Hey Lolita's "Merciless" (written solely by female member of the duo, Arianna Harley) starts off as an upbeat, quirky song that soon changes tempo by the second chorus and turns almost ballad-like. Opening with unusual guitar chords and tribal drums which increase in intensity throughout the first half of the song, "Merciless" suddenly takes a turn as everything suddenly drop out and the song carries on with nothing but a simple, but classic sounding piano backing. It's something that could have been a complete disaster, but with thanks to Jared Nevo's production skills, the pair are confident that the risk paid off.
JARED"I'm more of a go hard or go home kinda guy. I meant it when I said we wouldn't bother putting out any other material if this first single disappoints. We stand by our words, so don't be afraid to tell us if it's terrible. There's a lot of songs out that have such basic production, you hear the beginning and you know it's going to sound like that right until the end, we wanted to change that. Me and Ari are hugely inspired by films of all kinds, and we sort of relate them to music in a way, our songs keep you guessing and wondering what's to come."ARIANNA"I can promise you that I did not write this song about me, I'm nothing like that at all! I mainly based it on the life of a lost Hollywood girl, who wasted her life away, wishing she could go back and do it all differently. I write songs that are like movies, they have some sort of story to them and they change, have unexpected twists and such, like the second chorus isn't the same as the first, the story progresses. Of course, in every movie there are characters, so I like to give myself a different role with each song sometimes. And sometimes I just like to write and be me, it's not really a forced thing."_________________________
"Merciless"(A. Harley)I'm the lady in red, scarlet lips
And the shortest dress that'd make my daddy blush
You could put me in a movie if you could
I was always told I was suited for the big screen
Living a life with paper-thin dreams
That wear thin after a day, onto the next thing
So how did I manage to commit to such a thing?
I don't even love you, you're not my man
And I'm certainly not your woman
Every promise I said is gone tonight
Now watch me take off my wedding ring
I'm in love with no one but myself
Ooh, you call me a careless bit-
Can't we all live the life of the famous and rich?
Go out to play for a single night
Then pretend everything's gonna be alright
He threw me down and kissed me hard
Tried to tell me that I loved him really
Darling, I was just a little too tipsy
He told me he saw me speak them vows with truth
In my watery eyes and beautiful white dress
I told him it was all an illusion
I don't remember a thing
I'm throwing away this diamond ring
I'm leaving home tonight and living downtown
I'm so merciless, baby, but I can't help it
I don't even remember your nameI'm the lady in black, veil over my eyes
Still rocking the short dress over your gravestone
Looking at the names of all fifty in a row
I was a lover to each and every one of them
Still, I could never give myself to any of them
I can't help it if I think there's more of the world to see
He said he loved me, something I never believed
Who could love someone as cold-hearted as me?
Not a single one of you could ignite a flame in me
I wish I could have loved someone like yourself
I was just too off the rails
Asked if you wanted the details
Tried to rub it in your face
I was such a damn disgrace
I wish he'd wake up now and spin me round
Try to make me fall in love with him
I'm lonely, I'm lost, no luck with love
Tears run down my cheeks, no hand to hold
It's all make believe, isn't it?
Tell me I didn't plan my life like this
I wanna go back to the days when I were pretty,
Youthful and could still sport those heels I loved
I'd put 'em to good use
Brick by brick, I'd build up something of my ownSo can I throw my hands up and admit it
I failed in life, made nothing of myself
There's no point in the shoulda, woulda, coulda game
There's no one but myself to blame
I'm weak and withering
Without a single soul left who loves me
I wish I could have loved someone like yourself
I was just too off the rails
Asked if you wanted the details
Tried to rub it in your face
I was such a damn disgrace
I wish he'd wake up now and spin me round
Try to make me fall in love with him
I'm lonely, I'm lost, no luck with love
Tears run down my cheeks, no hand to hold
It's all make believe, isn't it?
Tell me I didn't plan my life like this
I wanna go back to the days when I were pretty,
Youthful and could still sport those heels I loved
I'd put 'em to good use
Brick by brick, I'd build up something of my own