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#761 Posted : 30 September 2014 04:33:01(UTC)
erich hess
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Jayne looks around at new York and shakes her head. " nooo,i am from the anti new York,Miami. Pretty much the shame shit,but more pastel. " Jayne shrugs,as a pigeon craps on a man's head. Relieved that giving some reason for her forwardness makes her seem slightly less crazy. "Great great people. I met them through Erich Hess,back when he dated Erica. My dad sorta....adopted Erich." Jayne explains.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#762 Posted : 30 September 2014 05:34:35(UTC)
genocidal king
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"Miami? I've got pals that went there on holiday. Looks hot as fuck," she laughs that infectious Daisy laugh. "I'll bet you've no got pals who've been where I'm from though. it's shite there." She smiles a little and relaxes more, taking a sip of her own smoothie as she watches Jayne, almost fascinated by her confidence. She listens to the story and lifts her eywbrow again. "Right.....so....Erich is like....your brother...then?"
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#763 Posted : 30 September 2014 05:45:45(UTC)
erich hess
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Jayne smiles widely before joining daisy's laugh. It was hard not to laugh with her. " sooo hot. Why do you think I don't own whole shirts? I gotta cut the tummy part off." She fans herself dramatically. "Whew,daisy. I really thought your laugh was a special effect on tv. It is so adorable. I know exactly zero people from Scotland...except the guy on star trek." Jayne bounces her leg nervously. She was carrying through nicely,but was deathly afraid her social awkwardness would manifest more than it did already. " yeah...though I don't like to say it. Peope will think I'm all sex drugs and rock an roll. How about you? Is the daisy a limited edition,or do you have siblings?"
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#764 Posted : 30 September 2014 06:10:03(UTC)
genocidal king
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Daisy giggles and looks across the table to see what Jayne was referring to. A flat midriff was actually one of Daisy's favourite things about women, so Jayne was inadvertently asking Daisy to perv at her, and it wasn't a chance she was going to miss. "Nice shirt," she says with a little smile, making the briefest of moments of eye contact. "Really? Yeah, I think it was my laugh that got everyone into bed. I think it's meant to be the other way round," she chuckles. "But thank you. I can't say I've ever seen Star Trek," she laughs. Daisy liked this girl, she seemed able to have a conversation without being weird. "And you're not all rock and roll, drugs and...sex...?" Daisy asks, deliberately slowly releasing the last word. "Me? I have a big sister. Rachael. She's lovely," Daisy smiles.

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#765 Posted : 30 September 2014 06:34:27(UTC)
erich hess
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" thank you. " Jayne laughs and bows her head. " Wal-Mart and a pair of scissors is my stylist,dahling." She says in her fancy voice. She maintains eye contact with daisy. She loved her blue eyes and probably real blonde hair...Jayne actually had brown hair,but kept it blonde since she was old enough to buy dye. " that giggle can de-panty someone with little warning. I think I'm feeling mine slide....no,it's just cheap elastic." Jayne grins. Daisy was someone very easy to speak to and instantly friend. " you ask about drugs and sex after I just mentioned star trek?! You are kind,daisy." Jayne laughs before digging her wallet out." That smoothie is on me,toots. But to answer your question,no. I rarely drink,never smoke and have been stood up on more dates than you have probably been on." Jayne smiles half heartedly,it was embarrassing to admit,but true. " Rachael and daisy,beautiful names.."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#766 Posted : 30 September 2014 06:54:37(UTC)
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Daisy laughs at Jayne's admitting that her shirt was just a sliced Walmart effort. "You know I think they sell them made like that in some places," she teases. "It fits you well though. Really accents your boobs," she giggles, sticking her tongue out. "Oh god I know. Just look at poor Nova; she had no clue what hit her," Daisy says, shaking her head. "Even them straight girls ain't safe when the Daisy giggles," she smirks, quite proud that she had slept with more than a few straight girls. She laughs hard at Jayne's question and shakes her head. "No no I was asking about sex drugs and rocks and rolls after you mentioned Erich," she laughs and then pouts at Jayne's history. "It's never fun being stood up. I'm betting those were men. Girls necer stand girls up," she smiles. "We're much sweeter." Daisy smiles when Jayne offers to pay for her smoothie. "Well fine but the next one is on me," she winks. "Oh my names not really Daisy by the way. It's Natalie....what's yours? I kinda forgot to ask," she blushes.
Offline erich hess  
#767 Posted : 30 September 2014 08:59:07(UTC)
erich hess
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jayne giggles and nearly chokes on her smoothie. " daisy,i am not about to pay someone for half a shirt. besides,i dont let the cut off part go to waste.i...use them as...i have nothing,i throw them away." jayne says,pretending to cry in shame on the table. she peeks up from between her fingers at daisy in regards to the boob comment. "you think? cool!" she exclaims.completely missing the fact this girl was most likely checking out her chest. "the little babies need all the help they can get.i guess its polite to return breast compliments? daisy,you have some sweet knockers." she says,returning the exposed tongue gesture. "straight girls,straight boys..i better watch it,you'll try to convert me." jayne puts her hands to her cheeks and makes her best worried face. it was a blast with daisy here,she totally should have tried to sign up for big brother. it would have been fun to spend all day with the girl. "you are right. you should see the kind of men i attract." jayne says with a sigh of defeat. "every wannabe Tarantino or oliver stone tries to get with me. most actually look like Quentin too. he is not a cute man. he looks like the bastard son of bob hope!" she stops ranting and smiles at daisy. "girls are sweeter? maybe i should try my luck over there." jayne jokes and nods her thanks for the next round on daisy. "look at us,living it up on a smoothie bender." jayne studies daisy at the divulging of her actual name. she had really thought it was daisy,as it fit her so well. but natalie did too. "natalie....i like it. i am..." jayne frowns slightly and smacks her lips. "jayne wriggle. yeah, i know.it sounds like a porn star." she says,already preparing for the onslaught of laughter.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#768 Posted : 30 September 2014 09:21:10(UTC)
genocidal king
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"Exactly," Daisy says with a laugh, holding her hands up. "You should definitely get some cute little half shirts. I can help you buy if you let me perv in the dressing room," she laughs, clearly showing she's joking. She liked to paint herself as a bit of a pervert, because for some reason people found it oddly endearing in a girl like her. "Yes, totally. Caresses them and makes them stand out and stuff," she winks, pretending to stare at Jayne's chest again. Really she was just checking if it would freak her out. When her own are complimented, she laughs. "These? No, they're far too wee," she laughs. "Although most ladies seem to love to play with them," she says, sticking her tongue out again. "Totally. I can turn the best of them," she says with a wink again. "Exactly, men are the worst, really," she adds. "For all of those Tarantino wannabes who treat you like shit, there's a wonderful little Daisy package waiting to show you the stars," she laughs. "But yeah, girls are much much nicer. We like being sweet with each other. She shrugs when Jayne talks about her name. "I've never been a fan. I've been known as Daisy since I was about two or three anyway, so I've never really been Natalie all that much," she smirks. When Jayne tells her her own name, Daisy raises both eyebrows and laughs a little. "It sounds like a porn name alright. Have you been sent here by God just for me?" she asks, giving Jayne a mock accusing look.
Offline erich hess  
#769 Posted : 30 September 2014 09:36:35(UTC)
erich hess
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jayne looks at daisy with a little smile. it was very strange to hear such a thing come of out of some one who looked so sweet."let you in the dressing room? people would start to talk,and i'd be just another notch on the headboard of daisy." she says with a giggle. jayne does turn beet red when daisy goes into detail about how the shirt compliments her. "daisy!" she whispers loudly. "i am not wearing a bra,and i would thank you not to draw attention! that guy over there is already at half mast and near falling out his chair listening to you." jayne laughs nervously,now having the notion that daisy is very adapt at breast description and now has the image of daisy topless and having some woman playing with her boobs. oddly,jayne has mariko's ex pictured having a go with daisy."aw,i would love the daisy package." she tips her half empty cup to daisy. "lord knows i've spoken to you more than my last 4 dates...put together!" she laughs and looks to daisy,shaking her head happily. "i doubt i was sent,daisy." jayne goes with the name she seemingly prefers to be called,plus daisy did sound cuter. "in spite of the name.." she doesnt finish,but blushes.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#770 Posted : 30 September 2014 09:49:24(UTC)
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Daisy laughs again at the way Jayne looks at her. It was almost like people didn't expect this sort of thing to come out of her mouth sometimes. She covers her mouth to stifle her laugh. "People talk," she laughs, reaching out to brush Jayne's arm playfully. In truth she was just playing around at that point, thinking she would have no chance with Jayne. "It's a lucrative headboard to be a notch on, I'll be honest," Daisy giggles and looks around. "That's a good point. We can't go drawing all this attention to your boobs. That man looks like he's about to go all light-headed from lack of blood to the brain," she chuckles before sitting back and taking another drink of her smoothie. "Well if you ever really DO want the Daisy package," Daisy winks. "You always know how to get in touch with me," she smirks, biting her straw and shaking her head playfully. "I'll reserve you a boob." She nods when Jayne mentions her dates again. "They sound like losers, to be honest, pal. Fuck 'em. And hey, you never know, you may well have been sent. Lord knows I've been praying for a pretty blonde girl to play with," she laughs. "In spite of the name, what?" she asks.

Offline erich hess  
#771 Posted : 30 September 2014 11:00:00(UTC)
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jayne didnt not like the feel of daisy touching her arm. she just assumed daisy was being nice,so jayne reaches up and wraps a curl of daisy's hair around her finger. "i am not going to lie,you have beautiful hair..is it really blonde?" she asks in a way that definitely says her own is a dye job. "i can imagine the headboard and footboard are filled up after big brother. you were so lovable on there.i dont usually just run up to people i see on tv and start talking to them...well,i did do that to tom selleck once." jayne waves her hand dismissively. jayne laughs at daisy's offer.fully thinking she is joking. "A boob? they come in pairs. i do not want half! look at those cute things? you would be greedy to only give me one..unless someone else has the other? i dont do threesomes." jayne laughs,running her hand through her hair. "they indeed are losers. if my dad wasnt a director? the only action i would ever have had was the one time erich accidentally walked in on me in the shower! i was going to say,in spite of the name and what not..im actually not so sexy. " she gives a shrug.it was true. there was no denying it. something had to be wrong with her .
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#772 Posted : 30 September 2014 22:26:11(UTC)
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Daisy didn't expect her attempt at blatant flirting to be returned, even if it was naively so. She laughed when Jayne touched her hair. "Thank you. You better look out though, you could give a girl ideas," she giggles. "It is blondest blonde, yeah. Isn't yours?" She laughs at Jayne's comments about Big Brother. She was so precious in the way she just put things out there. "Yeah....I think that was more notches than bed at the end of that show. Three people in just a few weeks." She giggles. "I'm glad you came over. You're the funnest person I've met in New York for real so far." She smiles and then almost doubles offer when Jayne makes a claim for both boobs. Daisy was being serious, even if she knew that Jayne thought she was joking. "Hey, I'll reserve both for you if you want," she says, lifting her hands. "It's a limited offer though so you better grab them fast," she winks and then when Jayne calls herself not sexy she lowers her brow a little. "Not sexy? I won't hear it. With that cute little top and the boobs...you got it going on," she smiles. "Who told you you aren't?"
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#773 Posted : 01 October 2014 00:50:48(UTC)
erich hess
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jayne twirls the hair a final time and lets it fall back in place." ideas about what? your hair is beautiful and it would be a crime to change it." jayne says shaking her head. she loved daisy's hair..and lips..and eyes...jayne jumps with a little start when she realizes she is checking daisy out. "um..its dyed! i really have brown hair,but dont tell anyone." she says quickly,as if daisy could read her mind.she grins at the thought of daisy's bed having no wood left due to the notches."im so glad i suffer from just popping over to talk to strangers too. you are funny and just adorable.i may have to take you home with me." jayne jokes,giving daisy an exaggerated wink. she then cracks up and lays her head down on the table. "daisy! i am not grabbing one,or both your boobs in public! i'll grope them in the cab,like a normal person. we arent savages." she says in between giggles. jayne giggles more and playfully says,"stop" to daisy when she says she has it going on. "the appearance says sexpot,the reality says lives at home with 3 cats...granted,two are my fathers." jayne winces when she realizes she revealed she still lives at home.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#774 Posted : 01 October 2014 02:19:13(UTC)
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Daisy laughs again and shakes her head a little. She loved that Jayne was so naive. "Oh nothing....just let's say my notchy bed isn't notchy enough yet," she winks. When she notices that Jayne is checking her out, she smiles a little, letting her look for a moment before she decides to say something. "See something you like there?" she asks, raising an eyebrow and then giggling. "Take me home all you like, pal," Daisy says with a knowing little smirk as she sat back and crossed her legs. She was ramping it up, and now she barely cared who knew it. She looks down at her own chest and then towards the road. "TAXI!" she yells, giggling to herself, before waving away the taxi that pulled up. "Well they're here waiting whenever you wanna start grabbing," Daisy smiles. When Jayne calls herself not sexy again, Daisy shakes her head. "No...I love cats as well. But sometimes you just gotta slip into a nice lingerie set and just allow yourself to seduce and be seduced," she smiles slowly. "I'm betting you would look perfect in lingerie."
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#775 Posted : 01 October 2014 02:39:36(UTC)
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jayne sips her drink after she realizes what daisy is suggesting. the cup goes empty and its just that awful slurpy bubbly sound,which goes even sharper when daisy asks if jayne sees anything she likes. " daisy!" she says surprised . "are...are you? "jayne stammers,not completing the sentence. she does point to herself and then to daisy and then tries to drink more of her drink. in her entire life she had never had this happen to her. now that the taxi pulled it,it would be rude not to get in. jayne had seen taxi driver,she knows how unbalanced the driver probably was. "ok". jayne hears herself say.she was already picturing what daisy looked like under her clothes.."i have a place a few blocks from here...and i dont own any of that sort of thing!" she scolds jokingly. she silently thanks her fashion sense of not owning any grandma panties.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#776 Posted : 01 October 2014 03:13:17(UTC)
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The reaction from Jayne when Daisy makes a more blunt suggestion is just completely priceless, but she manages to stay cool. She was locked onto a target now, and she wasn't going to let this one get away from her amazing powers. She takes another drink from her own smoothie and lets out a little coo. "Am I...? Well, yeah," she says with a wicked little smile. "Hey you never know..you might just enjoy yourself," she grins, before touching Jayne's leg momentarily, waiting for a reaction. Even when Jayne looks at the taxi, though, Daisy necer expected what was about to happen next. When she says ok and invites Daisy to her place, Daisy's eyes open wide and she smiles. "For real?" she asks, moving to the edge of her seat. "Not to worry, Jayne. Most girls look hotter without the lingerie on too," she winks as she imagines what a naked Jayne might look like.
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#777 Posted : 01 October 2014 08:36:22(UTC)
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"I...have never done..."this". Both the taking someone home I just met,or being with a girl. I kissed Erica in highschool on a dare,but that's it!" She laughs nevously. She is definitely in over her head now. She clenches her eyes and shrieks with laughter when her leg is touched. " whew! I need a cigarette after that,how about you?" She asks with a smile before slowly putting her hand on top of daisy's. she giggles and quickly takes it back off. "For reals. " Jayne says,moving to the edge of her seat,very close to daisy. Diasy had had her from the moment they spoke,if Jayne was honest with herself. The accent,the cute mannerisms,she was such fun to be with. "You don't really want me to feel you up in view of the cabbie,do you?" She laughs and stands to go to the car. She can't believe she is about to do this. " daisy,I'll just borrow some of yours. I bet you have cute stuff." Jayne then worries that its possible daisy is into black leather and roughness..
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline genocidal king  
#778 Posted : 02 October 2014 22:21:11(UTC)
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OOC: Apologies, I was out of TRSG action the last couple of days.

Daisy laughs and smiles at Jayne. She had experienced this sort of admission before from girls she had picked up. "Don't worry, I can be gentle enough," she says with a little wink. Daisy was pleased that she had managed to flirt her way to this stage with someone who didn't even seem slightly inclined that way when she first met her, and when Jayne touches her hand, she smiles at her. "Oh wait until later for that cigarette, much more satisfying," she smiles. When Jayne gets closer, Daisy grins and gives her the littlest kiss on the lips. "Now you've kissed two girls. You're practically an expert," she giggles. "And no. The cabbie doesn't get that sort of treat. Save it for me," she says as she opens the door and gets into the car. "Of course you can borrow mine. I'm sure you would look so sexy."
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#779 Posted : 03 October 2014 00:52:57(UTC)
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Ooc: hopefully you got a lot done. I hear there is a real world out there. I looked at it once. Mostly just work and bills.

"...oh really?" She raises an eyebrow. It was hard to believe what she and daisy were about to do. When she is kissed on the lips,Jayne jumps a little. She swears now everyone in a three block radius knew what they were up to. " your lips are so soft." She whispers ,pretty sure she could get into this whole kissing girls thing. Jayne gives daisy another little kiss,wanting to see what it was like to initiate the kiss. " expert,but I feel as nervous as the night I lost my virginity!" She giggles,loving the feeling of something so unfamiliar. " whew! I don't think I could perform for an audience of even one grubby cabbie yet...maybe after my 4th go with you." She grins ,very eager to share this experience with daisy. She certainly could see how easy daisy reeled them in. She was an easy person to let your guard down around. Jayne hops in the car and gives the driver the address. She holds her hand out so daisy can hold it in the car. " I bet I would look super sexy in daisy wear." She says softly. She was definitely getting more info this whole thing now that she knew daisy wouldn't think she was weird.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#780 Posted : 03 October 2014 02:33:54(UTC)
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"At first," Daisy repeats, poking the end of her tongue out between her teeth. "All you need to know is that I know what you need," she giggles. When Jayne jumps at her kiss, she is worried that she maybe read the signs wrong, but the second kiss gives her her confidence back. "You taste sweet. Like smoothie," Daisy smirks at her. She laughs at her admission. "Don't be nervous. I promise you'll have fun." When they hop into the car, Daisy smiles at Jayne. She was excited about the prospect of yet another straight girl. She liked to teach people things, and she just adored the fact that Jayne actually seemed into it as well. When she holds her hand out, Daisy reaches over and gives it a little squeeze. "I'm sure you will," she giggles. "How long until we get there?"
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