We are Seattle punk band Police Code and we're currently in Pennsylvania for Vans Warped Tour... AMA!

We are Police Code, a punk band from Seattle, Washington who sing about drugs, sex, pizza, teen angst, and that show Cops. We've been on tour since mid June and this whole tour has been a fucking blast. We were so thrilled when we were asked to do this AMA being avid reddit users ourselves. We'll be on from 7:00 EST to 9:00 EST.
FallenCrawler: Rodger, roughly how many sticks have you broken on tour?
PoliceCodeAMA: Ummmm, one pair, I ended up breaking both, and one stick from another pair. So two plus one equals three so I've broken three sticks.
Kenkakidsha: Best kind of pizza?
PoliceCodeAMA: Hawaiian but meat lover's is ballin'
Confish: What's the best part about being in the van?
PoliceCodeAMA: It'd definitely be the caked on smell of pizza. Mm mm mnnn.
ClownCountry: Any special talents?
PoliceCodeAMA: Jenny here! I can blow on my thumb and make my breasts bigger.
SimplyVultures: Any bands you've seen on all the dates?
PoliceCodeAMA: Pretty much everyone on the Drop Dead Stage, specifically Molly's Chamber and Kai Rollins.
EatenAliveByFlies: Any injuries in the pits?
PoliceCodeAMA: Rodger tried crowd surfing but someone couldn't support his weight and the both fell, I got elbowed in the nose, thrown into the rail, and football tackled during Kai Rollins.
Astair: What sucks about touring?
PoliceCodeAMA: A lot of things; the van breaking down, having to sleep in the van, crashing in sketchy houses, being low on gas money, a lot of downs but touring is still a fucking blast.
MadMax: How are you doing today?
PoliceCodeAMA: Great, great, great, grrrrrreat
Mountainte: What's better: house shows or bar shows?
PoliceCodeAMA: Unanimously house shows, bar shows are full of drunkards who can't even remember our name. House shows, everyone is all loosey-goosey, there's no stage so you can get really intimate with the crowd, and the mosh pits are insane (in the membrane.)
Imstillavirgin: Did you here what happened to Kai Rollins?
PoliceCodeAMA: Yeah, that really sucks and we all hope he makes a full recovery.
PoliceCodeAMA: Thanks to everyone who answered our questions! We really enjoyed doing this but we have to go to the house we're crashing at tonight now.