So like I promised, I decided to put together a list of my predictions as to who will be the night's winners of the Fan Choice Awards. I want to say that for the first time, the fans got it right with the hosts. Last year was just awkward and horrible for everyone but this year I look forward to seeing how the segments and cheesy jokes/puns go. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the awards because in all honesty I hate any show that is fan voted. Fans are some of the most biased and horrible decision making people you will ever come across. It's sort of like the Grammy's except these aren't experts. Any fan voted show is nothing more than a popularity contest. Yes, I said it, a POPULARITY contest. It has nothing to do with actual talent or skill but more to do with who tweeted the most? Who has more Twitter followers? Who posts on Instagram hourly? It's always important to make a connection with your fans, I understand that but that doesn't mean to whore your fans out to win you awards.
But that's not why I'm here. I'm here to give my predictions as to who will win and who will be left in the dust. For each of the categories I will predict the winner and then I will pick my own personal choice for who I think should actually win. Let's get down to it.
Best Music VideoAh, music videos. They are the visual aspect of our favorite songs. It's really easy to mistake "Best Video" with "Best Visuals." Just because a video has about 20 celebrity cameos or pretty lights, doesn't make it a better video than a simplified one. In my opinion, Best Video means it conveyed the message of the song into its most fitting visual aspect which a lot of artists fail to do.
Prediction: Aikya Balan - "DEVOURED" (feat. Rum)That's a no brainer. For some reason, people keep referring to the part of the video where Akiya is pulling some scarves from her vagina. While a fascinating feat, that doesn't mean the video was amazing. It was pretty basic and that was the highlight. Does that mean it was the BEST video out of all the nominees? No. Will it probably win just because that's the ONLY moment people know from the video? Most likely.
Deserves To Win: Groove In Downtown - "Can I Exist?" It was thoughtful, it was beautiful, and it was different. It was everything the Best Video should be but something tells me it wil be overshadowed (as will this duo) for the rest of the night.
Favorite CoupleLet's face it, two of these couples stick out like a sore thumb because A. People didn't even know they were together or B. People don't care they are together. Sorry Kourtney/Jason and Amy/Will. I can say neither will win Favorite Couple, just stating facts.
Prediction: Billy Khan & Jerry HolmesOne word and one word only; Gay. It's 2015 and gay people have been shining like diamonds. I mean, let's be honest, people love a good gay couple over any straight couple, especially when they air all their business out on social media and make up on social media. It's just drama. People LOVE drama. While I'll say this is one of my LEAST favorite couples of all time, you know Weekenders eat this shit up.
Deserves To Win: Honor Wynter and Kai RollinsAgain, beautiful, thoughtful, and a different couple. Probably one of the only alternative couples out there. Our story is one you probably have followed and know well and considering that we won last year, we're already the couple to beat. *Shrugs* But I promise I'll sleep at night if we don't.
Favorite Rock/Indie ActProbably one of the most hastily given award. People are more into Pop these days than Rock and if you're name isn't Lana Del Ray, they really don't care about Indie that much either. We've had some great breakout rock acts this year (and last but I won't get into all the snubbed people there) but of course there's always going the be the mainstream acts that will have more fans than the actual talent.
Prediction: The EnlightenedNot saying they aren't talented but guys, they aren't the only fucking Rock band out there, okay? It's great they have a huge following and lots of fans but they aren't the only fucking Rock band or act out there. Plus, Mythos was a little less than favorable in my ears. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
Deserves To Win: Reported FailureQuite frankly, their album is still the best Rock album in a while. Sorry, but it's true. While I won't say they are underrated, they don't get all the credit they deserve either. Now I'm not sure if people just forgot about them when they took a break or they left and jumped ship to The Enlightened or Juneau or Riot! or whoever but I would be so bold as to say they really got that fire back started under Rock again.
Favorite Rock/Indie SinglePretty sure you're going to see where I'm going with this. (See last prediction).
Prediction: The Enlightened - "Visions" Not that it was a bad song BUT it wasn't the best and it wasn't MY favorite. But then again, it's not about being the best, it's about who the "fan favorite" is.
Deserves To Win: Reported Failure - "Hands"Don't lie, you know it and I know it too. "Hands" was in my top 5 of best Rock singles released this year. It was an epic moment for all RF fans and the band itself because there wasn't a bad critique for the song at all. Once again, starting that fire for Rock again.
Favorite Blogger/CriticPrediction: Honor Wynter/Ezra AllenYes, I will be bold as to say I think I'll win too but I also think Ezra will. First of all, let's be honest and say there's only THREE bloggers/critics on this list as tweeting your opinions about ones single/album is not really being a critic, in my eyes. Now Ezra has been new to this but she's done an extremely well job of fitting right in while standing out. Her show "Real Talk" has been one of my favorites to watch but I would offer my critique of having more topics and segments than the same every week. Still, she's been on a roll with blogging and reviewing.
Deserves To Win: Ezra AllenWhile I was taking a break, she was taking my spot for the moment so I say she deserves to win. Not sure what fans will do but I would hope they love someone that I see myself in.
Favorite Actor/ActressThis award usually goes to Riley every year (right?) But I'd say he has some competition. Let's see, I can quite remember the last thing Riley was in besides the Diary of an Escort show. Izzy was in Summer Break and Alistair plus the show where she was doing RRH behind the scenes, Sweet Unknown. Then Cristina has been doing her own thing, I admit most of her credentials are dated but I guess since she's going to be in the new HBO series, Consequences, FCA's decided to throw her in. Then there's Aaron Styles who to be honest, never seen anything he's done. But he's like "famous" now right?
Prediction: Aaron StylesFor whatever reason, people seem to be in love with him. I'm not sure why. He's the average young male who wants to be famous. He even tried to sing and it totally killed my ears but of course it topped the charts, offffff couuuuurse. Now I'm 98% sure he's only famous because of his looks but that's just me. Plus, when people keep kissing up to him all the time, you know that he'll probably be winning. He seems to have taken the rest of Kato's young fanbase and stolen them for himself.
Deserves To Win: Cristina Lake/IzzyYou know, the actual actresses? The ladies who acted before they got ino the music and not the other way around? But there's no chance Cristina is winning as she's mostly indie and today's kids are all about voting for someone who spams the internet with their lives.
Favorite Urban ActOoh, the first hard award of the night. Everyone keeps saying Urban has been making a comeback but it never left. If you've been paying attention, Urban has always had a representative on the charts and in the industry. Just because there wasn't 900 artists on a track featuring DJ Mustard, doesn't mean it went extinct.
Prediction: Aubrey Mikkel/ Rum & Coke/SyncoFans tend to be all about what's happening now and seem to have short-term memory. Aubrey dropped, possibly one of the worse tracks I've ever heard in my life as a single, and it was praised. Rum & Coke, love their music, but they tend to go on overdrive and spam the fuck out of the industry by doing too fucking much. So of course people will remember that. I was going to put Synco in the mix but just because they sang some urban lyrics on some urban beats produced by Dominic Brown doesn't make them urban at all, in my eyes. They just dabble in it, they are still POP. Pretty fucking sure "Stay Awhile" had ZERO urban elements to it, but the kids won't understand this so I added them as well. I guess this is what happens when Taylor Swift released "Red" and people called it a Country Album like really? REALLY?
Deserves To Win: Dominic Brown/DeneilHonestly, Dominic Brown was the first male artist to really put urban on the fucking map and make it a threat. Yes there were others but Dominic was the BIGGEST to do it. He releases consistently great tracks (still waiting for that fucking album bro) and everyone wants to work with him. He's like a young Diddy. But with talent. Then Deneil is one of the best rappers in the industry. Arguably the best on the list but he usually gets the short end of the stick. I didn't like that his last single topped the charts because now everyone will dick ride until it falls off, pretending they took notice of him when in reality they just aboard because he was good. These two have put out the greatest material in my eyes and deserve it. PLEASE MAKE THE RIGHT FUCKING CHOICE.
Favorite Urban Single Uh, you know where I'm about to take this.
Prediction: Aubrey Mikkel - "Photoshop Free"I mean....what did I say? It was praised to the high heavens and back. It sounded like a typical urban song so you know that wil always triumph.
Deserves To Win: Groove in Downtown - "Can I Exist?"/Deneil - "Step It Up"With Andrea in close third place. Groove in Downtown will forever be the dark horse of award shows because I think people still don't understand them. They don't understand their music isn't about fucking bitches and hoes or getting money or talking about their dicks, it's actual music with a purpose. Same with Deneil so that automatically puts them in a disadvantage. People today only care about the beat, if they can chant the chorus and rap the lyrics to make them seem "hard" and if the artist is well known. Unfortunately, another disadvantage.
Best Single CollaborationHere comes some more fuckery guys.
Prediction: SYNCO - "Come On, Get It" (ft. Kidd Amaze)/Aaron Styles - "Shine" (ft. mister_b)I already told you twitters golden boy right now is getting by with his looks. In one of the most generic singles I've heard of the year, Aaron Styles really signified that he doesn't really care about the actual art, it's the reward and praise that he's after. And clearly the rest of the world is falling for it. Not sure what he's done to even get nominated since the guy has been out less than 6 months but you do you FCA's. And then Synco, everyone's (not mine) favorite girl group right now. Honestly, the beat was okay, really hated that everyone started doing those god awful trumpets in their songs, but it was okay. Plus, they are clearly the fan favorite so why even bother?
Deserves To Win: Isabel - "Muse" (ft. Eilidh Ward)One of the best collaborations of the year. The song was pure definition of a collab. It suited both singers, it seemed organic and well put together not just buzz from the others name, and it was a great song altogether. But I'm sure even the mighty Izzy can't overcome idiotic voting.
Best NewcomerThis is also a hard one but not for the same reasons as you think. I've already gotten my three that I think should win. Although I'm sure one of them absolutely won't.
Prediction: Valentina Hart/Mi•MiI mean it's not even a shock. She's probably the shoo in to win no matter what. While I will say she had an impressive debut, once again people only pay attention to what happened yesterday instead of what happened months ago. Same with Mi•Mi. They are great, taking nothing from them, but they literally just started dry humping everyone's faces for the past few weeks so of course they are still fresh in voters minds.
Deserves To Win: Groove in Downtown/NovaBoth amazing debut albums, both under appreciated, both going to be overshadowed, both the only two I can think of who really strayed from the path.
Best AlbumAnother hard one, but only because it's 50/50 in my eyes. I really struggled with picking for who I want to win.
Prediction: Cristina Lake - "Toxic Woman"It was one of the most overrated albums in my book. The idea was great but then when it came time to deliver, it was like the same song over and over again but in different speeds and pitches. It's great to have a theme throughout but maybe not the same theme each song. It was also spammed by many celebs on social media, most of who I can guarantee didn't really listen to the album as so much join in what everyone else was doing.
Deserves To Win: Reported Failure - "Lie In"And fuck you right in the ass (unless you like that) if you DARE disagree this masterpiece wasn't the best album so far of the year. *Drops the mic*
Best Band/GroupPrediction: SyncoNo comment, I mean who fucking else?
Deserves To Win: The Enlightened/Mi•MiBoth have put out more quality music, the end.
Artist To Watch AwardBasically "Best Newcomer #2 With no shit on their resume" is what I call this award.
Prediction: Johnny CarterHe's attractive, young, and makes generic love songs. See Justin Bieber's legacy.
Deserves To Win: My Own ViolenceBut I'm pretty sure half of you can't name a song by them or even know the lead singer's name. *Facepalms*
Sexiest Male Why are there so fucking many compared to the other categories?
Prediction: Aaron StylesMust I reiterate the whole 'Getting by on looks' thing?
Deserves To Win: Kato (Sorry Billy)I must say, I find grown up, tattooed, more muscular, and pedophile mustache Kato to be a loooooot hotter these days.
Sexiest FemaleGonna let it slide that I wasn't nominated this year. Bigger fuck you to FCA's again.
Prediction: SabinaJust because she won last year (Which I thought was an error) but she wasn't the hottest or sexiest. She isn't even the sexiest on the current list. My god, do you people know what SEXIEST means?
Deserves To Win: Honestly, Ezra Allen/Chantal HayesFirst of all, have you see Ezra? That's a fucking woman. Chantal is the hottest one in GirlSpice, don't know why people think Nadia Berry is all that. Plus, she's a MILF and there's nothing hotter than a mother who can beat a teen girl at her own game. She can fix a bottle and probably give a good blowjob at the same damn time. Respect.
Best ProducerPrediction: mISTER_b/The WolverinesBecause they build their way up like DJ Mustard, by being on everyone's fucking track until you want to cut your ears off. mISTER_b is great but I can't forgive him for that generic piece of shit named "Shine" and The Wolverines are okay but I'm still pissed they did a song like the one with James Urie and let fucking James Urie sing it. Who the hell taught you how to pick vocalists?
Deserves To Win: Dominic BrownFacts don't lie and I can't think of a single Dominic has produced that has underperformed, can you?
Best Record LabelPrediction: Songs to Love and Die ByI mean Cara is like one of the young people so why not?
Deserves To Win: Kaleidoscope RecordsSorry, best record label in my eyes doesn't mean "Clam as many top name people on our roster and brag about it every week" It's about who is running shit and who is producing the most quality results. And when you're new and can manage to get Vanity for 3 albums, you've already won the game.
Best Live ActThis is who I would pay a ticket to see.
Prediction: Rum & CokeProbably for the twerking and double D(?) breasts alone, because you know voters love sexually stimulating artists but they haven't had that one iconic performance yet.
Deserves To Win: Dominic BrownHis opening performance with Kato has YET to be beat.
Best StyleBecause I know all about style.
Prediction: Aikya BalanBecause she's seen as "alternative" and "weird" she'll most likely win.
Deserves To Win: Barbie DollBecause she actually is alternative and weird, she should win.
Best SingleHonestly, some of the greatest songs are missing from this list but whatever.
Prediction: Valentina Hart - "Pantomime"Let's just call her the fan favorite for almost everything. While it wasn't a bad song, it wasn't the BEST. So you KNOW where I'm going with this one.
Deserves To Win: Reported Failure - "Hands"And you will feel a hand across your face if you don't agree.
Best Female ArtistThe BADDEST female of them all?
Prediction: Valentina HartDeserves To Win: Julia VolkovaJulia constantly gets Hannah Beth'd at award shows. While she gets praised from every critic in the corner, award shows seem to miss the memo when she should get it most. She's one of the only female rock artists able to keep up and sometimes surpass the men.
Best Male ArtistPrediction: mISTER_b/Austin NimmomISTER_b is probably the only producer people know and you know Austin will probably win because he's Austin. He's put out like 5 mediocre tracks but for some reason he's seen as a god send, meanwhile the actual male talent putting out some game changing stuff, people pretend they don't see them. Okay.
Deserves To Win: Dominic BrownThe only consistent male artist in the industry right now. Second would be Kato but god forbid Kato got some recognition.
Best Pop Artist Okay, one of these people does not belong in this category but whatever.
Prediction: Austin NimmoLike I said, his 5 year old fans will be clogging the voting panels all night.
Deserves To Win: IsabelShe is the biggest solo pop female artist right now and has really done a lot for Pop music. Will she be able to beat Austin Nimmonger? I don't know. Then again, her fans seem to actually buy her music according to sales receipts but that's neither here nor there.
Fan Favorite AwardLet's just get RF out of there already.
Prediction: Weekend/Austin NimmoI think Izzy will lose it this year just because 1. Weekend put out their album so people remember they are still around and 2. Austin Nimmo is breathing so.
Deserves To Win: Dominic BrownHis fans will buy the shit out of his music but they seem to not really care about voting for an awards show (smart fans). Just would love to see him take this one home.