over, which is why God has "always existed" which is a top question among non-believers, "how did God get there?" they ask. In a realm without any sort of time, there would be no need for a creator of God, God created time, and creation itself. That is also why, in Heaven, we last forever with no end. There is no time, no beginning, and no end. Yay we obtain the everlasting life to dwell with our lord forever without times unbearable ends and shortcomings.
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#24 Posted : 15 years ago
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There is more proof that there is an afterlife than proof that there isn't. People who have been clinically dead and then been revived have experienced "going towards the light at the end of the tunnel". Some have claimed to have met a dead relative during their clinical death, or even God or Jesus. They can't have been dreaming because they were dead. Lying? If it was one person, you could say that, but this is hundreds of people admitting to similar things. There are no near-death experiences that suggest no afterlife - it's not an experience unless something happens. The phenomenon of NDE is as close as you're going to get to proof either way.

As far as the Bible goes - Chinese whispers, isn't it? The Bible has changed a lot over the years. For example, the King James Version's Exodus 22:18 is "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". In the Good News Bible, that changed to "Put to death any woman who practises magic". So, if you follow KJV, you must kill all witches of either gender, whether they practise magic or not - but if you follow GNB, you must kill all women who practise magic, whether they are witches or not. How can it be the infallible word of God when different versions say different things!? (And also - wasn't "Thou shalt not murder" in the ten commandments somewhere, which are also in Exodus? This ain't consistent yo.) Take the Bible with a pinch of salt. Maybe add some mustard if you're feeling adventurous. (: Interpret how God speaks to you in your own way, not literally.

((I hope that made sense.))
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
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Offline Rincewind  
#25 Posted : 15 years ago
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asdf wrote:
Rincewind wrote:
asdf wrote:
I too, am terrified of death. However, am I supposed to believe that Earth is just far enough from the Sun that we dont burn, and just close enough to not freeze by a fluke chance of good luck? Bull, God is the only answer, is some form or shape there is a high creator weather you believe in the Christian God, the Hindu God, or the ASDFistic God, there is a higher being behind the luck and fortune that Earth has, we have just enough water, gas, oxygen and so on to have a sustainable ecosystem and life on Earth, but not too much that it becomes poisonous and kills us all...yet science wants us to believe it was all just a chance happening that made it this way? Think about it.

how many millions of stars are they? and how many billions of planets?

we are a fluke chance that it all nothing more nothing less.....
i am an Athiest... Not an Agnostic.. i honestly have no idea what happens after we die but i am damned sure theres not a magical place in the clouds we all go to and spend eternity happily there.
in a way i am looking forward to finding out what happens next.. its one of lifes last great mysteries!

Its is possible that we are just a fluke, but the chances are astronomical, the science and lay out too deep, the way things have come to be, the science of life and creatures to complicated. How can everything that is, come to be by a fluke explosion, or a chance bang? Its like saying "fire is fire because it burns" it makes no sense.

Science has many numbers and logic's I don't understand that will say otherwise of a God existing. Here is my theory, God created these little particles, and atoms, and every little confusing bit of science just so we could have something to ponder at. If God created the Earth as the Bible says why could he not have created all the different things that say otherwise? Its very confusing, and I cant figure out out to put it, but my theory is: God wants us to question it, and the answer we produce is how we will be judged.

Also, on being judged. We are not judged to go to hell for that one puff of pot, or that night you got drunk, you are judged on a whole, and in the end if your life results comes up above 50% you are taken to the chamber of God, if not, you are cast away to the fires of Hell to burn until the lake is cast away.

Heaven is not a magic place in the sky, that is theoretical statement in the Bible, I could be wrong but here are my beliefs: Heaven exists in another realm, or dimension per say. It does not exist anywhere in the universe we live in. Also, time is a aspect of this universe that does not cross over, which is why God has "always existed" which is a top question among non-believers, "how did God get there?" they ask. In a realm without any sort of time, there would be no need for a creator of God, God created time, and creation itself. That is also why, in Heaven, we last forever with no end. There is no time, no beginning, and no end. Yay we obtain the everlasting life to dwell with our lord forever without times unbearable ends and shortcomings.

i have written in great detail about the bible, the various misconceptions and blatent contradictions regarding hell, heaven, lucifer etc etc elsewhere and i really can't be arsed to go through it all again.

Science does not have all the answers, its never claimed to... Science is an attempt at working out how things work. In essence i honestly think everthing comes down to maths.. its the building blocks of creation.
Yes the chances of life are astronomical, but in a universe which is bigger than any of us can comprehend, there is a lot of room for that chance to occur... We are just a group of symbiotic cells working together to out compete other cells for resources... and im happy with that. Its a better explanation in my opinion than a 1500 year old book which claims to tell the truth and yet has been proven wrong on numerous occasions...

in fact if i am going to trust any religious book, then it may as well be the Egyptian books of the dead and of life... as they are the basis of nigh on every single monotheistic religion in existance today.
I hate it when people see me at the supermarket and they are like:
Hey, what are you doing here?
and im just like:
Oh you know, hunting elephants
Offline forkboy  
#26 Posted : 15 years ago
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bikz wrote:
There is more proof that there is an afterlife than proof that there isn't.

The brain when under great stresses has been shown to be quite capable of hallucinations. Accounts of "near-death experiences" are no where near proof of an after-life.
Offline Gildermershina  
#27 Posted : 15 years ago
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asdf wrote:
Its is possible that we are just a fluke, but the chances are astronomical, the science and lay out too deep, the way things have come to be, the science of life and creatures to complicated. How can everything that is, come to be by a fluke explosion, or a chance bang? Its like saying "fire is fire because it burns" it makes no sense.

The first point yet get wrong here is this idea that the chances are astronomical and therefore impossible. The universe appears to be large beyond human comprehension. I mean, to a literally unfathomable degree. And the fact is that the universe seems to be made up of largely the same common elements. Therefore it's entirely likely that some planets revolve around some stars at exactly the right distance to support life, and that furthermore, the processes which give birth to life seem so fundamentally emergent that life itself might well be an inevitable side effect of the Universe's physical laws.

The fact that you are alive and asking the question may seem astronomically unlikely, but that's passively egocentric. You could just as likely not be alive. You could just as likely be a cat, unaware of the complexities of the cosmos. You're implying that you think it's unlikely that we, or rather you, are the end product of the Universe. Well guess what, the Universe gets on fine without life, just the way it gets on fine without plastic, without barstools, without cheese... You think it's strange that by chance we look like this? As if at the start of the Universe there was an entity who said "boy, I bet this Universe doesn't end up with HUMANS on a planet they call EARTH... I would eat my own hat if something as crazy as that actually happens..."

To you it probably seems like we're saying the universe miraculously conspired to create humanity, as if we're some kind of ultimate perfect being. No. The Universe, in its ongoing ever-unfolding nature, along the way, has resulted in this, in us, as a by product of forces beyond our comprehension. You're working from the theological endpoint of humans as a divine perfect creation and not understanding how the science gets there. It doesn't. It's not like one missed turn and no humans oh well the Universe is a failure.

Boy, it's kind of hard to explain this concept, but in summary: Science doesn't answer why, it only answers how. Why humans? We'll never know. How? Cellular mutation, evolution, genetic inheritance, etc. etc. etc.

asdf wrote:
Science has many numbers and logic's I don't understand that will say otherwise of a God existing. Here is my theory, God created these little particles, and atoms, and every little confusing bit of science just so we could have something to ponder at. If God created the Earth as the Bible says why could he not have created all the different things that say otherwise? Its very confusing, and I cant figure out out to put it, but my theory is: God wants us to question it, and the answer we produce is how we will be judged.

Also, on being judged. We are not judged to go to hell for that one puff of pot, or that night you got drunk, you are judged on a whole, and in the end if your life results comes up above 50% you are taken to the chamber of God, if not, you are cast away to the fires of Hell to burn until the lake is cast away.

Heaven is not a magic place in the sky, that is theoretical statement in the Bible, I could be wrong but here are my beliefs: Heaven exists in another realm, or dimension per say. It does not exist anywhere in the universe we live in. Also, time is a aspect of this universe that does not cross over, which is why God has "always existed" which is a top question among non-believers, "how did God get there?" they ask. In a realm without any sort of time, there would be no need for a creator of God, God created time, and creation itself. That is also why, in Heaven, we last forever with no end. There is no time, no beginning, and no end. Yay we obtain the everlasting life to dwell with our lord forever without times unbearable ends and shortcomings.

It sounds to me like you're trying to reconcile theoretically improvable scientific concepts with theoretically improvable religious beliefs. If you believe in the God of the Bible, but you don't believe the actual word of the Bible is his actual word, then where do you get this stuff from? The Bible says nothing about a >50% good clause, or anything about the sum total of a life. It specifically asks only for repentance and acceptance of God, and of Jesus as the saviour, and all of your sins will then be forgiven. There's no case-by-case judgement of merit, that's you ascribing modern moral values to an incompatible ancient text. The Bible also does not say God lives in another Universe. That's you taking modern scientific theories completely alien to ancient people, and mapping that to their vague talk of the Kingdom of Heaven. You might as well say that when God comes down at the end times to take all the people to Heaven, he does it in a fleet of Chinook helicopters piloted by angels...

Edited by user 15 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Rincewind  
#28 Posted : 15 years ago
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Gildermershina wrote:
when God comes down at the end times to take all the people to Heaven, he does it in a fleet of Chinook helicopters piloted by angels...

damn, i kind of hope this happens....
I hate it when people see me at the supermarket and they are like:
Hey, what are you doing here?
and im just like:
Oh you know, hunting elephants
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#29 Posted : 15 years ago
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bikz wrote:
There is more proof that there is an afterlife than proof that there isn't. People who have been clinically dead and then been revived have experienced "going towards the light at the end of the tunnel". Some have claimed to have met a dead relative during their clinical death, or even God or Jesus. They can't have been dreaming because they were dead. Lying? If it was one person, you could say that, but this is hundreds of people admitting to similar things. There are no near-death experiences that suggest no afterlife - it's not an experience unless something happens. The phenomenon of NDE is as close as you're going to get to proof either way.

As far as the Bible goes - Chinese whispers, isn't it? The Bible has changed a lot over the years. For example, the King James Version's Exodus 22:18 is "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". In the Good News Bible, that changed to "Put to death any woman who practises magic". So, if you follow KJV, you must kill all witches of either gender, whether they practise magic or not - but if you follow GNB, you must kill all women who practise magic, whether they are witches or not. How can it be the infallible word of God when different versions say different things!? (And also - wasn't "Thou shalt not murder" in the ten commandments somewhere, which are also in Exodus? This ain't consistent yo.) Take the Bible with a pinch of salt. Maybe add some mustard if you're feeling adventurous. (: Interpret how God speaks to you in your own way, not literally.

((I hope that made sense.))

I did interpret in my own way, hence my wonderful religion. Lol, sorry but I truly like the idea of ASDFism.

Edited by user 15 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

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#30 Posted : 15 years ago
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The only thing that makes me feel a bit better is that I might be wrong with my beliefs as well just cuz other beliefs r wrong doesn't mean I'm right either but I just can't see how i'm wrong but then I see somethings i'm wrong about and I know that we won't know until we die but I'm scared when that will happen cuz well u get it everybody I've seen the past few days r worried for me even those I haven't told u guys my parents and best friend only know even teachers see i'm paranoid one sent me to the office to go home cuz she thought I was Ill which I feel now

Fuck yo punk ass! Da BBC Kingz gon' getchu!
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#31 Posted : 15 years ago
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There have been recent science tests and evidence that has some of the worlds most respected scientists saying that the baby boomer generation may be the last who have to die. Meaning, that at science's current rate of evolution, most of the people alive to day will live to 200 or more and some are even saying that some of the younger bunch, wont have to die at all. Look it up.
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#32 Posted : 15 years ago
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That sounds utterly insane on so many levels.
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The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
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#33 Posted : 15 years ago
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asdf wrote:
There have been recent science tests and evidence that has some of the worlds most respected scientists saying that the baby boomer generation may be the last who have to die. Meaning, that at science's current rate of evolution, most of the people alive to day will live to 200 or more and some are even saying that some of the younger bunch, wont have to die at all. Look it up.

i'd honestly pass...

without death, whats the point of life? it would be stale knowing you wouldn't die... Death gives life meaning...
I hate it when people see me at the supermarket and they are like:
Hey, what are you doing here?
and im just like:
Oh you know, hunting elephants
Offline bikz  
#34 Posted : 15 years ago
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asdf wrote:
I did interpret in my own way, hence my wonderful religion. Lol, sorry but I truly like the idea of ASDFism.

I invented it. (Or, at least the name.) We should recruit more people. It's actually a really good idea - if someone could make up an easier to understand version of Christianity, people wouldn't rant about homophobia or things like Exodus 22:18 being all messed up, just teach the good word of Jesus and what you need to know to be a Christian. (Even as a Christian, I say most of the Bible is just bawlux, some of it's so irrelevant today that attempting to follow it is laughable.)

I haven't heard anything about people not having to die at all .... but I have heard that the first person to live to 1,000 is probably alive today. (You'd have to have a real lust for life to want to live that long. Wouldn't you get seriously bored with life? I'm bored already, and I'm not yet 25.)

Edited by user 15 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline Gildermershina  
#35 Posted : 15 years ago
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bikz wrote:
asdf wrote:
I did interpret in my own way, hence my wonderful religion. Lol, sorry but I truly like the idea of ASDFism.

I invented it. (Or, at least the name.) We should recruit more people. It's actually a really good idea - if someone could make up an easier to understand version of Christianity, people wouldn't rant about homophobia or things like Exodus 22:18 being all messed up, just teach the good word of Jesus and what you need to know to be a Christian. (Even as a Christian, I say most of the Bible is just bawlux, some of it's so irrelevant today that attempting to follow it is laughable.)

I haven't heard anything about people not having to die at all .... but I have heard that the first person to live to 1,000 is probably alive today. (You'd have to have a real lust for life to want to live that long. Wouldn't you get seriously bored with life? I'm bored already, and I'm not yet 25.)

That's the thing with modern life. It's become so easy for most of us to just sit on our asses, and so we don't appreciate the value of physical work, of struggle, of strife. Hell, nowadays stress is considered a medical condition. Now that we're living longer, many of us are losing the motivation to do something with our time. People need a deadline really, and they need to struggle, to know the value of the time they have.
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#36 Posted : 15 years ago
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Going off a bit on Rince's comment, I just wanna throw out there that nowadays, people look back at the Greeks and say its ridiculous that somebody actually believed that some immortal in the sky threw lightning bolts, yet at the time, there were people who were just as fanatical and blindly faithful to their pagan religions as some Arabians are to the muslim beliefs or others are to Catholicism. Just think about it, they were so confident that they were right at the time, yet now they are known to have been in-correct, so what makes modern day extremists any more correct?
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#37 Posted : 15 years ago
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The fact is with the scientific view of death and the religious, is that the scientific one is willing to develop and be proven wrong. Scientists love it when some guy comes a long with a theory and the whole of science evolves, yet the bible cannot just be re-written and it's inaccuracies changed (not counting the numerous fiddlings there's probably been by various people before the big science boom recently.) So neither of you are ever going to be satisfied with the answer and I think they only way to ever know is to die, and I think it's extremely arrogant to think that there's a nice little place for nice little people to go, yet every other species of the planet just die. And if you then go on about horse heavens and monkey heavens, your just going into a complete wild argument because a monkey or a horse doesn't have a conscience to the level we have because they don't have general society morals - it's kill or be killed in wildlife. So yeah we might be more intelligent, but I just think it's a bit weird that we're the only thing in the entire universe that deserves a special place.

However, like I said earlier religions don't develop over time they work their way around the difficult questions and people take the undeniable science facts and kind of morph around them and say ''well it's just x because of god". And even if god did come up with intricit scientific workings, I really doubt he'd be fucked if a species full of assholes helped a little old lady across the road or jacks off over gay porn. The most likely thing I think when it comes to god/heaven, is that it was a unconscious thing that makes up all the forces in play across the universe, and then when you die your conciousness leaves and you simply become a part of this 'god'.

But personally, I think you die and it feels nice and then...

I dunno. But I'm not going to sign up for some religion - risk choosing the wrong one - and worry my life away constantly looking back at some ten commandments check list of things we can't do despite the fact our god gives us a 'free will'. My favorite religion is Buddhism and I think that's the most likely religion to be true, but the actual story of the Buddha is questionable and I prefer looking at it as a metaphor for what we should do with our life and the tree of enlightenment is life itself, and the longer you spend in life just concentrating and calm the more you'll learn rather than rushing around everywhere, panicking and just wasting your life holding onto one hope which is way past it's sell by date and should be extinct by now.
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#38 Posted : 15 years ago
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I personally believe that death is the end and that's it. I don't believe in any religious dogma and teachings on afterlife and re-incarnation as it causes more grief than enough in my opinion. However, I am fascinated with the idea of ghosts and other paranormal phenomenon. Although I don't personally believe in an afterlife in the religious sense, ghosts baffle me. Are they real? I've pondered this many a time. Am I right in saying that energy can't be destroyed? (I should have listened in Physics and Chemistry classes!!) If energy can't be destroyed then what happens to the energy in us when we die? It's got to go somewhere. Potentially, the energy released in us when we die could explain some paranormal phenomenon such as poltergeists, sudden temperature changes (although this could be climate related!) and feelings of a presence as a conscious being passes through an unseen energy source. However, my little theory doesn't take into consideration sightings of ghosts. I am a sceptic when it comes to sightings of ghosts. I believe that sightings are all in the mind and we all know the mind can play tricks on you when your senses are in overdrive. For example, when my gran died a few years back who was a devout Roman Catholic and had 'gone to heaven', I was so grief stricken. When I helped to clear out her flat, I swear I saw her appear, walk into her living room, sit down on her chair and then disappear. Obviously, my mum and aunts saw nothing. It scared the shit out of me for weeks but when I thought about it, I put it down to the fact that I was so unhappy at the time, wishing I could see her again that my mind (it's pretty fucked up) decided to trick me. It's weird. Another way of explaining this notion is that you go to a supposedly haunted house, pub, whatever and stay the night. You've done your research and lets say 'The Grey Lady' is supposed to haunt wherever you are and you've heard all the stories about it etc. You've got all that on your mind as you stay there and now your psyche is fully expecting to see something or at least experience a 'haunting'. As you are scared or in a state of heightened sense, your mind has the potential to make you think you have seen something. I'm no psychologist so i've no idea how the mind works. It's just my way of explaining the unexplained and the potential afterlife. In terms of a potential afterlife, I quite like the sobering thought from Disney's The Lion King where we are all part of the 'Circle Of Life'. It's a bit hippyish but hey it makes me smile.

And now to the universe and the 'are we a complete fluke in the universe?' debate. Here's some much needed universe related comic relief....

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour,
That's orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it's reckoned,
A sun that is the source of all our power.
The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see
Are moving at a million miles a day
In an outer spiral arm, at forty thousand miles an hour,
Of the galaxy we call the 'Milky Way'.
Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars.
It's a hundred thousand light years side to side.
It bulges in the middle, sixteen thousand light years thick,
But out by us, it's just three thousand light years wide.
We're thirty thousand light years from galactic central point.
We go 'round every two hundred million years,
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions
In this amazing and expanding universe.

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
In all of the directions it can whizz
As fast as it can go, at the speed of light, you know,
Twelve million miles a minute, and that's the fastest speed there is.
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth,
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth.

That was of course The Galaxy Song by the Monty Python team, sung by Eric Idle in the film The Meaning Of Life. It's not their best film but it puts life and death into perspective, especially the above song!!


Featuring the following bunch of freaks:

Chris 'Herr Fische' Fisher: Vocals/Keyboards/Piano etc
Paul 'Foetus' Fisher: Multi Instrumentalist/Electric Wizard/Audio Abuse
Kii Kii Lii: Lead Guitar/Sitars/Background Vocals
Thomas 'TomTom' Thompson: Rythym Guitars/All other stringed instruments
Mr Unknown: Bass Guitar/ Double Bass/Background Vocals
Brenda Hatch: Drums/Drum Machines/Percussion

Band Status:

Building Bridges
Offline Mt. Epic  
#39 Posted : 15 years ago
Mt. Epic
Rank: Advanced Member

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Joined: 28/09/2009(UTC)
Posts: 1,749
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I honestly now just say that really whoever believes in a religion is wrong, cuz there isn't really much evidence to prove any religion, so you could be very far off, and the ones who might be right, well, lucky guess really. We are still evolving technologically, so we really know anything about religion. They are all ideas, so being undecided is the smartest position to be when you are living in this time period, for then, we could start "investigating the truth" and there won't be any setbacks. All religions are hypothesises.

Edited by user 15 years ago  | Reason: Not specified


Fuck yo punk ass! Da BBC Kingz gon' getchu!
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