Hi! Tv's erica hess here,and have i got news for you. The harlots are putting the finishing touches on our sophmore album, " night of the living preppies",and it should be ready for purchase around monday or so.we arent fancy around here ,with firm deadlines and their ilk.so it could be friday or so,nobody can really be sure.
But what i can tell you is, it will strip paint up to 30 paces.it will render the most virile men sterile.it will make the invisible visible,and vice versa. And yes it stays crunchy,even in milk.
The tracks will be......
1.Little suzie homemaker.
2.Doogie howitzer and the blam-blam trio.
3.Night of the living preppies.
4.Smile,god loves you.kali only wants your body.
5.Please be creative when you kill me.
6.Indiana jones and the raging case of syphilis.
7.I never realized how much i masturbated,until my life flashed before my eyes.
Yup,only 7 tracks. We'll throw in a t shirt or something to offset the missing 3 tracks. Buy this and be the envy of your friends.......please?