Twitter Q&A with Kai Rollins
WarpedOfficial: Welcome to the official Q&A session with the one and only Kai Rollins, our Drop Dead Stage headliner. Ask anything and we'll get Ka to answer....#NoHoldsBarredJulieSimmers1912: Hi Kai! Who would you say is your biggest influence in music? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @JulieSimmers1912 Ummmm....I don't really know, actually. I think people will expect me to go for someone really like heavy and underground, but I probably wasn't influenced by any of those. The guy that made me want to get into music and make a career out of it was probably Tom Delonge out Blink [182]. I know, I went on to do stuff much more "metal" than him, but he were the first one that made me want to stand up and grab a mic and just tell every cunt how I really felt inside through music. I think with him having his own clothing label an' all, there's definite like parallels between us. And he's a cunt as well, so we're basically the same person. Yeah...I think I've done Tom bloody proud, like. Definitely.
WentzAway: You've had a lot of beef with people in the past. Who would you say was the worst, and why? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @WentzAway Ha! That's a bloody good 'un! I like it. Where do you even start wi' that one. I think I've had summat to grind with everyone at some point, to be honest. It's never all that serious, though, and we always kiss and make up, like with me and Erica a couple of week back there. She hated me, I threatened to piss on her bus. Now we're as thick as thieves. If I had to pick one band that I like proper hated, though, I reckon it would be that Faking Our Own Destiny, mob. I know, left field, but fuck me, I just can't look past that dress sense. People accuse me of bein' all about image and that but these cunts were like next level shitty Halloween costumes. It was like Kiss on downers. Kiss with a Ritalin overdose or summat. Half arsed gimmicks are never good.
TheOneAndLonely: Do you ever wish your band had a full name rather than just your own name? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @TheOneAndLonely What the fuck for? As it happens, I stand up there on stage and every cunt chants my name. Not sure why I'd want that to change like. You must not know me, mate. It's always like the Kai Rollins show in my head. I'm permanently playing through me own death tribute video in me head, on loop. And the video is sick as fuck.
KimKWap: What's it like having your knob posted all over the internet? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @KimKWap I don't mind really. It's not like someone covertly took photos of me dong and posted them online. I took most of them and sent em to people, and this is the 21st century so it's gonna find its way on t'internet. If I felt self conscious about me knob, I most likely wouldn't have had it out taking pictures in t'first place. It's probably been a bit of a help as well for me, or at least it was when I were single. The number of women I had ramped up when they seen that online. It were like the best advertising flyer in the world. They were wet for it before I even spoke to them. At least I in't Matt, me drummer, neither. Lad's arsehole is all over the web. He's always getting his arse out when he's had a few. Top lad, but he lands himself in some shit.
GodForbidMe: Just wondering, when it all goes like tits up with the band, are you glad you'll have Drop Dead to fall back on so you can work there? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @GodForbidMe I would probably say me band are more glad of that than I am. I promised them all that if it ever goes west (the band) then they can all get jobs shifting shirts in one of me shops. They seemed happy? Me? Nah, I can't be arsed with hard work, me. I just wanna take a shit ton of LSD and go surfing every day. Waves are much bigger and better when you're off your tits. You can surf anywhere as well. Wouldn't matter if you were on LSD. Matt just shouted "on a dog's dick!" Not even sure what that means, but I wanted to share that with you in case it were like culturally important, or a reference I didn't get or summat. But yeah, me surfin' in that water feature at Sheffield train station off me tits on LSD. That's the future, lad.
FrostyJenny: Quick! Fuck/marry/kill with all the acts on Warped Tour. #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @FrostyJenny Literally everyone? Fuckin' 'ell, nice one. Right, let me see. I'll start wi' fuck and hope Browdy in't readin' this. Browds, if you are readin' this, it's purely for the purposes of the game, love. If I could fuck anyone out on Warped it would be....Amelia from My Girl Friday. She's proper fit as fuck, man, and I seen her up on stage last night, she's got a proper little movement in them little hips, like. Yeah, I'd go with her. Marry? Easy, mate - Deneil Khan. Billy's already fuckin' me mam, so it would be fuckin' hilarious to see his reaction if I married his brother. PS. I'm totally fine wi' Billy shagging me mam - recommended it meself. Kill? There's a lot of candidates for this one. I'll go with...Radio Vine. Purely on a get-my-shot-in-first basis. She's definitely gonna go full mental and off someone one of these days, so if I can get in first and make sure it's not me, then I'm gonna.
LifeLessonsLearnedTheHardWay: What do you do if you're on stage and you need to pee? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @LifeLessonsLearnedTheHardWay I just piss, mate. It's why I always wear shorts on stage, and especially dark coloured ones at that. If I'm up there, I in't ruining me own show by trying desperately to hold on to a piss. So I just start a song where I can bounce along to the main riff and piss down me leg. People think it's sweat that's dripping out, I get to piss - basically everyone's a winner innit?
OliOliOli: What would you say were the biggest lessons you've learned from being a singer? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @OliOliOli From being a singer...probably nowt. From being a horrible, polarising cunt of a man, I've definitely learned some things. Number one life lesson: Never tell people that don't like you when you're on stage that they're shit at throwing bottles. They see it as a challenge, and a few times I've taken a glass one in the head. It's definitely not worth it just to look like the tough cunt. I suppose I didn't learn fast enough though. I used to do it all the time, and it's been a good few times I took a bottle on the old bonce. But yeah, never do that. It hurts like fuck.
QueenDiamond: What's the weirdest tour story you can think of? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @QueenDiamond To be honest, I'm often far too off me tits to remember what's happened any night - Browdy will tell you that - but I do remember one from like one of the first tours we ever did as Blood Runs Black. I remember we got up there and played the show, it were in Manchester I think, and we got booed off an shit because we were proper wank back then. But anyway, we packed up our shit and headed out to the van, only to find that someone had broken into it. Driver's window smashed and that. Anyway, I opened the back to see what had been nicked...and there's some homeless lad in there just havin' a shit on t'floor of the van. He had broke into the van just to have a shit on t'floor. That were weird. Another time, some lass came on our bus, years after that last one, cos we had a bus by then, and she were angry because I wouldn't let her suck me dick, so I shoved her off the bus because she was trying to hit me, and then as she tried to get back on, I closed the door across her torso. The driver started going, and it were the funniest shit I've ever seen. She were alright. I made sure she didn't fall out on t'road.
ChancesFade: Do you have any mad fans, and what's the weirdest gift a fan has ever sent you? #WarpedQ&A
DreamsOfKai: @ChancesFade Fuckin' sick! I were hopin' this would come up, actually. As it happens, I got the weirdest one just before we left Germany to come here. I were at the studio, and I got a parcel through from some lass, and it were all pictures of her new kid. There were a letter in it an' all, and it was all "Oh Kai I love you so much that I decided to name me baby after you." She had called the poor little fucker like...I can't remember the surname but it was summat like Kai-Rollins Jones, or summat to that effect. I were like "fuck me, that's weird." But it got weirder. At the bottom of the box were like a little bag of rubber....turns out she had only gone and sent me her fuckin' placenta. Yeah....for real. Mental. I in't slept since, to be honest. That proper freaked me the fuck out, mate. Not nice at all. #Grim