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#1 Posted : 21 March 2016 02:38:18(UTC)
erich hess
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when complete,all 48 records will fit inside this handsome case.

people said it couldnt be done. some said it shouldnt be done. but we at atomic war bride arent the type to listen to that nonsense. nope. we stick our fingers in those electrical sockets,we touch a hot stove. we have to find out for ourselves.so with that,i present to you,the inaugural pair of 7" records of: "the 48 verses of st elvis of tupelo". this amazing collection of music is only available through studio60's mail order division. after a stern talking to by our manager,it will no longer be limited to 6 copies.nor on the 66 rpm records requiring a special turntable. i guess losses in the millions of dollars arent a good thing. how the fuck should i know that?! im not a economist.i like getting laid,and i dont think ladies are lining up for mr greenspan....maybe they are. im not here to judge your fetishes. so all 48 songs will be on individual (and boring) 7" 45 rpm records. when you sign up for the st elvis collection,you will get a pair of records each month. maybe even a t shirt or pomade or some shit. i dont know. ill find some way to lose millions of dollars,dont you doubt that! future releases will have each record having its own art sleeve. these first two however,are just plain brown wrapped. you know,like how porn mags used to be. then the interent came and fucked that all up. i liked the brown wrappers. it felt like i was a reading a beer bought at a gas station. so. there you have it. this collection will only be printed once. if you dont sign up for this initial run,you will miss out. the tracks will not be sold separately.

1 . colonel Parker vs colonel Sanders

The battle ground of the South is active once more.
Fried Chicken and music notes will
Now replace the Gore.
From the great beyond they have risen.
These legends will once again
Walk among the living.

Colonel Sanders was a mountain of a man.
He bitch slapped all of Kentucky with but A single swipe of his mighty hand.
Armed with a deep fryer and a hatred of all poultry,he would stalk the countryside.
He had yet to meet the bird he couldn't fry.
Bald eagles,doves,California condors,even the Atlanta falcons.
Sure,the last were basketball players.
The colonel didn't give a shit.
Dunk them in the seven herbs and spices,
And into the pressure cooker they'll fit.

Colonel Parker was fucking Dutch.
The bastard probably didn't like Dr pepper or iced tea.
That is offset by what he brought you and me.( I know its "I",but fuck you)
Parker was the keeper of Elvis.
The holy king of kings.
No encores here.
Elvis will ALWAYS leave the building.
Colonel Parker was more than just the company he kept.
He was a salty bastard. He fucked many mothers while their children wept .
No man was more powerful in all of Tennessee. He was sultan and Sat upon millions. He WAS Tennessee. not that Tennessee Williams.

these two men met with a clap of thunder and cracks of lighting,they both knew it. they would end up fighting.
there is only room for one colonel,and this town aint big enough for the two of them.someones going to be shitted
out like a corn kernel.
parker struck first. he had a ham like fist. he also had no neck,it was looking like chicken man is going to get wrecked.
colonel sanders,ever the southern gentleman,ducked out of the way. deftly he threw handfulls of garlic,sage and bay.
parker groaned and made a face like he just had a skunky beer. to sanders suprise he came up with a knife and cut
off a piece of his ear.

the chicken colonel screamed in agony. that was his favorite ear.how would he know when his lover,aunt Jemima was near?!
this pudgy dutchman was asking for it,and kfc was having a two for one,everything must go,sale on ass whoopings.
original,or extra crispy.
sanders let loose with everything he had. with a mighty roar,he yelled "cock a doodle doo!" and fired off a hadouken.
the flaming ball of chicken batter aimed of parkers head. the end was nigh,and he'd soon be dead.
there was a splat and some burning. parker's last thoughts as he skull melted was, "if we put this on pay per view,how much would i be earning?"

erich sez:
this was a song about a battle for the ages. i didnt know colonel sanders personally,but i know he wouldnt like the bitch ass version of him on the commercials. the colonel was a rough and tumble man who swore like a sailor. i mean,cmon the man was the stalin of poultry. what chickens call hell,he called home. he wasnt having nightmares about nashville chicken tenders. colonel parker on the other hand...
this man was the definition of bitch ass. look at him. mother fucker looks like honey boo boo's mom in drag.i dont care if st elvis probably did like the man. to me colonel parker was the lou pearlman of his time.

Karoliena sez:
we've had this song kicking around for awhile. its lived in many incarnations. everything from a polka sound to death metal. eventually we went with our usual sound. while interesting as a lounge song,these two giants of southern usa culture needed some serious rockabilly. one day will will write a song where the lyrics flow with the music..but not today. it sounds more like a someone reading bad poetry over music. i mean....we're reviving the beat culture erich and i both love so much. before the hippies ruined it. yeah...thats what i mean...

sounds like:

2. 30 things you don't want up your ass.

On a day ,nice and green.
The doctor said to me:
Boy,some things just don't go in your ass.
I'm going to list them,
So that you don't forget them.....

First things first,no badgers go in the back.
Even if you could fit them in your crack.
Badgers be vicious,badgers be quick.
They'll tear through your anus and
Pop out your dick.

The same can be said for ducks.
They are no go,even with
Lube by the cup.
Their bills are broad,
And their feathers quite greasy.
Resisitng them in your ass,
It won't be easy.

Pancake batter.
Aunt jemima. Or store brand,
It doesn't matter.
It's hard to say no,
When you've got whisk in hand,
Ready to go.
When it dries,it will be like concrete.
It'll rip your ass all the way to your feet.

Combs are definitely out.
Pull in that bottom lip,
Don't you dare pout.
Combs are for the hair on your head,
not the hair in your seat.
Brushes have bristles
,while combs have teeth.
Keep both away from underneath.

As for a compass?
It's got the word "ass".
So it seems a natural fit.
I call chicanery,I'm onto Its shit.
Needles that point or poke,
Glass has been known to cut a bloke.
Magnets always point north,
A sad state of affairs,to come up from the south.

As an endangered species,
manatees should stay far away from your feces.
Their immense size is dwarfed
Only by their horrible breath.
A manatee in the ass,
It's just courting death.

Another classic on our forbidden list:
The the garden weasel.I can't believe I have to say this.
With long wooden handle,
And three rotating blades...
When It comes to anal play,
It's really tailor made.......................
But it voids the warranty.

Moving on,we come to The humble pug.
It's hard not to try them as a butt plug.
Get them excited and they bark and yip.
Their curly tails make a good grip.
You'll lose them forever if inside they slip.

You may have your hands full with paperwork.
You lust for a time saver,responsibility you never shirk.
In goes a highlighter,deftly freeing one hand.
A quick wiggle over important parts,ain't life grand?
Sadly for you,the ink soaks in.
Writhing and groaning,this is your end.

Knock knock,who is it?
It's us,the friendly Jehovah's witnesses!
It may seem polite To skip the trash.
By putting that watch tower right up your ass.
That isn't The way to become religious.
You can't accept the Lord through anal osmosis.

Furthermore we have the collectors edition DVD of pretty woman.
You were a cheap bastard,didn't spring for the blue ray.
Now you're stuck forever with lousy sound and poor
Picture quality.
plus...Julia Roberts movies...what the fuck?

You may always have been a fan of the Khmer rouge.
But I assure you,they weren't righteous dudes .
Pol pot belongs in the ground.
Not in the part where you make your Brown.
Trout that is. Texas tea.

Next we inspect the avocado.
Shaped like a pear,
into your ass it should go?
This isn't the case as we will soon know.
From that seed,a tree Will grow.
No guacamole.
It will split you in half,
Before your first bowl.

The collected works of jk Rowling.
This goes without saying.
So many volumes,so many pages.
You'll only reach the order of the Phoenix ,
Before your hair is graying.
There is a line involving "snape" and "gape"...
But I'm too classy for that tripe.

A 650 megabyte hardrive is useless anymore .
That doesn't mean you should store it like a whore.
Random access or write only memory?
Both are useless in your anal cavity....
And the corners are sharp.

Dr oz has a lousy show.
A stupid bastard whom Oprah blows.
For this reason,and this alone,
Keep him out of your ass.
Even if he sAys He is looking for broken bones.

A dictionary?! Don't be a size queen.
Oxford can tell you right away
What anything means.
Watching you try to turn the pages
Will soon bore us.
Please,oh please...don't try the thesaurus.

This day and age everyone is going green.
Microwaves aren't with It.
Know what I mean?
What ever you do,don't grab a fistful of popcorn.
It doesn't belong in the back pocket thAt you were born.
On a hot day,the kernels May tickle your colon.
But the road to explosion
Is where you're going.

Mayan pyramids may be fun to climb.
But I'll tell were they don't go:
In your behind.
There was nothing On the doomsday calendar.their prophecy was wrong.
Cast your eyes from the stars,
Gaze at the ground......
I think Dr who covered this once.
I'm sure Amy fucking pond was involved.

Rolls of tape can be placed
There by an ape.
Mitt Romney runs staples,you know
He'd like the extra business.
In his stores,
You can buy a pack of six.
Fourteen dollars. U.S.

During This holiday when the wind is all chilly,
Pagans and atheists will get
A bit bill of rights-ie.
Better watch out.
Better not bout.
Better not stick a Nativity in your ass.
Mary,Joseph and Jesus May fit.
The three wise men won't
No matter how they are gripped.

Doritos already smell of ass.
But don't get any ideas.
Those fuckers are sharp as glass.
The spicy chili flavor will
Give you a mighty ring of fire.
Not even Cool ranch won't dispense the relief you desire.
Keep all corn chips far from your delicate back door.
You don't want the blood to pour.

Parakeets make lousy pets.
Souless black eyes and tweety songs are what you gets.
Cages are tacky and birdhouses
Can mean escapes.
Don't shove a Bird or two in your ass.
Even if they are still in eggs
The size of grApes.

The Brooklyn bridge makes for fine transportation.
You may be misled, thinking with enough effort you may get it all in.
Let's say you don't listen to me. You think you might.
Those obnoxious new York cAbbies
Would keep you awake all night .
.......some day a real rain is going to come.

You think The ghost of Bruce Lee would be a fine thing To have?
He could practice his kickboxing
On your nads.
During breakfast or at an important meeting.
It'll be your testicles he is beating.
If you desire peace and productivity,
Pass on the spectral enema.

Don't think you'll save on toilet paper by installing a fecal guillotine.
Chopping those logs into tiny pieces
Are not worth the diseases.
Or the additional tailor fees.
Where would the blade fall from,your knees?
Don't be absurd,
You're chopping a turd.
Can't tell gravity to Fuck off for that.

Uranus sounds like a natural pick.
It looms out there in space.
It's where Neil degrasse Tyson gets his kicks.
Uranus has got a spot like Jupiter,
And it's laying in it's side.
Its a fucking planet. You'll never
Get It inside.

Global warming is no myth.
The destruction of polar bear
Habitats can be traced to this.
Those gangly oafs are looking for homes.
But don't you dare let them into your holes.
Once they take up residence,
Polar bears will shit and piss.
Bastards have no decency and will expect you to foot the Bill.

McDonald's is a fine place to eat.
Like I give a shit where they get their meat?
But let's think a moment On poor grimace.
A purple Fucking nightmare,straight from lovecraft.
Don't put him in your ass,
Or else the elder gods he will invoke.
Tiamat will not help you,
And marduk will think it's a joke.
Fuck grimace,that evil purple dildo.

Finally we reach the end of the list.
I see you nodding off. You're ignoring this!
Keep Charles Manson in your prayers,but out of your person!
Charlie rants and he raves.
He's got a swastika on his forehead and will send us all to early graves.
You put Charlie in your ass and axl rose will come a calling.
Full of Crap music and totally botoxing.
After awhile,axl will puss out and donate to the victims' families.

Now as doctor ,I promise
what I say is true.
The only thing allowed in your ass is......me.

erich sez:
we live in a world where people need to be told not to try something at home. i think that means
this song will one day save someone's life. if just one person thinks twice about sticking the brooklyn bridge up their ass,i'll have done my job.
there really isnt much to say other than that. im looking out for you guys. stay safe out there.

Karoliena sez:
sounds like a the sort of song a drunk sings to entertain themselves. which is exactly what is was. erich and i played the same few riffs over and over,and thus a song was born. this could be where we hit rock bottom...but i think we can fall much further.

sounds like:
ooc:it would be a lie to say there is a lot of mojo nixon in the erich hess character.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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Offline RoseJapanFan  
#2 Posted : 21 March 2016 11:43:50(UTC)
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Hayden: I can't believe I just downloaded a song about a battle between Elvis' manager and the creator of KFC and a list of things to not put in your ass. First of all, I'm not sure if the Colonel and Jemima were an item. I mean have you heard of a little thing called "Segregation?" No way those two were ever together. Maybe a secret affair. Possibly, that's where Sara Lee came from I always fond her bread to be a little light if you know what I mean. Secondly, since when was Ryu teaching the fucking hadouken? I mean why does he of all people deserve to learn it? Bullshit. I'm eating a Popeyes now.

And don't even get me started on the things not to put in your ass. Maybe you should've sent this to a young Richard Gere.

OOC: This is all really great, it made me laugh so much lol. Only you would be able to write songs like this and that's what makes you super unique to this forum :) Great job and I can't wait for another 10 years to pass until we get another gem like this again :P
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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erich hess on 21/03/2016(UTC)
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#3 Posted : 21 March 2016 12:30:02(UTC)
erich hess
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ooc:thank you,miss japan.itll be ten years before i finish this. the only reason i posted this was in case i never finish all 48 songs.

erich:you bring up many,many good points. but,i am correct.sanders and Jemima were actually the first televised interracial kiss but nobody remembers. captain kirk and lt uhura got the honors because they were far more sexy than colonel sanders and aunt Jemima . im not saying aunt jemima is responible for the colonel's great biscuits.....but...im not not saying it. im not having anything from sara lee. other than the poundcake. the rest of her offerings can go soak their nose. oh,and ryu didnt teach the hadouken....its was ken. you know that bro doesnt respect the martial arts at all. i fully agree on going out for popeyes. but i couldnt put him in the song. nobody can beat up popeye.

poor richard gere. i think he suffered enough through all the juliya roberts movie.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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RoseJapanFan on 21/03/2016(UTC)
Offline Lastrevio  
#4 Posted : 22 March 2016 22:54:15(UTC)
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OOC: I don't believe you actually did this, if so then GOOD JOB

Evil Lake: Alternative Metal, Nu Metal, Metalcore, Rapcore, think about some weird combination between Nu Metal and Metalcore:

Influences: Slipknot, Goodbye To Gravity, Linkin Park, Korn, Bullet For My Valentine, Hollywood Undead, Deuce.

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erich hess on 22/03/2016(UTC)
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#5 Posted : 22 March 2016 22:57:00(UTC)
erich hess
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Ooc: thanks.it was a rare exams of my actually following through with some thing.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#6 Posted : 22 March 2016 23:31:09(UTC)
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Billy: This isn't really the type of music that I listen to but I heard so much about it, especially from Dustyn, so I decided to mug someone and grab myself a copy of this seemingly elusive record. I have to say that I really enjoyed it. The second song is my favourite one for many, many reason. Although I have inserted a handful of those items in myself beforehand...




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erich hess on 23/03/2016(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 23 March 2016 00:26:29(UTC)
erich hess
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Erich: what? I thought everyone liked pyschobilly? Hmm. Learn something new each day. I really wrote the second song for mere mortals.not the Billy kahns of The world. We are the music makers,and we are the dreamers of dreams.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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kandii on 12/08/2017(UTC)
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#8 Posted : 11 August 2017 22:43:01(UTC)
erich hess
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I didn't call orkin

L Ron Hubbard is in my cupboard
That mother fucker is all up in there eating up my beans.
That man,he don't understand
That I got,I got needs!

He ate the pork n beans.
He ate the bushes baked.
He ate the cannelloni, pinto and green!
Aw shucks.
Aw gee.
I'm unwittingly feeding

L Ron Hubbard is in my cupboard.
That mother fucker is all up in there
Eating up my rice.
That man,he don't understand
That starch is,starch is nice!

He didn't eat the store brand.
He ate the Uncle Ben's
He ate the Mahatma.
Aw shucks.
Aw gee.
I'm unwittingly feeding

L Ron Hubbard is in my cupboard
That mother fucker is all up in there.
He's all full now.
Fat,bloated and farting.
I poke him with a shrimp fork
And he goes....

Out comes my beans.
Out comes my rice.
It's too digested to meet my needs.
It's too digested to be nice..
I can't help but wonder if
Mr Hubbard was diabetic.
I shrug my shoulders and take a bite of

Erich sez: this latest installment of "St Elvis of tupelo" comes emblazoned on high quality, suitable for framing, vinyl. Seeing as it's only one song...use the other side for whatever you want. Beetle sumo ring, draw a picture on it and impress mom, put a pea in the spindle hole and say it's a model of Saturn. That b side is yours to do with as you please. It's our gift to you. ...and totally not because we only recorded one song.

Getting down to brass tacks,the inspiration behind this was..what do you fucking think?! The Scientology guy found his way on to the Duke and has been eating me out of house and home!

karoliena sez: now let us be clear,eating out is NOT frowned upon aboard the Duke. In fact,it's encouraged. But we draw the line at it affecting the food stores.

Music wise,we kept things pretty peppy. It would be a piss poor psychobilly song if we didn't.
This particular song has a swampy,southern feel to it. After all,seeing l Ron Hubbard in your cupboard could certainly be described as,how you say? "Sounding like a freight train"?

Sounds like:
Ooc: can't get it to work on my phone. If interested, it's: "redneck rampage" by mojo Nixon.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#9 Posted : 12 August 2017 12:54:55(UTC)
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Bao: Should be released on 666rpm vinyls!

Lili: OMG

Keiko: Oh so hardcore. Love it.
(click on the banner for more info)

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erich hess on 12/08/2017(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#10 Posted : 12 August 2017 14:06:59(UTC)
erich hess
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Erich: you get it. How awesome would it be to release 48 songs that can never sound right until you modify a turnable?

Karoliena: we are just too damned Arty for our own good. Speaking of,I heard the klf is gearing up to do something.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline kandii  
#11 Posted : 12 August 2017 14:35:29(UTC)
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Winnie: Wait. So did you take a bite out of the Scientology guy?

Rum: Oh that's what's happening? Oh okay, Erich. Yess! Giving me Hannibal teas!

Winnie: Its that or...

Rum: Or what?

Winnie: Well he poked Ronnie and he...released the beans and name brand rice...

Rum: And? So?

Winnie: So...

Rum: So??

Winnie: He ate Scientology flavored shit, Rum.

Rum: I... *takes a deep breath* I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that shit. Where are the 45 other songs?

Edited by user 12 August 2017 14:58:51(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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erich hess on 12/08/2017(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 16/07/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 16/07/2020(UTC)
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#12 Posted : 13 August 2017 08:02:38(UTC)
erich hess
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erich: well...i didnt really think of what would have came out of mr hubbard. im thinking its more a pre turd sludge,rather than poo itself. and i cant answer where the other songs are without being rude. you'll just have to be patient. its the journey,not the destination and all that.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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kandii on 13/08/2017(UTC)
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#13 Posted : 10 December 2019 09:16:41(UTC)
erich hess
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4:I met Natalie Portman in Portland

There you were just a walking down the street.
Wasn't at a convention or a pricey meet and greet.
Your bag said burger king but i doubt you eat meat

Portman in Portland,what can we do?
You were in the shitty star wars, but not in the new.
You were bald in v for vendetta. That movie really could have been better.
But at least it didn't have zack braff.

Natalie Portman , you hosted Saturday night live.
The show kinda sucks, but your rhymes were mighty fly.
When i saw you, i really tried to tell you this.
You pushed right past me ,as if you had to piss.

Portman in Portland,what can we do?
You were in the shitty star wars, but not in the new.
You were bald in v for vendetta. That movie really could have been better.
But at least it didn't have zack braff.

i invited you out for drinks and lunch.
deep conversations about politics and such.
you just smiled and said thats a bit too much.

sounds like:

Erich Sez:ok. time may have gotten away from me and people on the 48 verses of St Elvis of Tupelo mailing list may have been just where are the other 44 singles they were promised....well,i am lousy at keeping promises. shit happens. directions unclear,dick stuck in ceiling fan. the fact of the matter is: i only put out the HIGHEST quality bullshit music. i dont write unless i am inspired. these arent commercial jingles, they are songs. this single will be mailed to all of those already on the mailing list. (sorry. its too late to be added now. if you werent with me 4 years ago,fuck off. ) but the song will be going out to all digital platforms. so you'll still be able to fuck to it,even if it will never grace your turntable. as for the song? there is no high falooting hidden meaning here. did i actually meet this woman? was it actually keira knightly? seriously,i never knew keira was in those star wars movies. i just assumed they stuck natalie in different costumes.

Karoliena Sez:the song was written in 10 minutes. the music in 5. what do you think i have to say about it?
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#14 Posted : 16 July 2020 08:12:04(UTC)
erich hess
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5.Farmer dusty's olde tyme meat farm

In days of yore when kings were rich and peasants were poor,there was a man who offered up something a bit more. His name was dustyn and he owned a little farm. He was A tiny sort of man but offered up meat the girth of an arm. Nobody knew how he farmed up such large cuts of meat . his hands were of no clue and neither were his feet.


Old farmer dustyn was famous through the land.
He grew meat so big it wouldn't fit in your hand.
It would swing and sway in the breeze.
The damned thing reached below his knees.
The meat swayed north and to the south.
It always found its way into your mouth.

Folks from all around wanted to know dustyn's meat growing ways. Was It a secret tome? Was it some song he would play? Soaked in special juices? Did he let it out only on certain days? Why couldn't other villagers have such prize winning meats? Poultry, beef or pork. Dustyn's meat just couldn't be beat.


Old farmer dustyn was famous through the land.
He grew meat so big it wouldn't fit in your hand.
It would swing and sway in the breeze.
The damned thing reached below his knees.
The meat swayed north and to the south.
It always found its way into your mouth.

Farmer dustyn tried to keep the meat contained in a field. But over the fence it would flop. Like an Armstrong. Not Luis, but Neil. The meat would terrorize the town and run amok. It would raze a barn and concuss a duck. The meat was unstoppable and could smash open any gate.


Old farmer dustyn was famous through the land.
He grew meat so big it wouldn't fit in your hand.
It would swing and sway in the breeze.
The damned thing reached below his knees.
The meat swayed north and to the south.
It always found its way into your mouth

Other farmers got together and conspired. They were pissed and the jealousy was ingrained. Dustyn's meat was too big and much too untamed. They had a plan. Their own meats were of low yield.this had to do the trick. They would wait until old farmer dustyn was sleeping and then snip the tip.


Old farmer dustyn was famous through the land.
He grew meat so big it wouldn't fit in your hand.
It would swing and sway in the breeze.
The damned thing reached below his knees.
The meat swayed north and to the south.
It always found its way into your mouth.

It was on a Friday when the rival farmers made their move. They would be rid of dusty and his impressive meat. Maybe then customers would visit their grove. They pounced, hollered and clattered. They shook the meat in order for it to rear its head. All was lost when the garden shears shattered.


Old farmer dustyn was famous through the land.
He grew meat so big it wouldn't fit in your hand.
It would swing and sway in the breeze.
The damned thing reached below his knees.
The meat swayed north and to the south.
It always found its way into your mouth

sounds like

Erich sez: am I above taking a throwaway joke and wasting studio 60's money on recording it? shit no. They know what they signed up for. This is the "prestige" I promised them. So this song was inspired by a visit to see dustyn blue of weekend fame. We had some tea and a chat. Hours passed and tummies grumbled. So, being a good host, dustyn offered me up some dinner. It was hoisin basted pork or something. The piece was huge. So that's what this is about. A big piece of pork that I ate. unlike the other songs for the 48 verses of st elvis of tupelo, THIS song will be printed on 12 inches of glori

ous blue vinyl! the A side will contain the song while the b side will be as smooth as a newborn calf sliding down telly savalas' well lubed head.

Karoliena_sez: yeah... I am pretty sure I put actual effort writing music about dustyn's dick.

the physical copy.

Edited by user 16 July 2020 08:12:48(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#15 Posted : 19 July 2020 16:35:36(UTC)
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OOC: This is brilliant Erich. All your roleplays are so fun to read. They’re witty, enjoyable and different from anything else posted on the forum. Can’t wait for the other 43 verses that are to come. Can’t lie “Farmer dusty's olde tyme meat farm” had me cracking up. Erica’s commentary at the end made it even better lol. She can be so blunt sometimes. I love that about her!
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#16 Posted : 20 July 2020 00:44:12(UTC)
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ooc: thanks,miss famous. im glad people like them. the other verses may be a long time coming,but now i'm reminded this still exists so *fingers crossed*.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#17 Posted : 15 June 2021 08:41:17(UTC)
erich hess
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remember that time you signed up for 48 songs,each printed on 7" vinyl? it was cheap enough so you didnt care when months passed and you assumed i ripped you off and used your money for cocaine or sexual favors? well,i did and i did. so good on you for thinking correctly. its been almost a year since the last installment,so i think you are about ready. so,take your class action lawsuits and shove them. - erich.

6. Drink a possum.

Down on an Alabama farm bout 1963
There stood a man bigger than you and me.
7 foot tall,8 foot wide. Skin like an elephant hide.
Built like a god damned battleship.
Fists the size of Buicks. Ain't much he would abide.

We used to ask
Leroy how'd you get so big?
Leroy how'd you get so strong?
Leroy how'd you get so long?
He'd say, "well, son lemme tell ya what I do. I grab me a possum. If I'm feeling parched,I might grab me two.
Shake them up. Find myself a nipple and give it a suck. Possum milk is good and good for you. It'll put hair on your chest,boy and help you when you fuck.".

Ol Leroy was the young'n of a mean son of a bitch.
Baby Leroy was so damned ugly,he was tossed into a ditch.
Flung sidearm.
Went for distance.
Landed with a splat.
Face first in a puddle of used motor oil.
He'd have perished from the exposure,but he was saved by America's only marsupial.

We used to ask
Leroy how'd you get so big?
Leroy how'd you get so strong?
Leroy how'd you get so long?
He'd say, "well, son lemme tell ya what I do. I grab me a possum. If I'm feeling parched,I might grab me two.
Shake them up. Find myself a nipple and give it a suck. Possum milk is good and good for you. It'll put hair on your chest,boy and help you when you fuck.".

That tiny possum mom carried the old boy to safety.
Little Leroy was a greedy cuss.
The moms joeys starved as Leroy nursed so much.
The possum mom couldn't take his thirst and was drank until she turned to dust.

We used to ask
Leroy how'd you get so big?
Leroy how'd you get so strong?
Leroy how'd you get so long?
He'd say, "well, son lemme tell ya what I do. I grab me a possum. If I'm feeling parched,I might grab me two.
Shake them up. Find myself a nipple and give it a suck. Possum milk is good and good for you. It'll put hair on your chest,boy and help you when you fuck.".

Baby Leroy would crawl around in the bushes.
Looking for possum nipples bearing lunches.
He'd crawl and he'd cry until possums would wander by.
Grab em
Suck em
Drink them to dust.
It took 100,000 possums to get Leroy to his current size.

We used to ask
Leroy how'd you get so big?
Leroy how'd you get so strong?
Leroy how'd you get so long?
He'd say, "well, son lemme tell ya what I do. I grab me a possum. If I'm feeling parched,I might grab me two.
Shake them up. Find myself a nipple and give it a suck. Possum milk is good and good for you. It'll put hair on your chest,boy and help you when you fuck.".

sounds kinda like:

Erich sez: now this here's a true story that I just made up. I lived in Florida, north Florida,and that's basically Alabama. So I know that culture well,hell,I may even be a product of it. Now I've never drank a possum. I have gotten drunk WITH a possum,but that's different. If the possum was buying,then by god,I am drinking. It's a well kept secret that possums and other marsupials are nature's treasure chests. They keep various valuables in their pouches. Now,it's tempting as all hell to go out there and whack a possum with a stick and see what pops out. But don't be a dick. Possums and drunks are protected by the lord. Whack a possum and you'll find a thunderbolt in your ass. Now the man upstairs doesn't seem to care if you hit one with your car. You can do that all day long. However,you won't get the possums valuables and you'll have taken a majestic creatures life. The possum,if they deem you worthy,will OFFER to buy you drinks. I may have lost the point of what I was trying to say about this song.

Karoliena Sez:
A song of this importance demanded we go all out. so i told erich to play fast. i really dont know what you want me to say about the music side of things .it isnt like anything atomic war bride does is "innovative." its psychobilly. you know what we're offering.

With friends like this,who needs enemas?

i dont need no fleet.
keep that saline out of my reach.
thats not my kind of fun.
keep that bottle away from my bum.
i have my good buddy jesus.
(thats hey zeus,not gee sus)
he cooks his chicken with too much grease.
its crunchy
its juicy.
it'll make you want to fuck gary busey
but god damn if it dont run through you.
you get that bubbling and boo yah!
you're making a run for the pot.
watchout thunder bucket,i'm giving you all i got.
with friends like this,who needs enemas?
that greasy chicken is righteous and just.
if i would ring out my napkin
i'd never have to buy penzoil again.
just stuff that napkin in my engine.
that turbo would be spoolin!
bright red. super hot.
smelling like herbs and spices,
i take off like a shot.
in more ways than one.
the car is fast,
but my sphincter is faster...to not close.
now i need a new car seat
and some new clothes.

sounds sorta kinda like.

Erich sez: well,to save money on vinyl we put a b side on this release. yeah,we could've done an etching or something to the b side to make it special,but...we started smoking. we started drinking. we started chewing on strange cacti that grow in the desert. eventually we came to the conclusion that if we just wasted that b side of the vinyl we would be be no better than the koch brothers. sure,one of em is dead and all. the remaining one though,he's still around and being shitty. so we had to come up with something quick. i sure as shit didnt want to be in the studio sober and i was looking at coming down very soon. so..i wrote this story and karoliena stuck it to music. fuck it, at this point the read hards do my bit better than i do. you guys know i am a hack,so ..poop jokes. fuck it. i'll write poop jokes.

Karoliena Sez: i didnt have anything to do with this. ask alan smithee.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#18 Posted : 19 June 2021 09:11:04(UTC)
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OOC: The visuals that I get from your lyrics lmao Don't know how you come up with this stuff but it's classis you.
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erich hess on 19/06/2021(UTC)
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#19 Posted : 19 September 2021 12:26:06(UTC)
erich hess
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would you look at that,we've added more songs to this within the same year! its like we fucking love you or something. you know we love you and we're not just saying this in hopes you'll do that thing. you know the thing. look,we even made an album sleeve for this installment. two more songs. so you can tell your bitch ass neighbors to suck your ass because they swore we'd never finish this project. thats 9 songs out of 48 done! i think we're doing pretty good,all things considered. see you next installment.


8Laid to rest

I like to watch you lips when you talk.
The way your hips sway when you walk.
Your red hair just blowing in the breeze
It's enough to bring me to my knees.

Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.

You wouldn't give me a chance in 59
Now I'm going to make you mine.
Little Miss Jessie Pocono,
Get ready to taste the grill of this DeSoto.

Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.

Our eyes met when your face bounced off the hood.
Now I'll finally get the chance to show I'll treat you good.
I knew it was love when I saw your life fade away.
You're finally mine for the rest of my days.

Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.

The funeral was long and I thought the priest would never shut up.
I had to wait until your momma left to finally dig you back up.
It would be rude to let her see.
She'll never understand what you mean to me.

Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.

Let's get you out of that box and out of those clothes.
I didn't know The smell of formaldehyde is a pheromone.
Dead weight is heavy,I grunt and I groan.
Baby,let's make this funeral house a funeral home.

Laid to rest.
I'm the best.
I'll never be alone
I'm going to rattle those bones.

Erich Sez:well,its been like..i dunno twelve fucking years? figured it was about time write a song about necrophilia. its like a requirement to be in the psychobilly scene or something. they were fixing to revoke my pomade and my rust bucket cadillac if i didnt do a song like this.. i dont write the rules of the pyschobilly union,i just follow them. if you listen to one song about being obsessed with someone,hitting them with a car,digging up and the body and fucking it? make it this one. i'd appreciate it,studio60 would appreciate it,and most of all: you'll appreciate it. this actually turned out a bit darker than i intended. i really wanted a silly song about corpse fucking,but i ended up with this. oh well, they cant all be zingers.

Karoliena Sez: probably the most stereotypical song subject we've done yet. so,when writing the music for this i didnt really try to reinvent the wheel. basic shit all around but it gets the job done i think. at our shows it never fails to get a pit going,so i guess people like it.

9.Mother Teresa's big tits.

Way down In Calcutta
There's a real hot mother.
Sweet Teresa is her name.
Piety is her demeanor
and desperate poverty is her game.
She runs a really swell orphanage,
But that's not where she gets her fame.

Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.

Word got around in Vatican town
And the pope himself had to see.
Cardinals, bishops,and the altar boys all agreed: if it pleases your holiness, the famous mammaries dangle to her knees.

Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.

The protestant squares had nothing that could compare.
Mother Teresa's boobs could bounce Martin Luther and his proclamation right through that door.
This holy sacrament is more fun
Than some sprinkling of water
By some baptist named John.

Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.

When the pope did arrive,such majesty met his eyes.
"My god is truly an awesome god" he uttered when her tits he did spy.
This had to good for the church, who wouldn't want to take a gander.
It's certainly more appealing than that abuse slander.

Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.

" Mommy Teresa,how can it be?
The lord blesses you,but not flat Mary. Tell me your secrets. How long do you pray? Do you drink holy water?
Bathe in the Ganges?"

Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.

At this Teresa did flush red .
She was embarrassed,but still she raised her head.
When she straightened her back,it was an awesome sight.
Those massive breasts blocked near all the light.

Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.

"Father,I will tell you how they grow.
These breasts are symbols of our flock.
With each suffering orphan,with each painful death, my bust line increases another notch. The suffering is much and the death non stop.
Please take me back to Rome,or my boobs they will pop!"

Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Bounce bounce bounce.
Blessed are the breasts that please the lord.
Canonize those chest cannons one time for Me.

Erich Sez: mother Teresa,unrecognized sex symbol? see,here at atomic war bride we tackle the big issues. though to be completely honest,this came about from a drunk as fuck conversation with dustyn of weekend. i dont know about his being drunk,but i know i was. somehow we were talking about Catholics and...somehow got on the topic of mother Teresa having huge boobs. i forget the context then but in any case,a song came from that conversation. hey,i take inspiration where i can. cmon,you know you thought of some universe where mother teresa was super hot and very busty. though in reality,mother teresa wasnt that great. so i crafted the cross section of where those two realities meet.

Karoliena Sez: with a song like this,one really wants to go all out and craft a sonic onslaught that is likely to strip the very paint from the walls and possibly cause male pattern baldness in a 30 meter radius. i think i did just that with this song. not the most technical work of mine,but it does what it says on the tin.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#20 Posted : 23 February 2023 03:05:10(UTC)
erich hess
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Erich sez: Hi,it's your old pal erich Hess. I'm back to tickle your ears with the just the tip that is a new atomic war bride song. Now,as usual,this will be going up on all the streaming services. I'm serious,all of them. Spotify, Pandora,tidal,Netflix, Hulu, xhamster, everywhere! Also as usual, physical copies are ONLY available to those who signed up ages ago for the st Elvis of tupelo boxed set. So if you didn't have Faith we'd finish all 48 songs,you miss out on hot vinyl in your hands. Yeah,touch that vinyl,baby. Don't worry,I've been tested. So what's this song about? It's about the mating habits of the star nosed mole,obviously.

Karoliena sez: a very hard song to play live due to its length. It's a 6 minute epic that takes up both sides of a seven inch. We play psychobilly,so you know what to expect by now,kittens. If you don't know about it...well,I'm afraid I'm too much for you to handle,baby. *Laughs*.

Sounds like:

10.A planet where everything has a tragic backstory.

Get your hands off me,you damned dirty ape!
Here i am
Trapped on
A planet where apes evolved from man, wow!
Cornelius you fuckin ape man.
I know you're going to do what you can
To fuck me.
Fuck me.
he then looked at me and he said ,this is what he said now, "son,I don't rightly know if'n you know this,but that rug upon you stand has killed many many a man."

I don't listen to apes
They listen to me.
So I kicked open the door .
At which he whined
Like a loose pine floor..

"Boy, that door you some kicked, it's licked many a sunuvabitch."
This ape man yelled.
This ape man he wailed.

I gave him the old jack off motion
And I turned away.
And sure as Jam starts with a j
A crack as it fell...his tea and flick lotion .

"What have you done?! Did you not know? That lotion,that lotion killed Uncle Joe!"
This wooly bastard blasted at me .
He then wiped his eyes with his great big ape hands.
These things were like some mighty meat hooks. And he had two of em.

He looked so pathetic crying like an apling.
So I tossed a box of tissue.
Aloe filled and healing.
Fuck this. I don't know his issue.

"That box! That box,! The end is nigh! That lid alone has claimed eighteen lives!" He turned pale and dropped to his knees. Those mighty hands now raised to the sky.

I have had it
I've had enough
I kicked the nearest pile of shit.
It didn't land on the putting green
It landed in the rough.

Cornelius picked up a telescope
He threw it like I called his mother a hoe.
"How can you kick that turd?! Back in 86 it took out an entire buffalo herd."

He may have went on.
But i had to get Three hundred yards gone .
This planet of the apes isn't like on tv.
I went to the clinic where Dr zaius
Was looking at me.
Doctor, doctor, will I die?
Yes my child and so will I!

Then I thought,perhaps the apes ,like me...were a feeling creature.

Edited by user 23 February 2023 08:57:44(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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