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Katie Coyle on the Fearne Cotton Show - BBC Radio One - 02/05/2011 Fearne: And welcome back, you're listening to Fearne Cotton on Radio one, that was Ryan Ross Hernandez with "The Halfhearted Lover". Up next, joining me in our lovely studio we have the gorgeous, Katie Coyle, hello Katie.Katie: Hi Fearne.Fearne: It seems like rather a daft question given what you've gone through the last week, but how are you?Katie: I'm sore, I can't lie about that! I got my first real sleep in a week last night, and although I thought it would make me feel better, it just made me realise just how much pain I'm actually in.Fearne: And the injuries...obviously I can see the physical bruising, and you have a cast on your arm...just, can you tell us about it?Katie: To be honest Fearne, that's one thing I'd rather not go into just now. I mean, I respect the fact that people want to know what happened, but the details are out there, and I've made peace, of sorts with the girl who did it to me. So I'd like to let it go, I've got my souvenir to remind me of what happened anyway haha. If people really want to know the whole in and out of it all then they can Google it, you know?Fearne: Of course yeah, so are you glad it's all over, glad to be back in London Town?Katie: Like you would not believe (laughs). It's just so amazing to be able to sit in my own living room, and just chill in a bit of peace and quiet you know? Fearne: You said on a blog post after you left hospital that you won't be going back to America for "a very long time, at least". Has the experience since you went over after the Birdies made you resent the place?Katie: No, I don't resent America or the American people at all. I actually spent most of the last five months in the USA, and for the most part it was a wonderful experience. I got to tour the country doing what I love, and I met some awesome people you know? I played gigs with Suburban Sunrise, Infinite, and they were amazing people. The first few months were just a dream. But the last week was indicative of how their "celeb" culture is, and that's not something I want to be immersed in any time soon. I don't want my American fans to feel I'm deserting them though, and I am sorry that I can't be there anytime soon.Fearne: Obviously, the catalyst for all of this was the story from last Monday....can we discuss that? I'm looking to your PR people (laughs)Katie: Oh we totally can. It's one of the things I had hoped to talk about, because I haven't handled it well, and I wanted to put my story across for real now.Fearne: Ok, for those who don't know, after the Birdies last week, an American website called Chaos Online posted a story which claimed that Katie and Miss Vanity had been kissing at the awards show, and had disappeared off to a dressing room together for some lovely lady loving. Obviously false isn't it Katie?Katie: Well yeah, and that's the point I've been trying to get across in America. But they love sensationalism almost as much as the News of the World, so I was just left drowning in this sea of people who didn't want it to not be true. It didn't matter what I said to them, the idea of a celeb behaving badly was so much better, and so that had to be the truth.Fearne: Did you feel disappointed at all that Miss Vanity wasn't more scathing of the story? I mean, to me, it appeared that you were so anti lies, and Miss Vanity was just a cool customer, like "yeah, whatever, it's lies, goodbye".Katie: Well, I don't know Miss Vanity, so I don't know what she's like as a person, but from what I've seen on TV, you know she is a huge star, and she just oozes calmness. Plus, she's probably had a million lies written about her in the past, so she just takes it in her stride, and just dismisses it, I wish I could have done that!Fearne: And do you think it's all over? Have they left you alone?Katie: No, they haven't. I've had to give up my phone because Chaos Online got my number abd they were calling me every day just urging me to "come out" as they said their source is 100% reliable. Even today, my manager has fielded like 17 calls from them, and it's only 11 AM!Fearne: What I'm gonna do, this is your chance Katie, live on the air, International Radio one to say your piece, Did you kiss Miss Vanity at the Birdies?Katie: I can say categorically that I did not kiss Miss Vanity at the Birdies. In fact, I didn't even meet Miss Vanity at the Birdies and I never have. The closest I got to her was just seeing her on stage presenting awards. I doubt she even knew who I was before the story came out.Fearne: So as far as you're concerned it's done?Katie: As far as I'm concerned it is totally done, but I think Chaos Online aren't finished pushing it. I hope it goes away soon though. They'll get fed up and chase someone else soon enough. Fearne: Ok then, we will move on. Album talk....you started today right?Katie: Indeed I did. I'm actually recording at Maida Vale which is just around the corner, so I've nipped out just to do this interview. We have Scott Armstrong in recording guitar today, so I've left him to it haha. It is a fantastic facility at Maida Vale though, I feel honoured to get a chance to be there.Fearne: Tell us a little bit about the album, what should we expect?Katie: Well, I have 9 songs so far written and ready to record. The tenth is still an open chapter. That's because the album is basically a story (not literally) taking you through my emotions from starting in the industry when I left school, up until the point we are at now, or maybe the next few days. It's going to be very up and down...there will be some ecstatic highs and some horrible lows, just as my emotions have been over the past year, and I hope that the emotions come across on the tracks.Fearne: You mentioned Scott Armstrong in playing guitar today, you have a lot of guests lined up don't you?Katie: Yeah, it's so exciting! I mean, Ryan Ross Hernandez is going to come in and play guitar on some of my tracks! I'm like omgwtf? We also have Will.Rocca, newcomer Mandy Williams who is awesome, and a few others. I also have a female voice on one of my tracks, which is important to the story at that point.Fearne: And the guitarists...obviously a necessity now, how saddening is that for you?Katie: Very much! I've been playing guitar for like 14 years, and I built up my ideal album in my head...where I'm playing guitar and singing, and it was going to be beautiful. But my arm is totally busted now, I can't even hold a pencil at the minute, let alone play a guitar!Fearne: And will your ability to play guitar ever return?Katie: They've told me to prepare for the eventuality that I won't play again. It's not the breaks themselves, but more the nerve damage and muscle damage. Apparently when a bone breaks as cleanly as mine did, it means that it can tear into muscle and stuff....so my arm might never be strong enough to play properly again.Fearne: Sorry to hear that Katie. Katie: Thanks but I just need to live with it now I suppose. As I said yesterday, I'm at least partly culpable for it. I was being a spoilt little bitch. Where I come from, in private posh schools, people fall out and then make up again, no biggie. People say shit, they threaten each other, and then do nothing. So I guess I wasn't prepared for actual violence. But I suppose I've learned to keep my mouth shut now.Fearne: Wow, yeah, you are very forgiving. Katie: I have to be now. I mean, I'm moving on to a new chapter, I don't want to dwell on it. And as I said, I'll always have my souvenir hahaFearne: And finally, your debut single has been re-relased today, "It's Only My Eyes". Why was that?Katie: Well, it's been a while since it came out, and after some deliberation, I have opted to put it on the album, so I've decided to put it back out there so people can remember it before the album comes out.Fearne: Well thank you Katie, it's been lovely talking to you today. We're gonna play your single now, and I'll let you introduce it!Katie: Thanks Fearne, it was nice to be here. This is Katie Coyle, on BBC Radio One, and this is my single, "It's only my eyes".... |