would you look at that,we've added more songs to this within the same year! its like we fucking love you or something. you know we love you and we're not just saying this in hopes you'll do that thing. you know the thing. look,we even made an album sleeve for this installment. two more songs. so you can tell your bitch ass neighbors to suck your ass because they swore we'd never finish this project. thats 9 songs out of 48 done! i think we're doing pretty good,all things considered. see you next installment.

Laid to restI like to watch you lips when you talk.
The way your hips sway when you walk.
Your red hair just blowing in the breeze
It's enough to bring me to my knees.
Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.
You wouldn't give me a chance in 59
Now I'm going to make you mine.
Little Miss Jessie Pocono,
Get ready to taste the grill of this DeSoto.
Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.
Our eyes met when your face bounced off the hood.
Now I'll finally get the chance to show I'll treat you good.
I knew it was love when I saw your life fade away.
You're finally mine for the rest of my days.
Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.
The funeral was long and I thought the priest would never shut up.
I had to wait until your momma left to finally dig you back up.
It would be rude to let her see.
She'll never understand what you mean to me.
Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.
Let's get you out of that box and out of those clothes.
I didn't know The smell of formaldehyde is a pheromone.
Dead weight is heavy,I grunt and I groan.
Baby,let's make this funeral house a funeral home.
Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.
Erich Sez:well,its been like..i dunno twelve fucking years? figured it was about time write a song about necrophilia. its like a requirement to be in the psychobilly scene or something. they were fixing to revoke my pomade and my rust bucket cadillac if i didnt do a song like this.. i dont write the rules of the pyschobilly union,i just follow them. if you listen to one song about being obsessed with someone,hitting them with a car,digging up and the body and fucking it? make it this one. i'd appreciate it,studio60 would appreciate it,and most of all: you'll appreciate it. this actually turned out a bit darker than i intended. i really wanted a silly song about corpse fucking,but i ended up with this. oh well, they cant all be zingers.
Karoliena Sez: probably the most stereotypical song subject we've done yet. so,when writing the music for this i didnt really try to reinvent the wheel. basic shit all around but it gets the job done i think. at our shows it never fails to get a pit going,so i guess people like it.
Mother Teresa's big tits.Way down In Calcutta
There's a real hot mother.
Sweet Teresa is her name.
Piety is her demeanor
and desperate poverty is her game.
She runs a really swell orphanage,
But that's not where she gets her fame.
Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.
Word got around in Vatican town
And the pope himself had to see.
Cardinals, bishops,and the altar boys all agreed: if it pleases your holiness, the famous mammaries dangle to her knees.
Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.
The protestant squares had nothing that could compare.
Mother Teresa's boobs could bounce Martin Luther and his proclamation right through that door.
This holy sacrament is more fun
Than some sprinkling of water
By some baptist named John.
Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.
When the pope did arrive,such majesty met his eyes.
"My god is truly an awesome god" he uttered when her tits he did spy.
This had to good for the church, who wouldn't want to take a gander.
It's certainly more appealing than that abuse slander.
Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.
" Mommy Teresa,how can it be?
The lord blesses you,but not flat Mary. Tell me your secrets. How long do you pray? Do you drink holy water?
Bathe in the Ganges?"
Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.
At this Teresa did flush red .
She was embarrassed,but still she raised her head.
When she straightened her back,it was an awesome sight.
Those massive breasts blocked near all the light.
Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.
"Father,I will tell you how they grow.
These breasts are symbols of our flock.
With each suffering orphan,with each painful death, my bust line increases another notch. The suffering is much and the death non stop.
Please take me back to Rome,or my boobs they will pop!"
Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.
Erich Sez: mother Teresa,unrecognized sex symbol? see,here at atomic war bride we tackle the big issues. though to be completely honest,this came about from a drunk as fuck conversation with dustyn of weekend. i dont know about his being drunk,but i know i was. somehow we were talking about Catholics and...somehow got on the topic of mother Teresa having huge boobs. i forget the context then but in any case,a song came from that conversation. hey,i take inspiration where i can. cmon,you know you thought of some universe where mother teresa was super hot and very busty. though in reality,mother teresa wasnt that great. so i crafted the cross section of where those two realities meet.
Karoliena Sez: with a song like this,one really wants to go all out and craft a sonic onslaught that is likely to strip the very paint from the walls and possibly cause male pattern baldness in a 30 meter radius. i think i did just that with this song. not the most technical work of mine,but it does what it says on the tin.